Rachael Tola Arowolo – Assessments

As a Man Thinketh
Assessment by Rachael Arowolo (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea that James Allen conceptualizes in his book “As a Man Thinketh,” is the power of thoughts. In an expository manner, this book dwells on the impact of thoughts in reframing and empowering the human’s mind to accommodate good or bad decisions. As a Man Thinketh conveys the message of choices and influences of thought on a man’s life. It explains the fact that good thinking patterns have the power to sharpen and configure the mind in such a way that it will transform lives for the best. Not only does this book simulates the idea of good thoughts on all levels of human life to achieve life’s purpose; James Allen deemed it fit to explain the effect of good and bad thoughts on health, character, vision and the universe.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

As a Man Thinketh as a good book and for me these seven ideas stood out as I digested the content of the book.

i. Taking responsibility for my actions

This idea arose from the chapter on Thoughts and Character. Often times, I had conversed and justify severally people’s responses to situations as being based on society. Before now, I will analysis people’s reaction to it has being subjected to the environment they found themselves. For instance, in a country, where the rate of poverty is extremely high, I will base my assumption for being selfish as the “responsible” because of the situation that such person find himself/herself. However, As a Man Thinketh stimulated my thinking, I discovered that nothing dictates one’s character than oneself. I realized that, a self-centered person will always be self-centered even when there are surplus and opportunities for several people are in the radar. At the end of this book, I had a deeper idea and discovering that one’s character is about oneself and a complete sum of one’s thoughts.

ii. Always connect my thoughts per time to my purpose/Goal

Having gotten this idea from thought and purpose, As a Man Thinketh, made me discovered the link between thought and purpose. The bigger picture I saw in this book is the fact that thoughts directs, connects and control the path to fulfill purpose.

iii. Thinking without limitations

As with the saying that, “the greatest limitation to a man accomplishments in life is himself/herself;” As a Man Thinketh explains the fact that success can only happen when one is relentless to make it happen. For me, I got the message over and over again that thinking is free and if one can think it, then it is achievable. I can now work towards my life goal without bothering about “artificial” barriers placed by mindset.

iv. Visions and Ideals are trademarks of an achiever

“Vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your Ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.” This quote specifically reignited my passion for development. It reinforced my path to development and commitment to my goals this year. As an achiever, I now have the idea to relate well and more with visions and ideals especially on the need to walk in line towards development.

v. Learn to hold on to “power”

Calmness; Power, Self- control, strength. In this book, my thinking as regards serenity changed. I have always imagine serenity as been physically alone in a place without noise or interferences, but my new picture of calmness after reading “As a Man Thinketh” makes it easy. Henceforth, I am working towards holding on to being calm in spite of the race to becoming an achiever. I am learning about new ways to breath.

vi. If I can control the way mind then nothing is impossible

This idea arose after I read about the effect of thought on health and the body. I am amazed by the ability of my thoughts to control my body. For every defiling thought, I understood the effect on my health. Therefore, I have this idea to draft out words that I want to my mind to dwell on every week; I want to direct my thoughts with what I hope to become by so doing, I am strengthening and sharpening both my body and health; protecting and renewing my thinking patterns to become beautiful.

vii. Never to work against the universe

Since the universe has rewards for every action; I got this idea that evil thoughts, bad eating habits, impurity, corruption etc. usually disrupt the orderliness of the universe. ‘Spiritual achievements are the consummation of holy aspirations’ as written by James Allen, I henceforth, decided the only work to achieve good thoughts to maintain favor and balance in the life. ‘The Universe does not favor the greedy the dishonest, the vicious, although on the mere surface it may sometimes appear to do so; it helps the honest, the magnanimous, the virtuous.”

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

The ideas gotten from this book will help me in reframing my thoughts towards achieving my life goals. Every year, I have a long list of things to achieve within the year. Often times, I tend to lose track. However, having gone through this book , I am able to see the bigger picture of development; of how I can reframe my mind intelligently to actualize the impact I hope to make in my personal and professional life. How I can work to accommodate and achieve it all. I can now work without limits as I can become whatever I set how to be especially as my thoughts are channel on the right course.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

There are several thoughts that stood out for me in this book among which were:

“Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself.”

“Every thought-seed sown or allowed to fall into the mind, and to take root there, produces its own, blossoming sooner or later into act, and bearing its own fruitage of opportunity and circumstance. Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bad fruit.”

“The man who does not shrink from self-crucifixion can never fail to accomplish the object upon which his heart is set.”

“Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can
never produce good results.”

“A man cannot directly choose his circumstances, but he can choose his thoughts, and so indirectly, yet surely, shape his circumstances.”

“A man only begins to be a man when he ceases to whine and revile, and commences to search for the hidden justice which regulates his life.”

“Let a man radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life.”

“The body is a delicate and plastic instrument, which responds readily to the thoughts by which it is impressed, and habits of thought will produce their own effects, good or bad, upon it.”

“Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.”

“He is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.”

“Every man is where he is by the law of his being; the thoughts which he has built into his character have brought him there, and in the arrangement of his life there is no element of chance, but all is the result of a law which cannot err.”

These quotes got my attention because it exposes the influence of thoughts on making man a Man of purpose and direction. These quotes speak to me and reinforces the fact that I am the sharper of my own purpose, life and destiny.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Not at all. The book was perfectly clear by laying emphasis that a man maketh himself / herself.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?


7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8



Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Rachael Arowolo (Nigeria)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Jonathan Livingston Seagull conveyed messages of strength for individuals who work to bring about development in their respective communities. This book is an outline and a guideline of commitment towards development. It offers encouragement to individuals who desire changes of development. It also establish the importance of pursuing one’s dreams and goals as a leader or aspired leader especially as the zeal to make a difference is eminent in every community development. Jonathan Livingston Seagull explains the unlimited idea of freedom to accomplish social change. In this book, Richard Bach ran readers through the power of thinking patterns and also explained the reward of hard work and the benefit of replicating ideas – followership.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

In this book, seven ideas which stood out for me were;

i. Values

In this book, determination is a value that stood out for Jonathan Seagull. This was expressed everywhere in the book as it is a strong pillar of support for his accomplishment. As an Individual, determination supports my personal idea of values. It expresses the fact that many people might not understand what purpose a particular course will accomplish or why it matters especially since the result have little or no financial remuneration. Just as seagull did not deviate and held on to determination as a value; it instill in me that determination as a core value will earn me the desired result if I am consistent. Seagulls do not deviate from his values of wanting more than dodging and fighting for bits of food.

ii. Be extraordinary.

In this book, Jonathan was not ready to conform to the ordinary ways of the seagull. He wanted more. Despite that every one including his parents do not understand his intent; he did not allow his being misunderstood discourage him from his aspirations to becoming a better seagull who live more than to scramble for limited food. He wants to get better and his workings of aspirations echo loudly that he became successful at it. For me, this really stood out because it makes me to understand that actions and in-actions notwithstanding, implementing “crazy un-conforming” innovative ideas will cause a stir especially with people who are used to the ordinary.

iii. Mingle with people of like-mind

On the route to self-discovery, Jonathan was alone and wanted to crave in to being the ‘usual’ kind of seagull, but after his banishment from breakfast flock, he left the flock and met with other seagulls who had been ‘alone’ like him, who support him fully on his quest. Here, I learnt that whatever goal I’m pursuing, seeking help, learning and working with people who are motivated like myself will enhance the accomplishment of the goal.

iv. Self-Discovery

Whilst reading this book, I discovered that it is important to find one’s passion in life, what makes one feel alive and pursue it just as Seagull did. This book has taught me to see myself as my greatest cheer leader. That I should find myself, understand myself and pursue my goal.

v. Consistency makes perfect

Jonathan Seagull practiced to make
himself in command of his chosen path. He went offshore to where he was alone and practiced. I learnt that the more you practice, the higher the tendency of becoming a perfect in your chosen career. It simply means that consistently working innovative changes will at the end bring about the desired changes.

vi. See beyond your limitation

In this book, I learned that limitations are often times placed upon man by man himself. Seagull learnt from Chiang that the first key to unlocking impossibilities is to see oneself as not been trapped inside a limited body but as one with enough potential to live out one’s true nature to make desired dream manifest.

vii. New innovations / idea might make you unpopular.

Jonathan, Fletcher and others were regarded as outcasts because their idea of flight seem unpopular within the flock. Just as it is with them, the way of touring the unknown life of new ideas. For me, even though the successes of new innovation will speak louder than any attempt to convince others, restrictions should be anticipated at first as part of the process.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Yes. The ideas will help in my personal life and in creating a better world by preparing me to aim for perfection and bring out a ‘limitless’ personality who will keep working development that will practically change the world. Also, the experiences of Jonathan Seagull and the Breakfast flock in this book make me to see the world all together in similar manner with the breakfast flock; this give me an overview of what changes can do. In addition, it places on me the discretion and adequate preparation to go all in to create a world of sustainable changes that I solely desired.

4. Quotes: Are there any statements which the author made that
particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they were important to you.

“We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to fly!

“We’re from your Flock, Jonathan. We are your brothers.”

The words were strong and calm.

“We’ve come to take you higher, to take you home.”

“If anybody can show someone on the ground how to see a thousand
miles, it will be Jonathan Livingston Seagull.”

“Most gulls don’t bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flight how to get from shore to food and back again. For most gulls, it is not flying that matters, but eating. For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight. More than anything else.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull loved to fly.

“Jonathan Livingston Seagull was practicing. A hundred feet in the
sky he lowered his webbed feet, lifted his beak, and strained to hold a painful hard twisting curve through his wings.”

“Then his feathers ruffled, he stalled and fell. Seagulls, as you know, never falter, never stall. To stall in the air is for them disgrace and it is dishonor. But Jonathan Livingston Seagull, unashamed, stretching his wings again in that trembling hard curve – slowing, slowing, and stalling once more was no ordinary bird.”

“In ten seconds he had blurred through ninety miles per hour. Jonathan had set a world speed record for seagulls!”

Jonathan Seagull discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reasons that a gull’s life is so short, and with these gone from his thought, he lived a long fine life indeed.

“Learn nothing, and the next world is the same as this one, all the same limitations and lead weights to overcome.”

“To fly as fast as thought, to anywhere that is, you must begin by knowing that you have already arrived..”

“Jonathan kept at it, fiercely, day after day, from before sunrise till past midnight.”

For me, these quotes stood out because it explicitly express the challenges, discoveries and the supporting “mechanisms” for Jonathan Seagull. It clearly shows how he fiercely practiced to show he was no ordinary bird but one that is committed to live, love, forgive and give back to the community who had regarded him and others as outcast.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Not at all. Jonathan Seagull

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Not at all, there are no exercises for readers. However, Jonathan Seagull is really helpful because it painted a mental picture of a journey to self-discovery and actualizing one life’s goal.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.


Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9