Busani Sibindi – Profile

Busani Sibindi
Email: sibindi@sstarprojecttrust.org
Website: www.sstarprojecttrust.org
Birthday: 01 June 1984
Education: Understudy B Com Marketing Zimbabwe Open University
Occupation: Director SSTAR Project Trust

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
I envision a well educated, empowered and co operative world community with the ability to effect progressive and positive change contributing to the worldwide solving of problems that affect humanity every day.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
Human beings are mostly responsible for shaping their world. Through our motives and actions we shape our world either for the best or for the worst. While problems like war, conflict, disease, poverty and global warming are the consequential problems we face through the different choices we make in the world. Lack of positive and progressive engagement in tackling everyday humanitarian problems remains a problem that leaves humanity at stake. Leaders have a responsibility of guiding humanity to a better state and the acute shortage of ethical leaders adds to the causes of humanity’s problems.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
An educated community is an empowered community so is an active community a prospective community. The breeding of healthy empowered communities is a necessary step that should be taken to solve most of the worlds problems. The eradication of war, conflict, poverty global warming can only happen if everyone in the global community makes a positive contribution to the dream. To achieve this the community should be fully educated and empowered so as to be in a position to solve the problems that affect humanity. By identifying , nurturing and effecting positive ideologies the world stands a better chance of solving its most pressing problems.

My Profile
My name is Busani Sibindi aged 25 years of age. I am sixth in a family of eight. My country of residence citizenship and birth is Zimbabwe a Southern African country. I have a strong passion for positive community transformation and in the past three years of my life I have dedicated my whole time to development work and activities. In 2007 I co founded a development organization called SSTAR PROJECT TRUST www.sstarprojecttrust.org which I currently direct. The organization is a poverty eradication initiative meant to adopt and use the most effective methods of eradicating the pressing problem of poverty. In 2007 I also became a board member of YOCIC www.yociczim.org of which I currently serve as the Vice Chairman of the board. In 2008 in my short travel to the United States I met a young woman who is passionate about helping Africa and together we co founded an initiative SCHOLARS FOR AFRICA an initiative that seeks to improve the education wellbeing of Africa’s most vulnerable groups and foster growth of individuals and communities. In the same year I also became the initiating Director of a pro democracy project in Zimbabwe the project became part of the global family of projects that teaches the system of democracy. www.lessonsindemocracy.org.

My deepest aspiration and passion is to see the complete eradication of vulnerable communities and all its ill effects.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys To Success
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
How To Win Friends and Influence People
Giant Steps
The New Dynamics of Winning
The Law of Attraction
Leadership for Dummies
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Maximum Achievement
Nonviolent Communmication
Unlimited Power
The Secret
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King
The God Code
Natural Capitalism
Built to Last
Difficult Conversations
The Essential Gandhi
Journey of Souls
Long Walk to Freedom