Akagha Chukwuemeka Dennis – Profile


Akagha Dennis

Lagos, Nigeria

Email: denscholar2020@yahoo.com

Birthday: 12th March, 1985

Education: B.sc Banking and Finance

Occupation: Self-Employed

Why would you like to participate in this study program?

According to the words of a wise man, he said that “age may wrinkle the face but lack of information and enthusiasm wrinkles the mind” the value of a man is not measured by his height or how handsome he is but by what he knows. it is my desire to always grow by virtue of what i read so as affect my generation. Therefore, i believe that participating for this program will enhance and add to my knowledge and prepare me for the task ahead – affecting my generation positively.

Please describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.

My vision of a world that works for everyone is to contribute to the success of humanity. Also, to inspire and motivate the youths to discover how to use the power of the MIND to take control of their life. This is because the mind is the seat of wisdom and to affect your life, one must first affect his thoughts. this is what makes man a creator.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

One of the most pressing problems facing the world today is poor leadership. In fact, the better the leader, the better the organization, the better the family, country and the world will be a better place for living. Another critical problem facing the world is what i call “negative thinking”. right from birth, we have been meant to believe that achieving success is difficult, that life is all about struggle and hustling. This is not suppose to be because God wired us for success and it is only by having a positive mindset can free us from this wrong belief. Finally, corruption is another major problem facing the world.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

The problem of leadership can be solve by organizing forums that will train and enhance the leadership capabilities and as well bring out the leadership potentials in people. The provision of materials and forum such as the International Insitute For Global Leadership can also be a remedy to fighting those pressing problems in our various countries. i will never seize to lay emphasis on mind transformation. the Bible says “be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” i believe so much on the “the secret” and i stand here to say that 90% of mans problem is caused by what the constantly take into his mind and until the mind is renewed, the problem

will persist.


My name is Akagha Dennis, a native of Imo state; the first among a family of four. I am a graduate of Banking and Finance from the University of Calabar. It was the passion for banking during my industrial attachment in a bank that led me to study banking and finance after my Ordinary National Diploma (OND) from Federal Polytechnic, Oko, Anambra State. While in the university, I realized I had passion for public speaking and entrepreneurship. At this time, I ventured into a business using my school fees; however, the business failed though I learnt my lessons and moved on.

By the special grace of God, I am a devoted Christian, love reading motivational books, the Bible and as well motivating people. Some of the books I have read are: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hills, Towards Mental Exploit by Bishop David Oyedepo, Starting With What You Have by Pastor Sam Adeyemi, Thinking For a Change by John Maxwell, The secret by Rhonda Byrne, Understanding Your Potentials, Discovering Your Potentials, and Releasing

Your Potentials, The Principles And Power of Vision; all by Myles Munroe and many other inspiring and motivational books.

My passion for business and entrepreneurship led me into my second business (yet to be incorporated as a limited liability) that is involved in telecommunication products which I began with nothing and by the grace of God, the business is growing and I hope to mentor people on how to start up a business using what you have. There is one understanding I got from the bible in genesis chapter 1:1-2, and the whole summary of that passage was that “even God is an entrepreneur”. Then, I realize that I could do little unless I build up myself in the area of my passion. With this in mind, I participated in a leadership training “Daystar Leadership Academy, Daystar Business School and also Impact Business School all in a bid to sharpen my

leadership and entrepreneurial skills. My life vision is to contribute to the success of humanity and with this in mind, by the special grace of God, I am working on a vision focus on the youths geared towards transforming their mind to achieving whatever they want to achieve be it in business, academics, career, health etc.

I am a very simple person who always thinks positive even in the most of seemingly nagative situation. I am a believer of “the secret” and it has worked for me over the years. I intend to mentor young people on how they can use the law of attraction to achieve whatever they desire. I love studying scriptures and this had contributed immensely to my building up. I have also attended a Bible institute “Word of Faith Bible Institute” to sharpen by knowledge of the scriptures and as well applying it to my daily living as a Christian. My desire to grow led me to International Institute For Global Leadership and i believe with the testimonies i have heard so far, i am set for a new level of impartation and learning so as to contribute to posterity.

Finally, my personal growth has been cultivated through reading and i am grateful for the sence of curiosity that God has given me. Mike Murdork in his words ” your mentor is the prophesy of your future” has motivated me to have mentors. In financial prosperity, my mentor is Bishop David Oyedepo of Living Faith Church. in Success, Pastor Sam Adeyemi, in wisdom Mike Murdork and in business, Femi Otedola.

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Keys to Success
Real Magic
Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude