As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Oladipo Olagbenro Michael Nigeria)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?
Philosophers, prophets, writers, preachers, etc. have all written and delivered many canonized pieces on the phenomenal effects of thoughts in achievements. To many of them, the effects of our thoughts cannot be separated from whatever a man achieves and/or fails to achieve. Nothing can be truer than that. One of those timeless pieces on the
effects of thoughts on achievement is Allen’s – As a Man Thinketh. The book as claimed by Allen is the product of his meditations on the workings of forces behind the existence of man.
In the text, the author explores the effects of mans thoughts in almost all that has to do with his life. He argues that human mind may be likened to a garden which may be cultivated or allowed to run wild. This suggests that a man’s mind is a tender palace which must be beautifully cultivated or allowed to run wild. The text implies that if through our mind, we fashion out thoughts that are lovely and noble, giving no space for the teasing of negative thoughts, we shall champion a blissful life where serenity resides. Just like Bachs – Jonathan L. Seagull, the text admonishes its readers to embrace the brighter sides of life. The text brilliantly explains that our outward experiences, is only the fruition of thoughts that have been nurtured in the mind. A mind that is poor cannot be rich outwardly, a sick mind can’t be healthy, and a weak mind cant be strong unless the thoughts that occupy the corridor of such mind are changed. Simply put, through the book, Allen preaches a sermon that encourages human being to guard and guide their heart with all diligence. Our mind, to him, is too sacred and important to be toiled with and being a servant, whatever we command it, it does nothing but obey. Out of a man’s mind flow the issues of life.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List the seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why is important to you. Use personal examples from your life?
i. Right-thought is mastery
This is perhaps the most important theme of the text. It is like the foundation on which the whole text is build upon. As it is in the text, Allen argues that a mind that is preoccupied with only right thoughts is a strong mind. To him, that is perfection. Until we all learn to think in the right direction, we cannot have the knowledge or experience of the lives we want to live. By firmly placing ones hand firmly upon the helm of thought churning out only positive results one attains perfection. That is mastery. We
can’t say we want a beautiful life without first learning to beautify our thoughts. Beauty starts from within and only a willing heart can reach that level of mastery. In whatever we do, thinking rightly will take us to the peak of our ventures. No room for negativity.
Personally, I think I still need to develop on this. Being a guy from a relatively humble background, I have always felt there is a limit to what I can achieve but with this, I think I need to work on my thoughts. I need to reach perfection in thoughts. This is like a
game-changing secret for me as I hope to use the idea in any of my coming pursuits.
ii. Calmness is power
According to Allen, calmness is power. Anxiety demoralizes. A calm mind is a powerful mind that sees beyond the now. Calmness is like a step towards perfection. Through many means, the author argues that it is important for one to be calm in the face of
adversity. A mind that is troubled is a weak mind and weakness is one of the hallmarks of a failed character. Whenever people are complaining, a cam mind will always find peace and strength within. If we can see things and approach issues from a calm perspective, we tend to see clearer and better. Being worried about situations will only make one us make a fool of ourselves. Calmness is very important in the face of adversity. This is one idea that I find prominent in the text.
On many instances in the past, I have found myself taking decision with a mind that is worried. The outcomes of those decisions were disastrous. If only I had known the secret to a calm mind, probably I could have saved my days.
iii. Cherish your vision
No matter how small or unachievable it may seem, we are admonished by Allen to cherish our visions. In the text, Allen cites examples of men who cherished their visions and pursued it. The author coaxes us to never let go of what we believe in. Most people in
our world today are too shy to pursue whatever they believe in. Little did they know that those people that engrave their name in gold in history are men of blood and veins just like them. Only that they had some sorts of exceptional drive to champion a noble course in life. One can argue that it was not always easy when they started but the love they had for their visions made them saw what lies beneath. That is how to be an achiever. No great venture can be built without an iota of determination in the person who conceives the idea. We all need to take that giant step of faith.
For instance, there was a time I had a burning desire to invest in fish-farming but I always found excuse or reason not to do so. I always felt the right time hadn’t come. But then, a friend challenged me and I took that giant first step. It was a massive and wonderful investment. I learned some lessons but the harvest was encouraging. Now, I’m more of an expert at fish-farming. The book says it all: Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become.
iv. After victory, be watchful and consistent else you fall
The author argues that many people fall out of stardom because they got carried away. To him, victory attained by right though van only be maintained by watchfulness. Watchfulness in this sense encompasses consistency and renewed strength. In fact, it is believed by many that achieving victory is not as difficult as maintaining it. This could be true. In football, being a crowned league champion is not as easy as being a back-to-back champion. Defending a title is usually difficult every team will want to beat the champion. That is where watchfulness comes in. by being watchful and consistent in brilliant deeds, ones victory should be eternal.
After secondary school, a good number of folks that were topping the class fizzle away when they got into the university. They lacked consistency.
v. You are the master of your fate
By what you chose to do, you directly or indirectly influence your fate. You are the driver of your life and you are the one that sets the route for the journey. Many people
believe they are being controlled by some evil forces. Being an African and Christian, I wouldn’t want to ignore the possibility of that but then, it is important for us to know that by the choices we make, we also influence our fate. You can’t sit within and expect to
travel without. There is a natural law which Allen tries to expose: “what you sow you reap!” It is as simple as that.
Until I started being serious about thing that matter, I thought I was made or wired to be a failure. With discipline, hard work and prayer, I have achieved some brilliant feats in recent times.
vi. Money seeking is not all that matters
Also, the text foregrounds the insatiability that will forever accompany a mind that is obsessed with money. A money seeking mind will only find peace in money and when it
is gone, problems arise. Lets look at this beautiful extract from the text:
“How insignificant mere money seeking look in comparison with a serene life. A life that dwells in the ocean of truth, beneath the wakes, beyond the reach of tempests, in the eternal calm.”
The extract above clearly states that there are more to life than pursuing money. Money is good. Yes. But it shouldn’t occupy the center of ones thought. If excellence is pursued, success will follow suit.
This is what we lack in our world. It saddens me whenever I see folks that a rich, yet unhappy. What an irony of life!
vii. Guard you integrity
On many instances, the word truth (connotatively and denotatively) is used. The author, through the text, emphasizes the importance of being a man of high integrity. One shouldn’t dent into savagery by trading his integrity. Your integrity might be all you have when other things are gone. Almost throughout the pages of the book, integrity is given prominence to the point that one may begin to feel as if a Bible or Quran is being read.
For me, this is a secret I have known a long time ago. My integrity is something I cant trade for anything. It took me some time and drills to be who I am today.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?
This book should be the companion of those who want to live a life of purpose and excellence.
4. Quotes: are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they are important to you.
Quotes abound in the text but this is very dear to me:
“Having conceived of our purpose, we should mentally make out a straight pathway to its achievement, looking neither to the right nor the left. Doubts and fears should be rigorously excluded; they are disintegrating elements which break up the straight line of effort, rendering it crooked, ineffectual, useless. Thoughts of doubt and fear never accomplish anything and never can. They always lead to failure. Purpose, energy, power to do, and all strong thoughts cease when doubt and fear creep in.”
The above quote is important to me because it makes me understand that fear and doubt will never bring any positive result. Above that, it buttresses the importance of having a strong will which is important in pursuing a dream.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?
The text is lucid enough for any willing mind to digest. The simplicity of form, content and language is phenomenal. Also, through exemplification, the author buttresses most of his point. All these aid the understanding of the text.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
No. But, I want to believe that it is expected of people who have read
the book to wisely direct their thoughts.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 6
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Oladipo Olagbenro Michael Nigeria)
1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?
The book is no doubt a brilliant creative piece. Through it, the author, Richard Bach, take us on a journey into the world of human limitations and how the determination and zeal of one man can lead to the liberation of many. Through its finely woven words and brilliantly designed characters, the author argues that a limited life likely
conventional, a life unwilling to learn, etc. – is a boring life.
According to the author, there is more to life than living for the moment. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest and as portrayed in the book, it could be needed for a man who desires to live a life of purpose to see beyond the limitations of his environments, physique, and thought. Some feats are meant to be dared.
History will always be fair to those who see beyond the surface, those who cherish a vision and ideal, those who believe that in pursuing excellence and desiring to learn as we progress, we tend to break the yoke of limitations that beclouds our sights. According to the book, it can be stated that until a man is ready to be different and work towards a goal, happiness and fulfillment might not be achieved. Simply put, it could be argued that Bach, through the pages of the text, speaks to the hearts of willing men to take that giant steps, ignoring their limitations and learn to fly.
2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List the seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why is important to you. Use personal examples from your life?
While reading some books, occasionally pausing to reflect on how important the ideas through which they are garnished are cannot be ignored. Such pieces are timeless works of art that have some sorts of embedded ability to change lives. The following are some ideas in the book – Jonathan Livingston Seagull – that I cant ignore:
i. Being different:
Being different could be all we need to champion a noble course in life. If we can decide to think beyond what we can see or capable of doing, we will reach lofty heights. This is one idea that is prominent in the text. The character, Jonathan Seagull decides
to be unconventional in his thoughts and desires and he consequently finds peace. At times, being unconventional could be our only escape route from a life of average.
Personally, I have been in many situations where my ability to think different was my saving grace. My desire to go against the norm in my family in pursuing a career in the Humanities is no doubt one of the wisest decisions of my life. Apparently, I love what I’m doing.
ii. The importance of learning:
Leaning is fore-grounded in the book. Theauthor seems to be passionately telling his readers to develop a positive approach to learning. Based on the story line, it is
reinforced that before one can think of flying learning must take place. Contrary to what most individuals today believe, learning is projected as an important virtue of existence. To attain professionalism, the process of learning must be constant. How do we want to master a particular art if we are too lazy to learn? The determination to champion a life of fulfillment starts from our desire and willingness to learn the required skills that will birth
Important for me is this idea in the book. Really, I wouldn’t say I have a bad attitude to learning, but I have always felt that when one is regarded as a star in a field, just like Jonathan Seagull in the book, leaning should somehow stop. For instance, I have a talent in pencil drawings and I am like a god in that to a good number of people who are amateurs. The feeling is always good whenever my craft is appreciated and deep inside me, I know I’m lagging in some finishing-touches, but I never cared. All that mattered to me is drawing to be appreciated not to be perfect. Oh poor me! Now that I know, this has to change!
iii. Practice
In life, to attain perfection, one must practice very hard. Sculptors, athletes, poets, writers, etc. who are masters of their arts are not made in a day. A lot of hard-work and constant practice must have been put into it. In the book, one would have imagined that
Jonathan would stop practicing after setting some personal records for himself, but he doesn’t stop there. He practices all the time. He is a character that loves breaking records set by himself. He loves perfection and he is fortunate enough to have known the secret to it constant practice. In the course of his practices, many new heights were reached, new lessons learnt and wonderful attitude developed.
That is how to live a life of purpose. I can relate to this to a large extent. Long ago, I determined toil ear ball jogging but it was a hell of a daunting task. However, I practiced till I could jog a ball 100 times. I never stopped there. Till now, I always practice despite the fact that I’m more or less the best ball-jogger in my neighborhood. The drive for my continual practice is this: I don’t want to be the second. That sounds cool right?
iv. Love
This is the height of perfection. Until we learn to love effortlessly, we can’t be fulfilled. The hallmark of a beautiful life is to what extent the person can love. Taking a look at how the Flock treat Jonathan, I was expecting that he wouldn’t have anything to do
with them again but then, he exudes love in large quantity. He is a character with a lion heart and in learning to love his enemies, he finds bliss. If we all can learn to live a life of love and respect people, our world will no doubt be beautiful than it is. Personally, I
think I should work more on that.
v. Forgiveness
Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong and noble. A noble and beautiful heart will always find a way of forgiving people. Our unwillingness to forgive those who hurt us will always be a stumbling-block to seeing the brighter sides of our existence. In the
book, despite the injustice meted on Jonathan, he still finds reasons to forgive the Flock. Through his forgiveness, he is able to breathe life into the coming generations. He embraced those who plotted his banishment. The consequence of his act is fulfillment and happiness.
Letting go is important in advancement. I once had issue with a friend while in school and found it hard to forgive her but when I later did, I felt eternal bliss. It was as if a
burden was lifted off my heart. Afterwards, we talked on where we both got it wrong and devised way of catching up. It was the dawn of a new experience afterwards.
vi. As a man thinks so is he
Maynard Gull in his distress said this to Jonathan, I cant move my wing. In response, this is what Jonathan says: I say you are free. Jonathan, recognizing that the innate ability to fly is in Maynard, only tells him to see the brighter side of life – he proclaimed freedom. Until we learn to think positively beyond our limitations, we might not be able to achieve what we desire. Thinking positively and working towards what one set to achieve has been argued by many to be the secret to unleashing ones’ potentials. Until I started thinking positively about my academic potentials, I had it rough in the university. I later graduated among the best in my class!
vii. We must learn again to fly
Learning isn’t going to be a smooth-ride but we must learn to pick ourselves up when we fall. In the book, instances of Seagulls falling in the cause of learning how to fly higher abound but they do not give up. They keep trying till perfection is reached or till they at least reach their target. That is how life should be approached. We shouldn’t see setbacks as stops. We should learn from them and fly again.
Sometimes ago, my dad invested in a business that flopped. He was disturbed at first but he got back more strengthened and experienced. The rest is history.
3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?
On the whole, the text is a beautiful one. It aptly, through brilliant characterization and story, paints the picture of living a life of purpose and bliss. It also finds a way of answering the time-honored question: What does it mean to be successful?
4. Quotes: are there any statements which the author made that particularly got your attention? If so, please quote them and comment as to why they are important to you.
“Break the chains of your thoughts and break the chains of your body.”
This quote is timeless. It is important to me because this is a secret I have learned some years ago. Having it re-affirmed is cool. Until we all learn to be positive, until we all learn to disregard our limitations, we might not be able to achieve.
“Manchester Uniteds Paul Scholes is a player with an eye defect. To that effect, he had a
surgery and upon his return to active football, he leaped from strength to strength. Considering his role on the field – a midfielder – one would not have imagined that. A good sight is crucial at the middle of the park and sadly, Scholes couldn’t be said to have a good one. But, he saw beyond his limitations, he saw purpose and he mfulfilled it. Today in retirement, he is no doubt one of the finest midfielders the game has ever witnessed.”
Many instances of people looking beyond their limitations to defy the extraordinary abound but funnily, being a Man United fan, I can easily relate to Scholes.
5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?
The language, content and form of the text are such that make it easier to comprehend. The simplicity used in the projection of Bachs’ message is such that does not give room for any form of difficulty in understanding the core points in the text. Also, I agree with
practically all the ideas in the book because most of them have been proven to be true in the deeds of some daring personalities around us.
6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?
No exercise is required. However, I want to believe it would be nice if readers can constantly meditate on and practice the messages in the text.
7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.
Another title for the text could have been “Dare to Be Different.”
Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 6
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8