Assauten A. Abason – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh

Assesssment by Annie Assauten (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

James Allen’s “As a Man Thinketh” is a masterpiece that elaborates the omnipotence of the power of thought, it brought to the fore, the power of thought and how it can shape the total critical being of a man when applied systematically and practically, furthermore, James Allen was able to divide the power of thought into different segments of the human life in order to explicate the almightiness of the power of thought and its influence on a man’s mind, he went forward make us understand how thought shapes character and character being the complete sum of human thought. James shed light on the effect of thought on circumstances and how thought directly or indirectly influences circumstances because circumstances to some certain extent is born out of thought. Allen went further to clarify the effect of thought on health and body by explaining that the body is a servant of the mind and that it obeys the operation of the mind whether it be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. More interestingly, he also brought to the fore the collaboration of thought and purpose in that if a man has a purpose without his thoughts being the focal point of his purpose, there may be crises of accomplishment. Finally, James Allen also enlightens us on the power of serenity and how it affects the positivity of the man, in addition he explained that calmness is power and tranquility is as a result of experience and knowledge about the operation of thought.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

i. As a Man Thinketh in his heart, so is he

More often than not, research experience and observation has shown that we are the reflection of our thought, if I feel I can’t achieve anything and my thought and mind is set on that negative conclusion and so the brain goes blank automatically, in the end nothing will be achieved. Depending on our thoughts, the brain sets in motion by our decision, James Allen in shedding more light on this was precise and simplistic by making us understand that humans hold the key to any situation and contain within themselves that transforming and regenerating agency by which they make themselves what they will, he also makes us understand that we, humans are always the master even in our weakest and abandon state only that in this situation, we become foolish masters who misgovern their homes. Finally, James also argues that man is the master of thought; molder of character and the maker and shaper of condition, environment and destiny. In my life, I’ve had some un-satisfaction with my dreams and the fear to visualize the possibility of attaining such dreams, a situation that expresses blankness.

ii. Circumstances doesn’t make demand, it reveals him to himself

I find this particularly interesting because (man, the lord and master of his thoughts) as a popular quote:

“Nothing great has ever being achieved by a man except those who believe something inside of them is greater than circumstance.” Most times circumstances may come just to put us in a kind of a break in order to access our lives and direction in which we are going. James Allen has being able to enlighten us by stating.

“That men do not attract that which they want but that which they are.” In the light of this truth it will be irrational or unthinkable to fight against circumstances, we should instead embrace, nourish and make the most of it our priority because circumstances were meant to direct and teach a man. In my life, I found out by experience that your ability is deep within you and not on the outside an innate wills that nothing is done or achieved if you do not apply the principle of self-motivation.

iii. Mind guidance

Mind guidance and its effects on health, In quote “I know of a woman of 96 who has the bright and innocent face of a girl, I know of a man well under middle age whose face is drawn into inharmonious contours, the former is a result of sweet and sunny disposition, the latter is an outcome of passion and discomfort”. This idea by the author made me understand that the power of thought is encompassing and that disease and health and there likes are rooted in thought. A statement I find fascinating is that the thought of fear have been known to kill a man as speedily as a bullet and it continually kills thousands of people just as rapidly. Just as those in the fear of disease are those who get it. I was also meant to understand that change of diet will not change a man who will not change his thought, as a youth coordinator, I’ve seen youths that do not believe in themselves as being beautiful even though they are, they feel others are more beautiful and that becomes their intimidating factor.

iv. Until thought is linked with purpose, there is no intelligent accomplishment.

I find this idea particularly interesting because thought and purpose go ‘pare peso’ (hand in hand) and those who lack purpose are easy preys of fear, petty worries, troubled self-etc. and all these are just indications of weakness which lead to failure, unhappiness, and under achievement. For a man to achieve his goals, his thoughts have to focus on his innate purpose. I have come to understand that when your thought strays away from your purpose there is disequilibrium and un-fulfillment of purpose. In addition, James Allen postulated that to begin to think with purpose is to enter the rank of the strong ones who only recognize failure as a pathway to attainment, who make all conditions serve them, who think strongly, attempt fearlessly, and accomplishment masterfully. In my foundation years of framing my dreams and visions, I came to realize that a dream is purposeless if it is not linked with action and no matter how good that dream, idea is; it will die therefore; ideas should be mixed with actions.

v. Taking responsibility for your thought

This idea is revelational because it makes you take responsibility for your life, in a world where it is easier to blame others for your predicament, circumstance and situation, there is a need for a paradigm shift because all that one achieves and fails to achieve is a direct result of thinking. This is encapsulated in a statement made by the author when he wrote “A man’s weakness and strength, purity and impurity, are his own, and not another man’s; there are brought about by him and not by another and they can only be altered, never by another. His conditions are also his own and not another man’s, his suffering and happiness are involved from within as he thinks, so he is and as he continues to think, so he remains.” An idea that you are the product of your life, the framer and shaper of your yesterday, your today and your tomorrow. The controller general of your life, I have come to an understanding that I am my responsibility and that nothing, absolutely nothing is another man’s creation in my affairs but that I’m the man in the frontline, Centre stage and backroom.

vi. He who cherishes vision, lofty ideal in his heart will one day realize it

I find this idea captivating because consistence is the mother of all achievement, when a vision or ideal is nurtured and cherish overtime, it is only natural that achievement becomes the next in line. History is full of those with vision, who cherished it, nurtured it and finally realized it, what you conceive and believe you achieve and to desire is to obtain. Another example the author use in buttressing his point is that of Christopher Columbus who cherish the vision of another world and discovered it, Copernic’s foster the vision of the multiplicity of worlds and a wider universe and he revealed it, Buddha beheld the vision of a spiritual world of stainless beauty and perfection and peace he entered into it. A powerful lesion to learn that you can achieve anything you set your heart to, if you can only believe and nurtured that dream inside you, using your innate vision.

vii. Calmness of the mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom

This idea by the author is real eye opener in many sense that I am able to come to the understanding that the more tranquil a man becomes the greater his success, his influence, his power. Also I have come to an understanding that to be prosperous and successful in life that despite the situation and circumstances surrounding you that’s contradict your aspiration, the need for serenity should be your last resort and that this serenity is a result of long inpatient effort in self-control, it is an indication of ripened experience and a more ordinary knowledge of the operation of thought. We can see that the power of thought is still critical and vital in determining the calmness of the mind while thought is the mastery, calmness is power.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world? If so, how?

Having read and understood the ideas and knowledge of James Allen, as a practical guide to a life of success, the book has served as an instructional manual for positive achievement and fulfillment of one’s goal, vision and desire. The book has expanded my view on life, the reason to focus on the mental attitude through positive thinking as thought as the most powerful force in the universe; the reason for me to frame my thought is the best way to frame my world. The book brings to the fore the importance of critical thinking in a positive direction just as Allen expressed and I quote “mind is a master power that molds and make and man is mind, and evermore he takes the tool of thought, and, shapes what he wills” brings for a thousand joy, a thousand ills, he thinks in secrets and it comes to pass; environment is but his looking glass.

My mind has been opened to vast possibility of impacting my world, that I can make that difference that is deep within and the world is waiting to see me trail new frontiers and just as barrack Obama would say ‘yes we can’ and I agree with him and say the same “yes I can” I am fired up to start that long awaiting project that seems impossible and I am most grateful to the IIGL for a great time to learn this timely truth.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Mind is a master power that molds and make and man is mind, and evermore he takes the tool of thought, and, shapes what he wills brings for a thousand joy, a thousand ills, he thinks in secrets and it comes to pass; environment is but his looking glass.”

The quote elaborates the total superman experience that I am the architect of my life and that environment is just that motivating factor that pushes you to create possibilities.

“A man’s weakness and strength, purities and impurities, are his own, and not another man’s; they are brought about by himself, and not by another; and they can only be altered by himself, never another!”

Everything I am is my making and that I must take responsibility for my actions, experience and life. Nothing I face or experience was the creation of another.

“Thoughts in the mind hath made us, what we are, by thoughts we wrought and built. If a man’s mind had evil thoughts Pain comes to him as come the wheel the ox behind.”

We are the products, the results the fulfillment, the making of our thoughts, what a knowledge! In knowing that dispel blame.

“Only by much searching and mining are gold and diamonds” with a deep look within and discipline is a man made.”

This is the most powerful statement ever made throughout this masterpiece and most assuredly the greatest truth can any man obtain, the unveiling of an inner glory.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

For me personally, Allen’s work is a gift from God to us especially for those in the third world countries whose environments tends to challenge their vision who many times put blame on the environment, family background and government for the present situation and backwardness. I am most happy to say every part of this book is a revelation and there is no need to criticize this work but rather to embrace it.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Although there are no instructional exercise to complete by reading and applying the subject matter is already a mind building exercise that is helpful to the reader and the best way to understanding James Allen’s thought. It is a book you couldn’t read without shouting yes sir. The fire for I can do it.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

All the ideas are simplistic and understandable so therefore I will say no!

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Assesssment by Annie Assauten (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Most people do not bother to learn more than the simplest thing in life, they are limited by what they can earn or get for today, for most people it is what can I have to eat, to live on for the moment that matter and that’s what motivate and drive them. For you to live above this kind of thought or thinking and embrace something more, too many find it uncomfortable.

Richard Bach tries to expand on the reason for rational and incremental improvement in our daily living; being able to contribute to the development and attainment of one’s individual goal and surpassing. The need to acquire greater skills in order to be a model for others, the need to challenge one’s self in order to bring out the best in you, the need to impact your world with the investment of your personality which is the requirement for success, the need to overcome criticism and focus on goal achievements, vision and purpose orientation.

Understanding that we have the willpower to push and pull our way to that place that makes our footprint be in sands of time, while we need to learn more and give ourselves to practice to be able to attain. Coming face to face with our fears; voices that talks us down, disturbing factors such as those who may in what you envision to achieve and become, families, friends, community etc. And need the need to focus on the goal not the abuse, the need to break out of our shells in order to make the breakthrough.

The writer also explains the need for mentorship and right association for the purpose of achieving our dreams, constant addition of knowledge and he need to be the solution to the cry of many in our world. This kind of thinking is not dominant among many, for many people it looks gloomy, weird and unreasonable, but this is a way forward towards a better world. And for those who have made up their mind to be that voice and shoulder an arm of change (not the feeble mind) the place of impacting the world with the investment of your personality is a matter of forgiveness and love to raise the people who will be like you, embrace change and pursue change for the world and its betterment.

Richard Bach ideas have set in motion the propelling force for action, motivation for self-actualization and the drive to be a success, not just a success but one that is an investment of success for others.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

Most people accept whatever comes their way as they move up to higher height. But if you must make in impact, you must refuse to be ordinary, that is keeping to the status quo, doing things in the way others have done it and getting the same results has they. The first law of madness applies when you do the same thing and expecting a different result. Trailblazers are those who would not settle for the least but aim to achieve their goals and innovate, better options on better ways to achieve, and to attain better result, winning in life’s battle, fulfilling dreams and creating change.

ii. Discover your life’s purpose

To every human lies potentials so much in await, we must look deep and discover the mystery of the unlimitedness, that is the stairway of success and self-fulfillment, the understanding of impossible and the glory of possibilities, that pride that comes when we have mastered our fears. Richard Bach’s work is an eye opener to the hidden potentials that lies in you and how to move from shores to sea.

iii. Success is self-determination

Being inspired by Jonathan’s experience of self-discovery, self-driven, and self-determination, only one thought flies across my mind, to be successful you need to be determined, motivated from within. Once you are self-motivated you can achieve anything. Success in life is not a factor of another man’s determination but an inner acceptance for a change and impartation for your world and those around you. For me the drive had been self-improvement and attainment.

iv. Never accept defeat

You try doing a thing, that is pursuing cause and you experience hard times (failure), it is not just that you failed but the better knowledge on ways that such endeavors cannot work out. Failures and defeats are litmus test to success. We may feel discourage but there is a need to get up and encourage yourself and try again until you achieve success. Voices from our head may talk us down but failure is the indices that there is success ahead. Overcoming fear and failure have been my driving force in retrying again until I get it right either in my academics, in my social projects, or in my personal relationships with others.

v. Have a desire to learn

Jonathan Livingston Seagull saw that there was as much to learn about flight in this place as there had been in the life behind him. Learn from the company of those who are like minded, who love to learn, dream and be fulfilled, those who will blaze the trail for newer frontiers. The most important thing in living is to reach out and experience success, to achieve your inner drive, to be man full of happiness and joy, the man who can learn and is willing to learn. The desire to learn is a distinction, being one out of the seven billion on earth, standing out to make that difference.

vi. Self- acceptance

Every day we fast with voices within us that tells us we not good enough, we just like others so why make a giant stride, why push for the more factor, why be like others, living to make a living, what more in life than night and day. The beginning of accepting your true innate person from self-perception is when we begin to live, that we are the order of spoken voice inside refusing the less. When we learn to refuse the less and accept ourselves as a superman of change, we begin to succeed.

vii. Be the solution to your world

Richard Bach expresses how Jonathan raises other seagull because of the love he has for them. We are the solution to the cry of many, our gained knowledge, skills and experience that has made us better could be best if we can share it with others. They are many whose heart desire to learn, the cry to be outstanding lies dormant in them, waiting for our voice of love to speak to their hungry heart. A man is only a success if he can impart the virtue in him on others, knowing that we are the answers to the dreams, aspirations and yearnings of others in our world, raising men and women, boys and girls that will be like you can cause more and better change for the betterment of the earth.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world? If so, how?

This classical master-piece is my most motivating guide that has helped me in overcoming my fears in life and has inspired me in the pursuit of my purpose. The master-piece has indeed set me on a path of a greater life. The lessons gained from this book will be shared in my youth foundation, the lesson of patience, temperance, and courage. In a practical way, have been stirred to run with my ideas every day, to keep myself to learning, being unashamed of criticisms, pressing forward even in the face of staggering oppositions, talking yourself up even when others talk you down, making connections with like-minded people and improving myself to improve others, taking giant stride to attain and being a hand of hope to others. For me, the exercises of speed, that is, consistency, have been able to direct my dreams, how to be strong in a dizzy and terrible days and make myself a creature of excellence and intelligence and skillful, one who love to achieve anything, one free to live, to express and to impart.

For others, I have begun a new project that is set on a motion to create lasting change in the lives of the youth in Africa continent and the future Africa, has many youth that we can reach, we much teach them the reason for self-realization and fulfillment and hoping that at the end of 2016 we are able to impart not less than five thousand youth in Nigeria, through the lessons learn from this book.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“One who has touched excellence in his learning has no need for that kind of promise.”

He that set his heart upon a successful venture and has attained even a pinch of it cannot look back. It means that successful people are committed to a cause will never give up.

“We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill, we can be free- we can learn to fly.”

We are the masters of our situation, we are where we are as a result of our previous programming, and we can choose to be different by ourselves, excellence, intelligence and skill are the result of freedom and the love for success.

“What he had once hope for the flocks, he now gained for himself; he learned to fly and what not sorry for the price he had to pay.”

You cannot give what you don’t have, that is personal investments are the gains that we impart on others.

“Your whole body from wing tip to wing tip………is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see, break the chain of your thoughts and break the chain of your body.”

You are nothing but the products of your thought, the limitation you experience are images created by yourself, break the limit and you will see how amazing it is to achieve.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Richard Bach’s ideas are spices for life and mixed fruit for perfect cream cake, therefore I see no reason for criticism. I totally agree with Richard and recommend this book as a curriculum for every 15yrs and above. All the ideas are spelt out in simple terms, and clearly understandable by many, although a more simplified version for younger people will be preferable.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The exercises in Richard’s book are decision making has a startup tool for success. The practical exercise is well completed and the impact cannot be overemphasized. This book is helpful in decision making on self-actualization and a master-piece. I find this book helpful in that he propelled my dreams to come alive. Thank you so much Richard Bach and the IIGL team.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

All ideas were covered in the book. Simplistic and straight forward!

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Keys to Success

Assessment by Annie Assauten (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Napoleon hill has in this classical x-ray the fundamental keys to success for all age and generation. This times classical is a master-mind principle that is capable of saving a generation and making the individual highly effective to his or herself and that of others around them. Hill’s expressly expanded on 17principles of highly effective people on self-achievement. The ideas in this book are capable of transforming the individual into success in simple and very clear manner. Hills have unveiled the deep secrets of the rich and successful people in life, from the life of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, William Novak, Marshall Fields and a host of inexhaustible list of highly effective people whose life’s and work has contributed to civilization.

Keys to Success serves as a direction compass for anyone in this 21st century needing direction in his or her life. It is a human ability discovery blue-print which emphasis the impact of the application of the 17 principles for all age, race, tradition and environment. In a very distinctive way, Hills explained how the 17 principles of personal achievement can be realized. Keys to success is able to inspire the reader from the first page of introduction to the last of acknowledgement.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Definiteness of Purpose

Hills have expressly made us to understand that if we must be successful, we must have a definite purpose or cause that we are pursuing and that the definiteness of purpose is the beginning point of any achievement. He went ahead to give some major point or steps that can be taken such as; a) having a clear goal: be definite b) evaluate what you would give to achieve that c) set a time frame d) have a strategy for executing your definite purpose e) clearly write out your goal f) have a positive mental attitude. These steps are most important to anyone who must succeed. This has helped me in making a clearer and a more definite goal, knowing my purpose and how to go about it, my goal as a social agent serving the needs of the youth in my community, country and continent, has had a more precise direction and why I must achieve it. It has help me develop strategies for attaining my vision in life and what needs to be gotten and what should be given to enable a realization.

The definiteness of purpose is essential to any dreamer in the world today, needing to impact their generation. For me I have taken my chances ready to make it worthwhile. I have begun by asking myself the golden question ‘where am I going?’ And how to know if my desire is a definite purpose or a wish. Other lessons derived from Hills writing on the path of definiteness of purpose includes specialization, alertness to opportunity, co-operation and faith, believing in God and believing in self and the mindset of possibilities. Closely to developing a definiteness of purpose is the principle of personal initiative which is the start of action, that self-motivation that drives you to seek a cause, that urge that won’t let you slow or stop and that which open your mind up to ideas and imagination to be creative, bringing forth realities.

ii. Create an Attractive Personality

A positive mental attitude is a right mental attitude in any given situation and it is most often composed of a plus characteristics symbolize by such words as faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage, initiative, generosity, tolerance, tact, kindliness and good common sense. These are some of the characters of one with an attractive personality. A pleasant personality is strived for by the individual who want to improve their self-image. One who have developed self-control of all the quality of high effectiveness and concentrating energy on improvement. Hills elaborated 25 attributes which are consistent with successful people. He identified some as innate and others as acquired and the continuity of constant observation help an individual to know where one is lacking and which should be improved on. Building an attractive personality is a gradual process that must be monitored gradually by the individual with constant evaluation. This principles are created to build me better to give me that attractive personality.

iii. Building a Positive Mental Attitude

As in the words of Napoleon Hills “a positive mental attitude is the right, honest, constructive thought, actions or reaction to any person, situation, or circumstances that does not violate the law of God or the right of one’s fellow man”. A positive mental attitude position you for achievement, develop your will-power, open your mind to possibility, makes you creative and program you for victory. You create and maintain your PMA through your own will-power. It is the catalyst necessary for achieving worthwhile success. PMA gives you mental power, the feeling of confidence to do anything and anticipate success, it gives you the ability to control your emotions, and it creates success energy in you, fuels your definitiveness of purpose and inspires your zeal to succeed.

It pays off for any worthwhile venture, it is the gasoline that brings about the civilization that is in the world today. It has golden names on its template such as Andrew Carnegie, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Usain Bolt, Nelson Mandela, etc. and it keeps adding names that has used this principle of vision, believe and action. PMA opens one’s mind to the need to vision, pursue and overtake others, creating new record, solving social problems and breaking newer grounds. PMA has set me on the right path, help overcome my fears, open my mind and heart to possibilities, change my perception on how to win in challenge and take my environment. PMA brings you joy and it pays off.

iv. Establishing Teamwork

Co-operation is like love and friendship, it brings fruition to one’s work, when we co-operate we are able to make achievement in our objectives and goals. Teamwork according to Hills is a willing co-operation and the coordination of effort to achieve a specific objectives. Teamwork create enduring power, it creates like-minds either for temporal or permanent purpose. As team leader, we transplants our ability, our enthusiasm, to the individual committed to our cause. Teamwork provides greater grounds or benefit for both the individual and the generation next. It is the mother of all modern achievement. A team share the same burning obsession, each benefits from the idea, knowledge and the enthusiasm. Teamwork requires more effort on the part of the leader to fuel others with the same enthusiasm he or she carries and commitment to the work you seek to achieve. It has to do with the willingly co-operation among every member of a group. The example of management guru Peter Drucker of manager and subordinate working together to achieve a goal, the tact of Hugh Chalmers and his ability to refuel the passion of his sales executives, Charles p. McCormick making use of every staff as part of the decision-making body of his company. Co-operation brings about the great contribution of civilization. Co-operation provides the power of attraction that gains friendly teamwork. It is priceless, enduring and purposeful.

v. Go the Extra Mile

When you decide to go the extra mile, it makes you do your job well with the strength and ability that others might not put into it. If your mind is focus on providing the best service possible, you will reinforce your skill, learn to pay more attention, do things in a more impress manner, and do a job not just to get it done but well. Going the extra mile has no official office time. But the attitude, readiness and willingness to blaze the trail. It opens you up for self-improvement, going the extra mile makes you gain job security, it provides you with life insurance in your distinctive skill and it brings you before opportunity. Going the extra mile turns the spotlight on you and it gives you the important benefit of favor among others. More so, it develops a more pleasing attitude in you, makes an attractive personality out of you. For instance, in your workplace it makes you the outstanding personnel because you do not wait to be told what to be told, you makes things happen and not the other way out. Your mind is focus on doing the best job possible, it allows you to put in your personal initiative, it builds your conviction and gives you confidence and faith in what you do, it fuels your determination, overcome your fear, stirs an extra-ordinary eagerness and a habit of “Do it Now,” it gives no room for procrastination, and it makes compensation. Quality reward does not come cheap, it comes with hard work and dedication. This is the attitude of highly effective people, putting more time than the required in bringing qualitative output.

vi. Maintain Sound Health

To be highly productive there is a need to watch your health. Balance both work and healthy living condition. The body and mind are one and are in tune to nature, the health of your body cannot be separated from your mind, and you must understand the law of nature to understand how the mind works. Highly effective people pay attention their health, they go for checkups when needed and do other routines to keep them fit, they eat well, also exercises, they also fast when necessary, have sex which fuels your mind to work even better. Your mind have the higher function in your body, this means that a smoothly functioning mind is necessary to a smoothly functioning body. That is, the purpose of food is to supply the body with the things needed to maintain itself in good repair.

When you maintain sound healthy habit, you function better, produce better result, and think much faster and better, you avoid error and breakdown which is essential for success and happiness. Maintaining a healthy quality entails the mental attitude, a positive mental attitude can keep you in health, it dispels fear and anxiety, and it keeps your body, mind and soul alive.

Hills gave some tips for maintaining a sound health;

A positive mental attitude

Eating habit: the nutritional requirement the body needs

Rhythm in relaxation: the need to select an object of relaxation for your mind to concentrate on

Sleep: revitalization needed for the next day task.

Exercise: mental and physical stimulant that clears away sluggishness

Sex and sublimation: that transformation of one’s impulse into something socially constructive

Effective mind-body stimulant: things that gives your mind body the needed boost.

Hills concluded with a powerful advice that our mind and body are the navigator and ship which carries us to the success we desire and the need to do everything to preserve, protect and defend them.

vii. Budget your time and money

Your use of time reflects the degree to which you have made the principles of personal achievement a part of your life. Your attitude towards life determines your attitude towards time. Napoleon Hills distinguish between two type of people; doers and drifters. The doer seems to make good use of his time, it brings out over eleven attributes and attitudes consistent with a doer. Some striking attributes of a doer are:

A doer can make substantial difference in his or her life by the use of time.

Doers don’t evaluate their work by the number of hours it takes.

Doers take possession of their mind through self-discipline.

Doers recharge their positive mental attitude

Doers inspire co-operation in others by giving it first

Doers pay attention to their mental and physical health

Doers are people of active faith

Doers engage in activities that pays off and they enjoy their lives

Doers don’t waste their time with drifters

The drifters possesses the direct opposite of the above listed attributes. Time is an essential commodity and has monetary value. The quality use of time is the quality of gain one can derive by effort. For one to make good use of their time, they need to budget their time wisely and prioritizing of tasks. Another budgeting area is in your finance, money should be spent with a definite purpose in mind, and there is a need for the individual to be disciplined. You must cultivate a budgetary attitude because it is your insurance in the evil days. Proper budgeting is a sure weapon in your fight against poverty, so strategize and make savings. Money should be used for the right things and mostly for the important things.

Your habits are an important part of budgeting your time and money. You are the key to all your personal achievement. In the same light, your habit is a result of your present circumstance. You are where you are today because of your previous programming. If you cultivate the right habit, you can manage your time and money wisely. Desire alone is not good enough to make something pleasant or worthwhile out of you, it must be complemented with good and positive habit. Everything follows a universal order on the law of nature, u seek to take control of natural order by taking control of your habit. Your thoughts and actions go hand in hand, be discipline enough to control your habit. That is, if your habit are negative, the result will be likewise. Cultivate a money making habit, be flexible enough to make changes when desired, and beware of habits that retrogresses you. Highly effective people control their will-power and push for only that which is good and pleasant. Have a capacity to change if you have an attitude that regresses you and replace it with another. Intensify your impression and keep at it.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

The beautiful of a book is in it cover but the usefulness of the message it carries and how beneficial it is to the reader. The ideas in this work, key to success has helped me in understanding principle that makes one effective and will continue to help me, frame and direct my work, attitude and desire toward success. The principles are highly effective and can be applied in a practical ways, the ideas are well spelt out and are well directed. From giving or reforming ones mental attitude, it goes a long way in sharpening ones personality and enhancing progress, helping one understand the importance of the use of money and time, creative vision, building self-discipline and developing a definitiveness of purpose.

The plus of this book has helped reprogram my views and fire my desire, activate my speed, enhance my discipline, enforce my ability and empower my use of teamwork.

In my personal life, it has set my purpose on a more effective effort. For us at Youth Alive Foundation and Club 300, we have taken the work to the next level, making sure that every youth in Nigeria hear this message, develop better, and are empower to face the future.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“If you would plant for days, plant flowers. If you will plant for years, plant trees. If you will plant for eternity, plant ideas: ideas are what rule the world and the need to plant ideas in creating a better world, nothing live longer than ideas you have created, achieve and sold to the world.”

“Great success is the result of one’s understanding and using of your positive mental attitude: success depend heavily on your attitude, your thought and action that are positive, purposeful and impacting are what amount to the success you experience. Keep the right mental attitude.”

“The harmony of your alliance is built upon the mutual agreement on your definite purpose: you make alliance to achieve definite purpose, alliance that lack the will to produce meaningful result is not worth making are not needed by highly effective personality. Every alliance should be based on the need to create success.”

“The cheapest and most profitable quality in the world is courtesy: develop the habit of service and respect for others, be nice and collected, courtesy preserve you, project the worthiness of your work and proposal to others and gives you self-awareness of a positive mental attitude.”

‘It is impossible to have active applied faith without a positive definite belief in the supreme being: your faith should rely on God not just in your ability, for faith is that ability that builds and bring to live the desires of our heart through thanks giving, strong conviction on the ability of the supernatural God.”

“Concentrate your mind on the can-do portion of the task you face: always concentrate your mind in I-can-do-it mentality, be open to the possibility of accomplishment in any given task.”

“Your attitude toward life determines your attitude towards time: the way you treat time is the reflection of your life, your life is no better off than the way you spend it and on what venture and merchandise.”

“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve: when you have a positive mental attitude and apply it you can achieve anything you set your mind on.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Every ideas and information are clearly understood and are well explanatory. Therefore my answer will be No!

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Keys to Success had a lot of practical exercise for the reader to complete and it’s been truly helpful to me, I have completed each in their respective chapter and in the stage of mastering these ideas. The practical ideas employ by hills are truly effective, it gives you an edge and inspire you into action. They are highly effective.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Not really I only feel our reading deserves some recommendation as to who should read this books, at what stage in life and which environment needs it most. I will like to suggest an audio and video version to appeal to all for youth who cannot read but understand English. The ideas in this book can impact any one and is needed more in rural communities in West African state where rural community education is very low and non-functional among growing teenagers and young adult.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10




Assessment by Annie Assauten (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Maxwell Maltz’s book on self-fulfillment is a creative work with real life practical tendencies for anyone who wishes to achieve his dreams and goals in life and so much to find happiness and pleasantness. The author vividly taught about one’d self-image as the major drive to a life of success, also exploring the character that drives one to self- fulfillment and the opposite.

With practical examples of others and the stories of his patients, family, himself and others, the author was able to create a more practical disciplinary attitude of the individual and the relationship between positive thinking and positive action. In addition, Maltz related the state of mind, imagination and action of the individual to the state and conditions of his life. He did not only tell us what to do, but also how we can do it.

The vast ideas in this book, are sure not one to be studied and forgotten, but an incremental one where we keep adding on former successes and breaking forth into our world of possibilities. Also, the central message of the writer was mainly on the self-image of the individual, his view, character, approach and action that described his/her life.

I believe that Maltz’s ideas which came from his many years of research, plastic surgery and his contacts with different individuals, shaped this master-piece that is able to fit into the lives of all in any given society, culture, race. Psycho-Cybernetics is truly a classic on self-fulfillment.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Creative imagination and the use of your imagination

Every human being has the capacity to imagine things, the capacity to utilize the images we see in our mind. The mind is the box room full space and enabled will to imagine. Imagination is not an attributes of the geniuses of this world, but a tool in which one can use in bringing out the picture for self-fulfillment. It is our responsibility to use our creative imagination because our imaginations are our creative power. We can use it to repair, amend, rebuild, reshape, and unlock doors to wonderful opportunities. When we put our creative power to work, we operate under a higher law, the law of the fulfillment. A creative mind inquires about itself, about things; it seeks knowledge about the truth, the truth about you and others, your environment and your abilities. Using this powerful tool, I have been able to underscore the richness of my innate features, have been able to correct notion that are wrong, unravel mysteries about myself, with that I can say imaginative mind is a corrective lens.

ii. Longing for improvement: in our quest for self-improvement we must long to better ourselves, and to better ourselves we must know ourselves.

When we know ourselves through clear thinking and realistic observation we are able to know where we need to improve. To improve oneself, one must have a desire for change, a desire to work on your self-esteem. The desire must be realistic. Over the years, I have nursed the desire to improve in my public confidence, today, I can say there has been huge improvement, and I now organize and speak in larger meetings, counsel youths and more. This was only achievable through my desire for improvement which was followed through.

iii. Reaching goals

As we eagerly seek out opportunities for self-fulfillment, we resolve to improve ourselves by setting goals. When we set goals, we strengthen our self-image, we want to better our lives, and we want to give our lives a meaning. This then fuels our desire for self-improvement. Goals can only be achieve by our mental attitudes imputed on any venture. For me to reach my goals, I believe in myself, I believe that am worth the success, I also take with me courage as my protective shield, unperplexed by uncertainty and ready to try again even if I fail. Goals give me a sense of belonging, a sense of self-worth. It also motivates me to and pushes me towards self-improvement; it allows me to see success as a learning process.

iv. Success as a way of life

As in the word of the author “the successful way of life; you must make this your way of life.” Fundamentally, I hold this idea as my most impacted from the book. If I see success as not a way but the way, I will not be drawn by failures or frustration because I see every day as a new day, so therefore I see opportunities to blaze the trail. A creative mind works to strengthen his self-image, ever willing to try again after failing. After reading this idea, I see myself having the attribute of a success, making use of my imagination and setting goals which are achievable.

Often times, we are limited by the conflict of our mind. The battle for or against, we become enslave to our perception even if we know that there is a need to change it, we stick to the status quo, not allowing our mind to express the full richness of creative thinking, but hovering in the cloud. The conscience is a tool for moral judgment, yet it is a tool for decision towards improvement. If we must achieve anything in life, we must be open to various opportunities and confronting our fears towards a positive mental vision. I have resolve not to allow my conscience rob me of opportunities. It is my stand in life that determines if am happy or not, if I have high self-esteem or not, if am loved or resented.

vi. Today is the day

Many a times, most people have very creative goals and are positive about it, their self-image is creative, very alert and always achieving cutting edge ideas, but creative thinking alone cannot be realized if we just think and envision without taking steps to see that those thought are brought to fruition. Every thought needs to have its root. For any positive thinking to be effective and fruitful, you must translate the thought into actions. Positive thinking needs positive doing. A vision is at best a vision until when corresponding action is added to it. As we think, we need to act on our thought. I have resolved to watch my ideas come to live by following it through.

vii. Relaxation

This ideas brings to my mind that in spite of the busy world am in, I have time to relax if I must achieve anything. I have also learnt that, relaxation is not something that happens to me, but I have to trigger it to affect it because it is the state of enjoyment, ability to find happiness and express myself. I found out that when am relaxed, am able to rise above any challenged whatsoever and bounce back at my feet, becoming the better me. Psycho-Cybernetics taught me that to relax I need to set goals, recognize my limit and have fun when needed. No matter how demanding my schedules are, I have learned to find time for leisure because that is when I rediscover myself.

Q3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Psycho-Cybernetics is a classic book with practical ideas, the ideas and lesson in this book have redefined my image, my view of myself, others and the world around me. I now know that I must pay proper attention to my success instead of just living in regret of the past, celebrate my victory’s and forgive others who have hurt me, abused me, or have contributed to my past set-backs and even myself. Psycho-Cybernetics have also guided in the path of goal seeking, goal setting and goal achievement.

The ideas have also reprogrammed my visions, steps to take, policy to initiate and even how to go about it. The practical lessons on one’s self-image and how to rebuild self-esteem, confidents, and hope have impacted me the most. Without mincing words, I will say my world is a better place because I can now look at the future with hope and enthusiasm.

These ideas have also serve as a guide to proper leadership, mentoring of young and promoting future leaders, and the ideas of imagination and self-fulfillment will make do in my teachings. With great assurance and high anticipation, I see a newer me, better me, a more prosperous me, a more determined me and a more fulfilled me.

4. Quotes: are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Opportunities exist for us in the present and we must reach out to grasp them eagerly.”

Every day we are faced with opportunities, either we limit ourselves by what we think, or the need for us to maximize these opportunities is what the man with a positive self-image go for.

“You must understand that happiness comes from accepting yourself for the imperfect person you are.”

The author implied that one must come to terms with him/herself and not the opinions of others because we are made in the image of God. Within me is the ability to be me, not imitating someone else. This means that I have to live by my own standards and not the standards of others.

“Living today in yesterday is not living; it is perishing.”

I have learned not to live in my past mistakes and past successes. There is a need to be alert and alive to the reality that am in a new day and my victories is not a measure of my yesterday but my determination and motivation for today’s task.

“Creative imagination is an essential attribute of the successful individual.”

For me to be a successful man I have to be creative because non-creative people are not successful, they live from the outside and not from the inside-out.

“A creative mind watcher turns ideas into performance.”

This quote has been a part of me ever since because of the lesson that I learnt, that it is not good enough to have good ideas, that I must also have a corresponding action to back up my ideas in order to bring it to fruition.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in particular!

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Psycho-Cybernetics is in fact a practical book with every day idea to put into practice. Applying most idea in this book is already paying off. I was able to practice setting goals, going for it and building my self-image, also using past successes to build a healthier winning feeling and a more relaxed mind. It has been helpful, so am going to continue applying the exercises in my daily living.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Every issue has already been covered in the questions asked previously.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9



Success through a Positive Mental Attitude

Assessment by Annie Assauten (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Success through a positive mental attitude is an expanded version of the seventeen (17) principles of success. In this motivational classic, Hills and W. Clement expanded on the already established principles of success by Napoleon Hills.In success through PMA, one discovers the inner talisman. This book Unveil hidden secrets through highly electrifying stories of men and women who out poor, backgrounds, environment, education made success. Hill and clement communicated their ideas in section in-depth and in practical know-how on steps and actions that can be taken in order to experience success, most importantly is the division of the ideas into parts that are inter-connected to the process of development for both individuals and groups. This book contains potentials to propel reluctant men and women who saw success as almost impossible yet move into positive action. For me, Hills and Clement teaches how to live through PMA and the lost that a NMA can rob you of. It also teaches how to make use of the right attitude in any situation in life. Success through a Positive Mental Attitude is a motivator, instructor and a life coach for all. I recommend it to people who aspire for a positive lifestyle towards success. And also for those who want to make impact and those seeking for opportunity on how they can maximize seen and unseen opportunities.

A powerful book that appeal to the mind, triggering action, motivation and service and overcoming barriers and obstacles one may experience in life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Dare to Dream

So many times we are tempted to blame the society we are in for our failure, our lacks and inability to attain certain goals in life, but if any one dare to dream or see beyond their situation, through PMA, that individual can achieve anything. At some point in our lives, we feel the inner drive that we can accomplish more and even become better. What a man can conceive and believe, the mind can also achieve through positive mental attitude, to dare oneself is to develop an inner motivation to aspire for more, a powerful self-motivator that develop the attitude to swing into action and dare that which look impossible and to super impose the change needed.

ii. Telepathy

The mind has the ability to communicate and transport us to our future through extrasensory perception. Open visions are the windows to the development that we see in the world today. A man that cannot see his future through his mind with the use of PMA has a lot to thrive for if he/she wants success in life. The power to discern what the future might be like is determined by our mental picture, for the man with negative mental attitude, likely may see a blind, void and dark future but the man with PMA sees life in a total different dimension. He/she see as a clairvoyance using his vision to reshape his world.

I will like to use a practical example; on 31st December, 2013, I was in church service praying for the coming year 2014, through my subconscious mind, I was transported into my future, I was able to see what I could become, I keyed in to that vision and today, the success route in Youth Alive Network (YOAN) which I head, is a direct result of that vision. The mind is a machine, what you think becomes your daily experience. Choose the right picture, envision the right thing, and see the future you want to live in and keep thriving for it, there will be only one result success.

iii. Clear the Cobwebs from your Thinking

We are the product of our thoughts, if you think failure; you’ll experience failure and vise-verse. The most important lesson I learn from this chapter is how to clean our thought and project positive thinking through our minds, how to stay away from conflicting ideas, habits, beliefs, prejudices, as well as anger among others and how to tap and use the power of the sub-conscious through the conscious mind. A spider can be entangled in a web and be unable to free itself but we human we have the capacity to free and liberate our mind from any situation, according to Hill, action base on common sense is the result of more than just reason, it directly depend upon our habits, thought and actions. So we can free our mind from thought of failure, defeat, lack and unfaithfulness through positive mental attitude. There is the need for accurate reasoning and the application of logic, one key way to free our mind is through inspirational books, tapes and the internet etc., which has rich material that can enrich our soul, the best you could ever be is by getting the right information into your subconscious mind. For me the IIGL experience has helped my view to life and thought.

iv. Something more

There is space for everyone at the top, no one was made for the less life, perhaps you failed because you’ve not yet discovered that there is something more you can do and explore that you need to achieve your desired success, the most important factor is to find out where you missed it, apply the corrective notion and then move forward, our emotions affect us, dare to do something more, be open to changes, new ideas, new ways in doing things and set your mind on goal orientation rather than self petty and NMA. Use auto suggestion to program your life and apply the extra factor that propels success and achievement.

v. Sitting for ideas

Dr. Gates suggestion on how to source for ideas and get result is a key factor to mind training. I release that knowledge stored in the subconscious mind and acquired through experience, observation and ones education as well as knowledge accumulated by others through their experience, observation and education and our beliefs and relationship with the infinite intelligence produce for us the ideas that the common mind can’t find. Success comes through medium stated above are lasting wisdom; only comes when we prepare for such moment, I also discover the power of the pen and pad, in today’s world our e-note, and through other digital technology we can store flesh of ideas and make use of them. During the service I experienced I wrote down my flesh of ideas, today it is unfolding.

vi. Learn to see

The most powerful gift of God to man is that of sight, seeing not just with the eyeballs but through our mind. Our subconscious mind helps our mental ability to envision the future in order to harmonize our dreams. In the process of developing our vision we need to learn how to use our near sight and far sight to maximize possibility and opportunity. Never distorts your vision with the thought of impossibility rather look with hope, excitement, aspire and take action in the right direction. Most importantly be able to recognize what you see in order to put it to work. For me year in year out I keep alive my mental pictures and vision, I may not be at it right now but I know that I will achieve what I see.

vii. Motivate yourself and others

Motivation is induced action or determine choice, that inner urge which incite action, passion, desire, ideas, excitement to embark on a course. Motivation is the motion of one’s conscious acts, through PMA we learn to direct your thought, actions, emotion, and energy toward desired course in life you find fulfillment with enthusiasm. you can also motivate others to discover the purpose for their lives and run with it with excitement and passion. Motivation is an inner desire, it can be stirrup with PMA, and it can also be killed with NMA and lack of courage. Some people are excited about their vision at a point they lost that excitement due to the failure the experience on their way, but if you can conceive any idea you have the capacity to achieve it.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The lessons and ideas learn t in this classic are capable of transforming the man without a vision and desire to aspire for it. In my personal life there have been new dynamics to winning, I have gain experience and leant how to raise my energy level, it has propel me, awoken my eagerness for accomplishment, at the level of the society I have been inspired to take these lesson, to teach youth in Nigeria how to increase the desired for self-actualization, develop their PMA and how to clear mental cobwebs and develop new dynamic to winning. In my youth network a program designed to trigger leadership skill in the youth, success through positive mental attitude is a vital material for all our workshops, seminar and summit. I look forward to 2015 with great anticipation to accomplish more success.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Motivation is that which induced action: every action that leads to an outcome is the product of motivation, the attribute that trigger eagerness, stair you to do, to take some giant stride in life and push you to action.”

“Hope is the magic ingredient in motivating yourself and others: when you look to the future with anticipation for success with hope, it fuels your energy to strive on and continue no matter the opposition before you.”

‘Keep searching for answers to questions until you find one answer that works: in a thousand ways you may not see the possibility of achieving a task, but your ability to find that one reason why it should work is the key to success.”

It reminds me of countless try to make my senior school certificate examination but soon I found out that one reason why I must pass that examine thought PMA, I lay a hold of that and today am a final year student of varsity.

“Direct your thought; control your emotion and ordain your destiny: your thought controls your emotion and your emotion controls your experiences that determine your destiny in life.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Success through mental attitude contains practical exercises and quotient success test that has help me understand my limitation, mental ability and discipline. The success quotient test also highlight areas I need improvement, what you need to let go and what you need to accept in order for you to make that tremendous stride. Thanks to the IIGL for the opportunity to read.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

No! In fact the questions have helped me in other academic book review

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9


How to Win Friends and Influence People

Assessment by Annie Assauten (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

In How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie dealt with the most simple technique in human relations, the applications of the right approach in any form of relationship and the keys to people orientation, wither it’s how to correct people, appraise, encourage them, or even mentor other.

Dale characterized relations in dealing with people into cooperation, tolerance and tact as the dynamic quality of leadership. In part four He dealt on the essential qualities of leadership that can change people life without giving criticism or triggering resentment, he expands how to spur people on to success.

The book serves as a guide to anyone who wants to develop best practical skills in human relation and in effective leadership. The approach of the writer is purely simplistic and motivating in such a way that the connection of every idea is practicable and easy to apply on daily basis. Dale’s tactics on how to be a good conversationalist furnishes one to know what to say, when, and how. His contemplations on how to work with people and get the best out of them, is a dynamic way to attract people to you.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Don’t Criticize People

No human enjoys criticism. No matter how wrong their actions may be, whenever we criticize, we put that individual on the defensive; which makes them want to justify themselves. Many times we neglect the consequence of criticizing others over their weaknesses. Whenever we criticize, we hurt someone’s pride, someone’s sense of Importance and arouse in them resentment. When we criticize, we fail to make lasting transformation in the life of that individual. Rather let look for a different way to keep others away from hovering a bitter heart against us. Let’s understand people, figure out the circumstances and conditions which incite their actions and finally let’s learn to eschew peoples wrong and strengthen their ego.

ii. Dealing with People

As in the words of Dr. Dewey that “the deepest urge in human nature is the desire to be important” the desire for importance inspire in us the cravenness to be gratified, to have that feeling of greatness, the desire to meet our needs and surpass, it is this desire for importance that determines our character, the felling is what inspire us to do what we are doing and even what we hope and dream to do tomorrow .when people come around using our .let’s stop thinking, acting our accomplishments, our wants or desire, rather let’s make an effort to figure out the other persons good point and give honest and genuine appreciation. People cherish it when we give honest appraisal of them, it gives them a sense of purpose, inspire faith in them and move them to action. Every human love praises no matter how wrong they may have acted.

iii. Be Focus and Interested in People

In the words of Dale’s “you can make more friends by becoming interested in other people” if you try to impress people and get people interested in you, you will never have many sincere friends, when you become people focus you win more friends and inspire the genus in them. Alfred Adler summarize this idea in a captivating sentence “it is the individual who is not interested in his fellow name who have a greatest difficulties in life and provide a greatest injury to other, it is from among such individual that all human failures spring in a nut shell even the very development in human history is a product of human interest, business are started for the reason that people are the sole aim, schools established, project plan and implemented all for same purpose “People.”

iv. Know People by their Name

People are more interested in their names than anything else in the whole wide world. A good leader holds name of people he/her come in contact with, in fact I consider the ability to retain names as a leadership quality. When you have people who look up to you with some level of respect either as their leader, acquaintance or even a client the ability to remember their name is very important, it put springs in their steps, increase their enthusiasm and inspire love. I remember meeting a radio air personality some years ago, after a brief moment of conversation I happen to take a trip for three years, the next time we met in another office he called me by my complete name, I felt so happy, I had another experience with a young pastor who asked my name more than I can mention, yet anytime he sees me he asked I should remind him. I really don’t like coming in contact with him, I belief he has no interest in me. In other word what am trying to say here, people gain your trust just because you know their name, they can go out of their way to favor, help and do anything for you.

v. Don’t be Quick to Finding Fault

Our ability to fault finding and quick judgment is a destructive character, it destroys long build and hold relationship, it also live the accused bitter and hurting, it create a bridge sometimes we cant amend. Let’s not be judgmental on people deficiency and weakness and their in ability, rather lets learn save face, sometimes people err due to lack of experience not for the lack of ability have faith in other for we do not have the right to do anything to diminish persons in their face, because what matter is not what we think of them but what they think about them self. A leader will always look out the other side of any action and behavior to bring the best out of anyone. In fact leaders follow through, they believe in the dignity of others and respect other people’s thoughts and actions.

vi. Spur People on to Success

We all crave appreciation and recognition and we can do almost anything to get it, if we will inspire the people we come in contact with to a realization of their hidden treasures they possess, we can go far more than changing them, we can out rightly transform them, when we praise people instead of condemning, we enthuse improvement in their human spirit, a little praise can go as far as revolutionizing someone entire day, praise can stair correction, change bad habit, correct wrong perception and inspire change and determination. We all possess the ability to spur people on to success with a deep sensitive appreciation and praise.

vii. Understand People

Don’t condemn people try to understand them, exceptional people try to understand others and exhibit tolerance in dealing with them, in other word put yourself in their place to determine how would you have done it under the same condition and experience. This virtue increases the ability to be sensitive in passing on judgment, it improve our human relations skill. Dale put it this way “the success in dealing with people depend on a sympathetic grasp of the other person view point” show others that you consider the ideas and their fillings of importance as yours, accepting other people view point encourage the listener to have an open mind to your ideas.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas and lessons in this book have thought me not be quick to judge, criticize nor condemn others rather to show tact and rationality. I have learn t important principles such as giving honest praise and appreciation, how to inspire other to action and productivity, exactly how to use encouragement rather than fault finding and the proper means to correcting other people. The total gain of this book so far to me is the power to build others with qualitative virtue that inspire friendship, trust, love and success. It is a daily devotion for anyone who wants to be successful in management, business, leadership, mentor-ship and family life. How to win friends and influence people have totally transform my approach in dealing with people, every principle have an insightful lesson to draw inspiration from.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Only knowledge that is used stick in your mind.”

The mind can be quick to forget anything which is not put in there by experience, put your knowledge to action. Daily application of principle and suggestion gives you an edge in life.

“As much as we thirst for approval, we dread condemnation.”

Criticism do not correct situations that have been condemned, we all long for praise, it’s a natural cravenness of human that help bring out the best in them, but when we condemn, we create an atmosphere for resentment and hate.

“Anyone who takes the time to disgrace with you is interested in the same things you are.”

Think of them as people who really want to help you, and you may turn your opponent into friend.

“You can measure the size of a person by what makes him or her angry.”

The ability to control our temper at any circumstances, go as far to communicate a powerful message. Our outward manifestation is the measure for our inner strength.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

So far the idea in Dale’s master piece is overwhelming and too insightful, I completely agree with every idea in this book

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

A lot of practical lessons to put into exercises daily, from anger management, to tactfulness, wining new friends, overcoming the power of criticism, changing perception and view point etc. These lessons need the reader to put into practice daily. The lessons have been so helpful to me, things I will naturally react to I have learned to act differently in my judgment!

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

No! The book used simple language, easy to understand and full of stories to buttress the writers point. I think it just the best way to express the best of the ideas.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10