Adeabayo Christianah Kemi – Assessments

As a Man Thinketh
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author of “As a Man Thinketh” is trying to convey is the fact that man ” themselves are the maker of themselves” through the power of the mind. The author described the mind as a very powerful tool of change. Throughout the book, the author shed more light of how a man’s thought can either make or mar him. He reveal that what some people call ‘ luck’ is not really luck but the consistent and relentless positive practice of the mind. But the result, as seen by some, is called luck.”

He also explained the practice of the mind; a man’s thought, as a major point of attraction. As the law goes, what one think is what one attract. That is a positive and godly thoughts attracts good achievements, while a negative and evil thoughts attracts bad experience, even health-wise. Lastly as the topic implied, “As a Man Thinketh,” comes from the saying that “As a Man Thinketh in his heart, so is he.” The author expatiate more on how a mere thought can affect one in different ways.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. “Human is made ir unmade by him or herself.”

Both characters and actions are the end results of thought. The consequences followed by it is through man’s choice. To me this means one’s destiny can be determined by the constant practice of the mind.

ii. Man can ‘dig deep into the mine of the soul.

It means there is a mine deep inside the soul which in this book is referred to as the mind. In other topics, the author pointed out how a poor and hopeless young man can turn his life around through thoughts. This means making it doesn’t depend on the environment, background or economy, but on the mind.

iii. Man is the director of his life.

Apart from God that can control a man spiritually, I was made to understand that man is a complex being that needs to understand himself through thoughts, and also to communicate to his own soul. As the body is obedient to the soul and other circumstances obey the voice of the soul.

iv. Man’s thought affect his health

A good thought will give a man peace of mind, which will result in good health and long life. A good thought does what a good diet will not do. Also, what man think about his health is usually what he attract. People who are afraid of disease are the ones who are infected easily. And if a man thinks good health, he will surely have it.

v. Thoughts control achievement; “all that a person achieves and all that a person fails to achieve is the direct result of thinking.”

As commonly known among the religious people in my locality, failures are known to be caused by a spiritual problem or the devil or possibly, maybe God is trying the person. In contrast, the book opened my eyes to the fact that achievement is the crown of effort, the diadem of thought. Ma causes his own problem and can be out of it if he wishes.

vi. Thoughts determine how a vision will be achieved; and vision is what glorifies a man.

vii. A man can only be as calm in the measure that he understands himself

A man who understands his feelings and gives way for his thoughts can attain the tree of knowledge that is within. This gives peace. For example, there was a day I was feeling unrest, at a time, I flashed back to what happened before the unhappiness emerge. I noticed it was a totally different situation. Immediately, my mind was calm because the solution came immediately.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These lessons will help me because I have realized that thoughts can not be kept secret as it reveals who a man is. It can be said in the mind without anyone hearing but the fruits of it can be seen by all. For example, the same thought can not be in the mind of a godly person and a thug; a poor and a rich person’s mind etc. And in this same mind is the tree of knowledge that helps one achieve a lot, if only one can play by the rules.

From now, I will harbor the thoughts of the things I wish to attract. For example, I was thinking of the outcome of the things my business should produce sometimes ago and my heart was pounding. Now I realize the reason behind the other day action; I have not been putting my mind to it, I was only expecting it. And the author said “strong thoughts seized when fear creeps in”. So, I will be pondering on the things I want. And since there are no accidental actions, I will pay more attention to the strange thoughts that flash my mind.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

A quote that particularly got my attention is the one that says “suffering is always the effect of wrong thought in some direction.” It is an indication that the individual is out of harmony with himself.

This quote got my attention because I remember a strange and weird thought that added my mind I married a man I see as a pretender. According to the thought, t was as if I married him when I began to notice some strange behavior in him due to circumstances and endure whatever follows. Truly, I didn’t commune with my soul to search for a solution before the marriage or reveal the thought to a body. So, I realize the afterwards sufferings are a result of the acceptance of the wrong thought. I also got the fact that no suffering comes without the notification of the mind.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

What took my time that I have to read and read again was the paragraph that says,” it has been usual for men to say, “many men are slaves because one is an oppressor; let us hate the oppressor.” Now, there is amongst an increasing few tendency to reverse this judgement, and to say, “one man is an oppressor because many are slaves; let us despise the slaves.”
The idea on this paragraph seemed difficult for me to understand. If possible the oppressor is to be hated, then why despise the slaves? Is it because they are slaves of the mind or possibly because they are not doing the right thing or are they to be hated in order for them to correct their wrongs and behave right or fight against the oppressor? I don’t really get the idea there.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The exercises contained in the book for me to complete is the recommended resources that are written at the last page of the book. Personally, I took it upon myself to study the books as it is a guide to know more about the ideas being discussed in the book. As to this, I will try to get the books and study them for better understanding of this book and also to acquire more knowledge. But as of now, I have not been able to carry out this exercise. Soon, by the grace of God, I will get and study it all.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I will like to comment that the book is a great and an inspiring one. Very short and easy to read. It expresses the ideas wisely with samples and quotes for better understanding in which a reader will find it hard to forget. I’ve been hearing, saying and also have been reading it in the Bible for a good number of time but have not think of it in a practical way like this.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10


Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

To the best of my knowledge, the main idea the author was trying to convey is that no one is limited by nature. He conveyed this through a good story that covers major aspects of limitation of the creature been described, a seagull, and like most humans, the seagull sees the possibility of its desires coming through if he possess the features of similar animals. The possibilities of its desires without possessing the features of the other animals occurred when he overcame his fears and sees abilities in his disabilities.

The author further portrays some principles the seagull followed to achieve his goals despite all odds and the glory that followed the fulfillment. According to the introductory aspect of the book, “to the real Jonathan Livingston Seagull, who lives within us all,” the author describes the limitations and daily experiences most humans in general with a creature, seagull, life. The difficulties encountered by humans who want to lead a different life or wants to be special. Seriously, many fail at that junction and that is why it is said that the road to success is not an easy one.

2. What were the seven ideas that were most important to you and why? List the seven ideas by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Socialization

A child is expected to accept the society’s culture either he wants it or not. For example, Jonathan seagull is interested in flying and was trying to develop the skill, instead, his mother cautioned that “why is it so hard for you to be like the other flock?” Because “most gulls don’t bother to learn more than the simplest fact of flight.” In the world too, believe of go to school, get good grades and make it while getting old is so common. Anyone trying to make it earlier is considered to like money too much. But as portrayed in this book, overcome time, and all we have left is Now.”

ii. Disagreeing with culture in the right way leads to greater heights

Based on how Jonathan Livingston Seagull adhere to, he decided to concur to culture,’screeching and fighting.on the scraps of fish and bread’, but considered it ‘so pointless’. Going after his dream, he was required to “stand to center for shame” and was outcasted. But,he came back to become the jealousy of all.

iii. Self encouragement pays in times of trouble

According to the story, no one believes in Jonathan and in practicing, he crashed into the water,where different opposing thoughts flashed his mind. Sometimes, we tend to face situations like this. For example, when I left my low-paying job, I was working online and it really pays but my uncle goes widely against it on the basis of what I don’t know, but he later agreed when he heard the testimonies.

iv. To achieve uniqueness should be a goal

Jonathan Livingston Seagull thought he’s the only one that is really good and possess the skills until he met group of people who are alike. One shouldn’t allow this kind of thought but instead try to be more unique. When I started producing things, the praises of people seem to make feel high, until the time I see people making similar things. So, some should not think he’s the best, but work harder to be able to stand confident among the best.

v. Leadership starts with kindness

Jonathan Livingston Seagull has to learn kindness before he could start leading.

vi. There are no mountains anywhere except the one in one’s heart

Before Jonathan could develop his ability, he sees himself as limited, with time, he overcame his fears. But with the help of a mentor, he sees he’s the problem of himself. Only the mind limits one.

vii. Mentors are important in developing skills

As portrayed, mentors have gone far faced the troubles one is about to face and has derived the solution. They understand what a person is passing through and teaches according to experience.One other lesson I’ll like to add is boldness, “The Law said stay, Jonathan said go.” Full boldness has to be a goal if one will be seen as a leader.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, why?

These lessons will help me a lot because I have been discovering some of it but have not been in much practice. For example, in my trying to be different from the crowd, especially in financial aspect, various bad news and all seems to be discouraging. Instead these days, I will be learning of people who made it in a like manner and are far ahead of me.

Also, I’ll make my products attain the level of an high uniqueness. I won’t over believe in my ability or think my innovations get me ahead. Instead, I will constantly be innovating new things to get myself ahead.

The story really taught me that there are no mountain anywhere, so, I’ll try to change my mind set about where I see disabilities in myself. For example, in my knitting, I usually want to design my products for it to be really beautiful and it takes time, but now, I’ll set a goal of producing thousands in a month.
Lastly, kindness connotes leadership. I’ll start seeing the best in people rather than feeling of hatred for those who deeply offend me. This will be coupled with boldness. According to one of my life example, there are some places I don’t want to visit in my country; Nigeria, because of the people I didn’t want to go near to, because of their behaviors and deeds, but now, I am free to go anywhere and face anyone.

4.Quotes: Are there statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

There are some quotes that got my attention the most in the book. The first one is “You didn’t need faith to fly, you needed to understand flying.”

Based on my experience, people use to exchange religiosity for knowledge. Truly there are some things that doesn’t require prayer if only one has the knowledge. Not just hearing and knowing about things but a deeper understanding of some things.

“Even as it is been said, heavens help those who help themselves.”

God can not think for us, He can only open our eyes to some areas. We ourselves need to study, research and understand some things better.

The second one is, “Your whole body, from wingtip to wingtip,” Jonathan would say, other times, “is nothing more than your thought itself, in a form you can see.”

This quote portrayed the main theme of the story; limitation. One’s achievement starts from the mind. What one see him or herself to be is what he is.

“I am limited by nature.”

Seriously, the level of one’s education,, background, color or environment does not limit a man of vision. I think the main limitation is lack of self discovery.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas you disagree with and if so, why?

What seems to be unclear to me in the book is “heaven is not a place, and it is not a time.” I don’t understand if ‘heaven’ here is portrayed as a place of honor or otherwise. If not, I’ll totally disagree with the fact that there is no place called heaven. Heaven is the hope of believers and it is meant for rest after death. As been said in the book, “heaven is been perfect;”, I’d rather say, “perfection takes one to heaven.”

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are no exercises contained in this book for me to complete. Most of the task I want to embark on as I learnt in this book has been explained in question three.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I’ll like to comment that I love this book. The author has done a real good work on the research, composure and putting together the writ up. Everything is just so perfect and inspiring.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10


Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

“Psycho-cybernetics” seems a bit strange to me and in order to get what the book will talk about, I have to check the meaning. According to dictionary, psycho means a person suffering from psychosis’, while cybernetics means “the field of science concerned with the processes of communication and control!” But, while studying the book, Maxwell Maltz refers to cybernetics as the study of physical machines and mechanical principles. He also says cybernetics has to do with teleology such as the study of purpose; and the purpose of man is goal-striving. Moving further in the chapter, he defined the concept of psycho-cybernetics as When we conceive of the human brain and nervous system as a form of servo-mechanism, operating in accordance with Cybernetic principles, we gain a new insight into the why and wherefore of human behavior. I choose to call this new concept “Psycho-Cybernetics.”

So, I understand the topic to be the study of inner man, especially the brain in respect of his purpose (goal striving). As an introduction in psycho-cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz described his experience as a plastic surgeon; how changing people’s faces can turn some people’s lives around but doesn’t in other people’s lives. He later got that self image is the key to personality, the fastest road to achievement and living happy. The majorly in the book, the author treats personality and a way to achieve great personality in order to make more out of life.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Until one changes the old self image, things can not be accomplished

One has to change their thinking about ‘self’. Without this, positive thinking can not work. To act a new, there has to be a new self image. As further illustrated in chapter 3, the major way to have a good self image is to believe that God created us in his own image. Not even a superiority complex can achieve that.

ii. Imagination could downgrade one when others are not seeing one as that

The author used one of his patients experience to explain this. And according to this story, the imagination controls one’s choice of living. Explaining further in the chapter, he mentioned that the nervous system cannot differentiate between a real experience and an imagined experience. This is part of the reason people are easily duped, either by religious leaders or thugs.

iii. Mental picturing is not magic

This is the reason behind the saying that you can only achieve as far as you can see. Most successful people has both been using a consistent imagination practice full of mental pictures, because one must first see a thing before it can be achieved. I call it living one’s dream in imagination.

iv. One must be happy not because of a thing: the writer says if you are to be happy at all, you must be happy- period! Not because of’.

Happiness has been a conscious effort I have been trying to activate daily for some time past now, in fact, it has been like a case study to me, because I am learning how hard it seems sometimes and the things that debar it. Studying the happiness aspect of the book, I gained a lot. And now, it seems easy for me.

v. Feeling hurt is totally based on our response: this means we can either choose to be hurt and respond aggressively or look it off.

To me, looking at off save us lots of things especially in our health aspect and it helps gain respect and to live maturely.

vi. Willingness is the soul of winning feeling

Learning this work like magic in my sales. I’ve prayed at midnight and I woke up having that strong feeling that I’m going to make lots of sales that day and truly it was like magic.

vii. Less stress leads to more life: old age can be achieved if one doesn’t overstress himself, but involve in more activity. Though, been lazy, keeping to self and likes can make one age quickly.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a particular way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Now that I have gotten that self image is the first key, and through reading the book I’ve learnt the ways to see myself acceptable to myself. I have practically change my self view since the book had point out the mistakes of my self image. This also gave way to easy positive thinking. Even, I think people around me must have been querying the book I get my information from because in public, I can’t contribute to matters without relating to lessons learnt in the book. I love the last chapter of the book! It teaches me about living with less stress. I’m a person that always like working, even sometimes till midnight. But most times I get sick, tired or emotional. As at now, I have gotten the keys to reduce stress and engage in activities.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got you attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Ideas are in the air.”

This quote reminded me of an idea I got a long time ago. I call it a vision because it happened in the day. It was about how to make a ready make up face like material which can be worn anytime of the day. I saw the image and the purpose within seconds. I considered it a technology work that only the scientists would know how to make, but now, I realized it was an idea flying in the air. Possibly, another would have caught the idea.

“The reason some people are self-conscious and awkward in social situations is simply that they are too consciously concerned, too anxious, to do the right thing. They are painfully conscious of every move they make. Every action is thought-out. Every word spoken is calculated for its effect. We speak of such persons as inhibited and rightly so.”

The paragraph was as if speaking exactly to me. Reading further, I learned the five rules of behaving freely which has really helped me now.

“But how can a person draw upon memories of past successful experiences when he has experienced only failure?”

This gave me a real answer to my long searched challenge, sometimes of the day behaving immature, I discovered it is to cover up my sad mind of being inferior, because I see most people as if better than me in terms of achievement, confidence and lots. Getting it now, I realized that I was doing this to remain happy because I didn’t get the solution to making it and everyone seems like an achiever; according to my thoughts. Now, I discovered ways to change the image instead of trying to live older.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

No, all are clear and understandable.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are lots of exercises in the chapters. Till now, I couldn’t complete all the exercises but have done more than half of it. It is really beneficial. For example, I do find it so difficult to sleep in the past but through the imagination sleeping exercise, I fall asleep easily. On page 185, there’s an exercise that requires me to act before thinking, I’ve been practicing that. Another exercise is living one’s dream in imagination. I discovered I have not been imagining the possibility of my goal. Imaging it now, I became more serious about achieving it. Another is forming a positive aggressive attitude. Also, there’s a twenty one day practice of which we say eight thongs to ourselves. I did it for some days.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on what was not covered in the previous question? If so, please comment.

I’ll like to say the book is a very good one. It covers all the aspects from changing one’s view about self to living a worry free life with everyday full of happiness. It’s really inspirational. It’s loaded with each point having reference book for further study. I love how the writer proved each point scientifically.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Keys to Success
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Keys to Success is a book that reveals the major seventeen keys to success. As an introduction to the keys, the author explained the first key as knowing and working towards the definiteness of our purpose, which is seeing one’s purpose as the first thing needed in achieving a goal, which makes success. The next key talks about establishing a mastermind alliance and how to create a mastermind alliance with people, personally and with a spouse.

The third key talks about assembling an attractive personality. Under this, twenty-five aspects to change our personality was discussed. The fourth key of faith and the next on going extra mile; by doing more than expected. Creating a personal initiative was the next to be explained. Really expository, the seventh key talks about building a positive mental attitude (PMA). The eighth exposes the benefits of controlling one’s enthusiasm. Also taught was self-discipline, thinking accurately, controlling one’s attention and so on.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Until wish become a burning desire, success can hardly be achieved

When reading page 2, I learnt about this, and my mind strolled to I joined the choiristers but have no covered shoe to wear on Sundays. Immediately I woke up on Saturday morning, I made a shoe despite all the challenges (I haven’t try a real one before except for knitted shoes). Within two Saturdays, I made 3 shoes, one with lace, high heeled and knitted(flat). People didn’t believe I made it, almost out of nothing. They thought I bought the first two because it was perfect. Getting it now, the desire to achieve it lead to the success. When thinking about funding one’s business too, as he later explained, the burning desire will provide way, because the means or ideas will come.

ii. Insincerity doesn’t only mean unfaithfulness

I learned that one must be sincere in speech, not always agreeing with the other person’s point of view. One must be sincere to say his thoughts, research and all, though peaceably. I kept this lesson because I usually agree with people sometimes, because I don’t like argument or quarrel.

iii. Faith opens way to indefinite intelligence

Before I do classify faith related things to the religious aspects. In contrast, studying it further in this book, I love the way the author explained it all, how it affects our heart and thinking and how applied faith completes it all. Seriously, indefinite intelligence belongs to only one supernatural being that ever exist. You know, if an old man lives hundred years, he will be considered wise, but for a supernatural being to live for uncountable years, I totally agree that committing all one’s success to His hands through faith can make all the difference.

iv. There is a difference between imitating success and achieving it: many, out of fear of criticism, they imitate success.

Trying to live in the paths of another’s success. Buy cars used by rich men etc. This can cripple the skill of creativity in a person and deny one the ability to stand out. Also, one will constantly be exposed, either bragging or not and one’s success will be limited.

v. Egos are not to be left wide open for anyone to pollute it with thoughts of fear and worry

I really get this as a lesson. It happened to me that I was about to embark on a project but I need helping hands, both in person and financially. The first person I met totally discouraged me that it killed my burning passion.

vi. Little work could make a living if one has the right mentality

The story told on chapter twelve of the book about a boy shinning shoe really made me thought of it again. How little amount could result in great savings and achievements if one could manage it well.

vii. Handling time

Under this topic, I learnt the essential principles of managing time well. For example, spare time are not meant for work. I like the aspect that disapproves working towards production during sleeping hours, because it speaks to me as if directly.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Instead of searching for resources, I’ll rather allow my burning passion to sort it out. Now, I know that the more one exercises one’s passion for a thing, the more it develops. Also, I’ll be checking my definiteness of purpose daily, recording the progress and planning on how it will move forward.

In my studies, I learned much about applied faith. I will practice applying faith; in prayers, believing I’ve received what I ask and expressing thanks to the indefinite intelligence, as it can help my mind and increase our positive mental attitude too. As directly as it might seem, I’ve learnt how to protect my inner ego, plans, projects I thought finding an alliance will help a lot but I learnt that in finding an alliance, one has to look for people with likely hearts. Without this type of people, I won’t reveal my plans anyhow, to avoid negative advice. Also, I’ll follow the pattern of division of time these days, as I’ve planned how to spend my time for work, rest and relaxation. I won’t overwork till midnight again.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

A quote that first got my attention was “Successful people make decisions quickly and firmly. Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly, and then change them often.”

The reason it got my attention was that it reminded me of the two decisions I’ve been striving in between and to firmly choose one has been a big challenge considering find. According to his next point, I learnt ways to make a decision and stand by it.

“If you resent poverty and are determined to be rid of it, analyze yourself fully for the signs of this fear.”

Now, I understand some reasons behind some of my unappealing behaviors I’ve been trying to avoid, even behind my sometimes fear and doubts in prayers for business.

This quote sounds a bit funny, but it’s really true, “for whatever you fear will follow you around like a puppy.”

Reading this made me forget a particular issue that has been bothering my mind, because I don’t want it to happen, I’ve been trying to plan but instead, regrets approached.

Another quote is on page 97, the last requirement of joining the two percent club, “prayer brings the best results when you have sufficient faith to see yourself already in possession of the things you are praying for.”

I love this quote because I’m going to start practicing it to the extent I can get to.

“This happened because Jones was forced by adversity to turn to a resource he had never really used: his mind.”

When faced by difficulties most time, the mind becomes brightened with ideas, thoughts that are hardly gotten on a normal day. Most of this ideas doesn’t come to be compromised, but bold, with the inspiration to begin almost immediately. Noticing it under this story (the narrated story), I see when one has an help, the person seems relaxed and ideas don’t come easily, if it comes, the burning desire to start achieving it immediately won’t be there. But when one is faced with life issues, lots of ideas with the passion to start will approach.

“You don’t really want continuous happiness, for then your happiness will seem dull.”

Truly, I’ve never thought of it. It makes me see that too much of everything can turn bad.

“Indefinite intelligence,” this phrase is used throughout the book.

It catches my attention each time I meet it in the book. It explained another newly discovered fact about God to me. It expatiates the reason why I should totally trust God for ideas, wisdom, power to receive and achieve and lots.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so why?

Apart from this, I totally agree with the topics, points and explanations. I got confused by one of the points I read in the book because in the previous book I read, psycho-cybernetics, it was explained that we should act before thinking, to avoid been inhibited, but in chapter nine of this book, it was said that in order to control one’s emotions, we have to learn to think before acting. It is a bit confusing, because since I have read that aspect in psycho-cybernetics, I have been trying to act freely.

Apart from this, I totally agree with the topics, points and explanations.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Keys to Success has no exercises for the reader to perform or complete. Though, the last chapter left one or two lines at the end of each topic review for the reader to jot his or her decisions on, but, that has been done in my book as soon as I am through with a chapter. As to this, I really can’t say there are exercises left to perform.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Keys to Success is a book of broad ideas on shaping one’s life to be successful. Really explainatory and easy to understand. Though, some parts of the book reveal the write-up age, but thank God for the modification, it was understandable.

I love one of the author’s teaching method; he insinuates most of his points again and again. Reading the book just once, the reader must have read each point like two to three times, making it unforgettable. The last chapter reviewing all the points again is really lovely. It hammers the major points to one’s mind again. I love the way it brings together both the physical and spiritual aspects of making success. Full illustrations; the told stories explains it all.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in this book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey is achieving success through a positive mental attitude. As mentioned in page 15, Success through a PMA was written to instruct one on what to do and how to behave when it comes to using the power of the subconscious mind. As the title implies, it deals with four major things; being positive mentally and how it affects our attitude in order to have success. The author compares the result of negative and positive attitude, in relation to the old saying.

As an introductory, the book makes the reader realize the two sets of personalities they have; they can live worse and manage life through NMA and they can be the most important living person through a positive mental attitude.Insinuating more on this idea, it was written that “there is no other known method by which you may keep your mind positive.”

The author is also trying to make one see that there’s an easy short cut to success, and PMA is the answer. He expanded more on this through examples and proofs.
The author also mentioned that another issue to be considered to make a success is getting satisfied with one’s job. Also, motivating oneself and others also leads to success. He kept insinuating on a point to be used daily if success is to be achieved “Do it Now” and lots of points of such. But all these things depends on a PMA.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List the seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Man’s greatest power lies in the power of prayer:

Though, the book majors on a mental change, it also acknowledges how spiritual controls things and change situations. I love the example of prayer SB Fuller prayed, it’s short and full, and even full of faith, it gave a quick turnaround in less than an hour.

ii. Adversities are opportunities in disguise sometimes

As been read in the earlier books, the outcome of a situation depends on how one view it. Success in negative situations most times speak louder than the one achieved normally. Example is Tom Dempsey goal.

iii. There’s a relationship between adversity, greatness, success, achiever and prayer

All these form a universal principles in self-motivation form. Though all seems similar but are totally different.

iv. Blames and regrets are the results of NMA

It’s easy to push blames on people, situations and occurrences and easily regret situations, the author said it shows life has given one a great deal, and NMA is holding them down like been handicapped. He later said, “if a man is right, his world will be right’ because he’ll neglect regrets and start to change his unhappy world in his mind.”

v. Proving people wrong repels them rather than attract them

Instead of nagging, one should look inward and correct the errors before accusing others. A person trying to be right can’t see his own mistakes and will see many as bad or wicked.

vi. One can live a healthy life with frequently repeated affirmations

It speaks to one’s belief and control one’s posture. Also, what one believe is what one will have.

vii. The easiest shortcut to wealth is PMA

Unlike the wordly methods, in PMA, there is a purpose, work, pursuit of vision etc. The reason I see it as a shortcut is because when one doesn’t achieve result, the journey will seem very long and tiring with lots of experiences gained through hard situations. In contrast, having a constructed PMA can cut the long journey short.
Other lessons are:
It is important to be both nearsighted and farsighted as the lack of one may be a problem on the way to success. The secret to getting things done is “Do it Now.” It’s a real fact that inspiration hardly wait long enough if not acted upon quickly. I’ve lost lots of it due to not quickly paying attention to the brief/silent ones

3. How will these ideas help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world? If so, how?

I’ll keep in mind that success is achieved by those who try with PMA and maintained by those who keep trying with This idea will keep me consistent in seeing positivity in things and disallow depression and discouragement by circumstances.

It’s easy to think right remembering that if tens of millions of sperm cells couldn’t win the race before I was born, then, how many millions of people, thoughts or situation should keep me down? ‘Victory is built in to every living person’, I’ll always keep this in mind, it’s a great reminder of positivity and happiness.

Another idea is that I’ll like to dress like a big CEO one day and have it crammed into a large picture. I’ll place it in my shop that it will daily remind me of what I am yet to achieve.
One’s body might be incapacitated, but the mind never will so, I will keep using my mind searching for answers. I’ll be very conscious to add the self-starter “Do it Now” to my habits. I love the chart Franklin drew on page 265, I’ve been thinking on a chart that could check the progress of my actions and how far I improve or fall. To me, the chart is a perfect one I’ll copy.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Anything in life worth having is worth working forl.”

This quote got my attention because of the extra work and risks I’m taking these days in order to fund my vision.

“We are poor, not because of God.”

Immediately I read this, I remembered the Christian book I read trying to convince the reader that having money on earth will deny one getting saved. In contrast, I attend a church were prosperity through godliness was preached. But, reading this line, lots of beliefs and my most cherished prayer points flashed my mind why some related topics I have read contrasted it.

“I asked God to lead me to a person who would let me have ten thousand dollars in time.”

This shows the importance of asking God for direction. It shows how immediate a prayer can turn to a testimony and the principles of a short detailed prayer coupled with determination.

“Do you want to make one thousand dollars?”

It’s a show of boldness, planned action backed by prayer. This supports the saying that heavens help those who help themselves.

“Don’t let your mental attitude make you a has-been.”

The solution is to be consistent in positivity.

“When you are faced with a serious problem, or decision, ask your picture a question. Listen for the answer.”

Truly, pictures sometimes bring faith. I wouldn’t forget how secured I felt putting my Bishop’s picture in my shop during the periods I had a shop in a complex where thieves ravaged almost daily. How happy and positive will I be if it is mine? Sometimes having a quiet time with my picture?

“Around the world on $80.00, this was an amazing achievement.”

Money is not a problem for achievement, only NMA is.

“Life never leave us stranded. If life hands us a problem, it hands us also the abilities with which to meet the problem.”

Like the Bible said, we won’t be tempted more than we can bear. But most abilities can be seen and used through PMA. An angry man can’t realize that.

“Necessity is the mother of invention and the father of crime.”

I have been faced with such situation before of which I didn’t use necessity as an excuse, so I know necessity can’t force one to do bad if it’s not in one’s mind before.

“Have the courage to face the truth.”

Most times, people lie because they don’t have the courage to face the truth or are afraid of punishment.

I can say that “autosuggestion” controls our actions and behavior. It determines our belief and when it works, nothing both mentally and emotionally disturbs it. For example, if a doctor ask one to use a drug, one will immediately and totally believe in the drug.

“We are a little bit afraid of our ideas when they first occur to us.”

Truly, these happen. New and strange ideas calls for more curiosity and it’s hardly seen as precious. This is the reason one find it hard to believe in oneself.

“To be enthusiastic ACT enthusiastic.” I love this quote. According to how Williams James buttress the point, emotions truly subject one to action and not reason. But,most times, self or auto suggestion (such as what one has stored in the brain] determines the action one will take in reaction to a situation).

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about,or are there ideas you disagree with and if so, why?

One of the aspect I don’t personally agree with is the part that advices reader to use other people’s money to start a business. Borrowing money has never been my style. It puts me in a very hard condition that I will pay back after lots of heart aches and lots. Now, no matter the situation, I save or manage what I have.

Another aspect is developing satisfaction for the job one does. Truly, I agree with this, but, knitting has always been my work of joy, natural happiness. If I make sales or not, I’ll just be happy, as if I’m achieving my goals bit by bit. I’ve tried been happy like this for most of my other jobs(especially when I try to make ends meet doing another thing), but it all seems the same. I mean, I usually long for knitting as a job. So, I partly agree with that point, as one can be happy with a job but not feel satisfied from within.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are several exercises for the reader to complete, some of them are:
On page 34, there is a self-question written there, “how can I develop the right mental attitude?” In order to answer this, I began writing the negative thoughts that comes to my mind each day and how I attack it. Also, it was asked if I will search to find out how to develop positive mental attitude as I read this book of which I did.
A question also goes on page 55 if I have memorized the seventeen success principles, I’m trying to as I have not memorized them all.
Another exercise is on page 170, it states that I should copy the Benjamin Franklin’s chart of which I’ve done before getting to the exercise. Lots of clauses to be said daily are also in the book, for success and to achieve an easy positive self-suggestion.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I love IIGL. In fact, the school has been a great blessing to me. Even my jotting note has always been a source of joy because reading it again, I see lots of things that had changed in my life, especially the personal experiences I included, it reveals my past and it gives me so much happiness.
Going through my assessment answers again, I discovered success through positive mental attitude is an indirect continuation/study of “As a Man Thinketh.” Most points not included in the formal are thoroughly explained in this book.

Just like OG Mandino’s comment, advice and testimonies, the book is a kind that can turn a penniless person to a real changed one through the turn in one’s thinking.

The first chapter I read in the book got me thinking for days, when I read that “we are poor- not because of God. We are poor because… one in our family has ever develop a desire to be anything else.” Though, I don’t know why the quote specially got my attention so much.

As a great reminder and a further learning, the book speaks of the seventeen principles to success.
Specially, I love the illustrations in the book, it’s an unforgettable one that knocks the lessons more on the reader’s mind. One part I can’t forget in the book is the self suggestion and the auto-suggestion aspect. Most actions I take this days, I check the reasons behind it.

I must not forget to say a true PMA sometimes requires wisdom and it leads to happiness. It happened to me that the issues that get me sad for a day or two (though now, I return to the happiness part in Psychocybernetics if I face situations I find not easy to handle), now, I get over it immediately with ideas to get people amazed flashing my mind.

Please rate the following questions on a scale 1-10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

How to Win Friends and Influence People
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1.What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Dale Carnegie, the author of how to win friends and influence people, wrote this book in six parts;a total way of positively dealing with people in favor of us. As the mission of the book written in page three, it was said that the book was written to be used as a textbook for human relations. As the rule of business takes, people who has to make it in business, earn more, has to know the rules in controlling people’s actions and thoughts. Even to be successful in marriage such as dealing with one’s spouse, the common mistakes, the misbehaviors and principles general to every marriage was discussed. These rules are referred to as principles. As mentioned in page eight, the book is to make one ‘equipped to meet life’s situations. After the introduction, the possible ways to ‘get most out of the book’ was also suggested. The author wrote this book to make one think and act anew in handling people by explaining rules and giving various examples of legends’ actions and results of their behavior. He makes one see there’s no impossibility in making difficult people, even thugs, to obey one easily. He also emphasized the importance of memorizing people’s names.

Other than making people like us, he explained how to make immediate friends with people that ought to be in bad blood with us even at our approach. Knocking it harder,he gave various examples. According to introductory part, the book was written to settle troubled homes and allow readers learn in a short time what they may have been trying to learn for years.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Criticism is dangerous

As said in the first chapter, criticism hurts a person’s pride and most wounded people don’t see the reason behind the criticism but wiils to retaliate back. Everybody has a sense of pride, even little children do. An example of Lincoln and his general was made. But instead of been furious at him,a solution of how the other person will love to do his will willingly was discussed.

ii. Other not to Crticise in Leadership nine Principles has to be Fulfilled

Giving honest appreciations and not demanding. If one must point out a mistake, one has to call people’s attention to their mistakes indirectly e.g telling a story that relates to it. But, before a direct criticism, point out your own mistake first. Don’t disgrace, ask questions and let the other person give suggestions of what you will like he/her to do instead of giving order.
iii. Don’t Argue
You may know a thing vividly, if the other person lose in the argument, his pride will be lowered and will feel the shame. And there’s no glory in winning an argument. But, if one listens well,there might be a bit truth in what the other person is saying. If correction must be made, the other party can be met personally. But, one should avoid argument.

iv. Think of Others first before Starting a Conversation

Everyone is interested in him/herself and in things that benefit them. In giving orders, making friends or demanding, a leader must say it in a way that will seem as if it is in the benefit of the other party.

v. Nagging is the Deadliest

Anyone who will make it in marriage has to avoid nagging as it destroys like the bite of a king cobra, instead, one should love. A spouse shouldn’t try to interfere with the ways of which his/her partner takes to be happy, but adapt to each other ways of life.

vi. Giving Honest Application

Appreciation may be good and everyone seems to be exalted but false or made up appreciations seems to be flattery and don’t work out. But, a thought-over one and an honest one can change the other person’s behavior and beliefs immediately, and it’s the kind of appreciation everyone desires.

vii. Make People like You; You Must Follow Six Principles

Out of the six principles, I love the aspect of smiling, listening and making the person feel important. These days, I love to talk about themselves first i.e putting my problems behind me and listening to other people.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These ideas are great. Actually, it had helped me to be bold in making friends outside;people I’ve never met never met before. I think this will greatly help me in business. Previously, I’m bad in allowing people interfere in my affairs and I don’t think about people around me order than my family talkless of reminding their problems. I only know about mine. Also, I hate criticizing people but are sometimes not avoidable. But these days, I will follow the alternatives provided by the book in avoiding it.
Another lesson is how to give an honest appreciation and not just flatter, to do this, one has to be observant and think about the mode of appreciation in order not to sound foolish.

Now found of me, I no longer argue, but, I notice the people who doesn’t accept my view later realize it and still practice the advice to get the result. In contrast, if I had argued, it won’t be understood talkless of them practising it. Finally on this question, I’ll like to state that this course had prepared me for the future, in terms of marriage. When I attain the position I aim for, I will easily manage business and family.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“But the person who has technical knowledge plus the ability to express ideas, to assume leadership, and to arouse enthusiasm that person is headed for higher earning power.”

I know this has to be my goal, so, I read further with solutions to attain the success of these aims.

“Criticism are like homing pigeons, they always return home.”

No one likes to be criticized, it blocks the reason behind the correction and builds resentment.

“There’s only one way under heaven to get anybody to do anything…. and that is by making the other person want to do it.”

That really calls for a real concentration. Before one decides to get the other person willing to do a thing, then one must perfect a plan or speech (as the case requires), to avoid promise and fail or after-thought. For example, I want to employ people and make them work for a long period before leaving, so, I planned out a retirement pay and how to make them trust in it.

“People who would think they had committed a crime if they let their families or employees go for six days without food; but they will let them go for sometimes sixty years without hearty appreciation.”

I was made to understand people crave for appreciation like food. But, it’s a bit hard to heartily appreciate daily, especially in the face of stress, disappointments, busy schedules and lots. But, I’ll increase the frequency of my appreciation.

“Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”

Truly, calling a person’s name especially after a long time or after a brief meeting will make the person feel important and be interested in anything one has to offer. But to do this, a small jotter or book will be taken along to meeting points, or recorded when at home, so as to remember people’s names.

“One thing I know, and that is that I know nothing.”

If one keep this in mind,one will argue less

“I judge people by their principles, not my own, this is a perfect way of showing respect to people even in criticism.”

I also love the principle that says, “get the other person saying yes, yes immediately.”

According to the Socratic method, instead of telling people they are wrong, one should ask a question or raise an option that the other person will give a yes, yes reply.

“He will tread softly goes far, as a matter of fact, anger, bitterness, fights etc can damage one’s health, happiness, ideas and success.”

But, correcting people in a soft tone, even most times winning will avoid all these, and leads to living long life in happiness.

“Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to, in being a leader, one must learn to appreciate the values he want to bring out of a person.”

“How to dig your marital grave in the quickest possible way, this sounds so funny and captivating. Concluded under this topic is that nagging is like the bite of a king cobra”.
These and many other quotes got my attention.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Reading how to win friends and influence people is very easy and interesting. From the knowledge of the text, I see it was written from a widely researched and accepted principles. For example, the legends’ examples and ways of succeeding facts taught are totally full of wisdom. So, I agree with all the ideas and the write-up are easy to understand.

6.Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are no definite exercises for the readers to complete, except for the ones I decide to give myself. Since there are so many principles to follow in the book, I decide to first read it for like five to six times, so as to memorize it vividly and get it rooted in my subconscious mind. Also, I want to write down most of the principles in an easy to see place {possibly not in a book, since I can’t mark it daily}. I believe getting these two things done will help me achieve the purpose of the book.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

If not for the years mentioned in the book, I wouldn’t have believe the book was written long ago. It teaches like a new composed book, for combating most of the viral vices facing the world today. It was like addressing in a summary the personal solutions everyone could possess to make the world a peaceful place for everyone to live. Moreover, I love the aspect teaching leaders about best practices of leading. Most of the principles comes with humility of which results in getting respect in return. You know, position or wealth most times calls for pride. Teaching about the total human’s life, I value the marriage principles. Many people prefer spending time in working places, clubs or with friends instead of going home. This does not only affect the elders but also give the children bad experience of which their future beliefs depends on. In general, the book teaches about new ways of thinking and acting; respecting people’s pride, making them feel important and through this, influencing their interests.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Awaken the Giant Within
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in the book is for readers to recognize there is a God-given power that lies deep within them that may never be discovered if not awaken. He talked about this power as “the power individual have to change virtually anything and everything in their lives in an instant.” This power is the power of decision, which is our unlimited birthright power, that brings joyous passion. The author said “I wrote this book to be an action guide- a textbook for increasing the quality of your life and the amount of enjoyment that you can pull from it.” Commenting about this book, he called it “a giant book that you can use to produce giant results.” He talked about various strategies like belief, will power, decision, value, rules, reference, identity and how to change your life in seven days etc which one can easily use to address the cause of any challenge and change it with the least amount of effort. As an introduction, he described how this power had turned his life around in a decade.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Different action produce different results: two people facing similar situations can end up differently if different actions are taken.

Our lives are controlled by our consistent actions and these actions starts with a decision. I often think that most of the legends are from the poor background but now I reason that decision made them that, because,there are many poor children who suffer poverty more than their parents.

ii. Human beings are not random creatures

Everything we do we do for a reason. There’s a force that differentiates between behaviors people offer, it’s “pain and pleasure.” One must learn how to use this two forces rather than it using us. For example, the fear of pain (loss) prevent many from taking certain actions. Also the easiest way to discourage a kid is to show him the consequences, he will see it as a pain not a pleasure.

iii. Culturally we associate negative ideas to instant change

This reminds me of a woman the story of her smiling when her mother was buried. Though, she had her reasons but culturally it’s not accepted. Viewing this does culture truly support a free idea? So, any conviction one has must follow it not minding anyone, as the author oppose ‘social proof’.

iv. The words we consistently select will shape your destiny

I see the reason affirmations are good. Not only that, thinking in the positive manner, assuring oneself can be a good tool for success.

v. When one is not clear about knowing his values, decisions will be hard to make.

Value is far more than what I love or see high, it’s more about what’s mostly important in one’s life. With this, I got most answers to the basic decisions I’ve been considering, even, I stopped some opportunities I want to consider before. Speaking further, I see that one may be an adult and still can’t stand on his values based on pressures of life.

vi. To have quality relationship with others communicate your rules.

It isn’t good to expect people to live by your uncommunicated rules as there will be constant disagreement but if they fulfill yours, prepare also to fulfill some of theirs.

vii. In order to make wealth, I have to spend less than I earn and invest the difference and reinvest the returns.

This lesson explained better how the ideas I was planning.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

These lessons will help me greatly in constant decision making as I have jotted down various topics discussed on decision making. Also, I realized that beliefs and some actions can determine one’s pain and pleasure. And, it can be turned around if one wishes. I can’t forget the aspect of value, anything I’m confused or not clear about a decision, I’ll check what value I have towards it and determine what I want. Even, I see that there are some ready decisions that value gives about issues arising most times, so I won’t need to think twice before knowing what to do.

This book will really help me to be back on feet even in disappointment as I will sit back and picture the scene again as a cartoon. This will help me gain instant joy. Very helpful is the part that describes entertaining the bad memories days like watching a movie over and over again. These days, when those memories come back, I immediately credit myself and the scenes stop coming. The true reason for happiness is not looking up to an expectation but deciding that no matter what happens, one will still enjoy the event or day. I will put this in mind in everything I do.

Again, I have learned how to earn another person’s reference through reading great books, though, I have always want to read many books before, but now, I will be more focused on the reference I adapt and use, meaning I will be mindful of the books I read. I also realized the invisible way of changing a behavior through seeing oneself anew, so I will be able to achieve a higher identity or image. As at now, I have composed a ready answer for “who am I.” A very good way of positively selling myself and raising people’s view of me.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“What a difference a decade can make.”

I’ve once taught about this with the job I was doing then because I have no savings, no time for myself and no opportunity to even apply for other works.

“I am living my dream.”

I agree there’s a difference between living one’s dream and been offered a gainful employment because, living one’s dream will bring out the passion to work better than spending money without satisfaction.

“I believe most people fail in life because they major on minor things.”

This calls for a personal check, what are the major things to major on and what are the minor things?

“Our beliefs are like unquestioned commands.”

Beliefs shape everything we do. There can be no change if our beliefs remain the same.

“Since repetition is the mother of skill”, the author wants readers to read the book again and again.”

“The most powerful way to change our lives is to get ourselves to take actions. time flies.”

Seriously reasoning with him, where will I be in a decade? I will surely arrive, but where? This calls for more seriousness and fervency in determination.

“We don’t have to allow the programming of our past control our present and future.”

This can occur through a reset in our decisions we will continue experiencing the same thing as of the past.

“That’s not been negative, that’s been accurate.”

I love this point as one ought to envisage the possible circumstances one might face plan towards it. But, if it fails, I’ll remember that there are no failures in life. There are only results, and good judgment is the result of experience.

“In order to succeed, you must have a long-term focus; decisions supporting the success of one’s dream must be constantly made in views of all odds.”

“Know that it is your decision and not your conditions that determine your destiny.”

This reminds me of what my formal pastor do say. He will ask what qualification do some leaders have. We should stop complaining and start taking actions.

“Pains become our friend, when we don’t get drawn in it but use it to turn our lives around.”

“They have converted the discomfort of discipline into the satisfaction of personal growth.”

There are some things people may see as pain but the doer can see it as pleasure if it has a purpose.

“Then why should you go back to the awful movies in your head on a regular basis?”

I love this aspect a lot, because, reading this, I remember the moments remembering some bad moments gave me sleepless nights and sometimes bad moods and lots. But, with this quote, I will see it all as watching a movie two times.

“Remember the most empowering rule is to enjoy yourself know matter what happens.”

Above all rules, I will put this on mind to achieve happiness.

“The power of reading a great book is that you start thinking like the author.”

This is absolutely true. Once I pick new things in a book, the ideas will be deposited in one’s mind for long and will change one or two behaviors in one’s life.

“Perhaps, your worst days have really been your best.”

This made me remember the days I had pains and I immediately wrote down the lessons learnt and from my notice, such mistakes don’t happen again.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There are some ideas or views I was first confused of but later I got most answers to most. Among them are: “when you truly decide you’ll never smoke cigarettes again, that’s it. It’s over.” I had a bit of doubts about this as steps that should back up the decision aren’t written here, but was later explained. Through this inspiration, I was enabled to overcome a long addition I’ve been trying to correct. Also I was a bit confused about the names of the author written in the two copies I had, “Tony and Anthony” and the different pictures placed on them. Browsing it out, I see it’s the same. I was glad sensing I won’t need to use dictionary for different words at first before I realized they are not known languages. Confusing me a bit, I had to check the previous copy I had and I see it’s an improvement made in the book. Apart from these, there are no particular ideas I’m confused about.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The first exercise found in this book was to write down four actions needed to be taken, but have been put off for long. Then, answer the questions “why haven’t I taken the action?” After this, write out the pleasures that have prevented me from taking the actions. Fourthly, I should write down what it will cost me if I don’t take action. And lastly is to write out the pleasures I’ll gain if I start taking steps. Another exercise was to stop reading and write both empowering and disempowering beliefs. I reason on some immediately before continuing reading. Another I consider as an exercise is the steps given to take to when a particular situation is disturbing one’s mind and instead of allowing it disturbing the peace of our minds, we should fulfill the personal steps.
On page 164, readers are asked to write down three words that they use and cause negative feelings and create alternative for it. Also on page 209-210, one was challenged to write one’s achievement on certain areas as from five years ago and what one’s expectation is in five years to come. Another exercise found in Chapter 16, on rules realignment which was immediately done before proceeding to the next chapter was the four questions to be answered on happiness. The rest of the exercises are mostly in the seven-day change chapter. All of it has been really helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Not really. I’ll just like to say the book is a great book and one that teaches in depth of the power of decision.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Creating your Path through Leadership
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Considering it more, the book with twenty-three chapters has more than one author. It has roughly around twenty-five authors all from IIGL community. Each author impacting various knowledge in his/her write-up. As a foreword, the IIGL founder, Michael Lightweaver narrated the challenge behind the idea of creating the institution. Deborah Rosen continued on how the institution was created. In Chapter 1, Felix Iziomoh spoke about his experience and achievements in the school. Noeline Kirabo continued the next chapter by teaching on strategies of becoming a leader. Next was Obinna Umeh who also shared the ten leadership lessons he learnt from IIGL. Just like Chapter 2, Ziyad R. Abdule also taught on leadership, it’s qualities and definition. From Rwanda, Charles Kabera explained how learning had helped him in becoming a leader. Also like him, Lawrence Afere, Bukundo Oyari, Emmanuel Iziomoh, Hattie Opondo, Kishor B. Barjacharya, Aisha Ibrahim, Vivian Muciri, Aloys Hakizimana also shared their experiences and the impacts IIGL had on them.

Different from this is Mark Maxwell, who threw light on happiness, Erick Omari who shared his experience on how positivity and leadership had helped him change his society. Solomon O’chucks Nwokoro who spoke on the power of imagination, Okpe Emmanuel who shed light on the concept of “Creative Leadership” and its features. Ayooade Anthony shared another view of leadership through volunteering; a selfless service satisfaction. Rattherford Mwaruta spoke on conflict resolution and Osayi Ujunwa taught on decision making, Julliete Alyce Engole on amplified significance. As a close, Lynne Murguia and Kathleen Oweegon expressed their ideas on how supporting Michael Lightweaver in creating IIGL has been a blessing.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use the personal examples from your own life.

i. IIGL was created for people to read and lead.

Michael Lightweaver expressed this as a mission.

ii. There’s a self empowerment job opportunities for the course: possibly, leadership is not a course to be employed for like the institution certificates.

I’m really amazed with the ways the authors discovered their inbuilt abilities through the assessment and reading. For example, Felix Iziomoh mastered the art of writing which now resulted in blogging, books production etc. Another is Juliette Alyce Engole (Uganda) who spoke about discovering her potentials and purpose during the study, and has become a personal development consultant.
iii. Most institutions taught us to study to get the idea, read and pass before trying to practice it on field, IIGL teaches us to be impacted and change from within.

Most speakers testified based on the fact that it had worked in their lives, I don’t think one can barely remember the inner impacts a school curriculum have on one’s life like this. Though, it’s the foundation for most of our learnings, I learned the one that truly changes one from the inside has greater impact.

iv. Maximizing the gift in challenges: the book shares a lot of testimonies on how to turn one’s challenge to a blessing.

The founder spoke about how a peer talk brought about the discovery that has now impacted lots of lives. Charles also said “I no longer fear failure because I know that every failure or defeat bears within it the seed of success.” Erick Omari expressly spoke on how to maximize the gift in every challenge one sees.

v. The greater one’s challenge is, the greater the opportunity to grow.

I love the write-ups of Erick Omari from Kenya and Ratherford Mwaruta (Zimbabwe). They studied the challenges, built their styles and became a mastered leader. It happened to me sometimes ago, I had to study the challenges facing my street area and I discovered six of which was a major problem which I can work towards in providing a solution to if I wish, though, it doesn’t agree with my now-visions. But, the more the problem, the higher the chance.

vi. Errors of having an unprepared leader in the topmost position can ruin lives of many.

Emmanuel Iziomoh really presented the case in a way that caught my attention. many have become leaders by chance or influence, having no particular vision or goal, not even a strategy to attain it. Most beliefs are based on “get there and take your share of the national cake.” These unvisioned leaders rule us the most, and mostly are not concerned with people’s sufferings and complains. In contrast, if these people have a foundation like this, at least, been trained in an institution like this, it would have made a bit difference if not a big one. To me, this calls for encouraging more people taking part in a course as this, because no one knows where and at what stage a non recognized person might begin to dictate one’s affairs.

vii. There’s no success ground for anyone, success is everywhere, only that it’s inbuilt and can be tapped into.

Most people believe in moving abroad for success, achievement and lots. Though, it’s not bad, but as earlier said, the more the challenges, the more the opportunities of making it. One’s vision can be wide and innovative in a place full of difficulties. Examples in Africa, there are lots of innovations yet to be discovered. I believe moving abroad should be for fun, learning etc sake, because, there’s a glory to be achieved in Africa.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

There are lots of lessons learnt from this reading. It will really help me in a vast way. Firstly, I appreciate the idea of Ethelbert Obinna Umeh (Nigeria) who finished his studies in three years. I’ll look at this as a example to be more serious and fast in my studies. Not only that, I’ll love to have a convincing achievement to tell at the end of the studies. Secondly, I like the quotes of some of the authors, meaning they kept it in mind and possibly reviewing it constantly. I’ll also put it in mind to review my quotes and learnings, so to have a great story to tell like them. Again, as I have learned, I’ll try as much as I can to get people enrolled to this institution to learn leadership, as it would build qualities in our potential leaders tomorrow. Learning from the teachings of the authors, I learned more about mentorship and happiness. I’ll find a mentor, because I don’t have one till now. As I have been working towards, I’ll continue in searching for how the designers and forerunners I would like to copy their business styles made it.
Personally, I see that the more the challenge, the more the opportunities of climbing heights, there’s no special land for success. My passion to make things work in my country has broadened the more, as I will like to work for the development of my area.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“I learned that the Universe operates in accord with our individual and collective beliefs and attitudes.”

This serves as a reason why the learnings can impact everyone in the same way.

“When we are among the trees it is hard to see the forest.”

Truly, when in suffering, it’s hard to be positive or see opportunities.

“Circumstances are essentially neutral. It is our beliefs and attitude that give them meaning.”

I’ve learned ways and insights on this topic in my previous books and now, it has totally change my belief.

“The inner resolve to make a difference is what distinguishes average leaders from transformational leaders.”

This quote teaches more on the idea of changing oneself from within if leadership is to be achieved.

“In my earlier stages of leadership development, I admired certain leaders to the extent of wanting to be their photocopy, it talks about uniqueness.”

Even in following a leader or mentor, one should still maintain his/her own uniqueness.

“A leader without values is a leader without morals.”

Speaking more on the importance of values, a recent learning I’m still working on.

“I joined IIGL as a student in 2013 and graduated in 2016, thereby becoming the fastest graduate in the history of the institution.”

I can’t forget this as I’ll like to tell a kind of history like this.

“The 3Ps, People, Planet and Profit.”

I’m glad to learn about the 3Ps of an entrepreneur, not of a local one but of one that thinks globally.

“The moment you start living life for yourself with all the perfections and imperfections you begin a journey of true happiness.”

This quote summaries the topic on happiness.

“If a rose smells better than a cabbage, it doesn’t mean the rose can make a better stew, don’t try to compare yourself too much to other, still talking about uniqueness.”

Truly no one is useless, only if one is aware of one’s qualities. Even the highly regarded people don’t have all the abilities.

“Ants reject the salt and carry away only the sugar. Select the right people in life and make your life better and sweeter.”

This reminds me of the say that when wrong people leaves one’s life, wrong things stop happening. If ants know how to choose the best things, I should also know how to select the best things, especially humans.

“Doubters will see you walking on water and say its because you cannot swim. Even if you dance on water your enemies will accuse you of raising dust. Make it your ambition to live a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands.”

This quote teaches me about not trying to satisfy anyone more than one’s will.

“And don’t ever wrestle with pigs; you will both get dirty, but the pigs will enjoy it.”

Truly, it’s good to avoid evil appearance and maintain a high self-esteem as some will try to bring another down to their own dirt.

“Do not underestimate the stupidity of one person.”

The world may suffer through this and one won’t be exempted.

“Creative leadership is taking centre stage in world affairs and replacing its authoritative predecessor by emphasizing the importance of creative skills in leadership.”

This quote made me stop reading and viewing the roles of the world ruling financial leaders, they are not interested in politics or political affairs but control the world economy.

“The majority of people live in conditions that Americans would call dire poverty, most having only primitive if any plumbing in their homes, and where the electricity, if people even have any in their homes, goes out often, unpredictably, and for unpredictable lengths of time.”

“This area opened my reasoning to the view of someone coming from abroad and relating her known experience to what we call normal life.”

This is an eye opener that much has to be done in Nigeria.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The whole book is very easy to understand. It’s full of instincts and lessons. I understand it all and also agree with all the lessons.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No, the book does not contain any exercise. Only lessons to be learned.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I’m so much impressed reading the testimonies and the insights taught by the authors, seeing I’ve not been able to meet most of them. This book gave me more knowledge about the people in the IIGL community, names of those in post and mission and vision of the institution. This is a challenge to me too, because what will I testify about if I were in their position?

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Maximum Achievement
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1.What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author is trying to convey in his book is for readers to be aware of the wonders that lies in the subconscious mind and know everything about goals. For readers to live an awesome life, he wrote various laws which he called the success systems. He refers to this as “a combination lock, only with more numbers,” of which if it’s used well can turn one’s life around in the least period. As an introduction, he explained the challenges that led to his curiosity about why some salesmen made it more than others. Through seminars, studies, books and audio tapes, he got to know the secrets of ages, that many unsuccessful people look for outside of themselves. This includes the seven principles of success; achieving peace of mind no matter what, health and energy, having a loving relationship, financial freedom, having a clear sense of direction through worthy goals and ideas, knowing oneself fully well and having a personal achievement.
Continuing in the second chapter, he explained through illustration that the book is like an instruction manual designed for readers to know how to get most out of themselves. For example, he gave seven mental laws and an additional three mental laws. He explained self concept, master system; the conscious and the subconscious system. Another is the master skill, which teaches about goals. Next was the master power where he explained the advantages of tapping into the subconscious mind. To teach more about human life, he also teaches about parenting.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. You have to determine what success means to you: as the author said, no one can achieve what he does not see.

“You can’t accomplish wonderful things with your life if you have no idea of what they are. You must first become absolutely clear about what you want if you are serious about unlocking the extraordinary power that lies within you.” This goal must deal with happiness, what can bring total joy, it doesn’t have to be acceptable to anyone else. It must cover the aspect of financial freedom, as most things that disturbs peace of mind are based on it. And it also has to be like a turn around for the past mistakes or undone things that had allowed one to be on the same point. Through this, I see success means different things to different people, for example, success may mean gaining employment for a person and becoming a millionaire for another.

ii. There are many prophecies that will never come to fulfillment if one does not follow the right mental law.

I see the reason why a prophecy will be made in the church and some will greatly benefit from it while some will never have a bit experience. This made me remember the conviction I got from a vision that if I can go somewhere, I will really make wealth there. Getting there, it was as if it’s fake. But now, I realized the mental laws that limited the fulfillment ; the law of expectation especially. If I had follow the law, people would have call me lucky, not knowing there’s nothing called luck.

iii. “The only good thing about fear, if there is anything good, is that it is learned, and because of this, it can be unlearned.”

Fears as explained, has been developed before the age of six. Looking into one’s life, there are many sorts of fears; most of which the cause are unknown. I found it hard to absorb the fact that demons are powerless, they only operate on fears, the first time reading it, even though the topic was expressly explained. I had to read it again and again. All based on the old beliefs, but now, I will unlearn most of the fears.

iv. Success equals goals.

‘The ability to set goals and to make plans for their accomplishment is the master skill of success.” But, as he explained, setting an immediate high level of success can serve as a de-motivator for the subconscious mind.

v. A time when selfishness is gainful: in creating one’s goals; one must be perfectly selfish.

It must be your personal goal, not one made to satisfy others. It must be a personal and burning desire. Also, I believe in the art of writing goals down, because the four resolutions I wrote last year is still very fresh in my memory and I’ve not for once disobey it.

vi. Never compromise your peace of mind for anything: peace of mind should also be a goal to be daily achieved.

One should put it in mind and practice it on a daily basis.

vii. A parent must love him/herself and have a high self-esteem to bring up a child in the most fulfilling way.

A child is not a property, not to live up to the parent’s expectations, but to be fully loved, in order to bring the best out of the child. But, to love a child, a parent must first love himself fully, as one cannot give what he doesn’t have.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Seeing that it’s one’s goal that fuels a personal achievement, I’ll be more committed to working towards my goal, though not too hard on myself, so not to disturb happiness on a daily basis. But, in all things, situations or challenges, I will achieve a peace of mind, through cutting off the wrong people, things and ideas that disturb my joy. No one can give more than what he has, I’ll make myself happy first before trying to achieve that in others.

Now, I have a daily pattern I’ll be following, that will help in setting an expectation for my day. Another is that I’ll be using the affirmation techniques, especially the written affirmation technique in the morning. A very gainful and unforgettable one I experienced was when I realized that I’m only praying and working to have good sales but I wasn’t releasing it in my inner mind. Possibly because it was handmade, beautiful and I’m always admiring it. I immediately set a goal of making surplus of the products, so that I will find it easy selling as many as possible.

Holding to a bad memory of the past is like an emotional sickness that has no cure until one identifies with it and let it go; I’ll try to look into the ones that I am possibly still holding on to and let it go. Also, I will try to the best of my ability not to hold on to any bad experience. I’ve learned ways to forgive people, especially difficult circumstances like one’s spouse, I’ll try the letter aspect. I’ll also like to put in mind that I won’t finish stories or talks when I’m interrupted, unless told to do so. These days, I’ll expend more love on my kid than before. Currently, I am using the goal-achieving system for dealing with the difficulties I’m facing on my way to achievement. Since I’ve been trying this, I’ve been getting little solutions and self-encouragement.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The fastest way is simply to stop talking and thinking about the problem and to start talking and thinking about the solution.”

I’ll keep this in mind because it’s a way of being positive and gaining peace of mind.

“Opportunities come dressed in work clothes.”

To realize some opportunities, one must look inward and most opportunities have to be worked for.

“You set another deadline.”

When reading the setting deadline part, my mind recalled the one I set and was yet to achieve, but reading this, I immediately think of another.

“One of the characteristics of superior men and women is that they can accept feedback and make course correction.”

I’ll keep this in mind in my productions, to accept feedback and make corrections.
Napoleon Hill referred to this power as “infinite intelligence.”

This reminds me of what fascinates me in my previous reading.

“Because you can never permanently achieve anything on the outside that you are not fully prepared for on the inside.”

This talks about preparation, goals and the internal dangers that might occur if one is not prepared. For example, winning a lottery without preparation, one can spend the money anyhow.

“It is almost as if your super conscious mind gives you a final test just before you arrive at your destination.”

This passage teaches me about what it requires to pass the final test before reaching one’s fulfillment; controlling one’s mind and having faith. Never seeing anything as a failure or thinking of quitting.

“We live in a universe that is governed by law; Nothing happens by chance.”

This disposes the fact of anything called luck. Sometimes, our subconscious mind guides us in a way people call the result luck.

“You can use your super conscious mind to find parking space.”

It seems a bit funny, but I’ll try too.

“Whenever God wants to send you a gift, he wraps it up in a problem.”

Problems lead to discoveries, achievements and miracles.

“The response, not the situation causes the stress.”

One can still decide to maintain a peace of mind in a difficult situation.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is really understandable, the only question I had in mind is that if one designs in the day and maybe when closing one’s eyes sometimes later, images of new and more fantastic designs are vividly seen, does it come from the subconscious mind or is it spiritual? Since chapter six explained that all inspiration and invention ideas come from the mind. And if possible it is from the subconscious mind, how can it be accessed more frequently?

6.Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
There are exercises to practice in every chapter. The first exercise is to decide clearly what would make you the happiest in everything you are doing. I’ve set this goal and written it down earlier. The next exercise was at the end of chapter 2,a thinking exercise and has been done before finishing the chapter. The next one was a behavior change in twenty one days and another on page 117, advising that I should use a whole day to talk about the things I want alone. I did this the second day and found that it’s easy to think of one’s goal often if one is working alone or idle. Another exercise at the end of chapter six is to sit down all alone for an hour and wait for ideas, I’m yet to do this.

There’s another in the middle of chapter seven; to write in a tabular form the list of persons and situations one has harbor a bad experience and write “I am responsible”, then, write ways out of it. The next was to write the names of people who offends us and think back to the situation and forgive the person (s). A personal exercise I engage in is memorizing the laws, though I have unconsciously known some.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Reading this book for the first time seems like reading the summary of a new idea, I’ll read it again and again. Reading it forward doesn’t seem easy as I read the topics needed no matter their page. But, I will like to have a copy of the book for easiness in reading it again and again.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author wants the readers to understand that there’s a success potential in them which can be easily achieved by setting goals and working towards its success daily. He explained this through the research done in Harvard business school. Most times people don’t set goals because many don’t know how, count it important, afraid of failure, or of rejection. He also makes it clear that to be happy in life requires goals. And whatever a man wants, he can get, if only he decides to pay the price to get it. Also, setting a goal starts with a burning desire for what’s to be achieved. He later explained the enemy of goal; negative emotions, and ways out. How to set clear and accurate goals is another major point vividly taught by the author. He explained in detailed form how to write out a goal in a way that will keep motivating one’s action. He insinuated on “blue sky thinking;” planning big, as if nothing will stop one. Going on in the book, he fully explained how to discover one’s true goals and how to work towards it.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. It is possible to use one’s whole life to seek success and probably make little or none.

According to the research made in Harvard business school, only three percent that has their goals written down and following them earns goodly and attain happiness. From the things I see around, many work till old age and achieve little or no success. Possibly because everyone is following the general part. I truly agree with this research because setting a goal; one won’t set a little expectation but a bigger one, and as soon as one achieve little, the energy to achieve the rest will be gained.

ii. Man’s greatest enemy is negative emotions: negative emotions gives man the bad virtues that will never allow him achieve success.

It is caused by four factors; justification, blame, rationalization and living up to the expectations of others. Once man conquer these feelings, he gets the good virtues that makes success easy to be achieved.

iii. The mind cannot work on a negative goal: this is the reason I must write my goals in a positive order such as “I earn more.” Also, a deadline must be set to achieve it.

iii. To hear the subconscious voice, a calm order has to be in place.

As the author explained, the super conscious mind operates best when one is in a mental state of calm, confident, relaxed expectation. One must let go of all cares and worries. This has to be achieved because the subconscious mind provides the energy to achieve the goal.

v. Be flexible

We live in a world of change, where information rules. In achieving a goal, one must be flexible to change and not be rigid in thinking. To do this, one must continue to acquire knowledge in one’s field, have a backup plan for every move, be open to new information.

vi. A-3 magic statement that can make the journey easier

These are: “I was wrong,” “I made a mistake” and “I changed my mind.”
It’s easier for people to agree with you when you humble your ego than when you are rigid, pointing out their mistakes and claiming right. Even change can cause one to change one’s plan when needed.

vii. Wealth comes from adding value

The author made me understand creativity is inborn and there is no problem I can not solve if only I can tap into my creative mind. Solving these problems is the foundation of wealth.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Lots of these ideas and lessons will help me a lot, even now, I wake up to set my daily goals every morning. It has been really helpful as I most times even realize some solutions I never thought of during the cause of the day. In the same manner, I also measure my progress. I make sure I refer to my written goals most of the time.
I also search online for new innovations in my area of expertise and I see lots are still unlearned; new innovations, ideas and ways to trade. Even these days, I discovered lots of organizations that wants to give grant that I have been searching for, for long.
I’ll always put it in mind to be using the three magic statements, lowering my ego and ready for change. Also, I’ll be having a second plan in case of imitation and competition.
I’m already practicing having a quiet time per day, especially the troubled days, to hear the subconscious voice.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Success is goals and all else is commentary.”

This catches my attention because a person can only be successful in what he aims to get.

“Average person with clear goals will run circles around a genius who is not sure what he or she really wants.”

This quote shed more light on the reason why some low background persons will make it and those who are born in wealth won’t even make a name.

“Double the amount of time that you spend face to face with qualified prospects.”

This means differentiating between prospects and spending more time with the qualified ones.

“If you decide to become financially independent, you will suddenly begin to notice all kinds of opportunities and possibilities around you.”

I consider this true because these days I am just seeing and hearing about lots of opportunities.
“What they did was to find out what they really enjoyed, and then they did more and more of it.”

For me, I enjoyed cooking and I make new recipes that people do commend on, and most times, especially when I am at home, I’m usually found in the kitchen but I didn’t have this as a vision. I didn’t even think of it as a job.

“Action without planning is the cause of every failure.”

This tells more if the importance of planning before taking any action.

“No plan is perfect the first time it is created. Most plans to accomplish something new will fail over and over again at the beginning.”

This quote gives me more confidence in my earlier abilities and gives me more peace of mind that I haven’t been a failure all these while.

I can’t forget the definition of intelligence provided in this book; “intelligence was most commonly defined as a way of acting.”

“No matter one’s grade, one can only choose to act intelligent at all times. An intelligent way of acting is anything that you do that is consistent with achieving the goals that you set for yourself.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There are no difficulties in the learning and I also agree with all the points. They are all well explained and easy to understand. Even it explains more of the points I learned in ‘maximum achievement’. Even answering the question I had in mind to ask the author if I had have the chance.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are no definite exercises for the readers to perform. Most of the ones I can count as exercise are the ‘stop and think or answer questions or ideas’ included at the end of the chapters. These are no real exercise to me as I read and stop to think about the lessons before ending the chapter. Though, I answered all the questions I didn’t have answers for before going on to the next chapter.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I really like the teachings. Also, I like how the author explained everything. The wise quotes too were really awesome. I value the quotes and referrals made to Napoleon Hill, most of the quotes used were my chosen quotes. The summary that ended the book caps it all.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



Nonviolent Communication
Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

In a world where selfish talks, opinions and actions prevail, the need to change our thinking, language and method of communication is needed. For example, the old method of punishment has created in many lots of condemnation thoughts which affects the way we talk. In the light of this, judgment, evaluation, criticism etc can only damage the other person’s feelings which can lead to violence or a feeling of being controlled. In such situation, the other party won’t be able to share his mind or needs.

Also in the word today, most people are not familiar with expressing their needs in an understandable way, instead they speak in unclear ways such as “you are too generous” for expressing “when I see you give out your lunch fee, I think you are too generous.” Secondly, they mix thinking with feelings. For example, “I feel unimportant to the people I work” instead of “I feel sad about how I think people are evaluating me.”

In other cases, some don’t even express their needs as they either blame themselves, accept the hard situation as their responsibility etc. But, this unexpressed feelings appears in their actions and says. Most of these communications blocks compassion leading to fight or make the hearers confused. Since these are the prevailing circumstances, the author Marshall B. Rosenberg corrects the vices and the wrong communications we usually make, so that in any situation, oppositions or actions we might receive from people, we will be able to recognize the needs behind the antagonist’s says and calm the situation and we ourselves will avoid making the errors.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Behind words of anger, there’s a need

Some don’t express their selves, they speak their hidden feelings in sad or hateful words. But in order to create a compassionate, respectful world, I need to recognize the reason behind the reason why the other person act the way he does or choose to speak some particular words.

ii. Positive Statements

Use positive statements to make a request: reading this aspect, I also realize many mistakes I’ve made making decisions of what I will not do again but never thought of what to do instead.

iii. Observing without evaluating

Evaluating often leads to criticism, condemnation and the other person’s defence words. It doesn’t mean weakness or dullness if one just express his observations without evaluating.

iv. There’s a difference between looking at people and being with them

When talking with people, if we are not listening to their inner expressions such as what they feel, observe, need or request, we will be only judging their request based on our theories and not emphatically.

v. We need to express our needs in clear language rather than using compound words.

For example telling a person you are thirsty may confuse the hearer of what to do but expressing clearly what you want will make it easy for the other person to respond.

vi. Fear of punishment

This often leads to a forceful obedience that diminishes our self esteem and goodwill. It doesn’t allow us to focus on our values. To me, fear of punishment diminishes gradually in children as they approach maturity. If the child didn’t understand the need behind the decree,he will detest it totally.

vii. An inner thoughts can be translated into NVC

Often some condemning words are heard in our heads and sometimes do lead to some feelings but if it can be translated into NVC such as “When a, I feel b, because I am needing c. Therefore I now would like d .” Then we will be able to liberate ourselves. This is also essential in decision making.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The lessons will help me in various ways. I’ll always keep in mind to first address the needs behind the other person’s words instead of returning his actions in anger. Also I’ll be deciding what to do rather than what not to. These days, I try speaking in observations mainly avoiding every hints of evaluation that may make the other person feel defensive. Also, I try to understand reasons behind my son’s offensive actions, observing his feelings and things I can do to solve it rather than being angry. Now that I see how compound words might block understanding, I will avoid using it to express feelings. In other way, I’ll be differentiating between thinking and feelings. Most importantly, the reading will help me reach out to others by emphatically listening for their needs.

4.Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Because women are socialized to view the care taking of others as their highest duty, they have often learned to ignore their own needs.”

This happens to me most times, I view taking care of my child’s needs always important to the extent of neglecting mine. Most times, I place my needs on the rest, the available ones after sorting out his.

“It is not enough that we subjugate the rest of the world through our military might because peace cannot be built on the foundations of fear.”

Teaching me that to build peace, each one’s values must be considered, not by force.

“Requests are received as demands when others believe they will be blamed or punished if they do not comply.”

This is a non forgettable difference between request and demand.

“If the way we evaluate ourselves leads us to feel shame, and we consequently change our behavior, we are allowing our growing and learning to be guided by self-hatred.”

I’ll be more conscious of my thoughts, to avoid making decisions based on a condemning thought.

“Punitive action, on the other hand, is based on the assumption that people commit offenses because they are bad or evil.”

This a value that needs to be eradicated. As a lesson I previously learnt, people do not do things stupidly but in ways I may not understand or different ways that are not clear to me.

“I couldn’t have asked for a more compelling example of how difficult it can be to respond empathically to one’s own family members!”

This accurately address the difficulty I had practicing NVC in the presence of my family members. I sometimes see it hard suddenly changing from the old way.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is really understandable and clear. There’s no idea I disagree with or that seems understandable to me. Only that the book contains many lessons I read over and over again so that it will stick in my brain and I’ll be able to use it constantly.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The first exercise is in Chapter Three, I did the exercise and read the author’s comments. I considered that I understand how to differentiate between observations and evaluations. So, I moved on to the next chapter. The second ends Chapter Four. It’s also like the first and with the correction, I realized a place where I was wrong. There’s another one in Chapter Five that teaches how to acknowledge needs. I did it and read the correction. The next on chapter six evaluates my understanding based on making request. Exercise Five that ends the exercises evaluates on receiving emphatically from receiving non -emphatically. I realized many mistakes I made in my answers.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

These days I experience more peace as I control my actions and speech and I understand no one can make me angry if I don’t want to. Identifying the needs behind my feelings, confusions and reasons why I acted the way I did also gave me more peace. I think the book is really good for human management too. As an introduction to the book, I also appreciated the forewords written before the contents of the book, it gives me an insight to what to expect from the book.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10



The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

When people are in one problem or the other, they tend to look out for the cause and the effects of the problem. Of which the way we see the problem is the problem. Based on this, the author explained the role of paradigm shift in changing situations. Since paradigm is the source from which our attitudes and behaviors flow. There are some things that we need to see and act differently upon. To realize these things, the author explained the seven behaviors of highly effective people. These include been proactive; not controlled by circumstances but directing the situations to one’s favor. Second is seeing the end from the beginning; seeing how things will end if one continue the way one does, therefore acting in accordance of the end result one wants. The third habit is putting first things first; realizing that saying ‘yes’ to a thing is saying no to another, therefore differentiating between the important and the urgent decisions. The fourth is to have the mentality of win-win; that is not selfish in thinking. Fifth is seek first to understand then, be understood; such as developing an emphatic listening skills, getting what the other person really means before replying. The sixth habit speaks of synergy; the principle of applying creative cooperation and lastly, the seventh is ‘sharpen the saw’; taking time to care about the four dimensions of nature.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. To change any difficult situation, you have to change yourself by changing your perception: the way I see others matters a lot.

Not only for their own good, but for me to see the unique qualities everyone possess and how they behave because of it. It will not only erase misunderstanding but also gives me peace of mind.

ii. Paradigm shift is also essential in developing the world.

There are some theories that need to be developed, some that we need to change the way we see them so that the world will be in a good order.

iii. Being all round matured is essential to higher success.

I learned some vital lessons on maturity. Being physically mature does not determine the rest; emotional and intellectual maturity. I realized how I’ve fallen into this in the past and how it affected my decision and slowed my progress.

iv. There’s a difference between reactive and proactive people.

The author made me understand the meaning and characteristics of both groups.

Reactive people respond according to situations, so, circumstances control their behavior. While proactive people “carry their weather” with them. They know how to be responsible.

v. Man is either single or combined centeredness.

According to the author, there are lots of values man could center his life on, like church, money, family, friend and pleasure. The best value to center one’s life on is principle. It doesn’t change, depend on someone’s acceptance and it’s made of fundamental truth.

vi. Personal management involves taking the right decisions: we are always saying ‘no’ to some things. These things involve the important and the urgent ones. We choose one and neglect the other. What we say “yes” to determine the kind of result we see.

vii. Emphatic listening

Most humans don’t carefully listen to what the other person feels but conclude the conversation with his own feelings. Before a person can be able to open up to another,
he will see the ability of interest in the other person.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I’ll try accepting people as they are so that I will be able to see uniqueness in them rather than their flaws. Also, I’ll make effective communication my priority as it could cause some degree of misunderstanding if not practised well. I totally understand that we see the world in different ways and this also affects our behavior. So, I’ll try to reason with people’s ideas. I’ve learned the principles of listening, I’ll be patient enough to listen and provide a more accurate response. These days, I will not allow anyone to decide what my next step will be. I’ll always take control in all aspects. I’ll also keep it in mind to relate with my employees as my customers; not to force, indulge or think of treating them as if they are free to leave.

I’ll always review the quote that “My money will be my servant, not my master.”
Instead of daily plans, I’ll first plan my week, organizing what matters to me by week before planning each day. Many people think “lose-win;” that is, they accept life as it is. They have no vision and principles. They play the ‘nice guy’ role even if it is not convenient. Some egocentric think win-lose but I’ll always think win-win, no-deal or compromise. As the last advice goes I’ll be taking time to rest my brain by relaxing, possibly without doing anything sometimes. Also, I’ll create time for exercise.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.
“These are deep problems, painful problems; problems that quick fix approaches can’t solve.”

This statement gives me a special interest because the idea seems to be different from the books I’ve been reading.

“Almost all the literature in the first 150 years or so focused on what could be called the character ethic as the foundation of success.”

This is giving me more basis on the purpose of this book.

“In our eyes, this son simply didn’t measure up.”

Most times, we set standards for ourselves, for people to measure up to. This can cause disagreements, hatred and lots. The best thing is to truly show concern for other people’s difficulties too.

“We found ourselves enjoying him instead of comparing or judging him.”

This can only happen when one has changed his perceptive about another person.

“There are, of course, situations where people have character strength but they lack communication skills.”

I remembered the cause of the distrust I had in one of my uncles. He kept a matter in mind for three years and kept smiling with me. He raised the issue when I was in need of an urgent help. Truly, he had a good character and I gave him a high esteem, all became hatred. I hardly forget the experience.

“We see the world, not as it is, but as we are or, as we are conditioned to see it.”

According to the author, where we stand is as a result of where we sit. Our perception about the world will depend on our experiences, situations around us and circumstances.

“We must learn to listen. And this requires emotional strength. Listening involves patience, openness, and the desire to understand.”

It explains more about listening. It teaches how to effectively listen and respond well.

“Private Victories precede Public Victories.”

This quote hammers more on working on oneself before being noticed.

“To begin with the End in Mind.”

It sounds strange and interesting. I had to stop and think about my end if things continued the way they are.

“Look at the word responsibility response-ability; the ability to choose your response.”

Being responsible is based on choice.

“No one can hurt you without your consent.”

This means I can choose not to be hurt even if someone tries hard. Instead, I can turn a deaf ear or look it off.

“Without involvement, there is no commitment.”

It explains more on the reason why I need to develop a mission statement for my future company and make workers understand it.

“Urgent things act on us, most times, urgent things may not be important.”

We act on them and get no result. I’ve been doing this most times, I’ll try to different between urgent and important things.

“Trust is the highest form of human motivation.”

People believe in fulfilled promises which leads to trust.

“The person who doesn’t read is no better off than the person who can’t read.”

The author wants readers to understand the another aspect of not reading, at least once a week.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

I’m still trying to understand the idea of synergy. I’ve read it like two times or more but yet to get some ideas in the topic or maybe I should say how to apply it.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There’s an exercise or advice at the end of each habit thought. The first is the 30-day test of proactivity,a behavioral change. I’m yet to start, but I will. Another exercise is at the end of habit one, that I should consider for a full day how many times I use the words ‘I can’t’, “if only” I did and found I hardly use it. There’s also an exercise at the end of habit two, to write down the answer to the question asked at the beginning of the chapter. I wrote it down. There are more activities that have been read, thought about but yet to be written down and act on.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I was impressed with the comments and contributions made by people at the beginning of the book before reading the main content. The book teaches about totally different behaviors I’ve not heard of.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Goal Mapping
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Most common today, discouragement, disappointments, tiredness and contradictory policies rules; it has become a must for everyone who needs to move ahead faster to have a dream. It is not sufficient to have a dream but also know the ways to allow the dream come to pass. As it is been said, “if you can dream it, you can achieve it.” In order to do this, the author, Felix Iziomoh wrote out the seven simple steps to fulfill one’s dream. First on the list is acknowledging “what is my dream?” That is what is my main and subodinate goals? Analyzing it further, the author differentiate between types of dreams and the seven steps to achieve it.

Out of these goals, it is important to list it out according to its order of priority, especially the three most important. This will erase confusion in working towards our goals and help us gain more concentration. Since the right-brain understands the use of pictures better, it’s also necessary to draw what we think the achievement of our goals might look like. It’s not necessary for others to understand the meaning of the picture if only it can remind us of the goals. To avoid discouragement and turning back, gathering reasons why it’s important to achieve the goal is also essential. As the author said, if one’s reason is not more than two or three, the level of one’s motivation will be low. But having like forty to fifty reasons will boost our motivation. After this, setting a deadline for each goal is also important. This boost the courage to work more towards it. Deciding how to achieve it and whose help I will require is also part of planning the goal. To cap it all, the author teaches about how to put down one’s goal planning as a map with various examples in his book.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. To achieve a goal, positive orders have to be used.

Just as been taught by Brian Tracy, the author also portrays more in his drawings ways to write down the positive achievements as if it has been done such as “I scored three hundred in my exam.”

ii. Drawings are also important in achieving my dreams.

I had known about writing down one’s goals but not about drawing it. I’ve also heard about using imaginative pictures but Felix Iziomoh through his examples showed me the importance of also using drawings.

iii. The usefulness of a Venn diagram.

Apart from pictures, a Venn diagram places more insight on the three main priorities we choose to achieve and it also shows the relationship between the three.

iv. Revealing one’s mission is necessary.

The author says “tell it.” From the moment one start telling people what’s to be achieved, it becomes undeniable. One must tell people of good intentions. In the case of Joseph, when his dream became a reality, it became a testimony because it happened exactly as it has been said.

v. All round preparation perfects it all.

It’s not enough to write down a goal or goals and start watching it daily but to also prepare all-round; physically, emotionally, spiritually. This puts it in one’s mind constantly.

vi. Goal pursuit does not mean over seriousness.

As the author said, one must learn to enjoy the trip. I can reward myself for the little victories and enjoy the final achievement.

vii. Goal mapping

To me, it’s a well thought derived top goals written and also drawn in a book, either paper, hard covers that can be easily seen.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas will really help me in lots of ways. The major aspect is that I’ve drawn some of my written goals and will continue until it’s perfect. In my journey to achieve it, I’ll make sure I’m not too hard on myself. I will always remember to use positive order to set goals even in my thinking. I will avoid using “will,” “want,” “should.”

Since all-round preparation equally matters, I’ll write down all the aspects that needs to be included and review it frequently so that it will be easily followed. Lastly, just like Brian Tracy said, I will always set deadline for each of the pictures, if it fail, I’ll set another. Just like the discussion I had with a man on this topic, he explained his reasons why he doesn’t set deadline and through my previous knowledge, I was able to explain to him that setting deadline doesn’t mean being hard on oneself. And it doesn’t lead to curiosity or likes. I gave him my examples and how I’d benefited from it.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Although fear of the unknown before stepping out in pursuing one’s dream, there’s always a fear of it doesn’t work out in the mind. To leave the known and the ones working will seem like a loss.”

This fear had kept me for long in my parents house before I overcame it. I endured the shame, insults and all before deciding to go. Getting out of it, I see it’s nothing like what I taught. It takes real motivation to live above it.

“A dream is an inspiring.”

This aspect portrays dream as a picture and not a sleep and see thing. Is shows dream as an energizer, a source of empowerment for achievements. Truly, no one can achieve what he or she do not see.

“The future belongs to those who.”

This tells more on how people sees dream. Many believe dream as a living necessity night dream, many have visions but do not know how to set goals but for only those who believe in dreaming bigger than themselves and achieving it, have the future at hand.

“Goals without deadline are wishes without deadline there won’t be commitment to work harder and faster towards it.”

“Make sure when mapping your goals.”

It teaches me that setting a date for deadline require inner peace.

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life”, time is precious for those who know what they’re doing.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The ideas are totally clear enough to understand and there none to contradict. Through all my readings, I’ve no questions or doubts about the reading.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The first request I referred to as an exercise is on page 13 to activate the right brain in realization and asking some questions. I did this after reading the book over and over again. Next is on the next page; to write down one’s vision. I’ve done this before but I did this again before moving on to the next page. Next after this is to draw a Venn diagram. I followed the example provided and draw mine. Doing this I realize just like a Venn diagram do intercept, twos of the goals also have something in common and the middle one joining the three together in a relationship within them all. The author advised me to draw the goals, I will but I have not yet drawn it. There’s another exercise in the appendix; the seven powerful questions for students and another seven empowering questions. I answered the seven empowering and it helped me more in drawing my map.
There are some recommended books too, I’ll like to get these and read.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The book is just like a short and memorable explanation of how to map a goal. It gave me more knowledge about the book I read not long ago, “Goals.” The pictures and exercises included make the explanation clearer. It’s very easy to read and read it again.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Leadership for Dummies
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Leading, on e clearer note, has not be an easy task, since it deals with humans possessing different backgrounds and likes. Also, in what cases, we are led, not in the way we like it, but in ways we either manage or quit. According to this case, we tend to blame a point accusing fingers at the leader, not considering we can also make the same mistakes if we are in their shoes.

Then, who is a leader? A leader is someone who is ahead of others in thinking about an issue. A person who is at the front of a group. Leadership is a process. It is not a skill that can be perfected in a day and it need to be learned. This is the reason the author in his book explain facts about leading in six parts. Serving as an introduction, we need to spot the opportunities for leading. Examples of these opportunities vacuums to be filled were pointed in the book. For example when people are reporting to you or complaining the need for a leader in bored or unfruitful meetings. Almost all has the ability to lead and has one or more times in the past demonstrated that ability. Almost different from this, many people fear attaining that position because of making a mistake or not leading well. But leading others start with leading oneself; knowing one’s values, abilities, strength and how to be in tune with oneself.

When we are risen to this leading position, some difficulties like suddenly becoming a leader over friends, seniors, etc will be first to be faced. And it is not enough to be the boss servant, rather is it the best to be loyal only to the leds, but how to manage the two was also taught. Most times, leadership is about taking decisions, which need not to be directly forced on people. To lead, one needs to engage his followers, mainly by showing interest in them, serving their needs etc. To also enforce these decisions, the right place has to be determined, either quickly or slowly.

In contrast, learning is different from managing. A good leader should possess both qualities, as manager qualities help one to have more followers. As taught by the author, leading people through change is the best. In changing the known culture, a leader must be aware of how people in his workplace react to change, as there are drifters, surfers and the wavers. Also, a leader should be able to lead different types of team. Ending the book is the ten tips for leading others, oneself and engaging people each.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Too much management with not enough leadership is bad

Sometimes when things are down, people tend to manage rather than lead and people look for leaders not for managers.
ii. There’s always an opportunity to lead

Reading the first chapter, I realize lots of opportunities that were open for me to lead, even the ones people want to confer on me but I reject because I didn’t count myself worthy.

iii. It’s possible in an organization that no one is taking the lead

It’s not necessary the leader is leading. When people keep complaining especially after a meeting, it shows the incompetence of leaders and the lack of a person stepping up to lead.

iv. Showing genuine interest in staff’s welfare make them work longer

Staffs are interested in leaders that care. Calling them in and out of sight makes them feel more important.

v. There’s a difference between commitment and compliance

Organizations like the ones that provide housing for their staffs usually gain compliance most times, because staffs will be afraid to lose their jobs, even under harsh boss, they will comply. However, staff’s commitment is greater than just compliance.

vi. The characteristics of a non-authentic leader

A leader can be said not to be authentic if he sees himself as a messenger, praise workers for doing bad, does nothing when there’s tension among workers.

vii. Being still is important to be reflective

Being a leader entails lots of tasks, decision making and lots. Due to this, more time, commitment etc are required, which causes a leader to be busy most of the time. The author teaches calming one’s mind in order to be reflective.

viii. It is better to be in the middle than to be on the fence

As a leader, it’s better to represent both groups. For example, in my field, it’s better to defend staffs and customers.

ix. To be a victim of change and agent of change are two different things

Victims of change accept the situation but agent of change look for opportunities to solve the problem.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

One major lesson I’ll put in practice is appreciating workers for their good jobs done even though they don’t expect it; and correcting them with respect, training them if the need is required. In leadership, I won’t try to be perfect or criticize myself as there is no perfect person on earth. In contrast, I’ll be learning from my mistakes and build experiences until I’m satisfied with my leading style. I’ll always keep the purpose of my job in mind, as working without knowing the purpose cannot produce good result.

These days, when I spot the opportunity to lead anywhere, I’ll try my best not to ignore it.
Getting to know now that commitment is far better than compliance, I’ll try my best to look for commitment in workers rather than compliance. In other way, commitment on my own part will make me more engaging and it will be easier for me to lead. I’ll also put in mind that complaining doesn’t change situations, neither does avoiding it or keeping silent. So, I’ll try to always be ahead in thinking in situations people see as problem. I’ve learned about leading virtual workers, senior workers and part time workers. It’s important to make them feel being in a team. Though, it hasn’t be found of me, but these days, I will be more committed to the welfare of workers not seen. Lastly, I’ll be more conscious of leading myself. I’ll avoid behaving like leaders I counted bad.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Cooking the stew rather than being in one!”

This is a sentence that captures my attention and it means finding solution to a problem rather than enduring one.

“Leading people starts with leading yourself there are three things one has to be aware of before thinking of leading; values, motives and how one behavior will impact others.”

“The trouble is that they all want to be leaders, people tend to see more mistakes of the leader and all want to direct the leader. Even if these difficulties persist, a leader must still learn to be calm and lead rightly.”

“Calm body, calm mind, to be good in communication, listening and getting what’s been said, I have to be calm.”

“Avoid raising double standards; the author describes how double standards can affect the behavior of the people in a team.”

“In such situation, you may describe and discuss the behavior without naming the last person to behave that way.”

In settling a common behavior disturbing the peace of the workplace, it’s necessary to call people’s attention to it, possibly in a meeting and show one’s opinion about it. But it should be discussed generally.
“When everyone is directing their frustration and even anger at you, don’t fall into the trap of taking the whole world upon your shoulders.”

This talks more of emotional management and self control.

“People are looking to you and taking notice of what you do rather than what you say!”

This explains the saying that actions speak louder than voice.

“As a leader, you don’t need to come up personally with the solutions to all the problems you and your team experience, a leader has to involve his team in contributing to the decisions.”

“I can’t think of any job advertisement or circular that proclaims that you will be working for a great boss, truly, one cannot decide who he will be working with but can make the best of a bad job.”

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is really clear and understandable. There are no points I disagree with or unclear about.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are lots of exercises in the book. The first exercise in the book was to write down some scenarios that answer the given questions on finding oneself as a leader. I thought about it all. Another one I found was on page 32, that requires one to rate one’s leadership competence on a score of one to six. I did it as I was reading it. Doing this, I realized most of my weaknesses. There’s another on page 38, a table of reflecting occasions when I showed genuine interest in someone. As the author said, I’ll like to complete the exercise in a notebook.

Writing down the values acquired during the formative years to treat people was also to be written down. Next to it was listing the lessons learnt by being managed by great and bad bosses. I called back the experience and decided on things to avoid why leading to be seen like that. Another is to list expectations of leaders and managers. I consider this as the conclusion of the last two exercises. On page 57, there’s another exercise that requires me to write down the situations that need me to lead, the ones that require management and the ones that need both. With the exercises given, it was easy to think about the rest.

Also on page 71, I’m asked to note down most words that comes to my mind when I’m faced with problems to know if I need to develop more positivity. In Chapter Five, another exercise that allows one to think about the values and behaviors that demonstrated one is behaving in accord with his or her values was also given. In Chapter Six, there’s an exercise to list out my current and potential dilemmas and the reasons. I’m yet to complete this. On the second table, there’s an exercise to state out the standard one expect of oneself and friends. An exercise in chapter seven requires me to list out how I measure success. I’m still doing this. On page 121-122, I am to answer some questions in a notebook about creating my own vision, but the one I had written has answered all the questions.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

There’s nothing in particular I will like to comment on. The book is broad about the topic and teaches expressly on leadership. It views leading from various aspects and hammers on the fact that one must first lead oneself before taking the mantle of leading others. That is leading inside out. Also, in order not to repeat the mistakes of leaders we consider bad; we have to learn from what we hate from their leadership style. It has been said in the book that no one can decide who he or she will work with and no advertisement will reveal that, that’s why this book is necessary for people to read this book. Furthermore, leadership is not until we get to the top, maybe by election, promotion or selection. But, we can take the lead anywhere. Sometimes when people look up to us, either directly or indirectly, then with the help of the lessons in this book, we’ll be bold to step up and direct a change.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

The Law of Attraction
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The author of Law Of Attraction wants readers to understand he can attract anything he wants if he knows how to be a co-creator of his own life. He insinuates that anyone can choose to attract to his life anything that he or she wants, with constant practice, delight and emotions. He first emphasizes that the universe is listening to one’s thoughts and will give back the same. He further explained the reason why positive thinking, affirmations and intentions may not work; when unconsciously our subconscious mind is opposing the affirmation. He gave solutions for this.

He states that one must know what he wants and write it down in a present tense and also represent it in images; set on wall and worked on daily through exercises and practices. He mentioned that what we want, admire in people might be what we want.
But, there’s a bar that might block our way of attraction, that’s self sabotage; limiting beliefs that might been built in us a long time we may not even remember. These beliefs serve as hidden hindrances to attracting what we want and it must be traced back and eliminated.
Not neglecting the place and guidance of the great spiritual being, the author talks about surrendering to God for help. He concludes it with a brief summary of the major points.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Positively constructed affirmations may not work because of the reactions of the mind

The mind contains lots of emotions, knowledge, data and lots, if not well attended to,a well constructed affirmation may not work.

ii. The mirror reveals what your mind thinks

This explains another phase of paradigm. We see what we think we are.

iii. Focus on one thing at a time

Just like one of my friends said sometimes ago, that I do try to solve issues together, instead I should solve one problem at a time. When I get to another bridge, I’ll know how to cross it.

iv. There are two major steps of fueling an engine of attraction

The first step is to focus on what’s to be attracted, then emotional energy will help physical attention.
Focus on it some time per day, avoiding distractions or interruptions.

v. Sometimes we feel like getting more money but some held beliefs won’t allow us

The author made examples of these beliefs. No how, one or two of it would have been in our minds before. In contrast, I’ve taken note of it while reading ‘Success through PMA’.

vi. What we want might actually be what we are working for

For example, wanting to buy an expensive car, one works for the money, but, the money is not the goal, but the excitement the car will give.

vii. One might be responsible for oneself and not take care of things oneself

It is called surrendering to one’s ego; allowing the universe to decide what’s the best.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

One of the reasons our goals need to be read frequently is that our minds are full of feelings, memories, experiences, lessons, hopes, conclusions etc. This is part of the reasons why it’s so easy to get discouraged in pursuing one’s goal. I’ll be more conscious of the reactions, the feelings and discouragements that my mind may develop and read my lessons and affirmations, goals frequently.
I’ve seen more reasons why I need to use present tense for my affirmations, because, the mind live in the present.

This book has helped me to see me to see why a positive declaration might not work. I’ve tried working on it before. When I decide or say a thing, my subconscious mind objects it and I’ll try repeating the process to overcome it. The same issue was addressed here. I’ll be exploring the abyss of my subconscious mind. Though I noticed that I’ve conquered one of it by adequate planning and looking into all odds that might want to come against it. The author emphasizes on being happy for anything at all. No jealousy, limiting thoughts or negativity.

The steps given for me to practice in chapter eight made me realize I’ve just been working towards achieving my goal but not visualizing the feelings it will give me. I’ll try to be doing this per time.
I love the aspect that talks about letting go as part of love. I’ll try to consider this aspect. The author also refers to the universe as God, surrendering to him to find the deepest joy. I’ll also put this in mind.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Whether you can or you think you can’t, you are right, because you are what you think you are and according to the author, thoughts are invitations to what you want.”

“Working with the law of attraction is a spiritual journey that if you stick with it,it can lead you to a deeper connection with your own spirit.”

This statement got me thinking about how the spirit is connected to what one attract.

“If you could isolate a thought, spin it with positive energy and it teaches on how to fully turn a thought to manifestation.”

“Attention is focused consciousness, and with our consciousness we activate our thoughts.”

“When you obsess over your fears you are essentially inviting whatever you fear to be made manifest, calling on the law of attraction to match your experience.”

This caught my attention because I’ve now got the reasons behind why I do have nightmares. Before, I usually fear bad dreams thought it was spiritual. A thought came to my mind sometimes ago and I felt I might see it in my dream since it came with fear. Just as felt, I saw worse in the dream. I didn’t fear the dream since I’ve known the cause. Since then, nightmares stopped. I even gained boldness to be killing what I fear in the past.

“Almost everything you want, you want because you think it will give you a certain feeling.”

I really agree with this.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There are some techniques the author made sample of but wasn’t fully explained such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EMDR), Thought Field Therapy. I’ll try to make research, to get more facts about the techniques.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

During the study, the author requires me to set aside fifteen minutes in a day to visualise the solution I want with joy. I’ve done this sometimes. He further gave some questions I can ask from the concentration on one’s feelings such as what’s the feeling trying to say to me? I’m yet to complete this.
There’s another question in chapter seven about eliminating self- sabotage. It says I should ask myself how much I’m willing to accept from the universe. During this exercise, I was taken back to my vision board.
Another set of question was later asked in the same chapter regarding having a life of abundance. I answered immediately while reading the suggested reasons behind one’s answer given by the author.
Still on the chapter, I was asked to write down the names of people I envy their success and be grateful for it. Telling the universe if it can happen to this people, it can happen to me too.
This book has also helped me discover the right image to draw that captures all my dream. I’ve been drawing lots of it previously, since I read “Goal Mapping,” but it all seems inadequate. Now, I’ve drafted one that contains it all beautifully. Soon, I’ll place it on a wall. The main thing is that only I understand the meaning. It will be like a self made decoration to people.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The author compares other books and their authors and traces most of them to their history. The book seems a bit big but I read it in hours. It’s too interesting to put down. I heard the sent audio but some areas seems not to be clear. The book explained some exercises I’ve been working on but seems difficult more.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Unlimited Power
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1.What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Power as been seen by many is an influential thing, something to be imposed. According to Tony Robbins, power is the ability to change your life, to direct your own personal kingdom and also the power to act.

Coming from the ages; power was once generational, later was capitalist but in this information age,power is the ability to communicate and the ability to persuade. Communication was categorized into two; internal and external communication. In order to gain the power in communication, the author explained how to gain ultimate power in three sections; modeling of kings, limitation disengage and the challenge of excellence.

In the first section, Tony Robbins expanciated how to communicate to oneself in a productive way in the first seven chapters, how to elicit someone’s strategy and how to get the best from one’s body.

The second section majorly speaks about how to communicate well with others; the magic of rapport, a bit of communicating well with oneself, to handle resistance, see things in the right way, asking oneself what he really want.

The final section explains value; a measure of success, and the two final keys to be truly happy.
Concluding the lessons, Tony Robbins defined ultimate power as learning “from every human experience and making every experience work for you in some way”.

2.What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Value is also important in relationships

Before deciding to live for long with a person, it’s important to know the person’s values. As the author explained, someone might lie to protect friendship even though honesty is highly rated by him/her. This means he regards friendship more than honesty. So also does one need to ask till he/she gets the hierarchy of the other person’s level of values.

ii. Principles of rapport is like playing with a kid.

Mildly acting like someone, speaking in the way he speaks, studying his styles and so on is likened by me to playing with a kid. Because, to get the best out of a kid, one needs to bring himself to the kid’s level.

iii. We can always appreciate, respect one’s feelings instead of resisting

Just like one of my previous learning that says we can’t change someone by arguing, Tony Robbins also explains how to respect someone’s words and intensity because if we are in their physiology, we will have the same perspective. I think these will cut arguments and enemies.

iv. Allow thirst dictate how you drink water

I’ve been trying to curb the excessive intake of water as I hate to urinate frequently. In contrast, medically, intake of much water is still proven to be the best. Tony Robbins taught about the importance of taking a bit amount of water and fruits. Fruits and vegetables also have other importance apart from the water it provides.

v. Your behavior is a direct result of the state you constantly put yourself

The book explains we can get different results doing the same thing due to the state we are in. This state is a result of how we see the things. It controls our behavior, actions and words. “Someone in the state of love can hug one while another not in the state will just say it.” So also, how the next person treats us depends on the state they are.

vi. “Either you think you can or you can not, you’re right.”

The brain can be limited or empowered with the information one send to it. For example, the same place where a thing is not found is the same place another will see it because the conclusion one sends to the brain will either empower it or otherwise. Believing one cannot do a thing sends the wrong mental syntax to the brain.

vii. Lessons from the fingers

The first unforgettable lesson I got from the lessons is not to talk of a limited truth in a general way. I had to be sincere about the happenings. Secondly is to conquer the limitation of can’t (unableness) with the questions of if ‘I can’. Another is to get the reasons behind the verbs of feelings and accusations.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The first thing I’ll be doing these days is to be getting information as some information may not be relevant in later days. Information is important in getting the power behind communication.

Everything happens for a reason and it benefits us. I’ll try to look at the importance of every situation I encounter and how I can make it work for me.

These days just like when Tony Robbins was in the midst of professional shooters and still performed outrageously, I also believe in myself and put myself in the right state to get the result I want. For example, a month ago, I worked for a woman who almost showed me the other side of life. Just few weeks ago,I met a family so similar. I understand the principles of rapport. Though, I couldn’t discuss with them,but the little time we spent, I acted accordingly and calm my emotions. That day, in the midst of all, I still gained my fund, respect and peace of mind.

I’ve learned about the importance of breathing in the right way that cleanse the system and the right way to drink water. I’ll be practicing the breathing system sometimes. These days I’m still studying the classification of people, either generic, visual, auditory or kinesthetic. The book gave us three steps to change the things we don’t want and how to ask correctly. I’ll be following these steps when needed.

I understand hearing “no’s” a thousand times is just a way to success. Through the five ways given,I’ve learnt to handle resistance and rejection. Finally, I’ll persuade people instead of being persuaded.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Communication is power.”

After Tony Robbins highlighted the hierarchies of kings, he concluded that in this century, communication is power. But the have to be understood to get the power behind it.

“Your body would have been saying a thing and your mind another. Power comes from delivering one unified message.”

This happens to me sometimes, but now,I’ve been learning how to put myself together.

“Limited goals create limited lifes.”

“Life will give you what you ask from it.”

Usually, one requires for great things from great men but little things from poor or average fellows. Life is unlimited if only one sees it in accordance and ready to pay the price to get most out of it.

“The greatest tragedy in education is that most teachers know their subjects but they don’t know their students.”

This applies to me a lot because I taught for years and understood how much some teachers complain about kids and discipline. But,the first key is to understand the student which also comes from rapport. This will later applies to working with my staffs in the nearest future.

“Some people are not happy unless they are independent.”

I love this point because it personally applies to me.

“Some people may lie to protect a friend, even though honesty is important to him. How can they do this? Because friendship is higher on their ladder of importance.”

Knowing one’s hierarchy of value is good and also that of others.

“Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion.”

It teaches me that constant affirmations may bring about more belief but it also needs more discipline and work for it to become a miracle.
“Someone once described advertising as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.”

The advertising aspect deals with my line and it inspires me on how well to advertise my products.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book is really understandable and the points are clear. I agree with him in all aspects. I even gain how to gain from people who always sees things differently. In the opposite, I don’t think I’ll follow the food combination aspect, because most of the combination spoken against are the main meals I’m used to. Maybe later when I’ve gained more crust, I can try to follow his procedures; I mean the suggested combinations.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are lots of exercises in the book. The first one I found was in chapter four. It stated that I shod write five beliefs that limited me in the past and five beliefs that can support me in achieving my goals. Before I further my reading, I did it immediately. Another asks me to jot down my dreams, estimate when I desire to reach it and pick out four major importance it will serve if I can achieve it this year. I’ve done that before last year ends. I review it again and again. Some exercises also in section two ask me to watch interviews and note how evaluation words are used in order to gain how to stop the use of evaluating words and think of the words to use instead. I’ll do this soon. Another exercise is to determine the kind of people I speak with in the upcoming days to know if they are auditory, visual or kinesthetic. I’ll put this in mind too.
There’s an exercise in page 187,to determine people’s meta-program. I’ll start doing this.
There’s an idea about changing our perspective about the people we hate in the anchoring chapter. I’ll do this later.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I love this book a lot. It trains so much about achieving a goal through internal and external communication; how to rapport with people, copy someone’s success, control one’s syntax of communication etc.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Creating an Effective Explorer’s Mindset
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1.What  is  the  main  idea  that  the  author  is  trying  to  convey  in  the  book?

Explorers are known to be curious people, seeking to know more about the world around them. The three main common characteristics they possess is observance, documenting ideas and asking questions about the world. Known for explorers, they are usually empowered to make a difference. In contrast, these explorers desires to know more about the earthly things,the physical world.
William Buhlman in his teaching shared his discoveries about exploring oneself and gaining a new mindset through it. He emphasized majorly on some points. For example, the out of body experience. Humans are not just bodies, but also possess a state of consciousness the body is just like a vehicle that we operate in. Knowing this empowers us to be fearless which in return eliminates being easily afraid,and creates in our mind that we are immortal and powerful.
Moreover, most of us have been indoctrinated from birth. But most of this doctrines are either flawed or false. He called them “fear-based philosophies.” By creating an explorer’s mindset, we will be able to break through from every limiting beliefs and have an effective mindset that works far more better than the thought techniques.

2.What  were  the  seven  ideas  which  were  personally  most  important  to  you and  why?    List these  seven  ideas  followed  by  an  explanation  after  each  one as  to  why  it  was  important  to  you.  Use  personal  examples  from  your  own life.

i. Things we learned from birth are flawed or false

William classified it as human formed philosophies that are made to control us. To me, each culture has it’s own. For example, in my culture, we were thought many things that was later revealed to us in our secondary education as rules of cleanliness and so on. But it was called abomination that has spiritual consequence for people to obey to the fullest. Growing up, I see I can’t even know it all. Getting to another culture, another sets were met; the things we do in our culture with no fear. So we need to unlearn and learn some things.

ii. It’s beneficial to use controlled techniques like awareness

Without controlling our mind to make use of a learnt technique might not be beneficial. But a controlled technique like awareness that will put us back in control is more beneficial.

iii. We are not our bodies

This is one of the lessons of the out of body experience. The body can be likened to a vehicle we operate in, not really who we are. William said it’s a temporary state because we can’t go with it at death.

iv. The only key to keep our focus on is what we will take along at the moment of death.

Our state of consciousness: as been explained, most of the things we does is to the benefit of the body. We focus more on the body. But the body is temporary, will wear out and later go off. Though focusing on the body makes us obey laws, work harder and lots but we need to know that our consciousness will not be able to perform after the body is gone.

v. Fearlessness helps us overcome being easily afraid

No matter what might have caused the fear, realizing we are immortal and powerful can help us overcome. Before, I was usually afraid of killing snakes. I hate it and doesn’t go near any creeping thing. But once, I thought of it that I’m human and God has given me authority over it. Later, I killed a small snake and it enhanced my belief that I can do it, to the extent that whenever I see it in my dream, I make it I kill it no matter the size.

vi. We create our reality

Through our mindset, the aims and goals, the way we work towards it. Our beliefs and the things we aspire to achieve, we will begin to experience what we expect.

vii. Make inner requests whenever confused

Williams asked us to ask why, how and what can I do? It’s better to be in command and not be confused.

3. How  will  these  ideas  or  lessons  help  you  in  a  practical  way,  both  in  your daily  personal  life  and  in  helping  you  to  create  a  better  world?  If  so, how?

Before I’ll consider using a technique or two, I’ll first try to check my mind if I’m still in command. When confused, techniques may seem too empty or powerless to use. I also want to unlearn most doctrines that have limited me till now. I’ve done a bit but it requires deep thought sometimes before one can discover more about the doctrines that needs to be put off. Also, after indoctrination, what rules are to be followed? I will carefully consider these as times goes on.
Now, I know I am immortal and powerful, can work towards anything and achieve it. A conscious being that creates her own reality. I will create an affirmation about this that I’ll  read frequently to enhance my mindset towards it. To create an effective explorer’s mindset, I need three major keys; daily practice- this is one of the place daily affirmation comes in even daily revising of my goals and consequently stopping to check if I’m still in command or afraid, comes in. Secondly, persistence mindset.

4. Quotes: Are  there  any  statements  which  the  author  made  that particularly  got  your  attention?    If  so,  please quote  them  and  comment  as to  why  they  were  important  to  you.

“Fear-based philosophies. The truth is that fear is a product of our mindset. A philosopher once said we suffer more in our imagination than reality”.Fear can be a powerful force that can hold us back from pursuing our dreams, keeping us from taking action and reaching our full potential. Fear is not an inherent trait, but rather a learned behavior that can be unlearned.”
.“To overcome fear, we must focus on what is within our control our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Also to define one’s fear defining the worst scenario that can happen if the fear come true, finding solutions and learning lessons from the exercise can help put fear in it’s lowest place.”
“The major three human fears; of death, abandonment and failure all generates from fear based philosophies. A doctrine we obeyed from birth. This philosophies had limited many from even trying,making them live at their lowest productive state. It has controlled their mindset and without the change of mindset, success is not in view. So spotting the fear-based philosophies that has been limiting one and unlearning it serves as an answer.”

“Reality is consciousness. We can not experience what we cannot see. Even God told Abraham in the Bible that he and his seeds will inherit a land as much as he can see, Genesis 13:14-17. There are many innovations and lovely things we see now because some people thought of it and make it come into existence.”
To me, we experience what we are conscious of, carefully worked for and bring into existence.  In another manner, what we are usually conscious of dictates our thoughts and actions and builds our experiences.

5. Is  there  anything  in  the book that you do not understand or  are  unclear about, or  are  there  ideas  which  you  disagree  with  and,  if  so, why?

The studies has really been explanatory and understandable. The ideas are clear and I agree with William’s out of body experiences. I just want to add an idea that the powerful state of human beings are only discussed in the spiritual aspects, like churches, mosques etc. So every aspect of using the power is following the religious rules. Truly we are thought that we are immortal, gods and likes but we are not thought in this wise. The physical teachings of changing mindset, getting indoctrinated and knowing that we are immortal are thought as new.

6.Did  the  book  contain  exercises  for  the  reader  to  complete?    If  so,  did  you complete  all  of  the  exercises and did  you  find  them  helpful?

There are no exercises for the listeners to perform.  The only one I count as exercise is getting indoctrinated. I think the exercise is a bit wide and requires a deep thought. I’ve thought of it a bit informing someone about it. But I’ll still find time to document other ones that I think are limiting me from times past. The exercise will continue by daily checking if I’m getting indoctrinated or the fear is still controlling me.

7. Was  there  anything  you  read  in  the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered  in  the  previous  questions? If so, please  comment.

I listened to this message so many times. It’s so short and full of lessons. I love it been a video message. It’s not easy to be lost and easily viewed or heard. The teaching is a good exposition. It speaks to all no matter the race. But the limitation is how many people knows this? Teaching a person will be like forming an impossible philosophy. And if it’s to be shared to how many people? It will be good if people can know about this.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Stepping Out of Time and Space
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1.What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Even if a minute rest is very necessary and sometimes compulsory when stressed or if the situation seems overwhelming. Instead of complaining about, being tired of the circumstances and possibly giving up Richard Bartlett explained a theory he titled as ‘stepping out of time and space’ through a scientific theory called “wave function.” The brain produces five types of electrical pulses of which Theta wave is one of it. Theta wave is believed to happen when you’re lightly sleeping, dreaming, or in a state of deep relaxation. Experts believe it play a role in processing information and making memories. This is the reason one needs to ask helpful questions from him or herself about what ought to have, possibly as expected, how it happened, what one feels about it and what can be done or how the feelings should be changed when the wave is still at work because as Richard called it is like a world of possibilities where lots can be accessed.
The summary of the book is to take relaxation when stressed or confused and allow the wave function to perform it’s relaxing and fresh information giving function.

2.What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Stepping out of time and space

If we give ourselves the chance to be alone resting, at least with the eyes closed, we can come out of the current time (the events) we experience now into an empty space where our only our consciousness remains, no opposition, barriers or limitations.

ii. There is a special awareness in our conscious state

Whenever we rest, not sleeping, we will be aware of both the problems we encounter, a deep look into what causes it and a reasoning on the possible solutions.

iii. There’s a reality each of us can create together

The reality lies in the fact that each of us has consciousness and can create a special awareness to solve our problems. This can help a lot when people seems to be looking up to us for an answer. We can teach them about this because I usually feel each person knows the best way to solve their problems instead of relying on advice and opinions.

iv. Reconstruct events to what you think should be true

It is not a must we accept events as it happens to us. Paradigm is useful in this wise;a way of looking at something of which can be changed. This can brighten our mood,help us relate with people better,and we can also gain much energy from it.

v. Stepping out of time and space is not an activity to be necessarily done at home or in a big place

Richard Bartlett explained that even if it is within the space of twinkle of an eye, one should allow the wave function to reconstruct the situation.

vi. To get the most of the wave function, one has to expand the field of one’s feelings and let go of a rational mind

This will help to obtain new ideas and feel afresh.

vii. Theta wave helps obtain new information and memories

As proven by the scientists, it’s function can help get ideas that will calm one down.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I love this lesson because in a practical term, I remember there are lots of times I got an idea, new perspective about things or experiences I had when I’m about to sleep or dizzy. But for me as commonly known, I love silent places where I can calm when I need rest. Though, I just love silent places for education wise, jotting down ideas etc. But now, I agree with him on the fact that wave function can also be performed at an instant. Most times, we just need to release the pains, put the situations aback and set the mind free through the wave function. Through doing this, we get relaxed. This lesson is very good in leading, as one will have a lot to answer to,various tensions, expectations and lots. Stepping out of time and space can be really helpful.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Unfortunately, most of the breakthrough experiences and human consciousness I have been able to track have been going beyond what’s true.”

Testimonies they say triggers and inspires one to act. I like the short testimony he gave about the theory given. ‘What’s true’ is what one is currently experiencing, what will happen in accordance and possibly one’s view or feelings about it. Truly, one has to look beyond what one sees to be true and go into the imagination of things wanted or desired or how it should be. Viewing things anew can help overcome barriers; face the obstacles with a new mind and capability.

“Spacial awareness of our energy fields.”

We can see the awareness as a place we can derive energy from in terms of gathering happiness, taking new decisions, getting relieved and coming back to the earlier strength consuming situation prepared. It’s so much wonderful as it can be done even if in a blink of an eye.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The book doesn’t contain ideas which are not good or proven. I am clear with his points and doesn’t have anything to disagree with. One thing I will try to gain possibly when I’m practicing it is how to be jotting down ideas or lessons when in spacial awareness. Because there are times I try to rest my brain and an idea may come or maybe when doing a thing or two. If I didn’t switch to the mood immediately, I’ll lose it. According to what the speaker said, stepping in a twinkle of seconds can take place anywhere and if something is gotten, I think it should be jotted down. But I think the more I practice, the more I’ll get to know how not to forget an idea gotten on an instant and later, still in the mood, jot it down.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book doesn’t any exercise except the advice that I should keep stepping out of time whenever stressed. I’ll keep practicing this whenever the chance comes.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Wow! The book is really interesting and contains lots of research. I couldn’t understand his points early at first. I had to listen over and over again. Contradicting my views now, I had learned lots of things just in order to gain more on his idea. It’s a good book actually.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10


The Richard Bach Interview
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1.What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

As an experienced personnel in the field of writing, Richard Bach in an interview explained the genesis of how the idea of writing “Jonathan Livingstone Seagull” came into his mind. His doubt about the weird idea and years later when he finally wrote it out. This led to a great achievement and how in the same manner got another idea like the first and was able to write it out after five years.

Richard shared his experience to allow listeners realize there are some mines in little ideas crossing our mind sometimes. Just like him, it might be a weird strange voice heard as if behind us or from our mind. These ideas can turn our lives around if worked upon. Also doubts can arise because it doesn’t sound like something we are familiar with. Sometimes, it may be strange to work on, but with persistency, not giving up, no matter how long it might take, the idea will still become the gold easily gotten. While waiting, it is an added advantage practicing in the field the idea requires to be produced. It gives us enough experience to produce the idea easily when the time comes.

2.What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Sometimes, real ideas comes like a voice, even in a strange manner

This has happened to me in the past. I was in the church, it was like a short vision. I saw or envisioned a make-up mask; a kind of transparent mask that has been make-up already. So that anyone can purchase and wear,instead of spending valuable time in front of mirror daily. It looked strange to me,because none of the production is my aspect. But,the idea has a kind of passion in me that I do remember it like the day I got the idea. Years after, I informed my friend, he tried to help but since he wasn’t the visioneer,he couldn’t do much. I finally gave up even after I’ve planned my course of actions, the advantages, both medically and emotionally. Just of recent, I saw the mask advertisment exactly as I thought of producing it.

ii. Success comes from practice

For eight years, Richard hasn’t got a clue of how to write down the idea of the book he wished to write. But he kept practicing. By the time he wrote the book, he has been an experienced writer.

iii. Some ideas may take longer days to be fulfilled

It is good not to give up. If achieving Jonathan Livingstone Seagull took eight years and Hypnotizing Maria took five years, then, I think a goal should also be given enough time of trials till it’s fulfilled. One thing that baffles me most in writing is writing and rewriting the same thing over and over again. I’ll stop. But he wrote a chapter many times, throw it away and start again until he got the story idea.

iv. Recommendations are part of sales boost

Though there’s much effort in writing a book, paying for it’s production, it’s of much gain to plan ways to distribute, sell and make gain and royalties. According to his words, a person read his book and recommended it to another. From there, the sales moved faster. Putting this in mind can improve selling plans one have.

v. Idea can come from unexpected events

Richard knew enough about the event that took place and it was not necessary for him to hear it or read it again in the bulletin. In contrast, the idea of writing the heard topic didn’t cross his mind with the report of the event until he heard how the woman spoke. Using the same word he has been trying to compose a story on, he got high-spirited and writing it was easy.

vi. Most of Richard’s books are based on flight

To me, I think it’s good to write about one experience, thinks or believes most. In his explanation, he had explained about his childhood experience in watching how seagulls dive and later his friend’s experience reported to him. According to reports, he himself is a pilot, so writing to him should have been like sharing some information.

vii. A goal or aspiration should not be taken with levity hand

If Richard hadn’t written his book with much seriousness, it wouldn’t have gone viral to the extent of someone offering to produce it as a film. One might have a gift,but it also requires hardwork, persistence and concentration.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Passion, gifts and work can work together. The man in question is a pilot but even made more achievement writing books. Since one won’t disturb another if managed well. I’ll continue in bringing up my business while producing my written books. Also, just like the experience I shared, I won’t give up on any of my ideas again. And it’s good to be attentive and sometimes focused. Some things that can help us in birthing our ideas might not come in the way we expect it to come.

Before, I didn’t like writing majorly in one aspect, but now I see it as a quickner. I’ll write now in the way I’m good at and stop trying to learn to write in an aspect I’m not good in. In this wise, I’ll give in to writing more so that I’ll know more about my writing style times it’s easy and how long I can.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Do you think those childhood experiences led you to writing seagulls?”

It is more easy to gather a writing idea about what one has been experiencing in the past. We all have one thing or the other that we experience most or that is vital to us. We can twist this experiences or events to different ways. In bringing out an idea in this aspect, we’ll write like a genius. It’s usually better than a person who hasn’t had the experience or little experience about it before.

“But the voice disappeared. Before hand, he has been hearing sounds of the seagulls movement that seems magical to him. But on this certain day, he heard a sound that seems like a real voice to him. Just as the seagulls sound do go off the weird voice also disappeared. If not followed, it will also leave his memory. Imagine this achievement gotten by another person and him remembering it was his idea at first. This is the importance of writing down an idea and before writing it down; paying much attention to a still small voice.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The interview was so easy to understand. It was like sharing how he started his writing journey; the events that led to the idea, situations encountered and finally how it led to the glory. I understood it all. I don’t have any questions, or ideas I’m not clear about. In fact, it was like a lesson teaching me more on how not to lose another strange idea I might get.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

There are no exercises for the listeners to practice except one that I decided to give my; writing frequently to know more about my style, my weaknesses and strengths. I can start this once a week. Starting from next week, I’ll pick a day, possibly every Sunday, I’ll be writing, maybe article, short story or a report of things happening around. I’ve forgotten how I compose poems, it has been long I have composed it last.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

There are no special comment about the interview, only that it was understandable, easy to draw it’s facts from, doesn’t contain terms or likes. Just like Tony Robbins said in his book to learn from people’s success styles, this interview serves as an example of meeting and hearing someone’s success style without stressing to meet them personally.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Millionaire Course
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1.What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Inspired by a friend’s acts of sharing her ideas and experiences with people and later led some seminars and writing a book called ‘creating visualization’, Marc also explained how he grew from being timid to writing a millionaire course. The course contained the things he did at his thirtieth birthday that changed his life. Firstly, he envisioned how he want to be in five years time, wrote it down in a book he titled ‘living the life of my dreams’. He later changed the goals to affirmations. Not idle about it, he went around reading and gathering books and gaining more fund, he accomplished his own publishing company.

Due to several testimonies about the millionaire course, Marc invited Fisma also to the interview to share his experience. Fisma on his own part shared how the ten percent theory helped him achieved his dream.
Marc through the interview wanted the listeners to understand how they can change their mind, through envisioning, daily affirmations and living according to their dreams to achieve anything they have in mind to be.

2.What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Importance of sharing my learned or discovered ideas

The lady started actualizing her goals by sharing the things she learned with family, friends etc and soon enough, she was invited for seminars before she grew into writing a book. This act doesn’t help her alone but also helped her timid friend, who also make an impact through it.

ii. The power of envisioning: Marc after realizing he needs a change, while pacing up and down, envisioned how he needed the change to be in five years time.

iii. The power of jotting down: Marc does not only envisioned his goals but wrote it down.

Most times, when ideas come and it’s not jotted immediately, one forgets. This is the reason no matter how bright or unforgettable an idea might seem to be, I make sure I write it down. Even if remembered later without writing it down, the amusement that makes it seem worth working for won’t be there again.

iii. There is more gain reading a book several times

Fisma accounted the number of times he read the millionaire course to be fifty. That’s really wonderful. In times he’s facing a difficulty or needs to get an answer in the book again, he reads it again. This will make his learnings in the book more rigid. It will serve as a guiding principle.

iv. Consistency is a key to achievement

Bizmai narrated how he and his wife save 10 dollars a day for eight and half years. They were not tired of it or spend out of it. It is really good to be consistent.

v. The importance of recording

If not for recording this interview, someone like me won’t have the opportunity to listen nor learn from it. I know some organizations that does this too, in case one isn’t able to attend their seminar, there will be a replay. I don’t know how costly it might be, but as I view it; it will be an advantage for my business in the future.

vi. Sometimes, one needs to hear a word of encouragement from a person who had overcome the challenges one is currently facing

This reminds me of a time I shared a financial quote I wrote down through some experiences I got with a friend and as if unique, my friend had to explain to me it opened his eye to how he would have made it better in the past. A constant brain empowerment as such can help one’s mindset stay positive.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I will also like to share my views with people when I have the opportunity. This will not only help only me but will help the other person in ways I may not know. It brings about boldness and confidence. These days, I realized there’s something easy I can do that others needed. For example, due to my recent course on digital marketing, I discovered I can start a group on Facebook and post up-to-date jobs there. In less than a week, I had almost forty members. Yesterday, someone messaged me privately to help him get job in his area, immediately I sent three openings. He was so glad that he acted immediately. Now, I believed more in myself and was glad I solve people’s problems.

Thanks to the level three assessments, I have written most of my goals as affirmations and I will continue to view and read it regularly.

Just like one of the major lessons I learned from “the richest man in Babylon” book, I will always pay myself first before paying others; meaning that I’ll always invest my ten percent in gainful employment so that it will produce children and grandchildren. The easiest way to success in a bit time depends on this. And as Marc teaches, after investing my ten percent, I’ll save ten percent for emergencies too.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“When you are scrounging for your next 100 dollars, I’m just scrounging for my next hundred thousand dollars.”

This speaks more on mindset. Marc at first do not understand the principle, thinking it’s just adding a couple of zeros to one’s brain. But, on the long run, motivated by a rich man’s statement, he opened his mindset from managing to provide an house rent to also making more in life.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

The interview was a very good one, I enjoyed listening to it again and again. The teachings are true and even without calculation, I know Fisma testimony was true.

The only idea I want to contribute on my own part to it is that I can’t actually decide I’ll read a book up to fifty times because I want to read as much as possible. And placing one as a companion may deny me the access to read much. But, I will read a book like six times now. Not just books, but any material that I see it will serve me a lot of benefit, because as Marc said, humans forget eighty percent of what they hear almost immediately.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The interview started with an exercise, of which he called a meditation. One of which I can relate to Richard Bartlett “Stepping out of time and space” awareness explanation. Practically, he gave the example of how the exercise should be done and explained how to consciously release the things occupying one’s mind in order to have peace and conclude it with abundance affirmations. I did this immediately and it was really helpful in calming down and opening the brain to new ideas. The aspect of performing the exercise with eyes closed and the saying the words given with an open mind seems really great. Marc also wants listeners to write down the goals and affirmations of living the life of their dream. I’ve done this earlier. It fosters one’s action to make it come to pass.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The book is understandable, precise and full. I love the ideas, the explanations and the testimony also explained.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is your overall rating you would give it? 10


You ain’t Got Time
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

No matter the race, language, disability or color, one thing has been given to all at the same rate and the same pace; time. It is almost beyond imagination, how one gets a new day, day by day and the previous day is lost. Same thing happens to hours and minutes. Based on the hope of having more of time, it becomes easy to procrastinate and waste away time. Also, it is easier to depend than to launch out. All this leads to achieving little or almost nothing. The consequence meets up with one when there is no one else to rely on.

The speaker introduces the virtue of urgency in any stage of one’s life. One has to put in mind that there is no time. It is better to be in hurry to face one’s fears and stop to be patient. Even while impatient, upgrading one’s execution skills is very crucial as it helps one to achieve bigger. He explained that why should one wait till next year to achieve a position when it can be achieved in a month? Losing weight in few years rather than waiting a lifetime and so on.

Also, he advised parents to train their children to learn the virtues of urgency, as the children will not be chanced to achieve while out of that stage. Teachers also should be fast in captivating attention, teach the pupils as the time to impact in those particular pupils will soon be out. Entrepreneurs should be at haste to add to the number of their employees, add value, etc. Leaders should show examples, lead meaningfully. He concluded the lesson in making us understand that a goal can be achieved in 100 days if we can challenge ourselves.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Your destiny will not be fulfilled without upgrading your execution skills, and the development of massive sense of urgency:

The speaker explained that some dreams and goals doesn’t live to see the light of the day. There are many plans sometimes one may have, but there are some skills that needs to be activated in us for us to be able to achieve it. In life, there are various ups and downs, discouragement, disappointment. This calls for the reason why execution skills have to be developed.

ii. Life isn’t waiting for anyone: one uses one’s level of life as he or she can try to be,or based on the decision of carelessness, enjoyment.

But when one leaves that level of life, it won’t be possible to achieve what ought to have been strived for when in that stage. For example, I can’t be the best in my primary pupil in my state or country now, no matter how I now aim it, I’m out of it. So, children ought to be thought that the time is running out. The current stage of life they are in is an opportunity to achieve in that stage.

iii. Impatience is a key if living one’s life to it’s possible best is the answer.

The speaker asked that why is it important to be impatient? And he answered that the answer is simple and profound, time is running out. At what level one’s feels like an achiever is the level one stops achieving. One have to aim and strive more to make his passions come pass.

iv. You can spend the remaining of your life accomplishing small stuff slowly or you can learn to upgrade your execution skills and learn to start achieving big goals quickly.

I was made to understand that trials and efforts can help achieve small goals but upgrading one’s execution skills will help one with greater achievements quickly. The question and exercise here is to get the execution skills to be developed.

v. It is either you use this life well or you lose it forever

If one’s whole life was spent carelessly, achieving little or almost nothing, it will be lost at death and there will be no chance to live it again. So, even living is a chance to still acquire much out of life. As he said, if one wills to acquire wealth, it is better achieved at young age when the power and will is still vibrant.

vi. Reject the vices of procrastination, dependent on others, indecision and complacency.

One of my studies in goal setting says one should set a deadline and set another if not achieved. But before one will set another, it is better to add the virtues of urgency to its achievement. Sometimes, it is better if one’s source of help or a trusted person fails, because it will hasten one not to be too dependent. Until life teaches one a vital lesson, it will be so easy to place one’s dependency on others. This deprives one of achieving.

vii. Adopt the virtues of initiative of self-reliance, commitment, speed.

Concluding the solutions to gaining urgency in one’s goals,this three virtues are vital.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I’ll teach my children about learning the idea of achieving in each stage of life as time is running out and can’t be rewind or get back into. In anything I do, I’ll always put to mind that I need to develop a massive sense of urgency. No matter what life throws at us, there’s always a solution if we have an urgency mentality. In the same way, not just an envisioned solution will be available, many as we may think or discover. But, sense of urgency is the point.
The time I’ll spend in death is more than the time I’ll spend living, so it is better to put it in mind that there’s no time. Urgency is the fact. In the same way, there’s no second chance. Each day passes by and gone forever. Opportunities worth trying yesterday won’t give the same result today. This is where acquiring current and relevant information comes in because they open ways to Opportunities.

Sometimes, I try looking out for who can be of help in trying times but now I think even the trying times are chances to build oneself up. I’ll remove dependency from my habits. Even before I require for help, I would have enough and just ask for more.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Any goal, any task,any intention or idea will take as much time as you allow it to take.”

No matter how terrible the situation might be or how long suffering the person must have been, it is thought that the situation remains because one allows it to be. Until one wants it to be off/over, it will remain.

“If you think you have time, you do not.”

Time waits for no one. Everyday we gets older. Yesterday is lost and will never come back. The same time we spend struggling with life is the same time a friend or family of ours uses in getting higher. Sometimes, it appears as luck, then, all spiritual and cultural beliefs set in. While there is no luck in life. It’s time we too uses time well as we do not have it.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

There is nothing in the book I wish to disagree with. The lessons are so simple full of experience and well explained.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The audio message hardly has an exercise. It was full of explanations of a particular point in different ways. The one I consider as an exercise is the point that I should write my Engagement Rules. Thanks to the level three assessment. I can still follow up the plan of action as my engagement rules. Also, the speaker asked me to check out his video about how to fulfill one’s goal in 100 days at 100 days I’ll check this out later.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I really love this piece. I think it answers to my current knowledge search. I will be more at haste now to achieve my goal putting back any fears, limitations and all that has been delaying me. Now, I’ll write down my current course of actions to fit in to the situation I’m in.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is your overall rating you would give it? 10

The Fastest Way out of Fear
Assessment by Adebayo Christian Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Joan Borysenko wants the readers to realize and understand a simple technique of managing fear; healing oneself through a simple technique; breathing. Deliberately copying a relaxed breathing pattern seems to calm the nervous system that controls the body’s involuntary functions. She described the pattern and how it calms one’s nerves. The simplest one that calms down the central nervous system and helps to release the neurotransmitter Gaba from the brain and directly changes the fear in the mind is inhaling very slowly through the nose, pursing the lips and exhale until all the breath is finally gone. It has to be done the second time and then slow down one’s breath to like 4 or 6 times per minute. By doing this, the nervous system will be calm.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Patterned breathing helps calm the body

Abdominal breathing helps to control the nervous system and encourages the body to relax, bringing about a range of health benefits.

ii. When a person is under stress, their breathing pattern changes

An anxious person takes small, shallow breaths, using their shoulders rather than their diaphragm to move air in and out of their lungs. This style of breathing disrupts the balance of gases in the body.
This is the reason this exercise is important to correct the breathing pattern.

iii. Shallow over-breathing, or hyperventilation, can prolong feelings of anxiety by making the physical symptoms of stress worse

The feelings will continue as long as the breathing pattern doesn’t change. Controlling your breathing can help to improve some of these symptoms.

iv. Controlling the breathing pattern can also change the situation of the mind: the mind will calm thinking, the thoughts and the situations the mind.

v. When a person is relaxed, they breathe through their nose in a slow, even and gentle way: Deliberately copying a relaxed breathing pattern seems to calm the nervous system that controls the body’s involuntary functions.

Controlled breathing can cause physiological changes that include:
Lowered blood pressure and heart rate
Reduced levels of stress hormones in the blood
Reduced lactic acid build-up in muscle tissue
Balanced levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
Improved immune system functioning
Increased physical energy
Increased feelings of calm and wellbeing.

vi. Abdominal breathing requires a silent place and more concentration

More than the two times Joan described, it needs one to consciously breathe, possibly with eyes closed or fixed,and releasing the worries one after the other as one is practicing the exercise. Quick and unfocused practice hardly calms the body.

vii. According to research, there are lots of abdominal pattern one could practice, but this pattern seems to me to be the basis or the simplest.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The idea is a very bright and helpful. I’ve learned about how the change in breathing pattern hurts the body and causes stress and also elongates the period of overcoming it. Now, whenever I find myself in a similar situation as this, I’ll find a silent place and practice this exercise, not just to calm down the stress but also to help my body and heart.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“The fastest way to make progress in managing your fear is actually breathing.”

The exercise to the rest of the brain means that if we can slow breathing down, as we can do by deep breathing or slow controlled breaths, the idea would be that these neurons then don’t signal the arousal center, and don’t hyper-activate the brain. So you can calm your breathing and also calm your mind.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?
Actually, there’s no idea I’m unclear about or disagree with. Everything is understandable and practicable. The words are clear and clear expressed.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The lesson didn’t really contain a particular exercise for listeners to perform. In an actual sense, the lesson itself is to be practiced. Joan gave an example of the breathing exercise in a way if will heal the mind of it’s anxieties and fears.
The breathing exercise is to inhale very slowly through the nose, and purse one’s lips during the process for some seconds and after that exhale till the breathe is all gone. For the second time, one will inhale slowly again and purse one’s lips as if one is trying to breathe through a straw, and then exhale again. I had performed the exercise and I realized that it helps slow down one’s breathing and if done with the eyes closed, it takes one’s mind off the previous thoughts.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The lesson is aimed at recommending a good approach to getting out of fear, especially one that’s troubling one’s mind at a particular time. The exercise thought is really good because it requires no procedures or a special place for it to be carried out.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is your overall rating you would give it? 10

Spirit, Sex and Love
Assessment by Adebayo Christianah Kemi (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

When it comes to sex, most of us want more. The question is more of what? According to David Deida, when the depth of intimacy you’ve been experiencing is no longer fulfilling to your heart and body; when you sense that sexuality should go far beyond an embrace of brief satisfaction; the time has come to explore your unique sexual path to the divine. In Finding God Through Sex, this brilliant writer and internationally renowned expert on spiritual sexuality presents a revolutionary new way to love; one in which sex literally becomes an erotic act of devotional surrender, “making love, magnifying love, from the boundless depth of your heart through every inch of your body and in merger with your lover.” Through provocative vignettes that illuminate the many moods that color lovemaking, and direct instruction that speaks honestly to the masculine and feminine desires within each of us, Deida brings wisdom gained from 30 years’ work with thousands of couples to illustrate the distinct yet complementary avenues men and women can skillfully travel toward untamed passion and sacred unity. What unfolds is an unparalleled road map to the place where we “love as the cosmos One loving itself as an other, yet remembering itself as One.”

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

i. Sexual feeling, desires and the joy it brings can be more than a physical activity

In this lesson, the real sexual desire and attraction was described as the inner want of more than just a brief satisfaction. Just as men do desire more, David insinuates on how one can open up his mind to getting unsatisfied in his relationship with God. Opening up to the world of no boundaries in the divine.

ii. The author describes having no boundaries stage in a Godlike model
‘myself boundaries,” “no boundaries,” infirmities:

In describing the three stages of relationship and the boundaries involved in it, he describes the third as opening to the divine. In this stage, it will be really great if one has a partner that can open one more to God but if none, one can magnify him or herself alone.

iii. To achieve the God like stage, it needs practice, someone or something or grace to draw me beyond wholeness

This point gives me the idea that it’s not something to be achieved in a day. Just like the physical sexual activity, before it can be achieved, it needs familiarity, close relationship and mutual feelings.

iv. When you have a feminine essence, you care for love more than the care for consciousness
It is a woman thing to seek for love and as I realized, women can do most things for the sake of love. But, men are to be more conscious of what their women needs, to keep a relationship, satisfy their women and make their women love them more.

v. You can meet a woman more in a masculine form of consciousness

Consciousness is to “know how much a woman wants to be loved and show it to her body,” the author explained. This means without consciousness, sex can become casual or irritable to woman. In the same way, consciousness of how much God wants our attention can help us give it more to His level of more love for us.

vi. It is not necessary one’s spouse must be the person to help one in the third stage:

Another spiritual person can be of help but it’s also a need that one’s partner is carried along for the sake of been trustworthy.

vii. Humans can get satisfied with either the feelings of getting along with the love and emotions of being loved by God or noticing the love of the heart and penetrating into that love and loving God more.

The author describes the act of penetrating as a man’s act of sex. Instead of just getting along, I can choose to go deeper into the love.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

A brief satisfaction with my relationship with God isn’t enough, I’ll try to open up myself to needing more from it. Since it’s good to have a man that can help me in my limitless boundary with God, I’ll keep it in mind to study that aspect more in any man I decide to spend the rest of my life with. In addition to that, I’ll also try building him up in his own boundaries, so that where and when I’m weak, he’ll be there to help me up.

If there will be a man that will help one open more to God, then, faithfulness has to be the key too. One cannot have more than one partner and think one or more will be able to achieve it. But if one, the both partners will be able to draw each other to God.
Instead of just enjoying the feelings of been loved by God, I’ll always remember the lesson of penetrating, going deeper into the love of God. I can also notice His heart for me and love Him the same.

4.Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“Discipline yourself so that you only offer yourself to somebody who is worthy of opening you to God.”

This quote makes me realizes it’s the position one puts him or herself that will determine if he will see a man worthy of going on the journey with him or her. I recently met a friend of mine that we had lost contact then, he revealed to me how much he had departed from the faith, the other ways he had realized and all. After it all, he needs a relationship. In this case, if I decided to offer him his desire, maybe because of a thing or two, I wouldn’t expect him to draw me to God since he’s not the type. In reverse too, I wouldn’t be able to draw him except I can stand my ground to keep myself alone. But, learning this piece too, I will feel as if my case is irreversible.

“One can be on the third stage alone.”

It is good one can draw herself alone, for the sake of the unmarried, widows, and lots. Also, a person may travel for a long time, but since practice and grace can help one to be on this stage alone, the person will still be able to maintain his or her position in craving for God.

“Magnify your life by your relationship.”

Another gainful aspect of loving living together and growing old is magnifying one’s life spiritually. Most times, when considering a relationship, we don’t think more of this aspect, even if we do, on a minimal basis; go to church together, pray and believe the same faith. It will be really great considering a person who can help one magnify his or her life through the grace of having no boundaries.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

Actually, there’s no idea I’m unclear about or disagree with. Everything is understandable and practicable. The ideas are clear and full of wisdom.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The lesson doesn’t have any exercises for me to complete. It’s full of explanations of a new idea and expression.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Just as described above, sexual activity needs relationship, closeness and feelings before it can gratify into it. But, once done, the feelings doesn’t disappear, the desire becomes more needed than before. In our relationship with God too, if viewed as such, once satisfied with the divine dive, it shouldn’t stop there, as the practice should continue. This lesson can also be good for couples or adults in relationship whose relationship isn’t going well. The author says, “don’t degrade your life in relationship.” Relationship should be an elevating aspect of one’s life not a stagnant or degrading thing.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is your overall rating you would give it? 10