Ndefo Chikanso Patricia – Profile


Ndefo Chikanso Patricia

Nassarawa,Kaduna state.

E-mail: chiko4_good@yahoo.com

Birthday: 3rd July 1990

Education: B.sc.(Ed) Agric.Sc.

Occupation: Student

What is your vision of world that works for everyone?

My vision of a world that works for everyone is a world where men and women act with integrity. I envision a world where foundational values such as integrity and a high moral standard coupled with a quest for knowledge (by reading books) are strongly uphold. A world where people do the right thing at the right time and are willing to take responsibilities for their actions. A world where people discover their purpose in life, live in that purpose and create positive Impact in the lives of others. A world where people see failure as an opportunity to begin again more intelligently and lastly a world where everyone recognises the superior being – God and puts him in first place.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?

In every facet of life, problems are bound to arise. Life presents the good, bad and ugly situation to us. The world at large is not left out of problems which most times are very pressing and demands global concern.

I think that the most pressing problem facing the world today is the quest for fast acquisition of wealth and terrorism.

The quest for wealth which is evident in the increasing crime rate and impatience of people in now a worrisome issue. The youths nowadays do not find reading and studying interesting, they now engage themselves in internet fraud, kidnapping, prostitution and the like to make money. Little wonder most youths nowadays rush to the entertainment industry where they believe they can make it fast and big. It seems to me that they do not realise that money is the natural product of self development.

Parents are not left out of this problem as they do not teach their children foundational values such as integrity and a high moral standard. Our parents too feel that wealth is not worth waiting for by being hard working. Most of them do not do honest businesses and are often found cheating in offices all for the quest to make quick money and live large like other fellows.

The corruption of our leaders who are controlling the helm of affairs is another issue of concern. Over the past years, there have been cases of abuse of power, money embezzlement, awards of fake contract and mismanagement of funds. My country Nigeria have grown to accept corruption as a way of life because it has eaten deep into all spheres of the society. We must wake up to the challenge of this modern world and choose to change ourselves if we really want the world to change.

Terrorism which used to be likened to the U.S September 11 attack, is now glaring at us. An issue of global concern. Over the past decades and especially since the September 11, 2001, we have been cowering in a constant fear of the next terrorist attack. The terrorism of today such as suicide bombings in Israel and the suicide hijackings in the U.S presents an extremely dangerous threat to the security of the world.

I used to think that the word ‘terrorism’ is so foreign and had nothing to do with my country Nigeria until recent bombing by a religious sect called ‘Boko Haram’. Their attacks have been recorded on the united states embassy, Eagles square Abuja and a lot of churches where a high number of deaths have been recorded. The worst has been the Christmas day bombing in a church immediately after the service ended.

Thousands of lives have been lost to the activities of terrorist groups. People now live in fear of the next terrorist attack. The aim of terrorism is to achieve a political goal. If terrorists are allowed to achieve this goal or even prove itself to be a more effective way of moving towards this goal than more peaceful means such as negotiations, then terrorism will spread.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?

I believe the problem of quest for fast accumulation of wealth and impatience can be best solved by changing the mentality of the persons involved most especially the youths. This can be achieved by encouraging them to imbibe a culture of reading. Knowledge gained from reading books will go a long way to refocus their minds on the right way to follow. The role of parents, schools the mass media and religious institutions such as the churches and the mosques cannot be overemphasized in cooperating good morals and a decent lifestyle in people.

Terrorism can best be solved by negotiation with the government. Negotiation helps for fair hearing of peoples opinion on issues affecting a country. If terrorist groups can come out, spell out their problems and needs, it will help the government to come out with a successful conclusion.

Above all, the word of God which is life should be put in first place. I know that the bible-the word of God teaches us the truth and helps us model our life in wisdom and righteousness which is needed in our world today

your two introductory books and are accepted as an active student, you will be shipped the books for level one. Do you commit yourself to reading and completing the assessment on each of these books within 90 days of receipt (up to 90 days for each book)?


I am Ndefo Chikanso Patricia, 21 years old born on the 3rd of July 1990. I am a native of Ekwusigo local government area of Anambra state Nigeria, I speak Igbo, Hausa and English fluently. I am the third in the family of five and schooled in the university of agriculture Makurdi. Benue state, Nigeria where I studied agricultural education, my temperament blend is sanguine and phlegmatic, i am a very jovial person, tolerant, peaceful, friendly, outspoken and fun to be with.

I am devoted to the search for personal development, my interest is in reading, researching and learning new words. Some of the books i have read are ‘why you act the way you do’ by Tim Lahaye, ‘think and grow rich’ by Napoleon Hill, ‘recipe for sucess’ by Emma Etuk, ‘failing forward’ by John Maxwell, Developing the leader within you’ by John Maxwell, ‘purpose driven life’ by Rick Warren, ‘the rules of love by Richard Templar and a lot of other inspiring and motivating books.

I have participated in workshops such as in strategic empowerment and mediation agency (SEMA), Cymmy associates leadership and entrepreneurship summit. I am an awardee of Cymmy associates scholarship scheme which afforded me the opportunity to undergo a five_months research work on topics such as Temperament, leadership, handling failures, legacy and willpower.

I have participated in community development project in SIFE (Students in free enterprise) team in my school where we undertook projects such as prison reforms and entrepreneurship project and women in free enterprise. I have undergone some basic formal education (Nursery. primary and secondary and tertiary institution). I have served in leadership positions as the laboratory prefect in secondary school, treasurer Block rosary crusade in my church chapter, General secretary, students in free enterprise (SIFE) team in my school.

I am the most schooled in my family and i really appreciate my dad for his love for education,fatherly love and care and for training me in school.i am God fearing and my love for God has helped me to live a descent Christian life. i know i have the potential to be great in life and i ask God to see me through in my pursuit for knowledge, education and a fulfilled life that will make for a beautiful

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Books Completed:

As A Man Thinketh
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Keys to Success
Real Magic
The New Dynamics of Winning
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Giant Steps
Success through a Positive Mental Attitude
Goal Setting 101
Leadership for Dummies
The Law of Attraction
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
This Child Shall be Great
Nonviolent Communication
Unlimited Power
This Child Shall be Great
The Leader who had No Title
100 Great Business Ideas