Akouyu Alphonse Akohleng Chefor – Profile


Name: Akouyu Alphonse Akohleng Chefor
Country: Cameroon
Email: zchefor@gmail.com
Website: http://www.yourcommonwealth.org/?s=alphonse-akouyu
Birthday: March 12, 1994
Education: B.sc (Hons) Banking and Finance from the Catholic University of Cameroon Bamenda
Occupation: Student

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

My vision for the world is summed up in the following points: Firstly equity; We have live in a world where equality is highly ignored in so many aspects ranging from gender to economic and development. To me if people can be spread and practice the equality gospel. The world would be surely be a better place.

Second, a different ideology; One of the greatest obstacles we face today is wrong ideology and this revolves around mindset. To me, if we can have a world where people have different mentality and practice ideologies which can fall in the line of “a vision with a mission and focus.” The world would be a better place.

Finally communal instead of self interest; Today, a lot people are what a certain analyst called the I(s) and My(s). There is an urgent for stakeholders to avoid self interest and put common good at the heart of any activity. My vision of the world therefore is one which has common good at the heart of its activities.
My vision therefore is one of equity, ideology which is directed at development and common good.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

In my view, the problems facing the world today revolve around; growth of wrong ideology, too much self interest and a lot of complaining. There is really no doubt as to the fact growth of wrong ideology is threatening world peace with the growth of terrorism. This because is because so many people are indoctrinated with ideas that are harmful and ridiculous. For example, shading human blood in the name of serving God.

Self interest mean interest is also another key challenge facing the world. People think only about themselves and forget the others. Everything is only about “me, myself and I.”

Finally too much complaining; Not withstanding the fact things are going wrong. I just think that people are spending valuable time complaining. They forget about how they can contribute to the growth of their communities and complain, complain and complain.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

In my own view, I think these problems can be solved in the following ways;
Ideology is one of those rear problems which cannot be seen or detected. Only the fruits of wrong ideology are visible. This problem requires that we try to educate. It means that we have to go back to the base and try to educate the young people. When education is done, we must provide the physical aspect to combat it which is empowering people may be through creation of small businesses which can keep them busy. This would ensure that they avoid the temptation of being victims of wrong ideology.

Education especially moral education is one of the fundamental solutions to the problems of self interest. It is only when somebody has good morals that he or she can see 5 slices of meat meant for 5people and take only his own piece. A self interest person would want to grab all and forget about the rest.

Finally with regards to complaining, I think empower is key especially self empowerment. To me rather that complaining all the time about the government, policies and many others, we can use our talents and try to develop ourselves. Also people complain because they are not informed. Information is very important. I think information plus will power, commitment and belief leads to the avoidance of complains.


I am Akouyu Alphonse from Bamenda, Cameroon, a holder of Bachelor’s of Science degree in Banking and Finance from the Catholic University of Cameroon (CATUC) Bamenda. I have also have Certificate of Award CATUC and the World Debate Institute on Public Speaking and Debating. I am also a pioneer Commonwealth Correspondent based in Bamenda Cameroon since November 2013 (www.yourcommonwealth.org).This is a blog for young people based in Commonwealth countries with a passion for issues like justice, corruption, poverty, sports, volunteering, development and the environment. The above constitute my major areas of interest.

Even though a graduate of business studies, I am more in to journalism. It is a field which I have always admired and would relish being in it because it is a passion. However my knowledge in business means that I can use the two to be better person and that is why where ever I find myself be it in broadcasting house or working on a business related project, I always try to perform to the best of my abilities.

My goals and dreams are many but have one theme running through all of them which is that my story should be told to future generations to as one of the greatest leaders of my generation. Books and movies are a very essential part of my life as a freelance journalist but the two which have inspired the most are ‘Becoming a Better You’ by Joel Osteen and ‘SUITS’ which is based on law(logic and thought). Leadership is relatively new to me but as course delegate for 2years during my time in the University, I had a fore taste of what could be in store for me in the future because I had to work with staff and students alike. I love watching football, surfing the Internet, travelling, writing, making new friends and talking on the Television or Radio.

So many great men and women based on their works have been my source of inspiration like Dr. Mensa Otabil of the International Central Gospel Church Ghana, Isha Sesay, my dad, Christiane Amanpour, Mike Ingam and Lucky Dube. However the two who have had the most impact on my life are from Cameroon and they are Amy Banda of STV and Mr. Baye Alexander who is the Director of the Linguistic Center in Bamenda Cameroon.

Amy for me changed my view on life when she gave me the opportunity of being the main guest speaker on her famous program Voice of the Voiceless (VOV) at just a tender age of 18. While Mr. Baye on the other hand has always been there for me as a guide. They are without any form of doubt Masters of their own Art and to me, other stars should copy their example by making it a habit of giving opportunities to young new talents in the different spheres of life. Two quotes from two leaders in my country keep me moving and they are that; we should be people who believe that there exists a land full of fresh milk and honey which we cannot see until we climb this hill standing in front of us. Finally, that nation building requires patience, courage and determination and we should not be afraid of the future. Together we will succeed. We must learn to see the coming decades as sources of hope and numerous aspirations despite the present hurdles we face.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys to Success
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude