Akomolafe David Oluwole – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by David Akomolafe (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

We are the outer expressions of our thoughts.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Concentrated thinking is the great secret that separates the winner from the whiners: Once you can condition your thoughts towards a meaningful purpose rather than letting them run wild, you cannot but achieve that object upon which your heart is established. I got avidly interested on this education program the very day a friend told me about it; and did promise myself that I would stop at nothing to fix myself with this program because it is a kind of platform on which you can develop the latent power that lies within you. To be candid, I went through some major tie-downs in terms of financial, internet-browsing challenges, which the latter, I discovered through ideas in this book how I have long created false perception that it couldn’t be possible except I have at least browsing orientation. Today, I can boast of being a student of IIGL and it truly gladdens my heart looking back to the tiring processes that earned me my desire.

ii. Another idea derived from this book is that some people have discovered the secrets of the mind from different sources and wander why they are still wanting more, that the information has not yet travelled from the head to the heart: This relates or akin to my own kind of belief system. As a Christian, the significance of the word of God (Devine thought) is not to be in your head but in your heart. Just as the aphorism, “As a Man Thinketh in His Heart So Is He.” It did not say as a man thinketh in his “mind” for the mind is vulnerable to oblivion, and it is questioning as a result of having it a tussle to believe spiritual realities. Even the Holy Bible says, “out of the abundance of heart the mouth speaketh.” It is also extended beyond our human’s beings but to our environment, circumstances: we are what we are because of the thoughts in our hearts. And our world today is what it is because of long, continued pattern of thinking.

When we decide to think positively, which will however take a long, patient with positive attitude and acting in correspondence appropriately in that direction, we are giving out reliable, discreet information to our heart. That content in our heart will just come on a whim or without any effort. You know, “when the cloud is full of rain, it will just empty itself.” Nevertheless, it will uncompromisingly take patient time of waiting.

iii. The mind is the master-weaver; both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstances: A man that consciously scrutinizes every word or thought that comes into his mind; can best filter them to make the right choice of thoughts and surely will find them translated to physical realm. I think, it requires self-awareness to commit oneself into such a “watch dog” attitude and state to increasingly master oneself. I won’t just forget you myself if i decide to give all my humanity to changing or transforming ‘ME’. Otherwise, I let my mind loose of its control; and at that condition, indulgence, abuse is inevitable, then, you loose every reference to the ground.

It is saddening, something that draws me to my silent reverie is the fact that I still struggle to be the best I longed to be. When I look at those people whom I hold in high esteem, gracefully exhibiting certain virtue I so much lack in great proportion, then I say to myself “I need a new paradigm shift.”

iv. Human is growth born out of law, and not a creation by artifice: In the Holy Bible, “the book of first peter chapter one verse Twenty- three says “Being born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, by the word of God that lives and abide forever.” What am I driving home as a point is that “who we are inside determines who we are outside; in the material realm.” If you are noble and Godlike in the invisible world, that is, the hidden realm of thought, you will definitely translate it to the outer realm and vice versa. You are either a sheer product of Godly thoughts or satanic thoughts. To have a dual personality as a result of complicating thinking is to make a freak, confusion and eccentricity as reputations. You will never discover yourself that way.

Now that I know that I am born of God in both image and likeness, I can as that here on earth function like Him. Even the Bible says, ‘As He Is so Are We In This World.” The moment it dawned on me that God has given us his thoughts by giving us his “WORD”, it dazzled me so much what that will make of me, my life and the world at large, if only we would give ourselves to his thoughts.

We are not a result of one scientific device! We are not a psychological non-person that can’t think let alone be responsible for its effect. We are creative powers, author and finishers of our lives and circumstances.

v. Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound: “Thoughts are things.” If I fail to improve my thought pattern, so will my situation remains. How I see and what I see are determined by who I am. You will see your conditions, world at large from a better vantage point of view when you find and discover yourself. You will begin to see strengths in others instead of their weaknesses. It wouldn’t be no stretch to see the beauty that resides inside them once I start to practice good viewing attitude. I have to discipline myself by not shrinking from self-crucifixion in any form. In every endeavor, for me to make an enduring accomplishment, great personal sacrifices can’t be avoided. It is high time I did away with groveling, deceptive, bestial and ignoble thoughts because they will translate for sure into their physical equivalents or counterparts.

There is no luck or chance anywhere for an individual who has come to recognize that whatever state he or she is, is found on kind of thoughts he is given to or continuously fostered in his or her heart.

vi. Blessedness is a measure of right thought not material possession; that is a man may be blessed yet poor in material possession and he can be cursed yet rich in material possession:
Blessedness and wretchedness are states of the mind. If or once your mind is rightly conditioned, being happy, healthy, and prosperous are inevitable because your inner world of thoughts is harmoniously adjusted to the outer conditions of your life.

Through this book, I have been enlightened to know that I am not blessed just because I posses wealth. I have seen people who have these world’s goods but don’t have peace of mind, not happy and regularly spend so much to get out of ill-health yet to no avail. Some of them even commit suicide. This question will then be raised; why are these worldly ills? I can at this point confidently say that something is utterly wrong with their thoughts life. Dark, groveling thinking have patterned them that way. Never have they come to learn that the beauty of existence is found in the pure, noble state of the mind.

vii. If you would protect your body, guard your mind. If you would renew your body, beautify your mind. A sour or wrinkled face does not come by chance; it is made by sour thoughts: If I had known this early enough, I wouldn’t have indulged myself this far. As I grow older, fear grips me owing to the extent at which twitches, involuntary muscle pulls that I suffer. I really blush to think or even say those nasty things I got myself involved in causing me premature aging. They are irresistible desires. They are killing!

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how.

I thank God that I have my mind perfectly in control. I will forever owe IIGL for helping me in the process of discovering myself. I can now constructively choose to think well about myself since it is absolutely quintessential of what the bible admonishes us, that Christian should have mind of Christ. I have come to realize that nothing holds me back except I do.

However, we are all faced with different blows and buffets of this world, but they don’t matter. What matters is how we respond to them all. I will consciously consider my respond to every emerging situation, knowing that my circumstance wouldn’t change without my consent. So, I submit my total humanity to Godly and noble thoughts by studying and habitually pondering or meditating on God’s words and other potential maximizing materials.

Even though I have not yet conceived a purpose, I will create myself one and pursue it without reservation. Given to what I was able to get from this book, I will relentlessly link my thoughts with purpose that will yield me significance in terms of material and spiritual responsibilities and zero tolerance for levity that have ushered into the present is no longer the case today.

No worthwhile purpose or goal can be achieved without a steady focus of thought-force.
Another thing to get rid off is doubts and fear. If I entertain them, they will kill the possibility of accomplishing anything; rather rigorous positioning of my thoughts towards accomplishing whatever task before me is vitally important. In the Holy Bible, It is said,” For without faith it is impossible to please God.” So, when I stick to God’s word that is worthy of thought, without hesitation, it will sure manifest that object of my heart.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author makes that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Many men are slaves because one is an oppressor; let us hate the oppressor.”

When this quote was further elucidated, then I realized that both the oppressor and the oppressed are wallowing in ignorance. The oppressor thinks he prospers by tyrannically exploiting others, while the oppressed think they are not rich just because they are subjugated by predicament which they know nothing about. What an appalling state of mind. In actual fact, the masses hold the government for being stuck in the rut. The rich hold economic downturns for their failings. The oppressor has failed to know that there is a part that leads to everlasting success. The way of justice, peace, joy and integrity. The oppressed never come to that knowledge that their successes are independent of any factor or reality outside.

“How many people we know who sour their lives, who ruin all that is sweet and beautiful by explosive tempers, who destroy their poise of character, and make bad blood!”

I love this virtue called ‘calmness’. I t doesn’t come on you over night but through perseverance, patience in practicing it, you will attain to that perfect touch of calmness.

“They themselves are makers of themselves.”

I am the inventor of the circumstances; be it in the past, now and future. They all proceed from my thoughts, either by groveling or pure thoughts. The kinds of thoughts I entertain in my mind is what it weaves and later find their end expression in the visible realm.

5. Is there anything in the book that you don’t understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Sometime, while going through this book, I find it difficult to understand if it is the thoughts that are in our minds that make us or thoughts in our hearts. I want to know the roles each plays in making us and our circumstances. I need further explanation on that please.

6. Did the book contain exercise for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

It does contain no exercise.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following question on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by David Akomolafe (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author’s main idea conveyed in this book is that everyone has the freedom to be what he or she wants to be by choosing to span beyond mainstream human limits.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

We can lift ourselves out of ignorance; we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence skill. We can be free! We can fly!

You see, ignorance is a state or condition of default either consciously or unconsciously; it is a voluntary misfortune. It is a choice! Possibly, we can decide to invent and reinvent ourselves by deploying what I can call a whole-person paradigm that is Spirit, Soul, and body expressed in spiritual, mental, emotional and physical intelligence.
For example, I never knew I could be bold in enough to speak to a great number of students way back in my undergraduate level. I used to be an inhibited kind of guy, with an apparent disposition of low-self esteem; timidity beyond considerable proportion. But with the help of a friend, I found my voice; my fear of mockery and disgrace was defeated. I saw a default in me and I decided to design a life well suited for me.

Who is more responsible than a gull who finds and follows a meaning, a higher purpose for life; to learn, to discover and to be free:

In all honesty, there is no much of a life to enjoy in a banal or sterile state of things.
Remember, an unexamined life is not worth living. I really need to question, challenge my individuality less, I am buffeted to a life solely regulated by social canon or rules purported to retard vistas of human possibilities! I long cherished the comfort of my parents’
home, so thrilled up with the killing sense of dependence; in fact, no much of challenging responsibilities saddled on me. It was until I got grossly involved in stark realities of life that that each day daily unfolds, I never saw myself.

I really love to spread my wings as though I didn’t care a rap; wanting to be in flight continuously till I touch divine perfection; having realized my right to live with dignity, to choose and to be free! Ironically, I am a seagull! I ain’t trying to fly, I just fly anyway!

Boredom, fear and anger are the reasons a gull’s life is so short.

Boredom is a feeling of being cheesed off, when one doesn’t have a blazing drive to pursue a cause; especially a worthwhile pursuit. From this definition, it is seen that a life has lost its true sense of meaning; It is such a negative emotional condition that takes you no where rather gives birth to complacency. It is a realm of quitters; failures for those who have finally come to accept it. Of course, it is natural to experience a sense of boredom, but should not be allowed to run wild; don’t be taken you on a whim because you can control it. Maintain a
positive mental attitude and you pull out from it everyway.

Fear is another thing that destroys faster. It is tormenting! Like the whole world has turned its back at you. It is a kind of clutch that once you are sucked in it, you are damned so close to hell. To be legally alive but dead, you know how it could feel like. I am just as an
Individual getting over my fear that is borne out of weird memories. It took me much time to believe God truly forgives and forgets.

Anger is also an area worthy of concern to me. My words become faster than my mind I just go angry at someone, myself and any kind of condition I may be going through, throwing off handle at the least provocation is so habitual of me. At the end of it all, I regret ever to have
found myself in such state.

The Gull Sees Farthest Who Flies Highest.

This is also so much important to me. I realize that ‘you are leading because they are following.’ a leader without followers shows significantly that he lacks a set of basic principles, moral compass and ethics necessary enough to impact his circle of influence or environment.
One has to live exemplary life that sincerely wins good appeals or impression from God and Humanity.

A sheer display of concerns for others who have not come up to your status in any form is vitally important. Let them look up to you as their hero or mentor; one who is always at their beck and call. There is no much joy being ahead of the pack. You have got to be responsible for schooling others up in the way of success you passed through. Remember that you were trained too. There are people in my life that I’m looking up to attain to their levels. Not a day goes by without doing things required of me to tirelessly pursue that course.

Break the chains of your thought, and you break the chains of your body:

It is believed that the state of your body is a function of your state of mind. Romans 12:2 says
“Be not be conformed to this world (manner, approach, belief system) but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Proverb 14:30 also says ‘A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones:’ meaning the condition of your body can be traced to the state of your heart. Remember that as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Having known this truth, I have decided to continually maintain a positive frame of mind. always learning to stand independent given any circumstance. I say the following statements to Myself intermittently: I am invulnerable to life situation! I refuse to be sick! I choose to live with Dignity! I am a product of my thoughts.

It is the nature of gulls to be free which can be discovered through practicing:

To get to that high Place of perfection, practice is inevitable. You have just got to keep developing yourself. Forevery prize there is a price. No gut, no glory. Keep finding yourself. However, training or practicing Is not easy: like Jonathan Seagull, you will become bone and feather owing to the fact that you Want to chart new frontiers, blaze new trails. Because you to fly; to prosper, you will indelibly Breeze through difficulties or the worst gross-outs. For me, I want to be myself! I’m ready to learn! I have a teachable spirit to discover and to be Free. I can’t help waiting to be who God says I am. You know what; “trying” will not get me there, but accepting it as fact, that to experience a touch of perfection requires practice. Even the holy bible says “be ye perfect as the lord your god is perfect.” This suggests that we have the knack rather than trying to be what God says we are just as Chiang told Jonathan the seagull.

Instead of being enfeebled by age, the Elder has been empowered by it.

We all have these longings in our hearts to live forever. To viva like the sun in the sky; to live forever green. I believe it is possible because the holy bible says “If the spirit of him that raised
Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He shall quicken (make alive) your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwells in you. It sounds absurd to human reasoning; and for that reason, not many are in that School of thought. Well, it is mainly to those who believe and walk in it. It is better for me to believe it and yet die. I rather die believing. John 11:25, 26 “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” Do you think he was talking about spiritual death? No, rather, telling to them that physical death has been dealt with. You have the right to live only if you know. What you don’t know will kill you. The bible says “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Now, I have acknowledged the fact that you can’t change others or conditions of your lives except you start to change from the inside. I have already started working on my Individuality by daily reproving or examining myself, getting conscious of what thoughts are running in my mind. Each day, I get myself doing something worthwhile, constructively aware of my approach to life. It has dawned on me that the word of God has the efficacy to transform you (Spirit, soul and body); so am working by giving myself completely to the ministry of the words in this book and even to the word of God. It will also help me to handle boredom, fear and anger by meditating on who I am at every point in time. You may like to recall that Jonathan had a flash of insight as to who Chiang said he was; but not until that revelation came at the place of meditation, he would not believe.

I also have to affirm what I so much have strong conviction on: by creating autosuggestions positive ones for that matter. Furthermore, it will help in handling whatever task or project before me without losing focus that comes from listening to Sqwacks and Grackles of everyday life; knowing that there is no problem out there save the one I invent. It will help me in thinking of the glory that awaits every worthy cause and discards the dreading oddities I will experience in the process.

Jonathan Seagull demonstrated the love His superior (chiang) told him towards the flock in the base realm in order to give something of truth. Talk is cheap; so I will see to it that I engage Myself in laying my hands doing something to expand my mental horizon, studying more to hone my skill and above all said, create quality time with my creator who is the author and finisher of my faith. He is everything my eyes can see, handle, spanning to extra terrestrials, nature and host of angels.

4. Quotes: Are there any statement which the author makes that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

(a) “Don’t be harsh on them, Fletcher Seagull. In casting you out, the other gulls have only hurt themselves, and one day, they will know this, and one day they will see what you
see. Forgive them, and help them to understand.”

I have come to that knowledge based on the foregoing that you help yourself to help others walk in love. Know thyself first, and then you can help others to find themselves through love. Walking in love towards others wouldn’t be a problem where there is knowledge. You can’t love save you are operating in knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

(b). “Don’t let them spread silly rumors about me, or make me a god. O.K., Fletch? I’m a Seagull. I like to fly, maybe…”

This quote is important to me because humans tend to ascribe or label you name Just because you dear to stand against being ordinary by choosing to learn and practice. It should be known to them that the road to divinity is open to everyone who desires to be Free!

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Chiang said it time and again, “You didn’t need faith to fly, and you needed to understand Flying.” I don’t completely buy that thought; reason being that if you say you passive in nature; it is rather an expression of belief. Belief and Faith are world apart. They don’t mean the same thing. So, they can’t be used interchangeably. Understanding comes when you choose to use your faith. Another thing that gets me pondered is how possible a mortal flesh (human) can attain to a state of perfection here on earth. Can he become divine? Please, I need further explanation on that.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

It isn’t containing any exercises for a reader to complete.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I mean nothing!

Please rate the following question on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

How interesting was it to read? 10
How helpful were the content? 9
How easy was it to understand? 9
Would you recommend it to others? 10
What is the overall rating you would give it? 10




Assessment by David Akomolafe (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Human beings are goal-striving and oriented; always an actor be it passive or active to make a difference.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. Before a person can change, he must “see” himself in a new role first.

It becomes crystal clear to me that any effort or will power exerted to change ‘oneself’ will result to embarking on a pursuit of fruitless. I can’t and no living being can change his or herself. We did not create ourselves in the first place, but we are only allowed to change our mental perception or impression about ‘ourselves’.

Moreover, we need to know ourselves before we choose to constructively create an image of ourselves. Know Thy Self; first. Accurate knowledge of your Self that you are not creature randomly evolved from a prehistoric and primordial soup, but one created in the image and likeness of God; to have a relationship with him, that you are an offspring of divinity! Goes a long way to tell at volume what you can do. When you have knowledge of your maker, you will know who you are in its entirety. This knowledge is pivotal to the kind of role one will assume: whether of victim or triumphant.

B. The power of hypnosis is the power of belief.

I strongly believe that I am an expression or product/physical equivalence of a deep-seated belief. In fact, my doing may be found on fallacious belief that came in thought form untested or unproven and vice versa. Everything still refers to me knowing Myself first upon which a belief is found.

My present belief may stand as a road block to my success. A man can only believe what he has knowledge of. Hosea.4v6. says and I quote ‘my people perish or destroy for lack of knowledge.’ Without iota of doubt, right thinking precedes right belief and right living.

I recently dehypnotized myself from the seeming fact that man dies because he is mortal. As you may like to believe, man is made up of the following: Spirit, Soul and Body.

Spirit: man, being the fact that he hails from God tells you and I that he is SPIRIT because God is Spirit.

Soul: this same man as emotions and mind (Intelligence) out of which he takes logical decisions, make deductions of realities.

Body: the body being the vessel or tool through which he relates with this corporeality’s or terrestrial plane.

From the foregoing, man which is a spirit can only sustain in this earth if he has knowledge on how to sustain his body. The Holy Bible Says; “Death and Life are in the power of the tongue and they that use it well will eat the fruit thereof.”

C. Happiness is not a reward of virtue, but virtue itself.

Against a belief that happiness is a result of a fulfilled worthwhile cause, it is a mental attitude, a deliberate act that springs from a positive self-image that find its expression in the outer realm. Happiness is independent of circumstances; it does not need a support. It is a choice of the mind irrespective of what situation holds or what outward events depict.

We all love sense of recognition. We yearn for appealing remarks about us from others; inadvertently, we allow people to stereotype, create a self image about us. We leave ourselves imaging responsibilities to life: parents, government, religions, and friends. And yet, we get sadden at derogatory remarks they give us. In actual fact, we all have the right to project images of our choice. Nothing deters us without our consents.

I led my life reacting to worst gross-outs inappropriately. Blaming the government, parents, and anyone who wrong me in one way or the other. I believe that a cushy condition determined my happiness. Never knew life begins from my own choice of response to every unfolding circumstance.

D. The measure of mental health is the disposition to find good everywhere.

I always say this prayer to God that He should teach me to see, talk, evaluate situations the way he does. The disposition to find good everywhere requires a high degree of patience. A man that only decides to find good in every reality is ready to ignore whatever ills he will suffer from all events of life. He is ready to exhibit love that looks beyond faults, mistakes and sins done to him. Our savior Lord Jesus Christ was sent to the world to die for our sins, iniquities who knew no sin. He did not die for us because we were righteous nor by our good works. He did die so that we may live. He chose to overlook our limitations, He chose to love us.

In Philemon 1v6 says, “That the communication of your faith may become effectual by acknowledging every good thing in You in Christ Jesus. The problem with me, even majorities of people is that we keep looking at the wrong. If pondering on what we don’t like or want produces what we desire, fine. But it does not.

No matter how appalling what I see, I need by taking patience to see beyond the surface of all lives. Otherwise, I will rob myself of the opportunities behind the scene and color facts in a pessimistic way. I see life in all its forms the way I see myself.

E. Men are not disturbed by what happens, but by their opinion of what happens.

It is a fact that I look older than my age. But my opinion is that I can get younger, stronger by the day. For a long time, I have grown obsessively depressed regarding my physical frailties; being hypochondriac, I began to lose every sense of purpose. The urge or impulse for worthwhile goals or purpose seemed to be lacking in considerable proportion. I did listen more to people’s opinions about my premature aging and as a result, I shamefully, pitifully hurdled in sadness. With the knowledge I found In psycho-Cybernetics, I realized I contributed immensely by inadvertently forming these demeaning images of myself. Little, did I know that I was de-individualizing the “self.” I meant forming a false image of myself.

Of late, I lost some amount of money invested. Sincerely, I over-reacted as though it was a matter of life or death. The money was not mine and scarcely do I know what to say or tell the owner. Now I know that it is my responsibility to repeat aggressively and positively against negative feedbacks that have the tendencies to put me in a place or position of disadvantages.

F. It is a man of true conception of himself that says ’I am everything,’ and then goes to prove it.

The Bible says “The just shall live by faith.” It does not spell egotism, or conceit in exercising my rights and inheritance in Christ Jesus. Not that I was qualified for who I am; I didn’t earn it; It was only ascribed to me and mine is just to accept it. It is a gift. A man therefore is saddled with the responsibility of expression of divinity within him. It is also said in the Holy Bible, that has God is, so are we in this world. We are expression, effulgence of his person. So if God says this is who I am who are mine to say the contrary. I think the problem is just that we listen more to our feelings than our hearts. We need to maintain that positive self-image, our hearts condition by guiding them diligently. One can only live by faith in the word of God concerning him.

G. Maintain your inner, physical temperature at a steady 98.6 degrees regardless of the temperature in the environment. Maintain your spiritual thermostat.

Those who make mountains out of mole hills who exaggerate, overestimate worst situations are those who make or see every small challenge as a matter of life or death. Humans are vulnerable to magnify situations more than they entail.

Moreover, it becomes important for humans to know that they can remain immune to life’s realities as they learn physical and emotional relaxation. We can remain poised in the midst of adversities and limitations in whatever form.

Excessive negative feedback will only inhibit or rub us of our abilities to maintain equanimity and indifference needed in every condition. Accurate thinking soars in an atmosphere of a positive frame of mind without which man observes all situations in a grumpy and pessimistic way.

A man that sees good in everywhere, sees good about himself. He has learned to build tranquilizer or psychic screen between himself and the disturbing stimulus, when you practice “not responding”- letting the telephone ring.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The Holy Bible contains all things needed to live triumphantly in this world. As an individual, with this knowledge that I am a goal striver, positions my mind to realize that I am in charge of every situation. It demands of me to always have a sense of control by being at the offensive side rather than on defensive side.

There is no point being cheesed off over life’s stark realities when they can be fixed. I believe there no mountain too high beyond human capacities to deal with. So, I can confidently face life as a man who has come to understand; as one who has a deeper insight that what he chooses to believe is the truth.

Furthermore, knowledge gained so far in this book reveals how best you get along with others. Now, acknowledging the truth that nothing is good or bad except the name I give it. So are people I mingle with.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author makes that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

”No captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of an enemy.”

“The best defense is a strong offense.”

Indeed, it is a military principle but its application is wider than war. If you love life, you will lose it. Fear of death is not a cure for death. It is facing life as though you have nothing to lose.” “When we act indifferently to daunting situations that life brings, yet remaining poised and placid in vicissitude of life that life itself comes to terms with us.

“When a person begins to feel more charitably about others, he invariably begins to feel more charitably toward himself.”

If I don’t hold people in high esteem, looking deep down I lack respect of myself. A popular sayings goes this way: Love your neighbor as yourself.

5. Is there anything in the book that you don’t understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

I completed virtually all the exercises in this book and they were awe inspiring.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

Assessment by David Akomolafe (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey is that it only takes a Positive Mental Attitude to do everything; to get worthwhile things done.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

A. You have the tendency to see what you want to see: many a thing meets my optical eyes; and these things are transferred to my brain to be processed.

It is then I truly see what my eyes met. It was until I conditioned myself with positive mental attitude to thinking moments I did not see with the eyes of the mind what my late prof. G.O. Esuruoso taught me all along. I learned to see the unsaid as the said by meditation. Couldn’t have been possible without a developed positive mental attitude.

B. The more cultured, refined and civilized a society or environment may be, the less need there is for the individual to use these negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions and attitudes to protect individuals.

The in discriminatory pang of bombings among Northern parts of Nigeria is associated to lack of the above concepts.

In the absence of these, the state of affair becomes a hostility and anarchy. Laws must be enforced to clampdown social vices in such environment or society through vast deployment of force agencies and semblance of force to drastically reduce the evil effects of the deviant. If every individual is cultured, refined and civilized, the world will be a better place to live. The more cultured, refined and civilized I am, the more easily I can get along in my relationship with others.

C. Faith rightly understood, is active not passive.

The Holy Bible says, “for without faith, it is impossible to please God.” It is not enough for anyone to render a mental assent to what I believe but also act it out. There is a place of prayer to God over a particular thing I want done and there’s also a place of go- in- acting- out to get what you want. Do it now kind of attitude. I remembered how much of wishful thinking mustered, yet did not get me registered on online as a student of International Institute For Global Leadership until I endeavored to go online for registration. It seemed like a pie-in-the-sky stuff when I was informed to go online unaided.

D. Learn to start with a meeting of the minds when in argument over a certain word or matter.

By habit I take a great sport in argument or debate which in most cases one would have wished it did not start at all; for it engendered strive, envy and unnecessary sullen resentment. Sometime I felt like taking a swing at one telling me NO to my opinions; blustered when challenged.

The much needed pleasing personality will not find expression with a negative mental attitude. It really robs me of the potential tendency to attract wide appeal because it is repelling! This book has played as a guide, teaching me how significant it is a meeting of the minds rather than indulging in seemingly endless noise. Listening with Positive Mental Attitude to other people’s opinions about a subject could ensure a flood of more insights. Having a high sense of tolerance even in the most appalling situation unlocks realistic ideas never could have been possible in an atmosphere of impatience.

E. There is something infinitely better than making a living, it is making a noble life: you may be rich or wealthy yet making no significant impart in the lives of others.

Your high-earned money is lavishly spent for your wants and needs only without a care in the world of what happen to others. They will say no matter whose ox is gored I don’t care a rap. You are not sensitive to material needs other people. My Mum is a paragon of a magnificent obsession. She is so generous even with the little at her disposal. Her astounding devotion to the awakening of men and women to a life of true nobility and generosity stands as a catalyst for others who have not imagined or dreamt it possible without necessarily having a much of money.

F. Another idea of most importance to me is: Exemplification of true faith consists of acts of kindness and love for one’s fellowmen, not mere formal prayers uttered by role: Jesus said if you love me, yield or do my will. Also in one of His sayings, He said and I quote “whatever you do for these ones, you do it to me.”He added “when they are hungry, you give them food. When they are thirsty, you give them water to drink. And because you do these things to them, it means you do it to me.” Our faith can only work effectively by our love for God and fellowmen. The Bible even says “faith without works is death.”

There is always a realm of action for every uttered prayer thoughts and meditations. The essence of prayer is its expression in our material world. Translating or converting what we have to be abstract to its physical equivalent.

G. One of the cobwebs of our thinking is to assume that we act from reason alone when in reality every conscious act is the result of doing what we want to do.

We are always products of our own whims than our reasons. Spur-of-the-moment decisions are found to be our most formed emotional responses to circumstances than the required engagement of reason. I am more apt to act on a whim without a thorough scrutiny or examining of my decisions ever made. As a result, I paid dearly for it. There should be a healthy synergy between emotion and reason in everyone’s life. Neither should hold the controlling hand.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I will daily memorize consciously the seven principles embedded in this book till it is imprinted in my subconscious mind. That at every moment situations circumstances show, memorized self-helps will indelibly flash from my subconscious mind to induce the necessary steer based on positive mental attitude that the condition requires. A deeper reflection is devoted to bring more insights to what I have studied in this book. I will make sure as much as possible that leisure time is created for thinking on everything being learnt in the book.

Every condition carries with it the opportunity to exhibit those virtues in this book. I need to start taking responsibilities where virtues learned so far can find there expressions in any way possible. To create a better world to live in, building a magnificent obsession is very important: The very act of sharing what you have with others in form of philosophy and know-how that bring happiness, physical, mental, and spiritual health and wealth. In my immediate environment, I will do all I can to help people in the best way possible with wisdom I will practice to respond to the self-starter “Do It Now,” even in little things.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author makes that particularly got your attention If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Everyone has some creative ability, but most people haven’t learned to use it.” Alex Osborn.

This statement is important to me because many a time I synthetically create places, the kind of life I crave to lead; but it appears I don’t really do something that will practically bring them to pass. Living on the fringes of society where I could possibly make my fondest hope come through for real, has often been a thought that I am quite given to. All my individuality is around it like gazing over mountains, wildlife and magnificent trees and countrymen, even breathtaking views of green landscape spreading beyond the horizons. It is high time I did it now!

“What we see is always an interpretation of the mind. We have to train the mind to interpret what we see.”

Apparently, not all the blind in the world have their optical eyes shut by lids before they are confirmed blind. This suggests that no matter how they flare their eyes, they will still not see from inside. In other words, a man truly sees through the eyes in the “inside,” but if the immaterial eyes are distorted, it can misinterpret what the eyes see. Every object that meets the eyes is processed by the brain, that is, it subjects it to evaluation description, and researches a final standpoint of interpretation. The more mature we are in our faculties, the more the tendency that we give an accurate interpretation of what our optical eyes see.

“Character is the cornerstone in building and maintaining success.”

It is true that character plays a golden role in attaining and sustaining success in every human endeavor. I have seen a seasoned competent salesman, very crafty and dexterous more than he could be expected to be, but lacked integrity, honesty and loyalty to sustain his performance in his work, for pride, greed will not permit him. It matters our belief system, if found faulty or carries a defect or more, becomes a sure misguide for living no matter how talented we are. Talent will not fill the vacuum owing to a flaw character. Character is what determines our destiny.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Of course not.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes! It contains exercises but I did not cover all the exercises. Now, I sure will plan toward finishing the remaining exercises by the grace of God.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Keys to Success
Assessment by David Akomolafe (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book is that there are always a number of principles that individuals, groups or communities and nations must adhere to for an enduring, good success in every walk of life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. But if you are going to achieve success, you will do so only extraordinary effort, effort that most people are not willing to make.

It is one of the most important ideas to me because for every worthwhile purpose, goal or desire, there is got to be a price to be paid. It is just like some of these timeless, popular sayings of some real and superficial motivational speakers and I quote “what is worth having is worth working for with positive mental attitude and application.” “No pain no glory.” From my own personal experience, there have never been results made without efforts exerted on my part toward their attainments. Most of the things I have, never came on a free cause; so indelibly, efforts if not extraordinary, were put to realize them. No much of wishful thinking impressed on my mind could produce those desirable objects of my heart except with efforts.

ii. If you follow through on your willingness to deliver something useful in return for what you seek, the world will be compelled to reward you on your own terms.

Every worthwhile goal or purpose is or will only be recognized when it is followed through. It remains a concept or an idea yet to be born without applied faith and perseverance. The world is eagerly waiting for revolutionary definite major purpose. Humanity is at the mercy of people who have desires they are able and ready to translate into material equivalent. Personally, I believe that if we can change our focus from making money is serving people, they will be compelled to reward on our terms. Serving others is what really makes us rich. Serving own fellowmen can be converted to infinite material reward.

iii. Some people can give away a secret without a moment’s thought; you don’t need them in your mastermind alliance

Own faithfulness to duty, loyalty to obligation is a function of trust in a group. If trust is recognized to be at the hearts of every member of a team, infiltration of outsiders to the confidentiality concern of the team becomes a difficulty. Outsiders’ invasion to the noble privacy of the mastermind alliance will be found questionable. Now, do I realize the reason my mum went so angry when I casually shared with a close family friend the clash that just happen between me and her. She violently flared up with much fury than she could bear. Really, she was right to be angry since a family matter needs not to be disclosed to outsiders. Most individuals do not give a matter the closest scrutiny it requires for sound, objective judgment. So why can’t I just let my family, teams have the right of judgment for themselves. The minds that make up a team is enough to fish out their fundamental differences and seek to resolve them for common good.

iv. Whatever personal obstacles you face, you must start getting to know that side of your personality that knows no obstacles, that recognizes no defeats.

It is also of most importance to me because what we focus on the most is as a result of what we have for long allowed in our mind. It becomes our dominating mental habit. All we have ever been trained to know is that side of our personality that promptly sees obstacles, hard reality and we keep singing this song “It is not easy “ even when the situation seems a bit cushy.

To deal with this negative mental attitude requires self-discipline, perseverance, applied faith; a decisive mentality etc. without these you ain’t going anywhere. Tried once a deliberate smile, kinda taking time to release my facial frowns and after a while, I discovered that my face went mild followed by comments from friends who knew me otherwise. It is a constructive thing to do by habitually abiding on our positive mental attitude side of our personality.

v. There is no substitute for real commitment to your definite major purpose- or its lack – writes itself so indelibly into your words and deeds that anyone can recognize it. Insincerity is evident in your expressions, in your trend of conversation, in everything you do; no amount of acting skill can disguise it.

Strongly, this is areal life truth, and fact that you can’t be completely identified, obsessed with any definite major purpose that it won’t show in your words and deeds. If people I come in contact with cannot or find it hard to predict what I really stand for, it means I suffer what could be called dual or multiple personality disorder. Normally, people could easily tell what your deep convictions are in their daily conversation or relationship with you because those things you stand for will wittingly and unwittingly find expression. It is my utmost desire to be known so much for one particular thing in which people can confidently recommend me as an authority or savvy at a moment’s notice. I believe that I could rise to preeminence on the simple basis of my sincerity of purpose in everything I do. Once you can have an accurate, precise and definite purpose and you follow on your willingness to commit yourself to it, it will be seen by others.

vi. The only things over which you have complete control are your thoughts. The only real privacy you have is in your mind. It is there that you can make full and complete use of the power of faith to remove limitation of your mind.

I consider this important; very important. Tears and wears of life are enough to pull one without positive attitude down because he or she fails to know and control his or her mind. We really should understand that we can’t take control of our lives without the control of our inner beings. All of the things in our outer lives today are as a result of kind of lives in our mental world. Things do not happen to us whether bad or good without us not being the core architects.

Faith soars, thrives and spread its wings in an atmosphere of mental tranquility. It does not work in the mind where fear takes dominance; for it can’t co-habit with it even with all other host of negative emotions that pant for living in the mind. From my own personal, spiritual experience, many of the things I have today were made possible because of good thoughts that I intensely impressed in my mind thereby creating room for faith to do its work effectively.

vii. Concentrate your mind on the can-do-portion of the tasks you face. Don’t worry about the cannot-do portion unless and until you meet it face-to-face, by that time the can-do portion will have shown you the way to success.

What we set our minds on determine the kind of feelings we evoke. We susceptibly think the impossible in the middle of carrying out our tasks and thereby habitually creating an image of a person that won’t accomplish or expect any tangible whatsoever; and so thus, in virtually every area of our lives, the same attitude is replicated. It is human to shrink when faced with daunting, life-threatening situations but if we can believe and decide to follow through them by bringing every resource we have to bear in those challenges, we would not but accomplish those things before us.

There is certainly nothing in the world that is impossible. Once the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve if he will with positive mental attitude. We must cultivate the attitude, habit of seeing other sides of stark realities. It may at first be a difficult thing to do, but with the belief that all things are possible to him that believes, then it will be a reality. For instance, inventions we have today were regarded as impractical in the past. History has great works of almost entire great minds in record, which did choose to believe the possibility of ideas; conceptions conceived to be real and went extra-mile with applied faith and discipline to make them a reality. Things we have today were thoughts yesterday. Life holds death and life for one who dares to work in the unknown.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a more practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

First of all, I will daily reflect over those things I have known in this book. I will relate and assimilate them in my personal daily experience to really see if I am truly following those principles; and to discover the principles I am yet to consider in my modus operandi. This book will help me in a practical way possible like memorizing those quotes till they are deeply ingrained in me; thus, I could spontaneously express all learnt so far. Above all, I will form the habit of reading the book over and over again.

4. Quotes: are there any statements which the author makes that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“All employees have to see themselves as executives.”

However, execs are expected to assume responsibilities for both failure and good performance that befall their employees which is why a many manager of the corporate world of the traditional settings prefer to dictate to their employees what to do and what not to do. Each day, employees in such setting slink to their respective works or tasks with a very poor attitude. Employees are seen as economic tool combined with other inanimate tools in realizing corporate end-profit.

Moreover, a context like this breeds workforce whose potentials, resourcefulness have been straitjacketed. Any employees in such setting live not that authentic lifestyle… they don’t really own their lives as they should; inadvertently their lives seized overtly by the corporate canon or convention. Their personal initiatives, self discipline, even going the extra- mile and ideas that could possibly put the company ahead of its pack are not given recognition an inch. Peter Drucker, the management guru strongly opposed such settings that see employees as inanimate machines. It is being carefully observed that even in this 21st century, such mindset has spread like virus into some globally recognized enterprises and in my own point of view, every company’s manager should begin to see its entire workforce from the greenest of recruit to the most seasoned superior as pivotal to the corporate concerns. Every employee must have a genuine strong sense of being empowered, and his involvement in managerial decisions must not be treated with reservation but spirit of perfect harmony.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the readers to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Not at all.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Nothing. Perhaps I did not notice but by subsequent reading I may give two or more comments.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful was the content? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you will give it? 10