Kosi Sepénou Davui – Assessments

As A Man Thinketh
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

Part I Content Reviw

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Your behavior and actions show your thought.
Cause an effect lead to determinism. It means that the world of visible and materials is governed by laws. So the character of man result from laws of thought.

Man is made and unmade by himself. A man by his thought through character with acts can build or destroy himself.

This being, man is more responsible of life than any divine promise and confidence. He is
powerful, intelligent to take control on himself by will. We are so responsible of our difficulties, and we can by reflection, self-analysis return the situation to our favor. By this process we discover the laws of thought. The laws by which we are estabilished.
“He that seeketh, findeth, and to him knocketh it shall be opened”

The way you are looking for something you’ll find it one day.

The matter is to know yourself, which door are knocking. What are you searching. Keep this in your mind steadfastly and seriously, one day you’ll see the door opened widely.

Apply the laws of your thought and apply them to any situation of your life. You are making so a character which would allow you to face other circumstances of existence.

Like a garden a man’s mind must be cultivated favorably. He direct so his life. He becomes master. Shaping character, circumstances and destiny.

Thought and character are one. Your character reveals your inner state.
“Every man is where he is by the law of his being” It means that any existence is determined.

The man who doesn’t shrink from self-crucifixion can never fail to accomplish his object.
Good or bad thoughts with its action produce result of its kind suffering result of wrong thought ceases unless you purify your self. “There could no object in burning gold after the dross had been removed”

Blessedness, wretchedness are the results of mental harmony or inharmony; inner with the outer. Blessedness and riches are only joined together when they are rightly and wisely used.
Nature helps every man to gratification of thoughts. Every man can succeed.
The gods are ready to obey when spirit rises and commands.

Diseases and heath, like circumstances, are rooted in thought.
Habits of thoughts produces their own effects, good or bad upon it. Change the diet will not change his thought.
If you would perfect your body guard your mind, if you would renew your body beautify your mind.

A sour face does not come by chance but by sour thought.
Until thought linked with purpose there is no intelligent accomplishment a man. He should make this purpose his supreme duty and should devote himself to its attainment.
All that a man achieves or fails is the direct result of own thoughts.
A strong man cannot help unless that the weaker is willing to be helped.
“Many men are slaves because one is oppressor”; “One man is an oppressor because many are slaves”

According as you want to be free, mobilise your energies; try neither to be slaves nor oppressor.
There can be no progress nor achievement without sacrifice.
The universe helps the honest, the magnanimous, the virtuous. A man has but to persist in making himself increasingly virtuous by lifting his thoughts.

Intellectual achievements are the result of thought consecrated; and spiritual are the consummation of holy aspirations.
Achievement of any kind is the crown of effort.
The dreamers are the saviours of the world.
He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart will one day realize it. “Ask and receive”

As you dream , so shall you become.
“The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg”. In your dream awaits your goal to become a reality.
The thoughtless seeing the apparent effect of things talk of luck, do not understand the process, but perceive only the result and call for “chance”
In all human affairs there are efforts.

The vision your glorify in your mind, will build your life .
Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom
Understand himself, others, he remains poised, steadfast and serene . He is a shade-gwing tree in a thirsty land or a sheltering rock in a storm.
Only those whose thoughts are controlled and purified make the winds and storms of the soul obey them.

Self-control is strength, right thought is mastery, calmness is power unto your heart say “Peace. be still”

Part 2 : Personal impact – Pratical value:

As a man thinking in his heart, so is he. The way you behave shows your thought.
The visible and material world is governed by laws. That we call it determinism and this we also find it in any human being.

The character of a man result from laws of thought.

A man is made and unmade by himself. By your thought by your character through your acts, you can build or destroy yourself.

This being, a man is more responsible of his life than any divine promise. A man is powerful, enough intelligent to take control on himself by will. We are responsible of our difficulties.
After many reflections, self-analysis, we can change the situation favorably. We could by this process the laws of thought by which we are estabilished.

“He that seeketh findeth and to him it shall be opened”

It is years since I was looking for the ways to study in U S A. But I have nobody, no sponsor to help me doing this. I had invested myself in internet searching. And when doing this people laughed at me and told me it is impossible because they only saw my poverty. They forget this proverb “He that seeketh, findeth and to him it shall be opened”. It is true that my way is very long but by this IIGL studies, I am touching the reality of my dream.

I have been made a character that allow me to overcome to get of any difficulty. The core of this character is faith and courage. By this even though everything is going bad, there is no fear and I tell to myself the next moment will be better.

This Philosophy I have cultivated it in mind as law of my thought that allow me to face any circumstance of my life.

After reviewing the program of these studies. I told to myself the way is still long for me to get my final goal. And for I am preparing psychologically to do it. It is self-crucifixion. And surely one day I will get my object: “The man who doesn’t shrink from self-crucifixion can never fail to accomplish his object”

Very often, I see some men very miserable. I wonder why? This put me in great meditation. The less I can say like response is: it may probably depend themselves. The matter is also that what were their goals on life, on their existence. To fail or succeed? If these men choose to succeed and make their energies and efforts in consequence, I think as for me they would be less miserable.

“Nature helps every man to gratification”. “The gods are ready to obey when spirit rises and commands”. As for me, I know my goals and I mobilise my energy in consequence. I have to succeed in spite of that I have no means to finance higher studies. By nature gratification I will one day find sponsor opportunity for my education purposes.

After my high school diploma , because of lack of means, I couldn’t continue my education at University here in my country. Could you imagine that in the same moment I want to study in USA? Yes that is my ambition. Even though I haven’t money I could have at least ambition. I could have purpose, vision on my life. And when I saw my comrades with whom I had succeeded Baccalaureat exam going to University, alone in my room, I was weeping all the day.

Because of my ambition, my target, I was looking for the way. And one day during my weeping, I got an idea: to find opportunity on USA studies through internet. This searching I have done it four years. I have sent more than three hundred applications and most of the time I had no response. I was just looking for one year sponsored training in USA. My way is truly long but I don’t discourage. It is by this way I met you through Joanna White, dean of admission at Center For Puposeful Living.

Today with these studies. I am touching one of my purposes. By these studies, I am on the way to become the intellectual of my family. My dream becomes more and more reality. I love too much intellectual life. And I like stay in group of intellectuals where we discuss subjects of life in general, human being particularly.

“In all human affairs there are efforts”. All these efforts, these sacrifices, where find money to pay cyberman, it is a problem; nobody knows, But if one day I get a position, people will talk about “chance” and try to envy me. The nature will protect me. I love wisdom, calm life full of morality. Because of this character people discover in my life, people older than me, come to me very often for advice.

In my family, I am the regulator because of my serene character. My mother called me always to come to village when brothers and sisters made her angry. She exposed me the problem and I tried my best to consolate her. She got glad before I left her in spite of having no money to give her. Avoiding conflicts with others, I try my best self control exercise and be still free in peace with my neighbours.

For this reason, I am always solicited.

Part 3: Summary:

This book is dealing with the power of human thought and its effects on the life on a man. The way a man thinks is his life, his character and through this he encounters different
circumstances with their consequences By your thought through your behaviour and acts you may destroy or make your life wonderful.

Mind is the first laboratory of any life. According as you are judged in current life so is your thought seen. A man is his thought. This being known; what do you want to do? What do want to become? What are your goals, your objects? your purposes, your dream and visions?
Start to think about something, trace it in your mind, mobilize your few energy. With trust in you and in what you are doing, you’ll see things start moving. You may eventually face difficulties or failures, don’t mind. They are ephmeral because you have already prepared your thought for success. That is what we call ” The power of trought”. This thought everybody has it.

You are also gratified by the nature. You have talents in your life, you have virtues. You just need to entertain, to cherish to develop them and these joined to acts, you’ll certainly see miracles accomplished in your life. You are making, mastering so your life, shaping a destiny.
A man can shape his success conditions. Knowing this truth if one day you see your life in miserable state, put yourself in question.

A man is himself the builder and destructor of his life; good or bad thought joined to actions, the result come itself. Good thought joined to bad act bring negative result. A man is the maker of himself by virtues of the thoughts that he chooses, encourages and develops, that the mind is the master weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstances.

That is the truth we have to teach and promote in our hopeless world full of distress, of crisis and poverty. Knowing this truth of power of thought on human life we however realise by experience through events and circumstances that thought has its limits. This lead to imagine that there is a supreme force which govern the world.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

Part 1: Content Review.

This book is made of main points, which were most significant. Contrarily to other gulls which were flying for eating or travel. Jonathan seagull wanted to learn more about flying. It is for Jonathan seagull learning of flight. It is a matter of high-speed flight. A kind of flight that get ahead. And this Jonathan wanted to do it through practice. But as in any venture, Jonathan has to face opposition of his parents and difficulties of the exercise itself. For his parents, Jonathan has to practice activity which lead directly to food, what to eat but Jonathan wanted to study, he wanted to learn and practice high-speed flight. His parents noticed that this activity is dangerous and are afraid. In spite of these opposition and difficulties, Jonathan continued his way and got his first victories. By this success Jonathan discovered that Gull could change his outcast and poor conditions to become wonderful. Jonathan discovered that gulls could fly high-speed than what they did usually; this through learning and practice.

By this study, Jonathan seagull got high speed-record of the world. We are creatures of excellence, enough intelligent and skill to do better; thought Jonathan. It is through this learning Jonathan discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reason why gulls life is so short. After this success, Jonathan knew there are possibilities to do better, to perfect a new background: ‚’one school is finished and the time has come to another to begin‚’. Jonathan had to do advanced flight. He came to heaven, a world of perfection, where there is no limit to get best. In this world there are few persons because there are more to learn than eating. For Jonathan gull which fly simply and for food doesn’t know progress but other which practice high-speed flight progress and has no limitation: Those who put aside travel for the sake of perfection go any where.

Anything you want to do, keep constantly positive attitude, positive thought and whatever will be difficulties you will succeed: you must begin by knowing that you have already arrived‚ Jonathan has success today by ‘Love’. Love for himself, Love in what he is doing and it is by the same Love he wanted to share his success with his neighbours. Jonathan wanted to break the proverb: the gull sees farthest who flies highest. He considered that others on earth are in ignorance and by his success, he has light to deliver them from this darkness in spite of their less desire for learning. If the common nature of all gulls is flying for eating, for Jonathan students. Precision flying is a step toward expressing their real nature. . To get this, any gull has freedom to do it and to become Great. It is the Law of the Great Gull. It is the law of Gulls who want to remake their nature and leave outcast. The only true Law is that which lead to freedom.

hardest thing in the world is to convince a bird that he is free. Yes it is difficult. Because Gull accept his conditions as fatality. He doesn’t believe that he has enormous capabilities, possibilities, and is free to change the worst to be the best.

Part 2 Personal impact-practical value.

In general this book relates to my life and goals. It has impact and practical value on my life. It is a matter of a man, outcast, with no social consideration who wanted to change his life through studies and learning. Instead of doing something which can bring him immediate food, he kept patience choosing first way of study.
To get his goals, the way is not so easy; full of oppositions and difficulties: opposition of his parents, difficulties of the exercise itself. So Jonathan has to fight fiercely.

I am also young boy with just baccalaureate at philosophy and art, of bad social conditions. In spite of my poor situation and according to my desire I would like to do my high studies in English developed country like USA or England to be bilingual, more competitive on job market. If for Jonathan he has to face opposition of his parents because of the area of his studies, learning; mine is the poverty of my parents, my family. Despite these obstacles, I continue to believe that one day I shall overcome, like Jonathan who is making patiently his way. I think that in this life we have to keep patience in everything waiting for the right moment.

Jonathan parents are hurry to see Jonathan do an activity that could bring them money then foods immediately forgetting that Jonathan through his learning could better succeed his Life. As for me, I am in great needs now but I will sacrifice myself for this leardership study hoping that one day I will succeed truly my life. Because every time I believe that it is through Education, a good training that I could get good job and succeed my life. I have faith in Education. With small help, I think and believe that I have enough intellectual possibilities and capabilities to prove. With trust, courage, will, determination, Jonathan has got better of difficulties and got first victories.

As for me, my first success is this opportunity I have to do these studies with you; because I was looking for these ways since year 2000 just after my baccalaureate diploma. Jonathan by this success discovered that we are creatures of excellence, enough intelligent with lot of capabilities. He wanted to enter Heaven, a world of perfection. Jonathan wanted to progress develop, improve and perfect his new background. From Jonathan, I increase my beliefs that with great will, decision determination, nothing is impossible. Poverty is not fatal. Now that I have started this American leadership study it is for me a duty to prove and show you that you have young Togolese who love intellectual life.

If for Jonathan his area of study is to learn more about gull high-speed flight, as for me, I am interested in any study concerning human and our societies. I would like to know more about human, different consciousness, how to lead my life, a group avoiding conflicts maximum. This is my talent, which I need to develop, increase and perfect through studies.

From Jonathan experience and mine, I notice the key of success is faith, faith in what you decide to do. Because certainly you’ll “face difficulties and by this , I have courage, determination and never abdicate then I got success how long it may be .You must begin by knowing that you have already arrived. This attitude and psychology makes difference among us. One of the bases of success is Love. Love with you and what you are doing, Love with others. And I notice in this life that when you keep Love and manifest it to others during your existence, any enemy, any obstacle or adversity will be defeated. It is a force, which protect you. This Love guide Jonathan and it is the reason why he wanted to share his knowledge with others. Jonathan is born to be an instructor. Sometimes there are old law, conception, proverb which did not allow us to progress:” The gull sees farthest who flies highest. It is true I think. But the reality is also that the gull doesn’t see farthest by ignorance this gull I think needs help, a light for his progress.
there is also a conception that if your parents are not enough rich, you couldn’t do high studies abroad.

Yes it is true but not all the time. Providence will touch somebody to help me by sponsorship. What is important for me it is to manifest show seriously my desires for studies. This could convince somebody to sponsor me and I think here I am now. I think we have sometimes to break some old laws, conceptions and proverbs to adapt them to nowadays if we want really progress. Because there are laws which alienate. The only true Law is that lead to freedom. ” The hardiest thing in the world is to convince a bird that he is free. Because of our beliefs, conceptions we forgot we are free enough to make a choice, to take a decision on our lives. How to make people know this truth.

According to my experience, to convince a person let know him these questions: what do you want? What are looking for your desires? What do you want to make with your life? What are your goals? If you first answers to these questions then you can start your mission, to convince. As for me, I know them and I mobilize my energy in consequence.

Part 3 Summary:

This book is dealing with history of an outcast man who aware of his situation decides to change it to be wonderful, enviable full of success. It is study, a learning about gull flight. Commonly gulls are known like other birds just for food search without no reference in high-speed flight. Jonathan seagull through learning of high-speed flight went to change the way of life of Gulls. And it is by this we know more about the real nature of Gulls.

From there, the practical value of this book is that we can change our life, worst or poor it might trough specific study or learning. We can make our life what we want to make with it. What is essential is to know where do you come from and what want do you do and where do you want to go. By this we can change our life to become perfection. Unknown yesterday, you become a miracle, a reference. I say that, to get this the way is not easy, full of difficulties, failures that are ephemeral. The result will surely be positive by perseverance.

This book relate to my life because if I compare my life now to what it was, there is progress in spite of still materially empty or poor. And everybody in my family knows today that I am making progress. Anywhere I am, I try to make positive impression by my attitude and behavior. My Goal is to be intellectual reference in my family, my village and my country.

This book I can recommend it to those who like studies. Learning and have target for their life. I can advice it to friends who have the same goals like Jonathan who want to change their old behavior to new, conquering world through studies with fighting spirit. If I have something to disagree it is: why did Jonathan disobey to his parents who asked him to fly just for eating? Can we sometimes disobey to our parents because of progress? That leads to conflicts of generations. Reviewing the content of this book, do we have to respect laws, which alienate our freedom? Can we give assistance or help to people who didn’t manifest no desire to learn?

Psycho-Cybernetics 2000
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book?

’ You always act, feel and behave in a way that is consistent with your self- image regardless of the reality of that image’’
The way you think is your behaviour. Your way to conceive things, events, life in general give you image of your person. That is what we call your self-image. This may be positive or negative. According to the case, this self- image may impact your whole life. Because of the psychological character of self-image, you always act, feel and behave in the way that is consistent with this one. It is important to precise that it is our thoughts that give us self-image. So if you have positive thoughts of yourself, you conceive, act, feel and behave positively things and events; and negatively if you have negative thoughts. Very often our negative thoughts push to consider, judge things and events negatively that in reality are not.

“Your built-in guidance system moves you toward the things you think about. If you watch limits instead of destinations, you bump against those limits every time.”
What are limits in this case? They are negative images you build in your mind during your existence. Such images are : self punishment, guilty, remorse, regret. It may also be difficulties obstacles, setbacks everybody may encounter in any undertaking. These limits may be also our false beliefs. They are all psychological facts built in our guidance system. If for example you got setbacks in achieving a goal, instead of weeping on these, I think you’ll better question yourself. Perhaps you mistake since the beginning by you mind state that was bad. Every body knows the world is spiritual before material. We are geared of goods that are unlimited. But if you limit yourself by your false beliefs with pessimism, failures are waiting for you. And if instead of watching your destinations that are success of your goals you, you think about obstacles, difficulties, negative eventualities, failures are firmly yours.
Know simply any wonderful success needs enormous sacrifices.

“Through your imagination you create positive images of yourself that with time and repeated practice will become your actual image”
We are creatures of good. But by ignorance or false beliefs we make ourselves or negative and destructive images instead of positive and creative ones. It is not too late to do better. Any time we realise by imagination that we are on wrong way, we could change ourselves ; and through imagination and visualization create positive image. Negative images being resistant, it is only by repeated practice that with the time we could replace them by what we want : the positive ones.

“Your self –image may be conditioned and your capabilities constrained by false and negative beliefs about yourself based on subconscious memories of early-childhood experiences in future life.”
We can so explain some of our behaviours, actions, feelings like shyness by early-childhood experiences. Talents, gifts and other potentialities were constrained since childhood by parents, friends, teachers, people in general. These situations created within us others of false and negative beliefs ; that don’t allow us to conceive and act positively on life. They in general created negative self-image.

“Relaxation is an aid to health and problem solving as well as a necessary condition for the work of reprogramming your internal guidance system.”
Man says very often : “small raining cut down great wind.” Some times, we just need simple psychological techniques like relaxation to release a whole life from a deep stressful state. This psycho-cybernetics are very simple but necessary. They help for the work of reprogramming our internal guidance system.

“Stress results from the way you respond to outside events, not from the events themselves.”
It is true and obvious there are in life events that cause troubles and shock. They push in great stress. The question is that if this stressful state in which you push yourself could change the situation ? What is essential, important, better to do is to think about the means and ways that could help you to find rights solutions to the problems. Readapt yourself to the new conditions created by the events, not passive acceptation; reprogramming your internal guidance system, setting new goals to achieve.

“Don’t confuse wishful thinking with goals.”
As human being, we all wish to get and possess good things. But before acquiring what we want, we forget very often, there is ways and steps to follow. The most important is to set goal knowing where you go, mobilise your means and energy. To reach such goals, you need special action plan. He who sets goals to achieve is active, strives and doesn’t wait for somebody to do them for him. But he who is wishful thinking is passive. He thinks hamper will fall from heaven. He forget that to succeed life, you have to set goals and strive for, not wishful simply. If it is so simple we’ll all be successful persons on earth.

“Use your internal guidance system to overcome procrastination.”
As we know, everything begins in mind and internal guidance system is our thoughts. Our psychology is the basis of any human being. Because of some events, difficulties and setbacks, we very often procrastinate to reach our goals or simply abdicate to set them. Life is not fair. Overcome such procrastinations is among the sacrifices we have to do to succeed our projects. And our internal guidance system full of determination firmness, faith and perseverance is the best tip to overcome procrastination.

“ Plan your work before you work your plan.”
Goals setting is itself a matter plan. If you set goals, you have in plan your capabilities to reach them. Psychologically, you are prepared. You mobilise your energy : physical, material and other means that could help you to achieve them ; “you plan so your work” after this step, you make specific action plan and you start doing your whole plan : “you work your plan.”

“Your automatic mechanism reaches its goals by responding to these signals not as indications of failure but as guideposts to corrective action.”
On your way to reach goals, you must know that the way is not easy and straight. In any human undertaking there are difficulties, setbacks to overcome. You have enormous sacrifices to do. And your future success depends on the way your automatic mechanism responds to these circumstances. I think such signals are proofs that you are doing something wonderful and you just need to take corrective actions to remain on your course.

“Forgiveness is the key to freeing yourself from the ‘scar tissue’ caused by emotional wounds in the past.”
Human is fallible. If it comes that you mistake, don’t beat yourself forever. Why remind to yourself your emotional wounds in the past instead of reprogramming your internal guidance for the future. I think it is better to learn from these emotional wounds to correct the way than condemning yourself all the time. Remember that the way you forgive yourself easily, the same you do for others. And it is important to precise that forgiveness is one of the human core values we have to conquer and promote.

“To keep your internal guidance system well tuned and your life force strong, take steps to make happiness a habit.”
Every human being with purposeful living knows life is not fair. To be happy, this depends on you and what means happiness for you: have enough money, love, materials things or devoted to others, it depends on what means happiness to you. What is important to know is that any success in life needs enormous sacrifices. Knowing this, make happiness a habit during your existence. It means try to be ignorant of all difficulties you may encounter in your life, watching only your goals of success. This keeps your internal guidance system well tuned and life force strong. Life is a choice. Every body can shape his happiness. “cultivate your Garden” said French philosopher Voltaire.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values

When I’ve seen my studies suddenly stopped by lack of means after my high school diploma, I was very troubled. Since that time I thought it is only by a lot of money that man can reach his higher education goals. But through imagination and visualization, I realised that I could start doing something according to my goals with my few means of existence. I changed my unrealistic thoughts that keep me only wishful to put myself truly into action setting goals by SMART plan. I began by internet searching to find opportunity for my educational goals. And after months of research, I am here now as one of your active students. You couldn’t imagine how happy I am. Every time I am very delighted of this despite my difficulties.
Let me remind you that I believe in Education as one of the best ways of any development.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please Explain.

How to build and keep habit of positive self-image constantly through my goals and my whole life. Through this new self-image, I am able to change habits of failure into habits of success. This reveals my enormous potentialities to release and develop; that I am the owner of my life and I can take control of it. Identify and avoid false beliefs to guide my life. About my goals, I learn to reset and readjust my targets through SMART plan. From this book, I learn the value of imagination and reflective relearning, relaxation exercises and techniques, CRAFT methods, overcome procrastinations ; How to sow SEEDS in my life, manage and prevent stress ; This book teaches me the great value of forgiveness; creation of happiness. This book, founded on self-image through changing habits, taught me how to strive against negative habits to acquire the positive ones.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how?

Challenge and change are essentially about self-image, SMART plan, stress management and prevention. I am very stressed by my social conditions of existence that are not enviable. These conditions influence my whole life that some times they tend to lead me loosing hope about especially my Educational goals. This book I think will help me to be ignorant of my difficulties to reprogram my internal guidance system, readjust my goals through SMART plan for success.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

I don’t disagree with anything in this book. I think this book is worth reading and useful for those like me who want to shape happiness during their existence and through Education.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

I find the two psycho-cybernetics success stories most helpful. It is I think the whole sense and objectives of the book summarised in few sentences. According to my comprehension of the book and my objectives through IIGL studies, there is nothing least helpful for me.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

Psycho-cybernetics is essentially about self-image ; changing habits : habits of belief, habits attitude and habits of actions that are negatives to get the positive ones ; that lead us to reprogram our internal guidance system founded on imagination-visualization for setting and reaching goals.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Comments : I am particularly interested in chapters : 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 13.

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book? Do not simply list the ideas, but explain or discuss why they were important to you, using personal examples.

This book is full of ideas that are rich. Here we give the main and discuss why they are important for me.

A positive Mental Attitude and definite of purpose is the starting point to ward all worthwhile Achievement. It is a matter of psychology by which you conceive and set a target you want to reach, it means that all worthwhile achievement begins in mind, the way you think about it positively is the most important, the base. In the case you miss this attitude the result you are waiting may probably be compromised.

Direct your thoughts with PMA to control your emotions and to ordain your destiny‚ The way you direct your thoughts positively in any domain is what we call PMA. Through this PMA everything appears possible for you if you want. You can control and direct your life in this or that way for success, ordaining so a destiny.

Day by day in every way through the grace of God, I am getting better and better through PMA‚ Our God is a wonderful God, a God of good. This being PMA is a Word of God and he who thinks with PMA will be getting better. It is also a self affirmation glorifying God and when you glorify so God you’ll have more blessings.

You don’t need to be ashamed to be a failure‚ In any undertaking of life, there is two things: success or failure, If it comes you are failure, there is no worry, no shame, take it so with courage and continue with fighting spirit your task, your searching firmly, success is waiting for you at the end.

You’ve got a problem that’s good: for it is the seeds of greater benefits for those who have PMA. We know by human life events that it’s after huge problems that spectacular, solution necessarily. And when in your existence you face problems, think positively and don’t despair or abandon. You‚Äôll find necessarily the right solution at the right moment.

Open your mind and learn to see. Very often there are certain negative ideas, beliefs that are obstacles for our progress. They are handicaps to reach our goals. They are cobwebs of thought that we have to clear of to think right for our success. By this attitude we are opening our mind and learning to see.

Do it now. Something you dream, conceive and think about it well, put yourself into action, don’t wait that something other discourages you.

Hope is the magic ingredient in motivation yourself and others, you can lose everything except hope. You lose hope, you lose life this is a faith that push you to refuse your bad conditions of existence to believe sincerely you’ll see your situation changed positively. If you conquer this virtue and apply it to yourself, you can also motivate others with it.

Anything in life worth working for is worth praying for. It is necessary to attend our thoughts and actions by sincere prayer.

Have the courage to face the truth.
Very often it is difficult some times impossible for human being to face or support something that is pointed out him like truth. As we say commonly truth hurts. Because of this, people don’t like reproach or blame. But if we want really progress improving our existence, I think we ought to face and accept truth for our well being knowing that we are all fallible. It is one of the ways to reduce or eliminate ignorance. However what is necessary is the way and how to express truth.

That which you share with others will multiply and that which you withhold will diminish.
One of the core values of our existence of a stable life full of success and happiness is to give your small contribution for the well being of your neighbour. It means share what you have with others, the heaven will bless you. Simply you reap what you sow. It means not only you didn‚Äôt reap because you didn‚ Äôt sow but you‚Äôll also lose what you keep by selfish: you are niggard.

Increase your Energy Level through PMA. Here I think it is matter of perseverance in the way of what you are looking for. It means you need physical, mental, spiritual resources. You’ll certainly encounter difficulties and other obstacles; but go back to such resources with PMA; you’ll surely overcome them.

To be happy, make others happy. It is universally admitted that when you help somebody, somebody also will help you. When you are devoted to someone, someone will also devote himself to you. Your thoughts, attitudes and actions on your neighbour you’ll have it in return according to the case positive or negative.

You have a guilt feeling, that’s good, but get rid of that guilt feeling. Any human being has conscious that we consider normal. It is by this fact we have a guilt feeling after wrongdoing. By the same process we must get rid of that if we want really to change our lives positively for progress reaching so our target.

Awaken the sleeping Giant within you. I think we are creatures of God with enormous potentialities that we ignore. For our progress and success we have to explore to identify through introspection such potentialities that are sleeping within us. We are mind and body. But it is important to recall and precise that mind is the cornerstone of every human being. The way to know mind is the spiritual one that is the Bible with Holy Spirit in prayer.

The seventeenth principle of success: A Positive Mental Attitude, Definiteness of purpose, Going the Extra mile, Accurate thinking, Self-discipline, The master mind, Applied faith, A pleasing personality, Personal initiative, Enthusiasm, Controlled attention, Teamwork, Learning from defeat, Creative vision, Budgeting time and money, Maintaining sound physical and mental health, Using cosmic habit (Universal law).

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc? Please use personal examples in your explanation.

Success through a Positive Mental Attitude. This Title is meaning full and rich of sense for those like me, who have known unhappy and family since my childhood. This book give me hope for success, the way to reach and only one condition is keep working hard with PMA. Through PMA I am convinced that the poverty of my family is not a
fatality forever and there is no reason for me to despair. I am also capable to make miracles. What is essential is to set goals: what do I want? What do I want to do with my life? What do I want to become? Knowing right answers to these questions, the concepts and ideas described in this book such as: magnificent obsession, Increase your
Energy, motivate yourself and others, powers of your mind, attract happiness must help me to realise my dreams: be an intellectual, succeed my life.

I believe in God and in Him I trust. I also believe in learning, Education, good Training to get appropriate job. After all to be devoted to my family and others, engaged in general in social and humanitarian fields, national and international. For me that is the true success, the sense of happiness. This book confirms and revitalizes me to keep setting such goals of career, to keep feeling humanism.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please Explain.

There are effectively new important ideas and concepts I learned from this book. The PMA: It is a psychological attitude that implies to think constantly positive whatever are the circumstances of life. It is a philosophical doctrine of optimism. By this philosophy I must cultivate the science of righteousness and success. By PMA I must definite and set a purpose for which I have to work hard with will, determination and faith for its accomplishment. I learned in this book the 17 principles of success, the way of happiness and morality based on the Word of God. The concepts and ideas learned here encourage me to remain in my way of learning by hard working to reach one day my target: succeed my life through Education, good training.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how?

To be brief, this book challenged and changed my thinking. This especially on chapter sixteen: raise your Energy Level. Sometimes I am disappointed and discouraged by the persistence of lack of means to reach my goals. Through this concept, Increase your energy Level‚ I understand more that I have to increase my efforts to see my
dream realised: succeed my life through Education, good training. I must recharge my battery for extra mile to reach my objectives. For example to convince you that I am keen on Learning, that I need advice, guidance and help.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

If there are ideas I totally disagree with, it is about business example ideas and concepts for the simple reason that I am not interested in it. I consider this domain like fields of high corruption where people are lieing each other for money conquest neglecting moral rules and rejecting very often moral rules. I am in revenge keen on all
studies about human well being, a world of morality, human value promotion.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

I find business ideas and concepts least helpful. The most helpful is that these principles refer constantly to praying, the Word of God: the Bible, the cornerstone of any life full of success happiness.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

Knowing that human being is made of positive and negative thoughts, the whole book conveys the way to shape our mind to be dominated by the positive aspect: the PMA. It is philosophical doctrine of optimism that we have to cultivate in any domain of activity to succeed life.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Comments: I am particularly affected by the chapters:
– Fifteen – Sixteen – Eighteen – Twenty-two – The Bible

Keys to Success
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book? Do not simply list the ideas, but explain or discuss why they were important to you, using personal examples.

” Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve- when you have PMA and apply it “

If the creator establishes life on earth, it is clear and obvious that he did it by definite purpose and I guess and believe that it is for our good. Thus, you as creature you have good within you revealed through your mind and thoughts. Since you have already this value and availability you just need to express them identifying your desires : definite purpose followed by definite plan. That well conceived, put yourself into persistent actions, believe and then the result finally. With this PMA, your dream becomes reality.

” Establish a mastermind alliance “

It appears that, there are certain projects and goals difficult to attain alone. For, your need other peoples’ mind to work together. You need to surround yourself with their advice, cooperation. Everybody brings his knowledge and means. Thus in the spirit of perfect harmony nothing could stop you to attain your common objective.

” Do unto others as you would have others do unto you “

The nature grants us the faculty distinguishing right from wrong. In morality, with large percentage, that what is good for you is good for others. With factors of pleasing personality, I think we must be guided by that faculty in our behavior, actions and reactions, events and all circumstances of life. This may give us attractive personality knowing that you couldn’t please to all.

” Prayer is your greatest power “

Faith applied means actions under any event and circumstances of life. It is through our desires, aims, purposes that we experience faith very often in difficult situations through these different experiences, we don’t possess the thing we seek but believe by faith that we have it. We imagine receive it and with the time this becomes reality.
Apply faith is through prayer. Prayer is spiritual weapon to destroy invisible forces and overcome all obstacles and difficulties on your way to achieve your goal. True victory is first spiritual and the key is prayer. The rest is matter of time. Faith in prayer without action is dead. Remember through your prayer in faith to express your gratitude and thanks giving for the blessing you already have received then ask the Good Lord for his help.

” Make going the extra mile with PMA a habit “.

Extra mile is a matter of great will to do more and better. This being any job you do with this state of mind with PMA is valuable. You’ll benefit it and the Law of compensation and law of increasing returns will be a profit to you. In this life, any real work, any persistent effort with PMA ,know that one day you will be successful.

” Use and develop the self-starter. Do it now “

Self-starter is what push you into action. It is that inspires you and calls you for action. It is based on imagination to motivations that urge you action. Through this, you bring yourself from wishful state to actions after definite purpose with plan to do it now. No hesitation, no delay.

” Maintain the right attitude-a positive mental. “

It calls for human core values we have to cultivate, maintain, promote and develop for our well being whether we want really live a worthwhile and wonderful life on this planet. It asks to be right, honest, constructive anytime. This PMA helps us to build hope, confidence, faith, willpower, determination in definite purpose by working hard to achieve success.

” To be enthusiastic ……. Act enthusiastically. “

You fix your definite goal with great desire. The best way to achieve it is to keep your mind on it and work hardly day after day persistently with PMA. This enthusiasm is within you depending on the way you are looking for the thing with burning desire.
” Direct your thoughts, control your emotions, ordain your destiny with PMA. “
Self-discipline is self control upon yourself starting from your thoughts. It is a matter of self mastery. By this state of mind we can decide to give this or that sense to our lives. We can through self discipline change our negative habits. It is by self discipline we keep firmly our actions to achieve our goal ordaining so a destiny.
” Truth will be truth regardless of closed mind, ignorance, or refusal to believe. “
Don’t let yourself influenced by other peoples thoughts. Be yourself all the time. Be careful of others opinion. Possess yourself in your way of thinking with mastery. Be cautious and learn to use your own judgement. Beyond what we want, wish or desire, know or ignore, believe or not, truth is truth. This truth is based on universal principles of justice and equality.

” Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things you don’t want.”

One of the best conditions to achieve success is to keep your mind on your goal avoiding any negative thoughts of pessimism that could distract and stray you from your way. Focus all your attention on your definite purpose with PMA. Through this concentration you keep your mind, your subconscious busy and conditioned to success.

” That which you share will multiply. That which you withhold will diminish.”

One of the ways to get success and happiness is to avoid selfishness. Try your best to be cooperative and take part of a great cause. It means you have something to share with others, for their well being. Sometimes it is a sacrifice for a common cause. If you are devoted to others well being you have a blessing. But if you are selfish, not only you’ll miss or loose chances and opportunities but also what you withhold will diminish. Remember all the time that life is an appointment of keep and receive.

” The worst thing that happens to you may be the best thing that can happen to you if you don’t let it get best of you. “

Through histories and experiences of great men we have learnt that they got their fame after enormous failures and defeats and in great adversities. It is obvious that nothing worthwhile happens overnight. What is wonderful calls for sacrifices, setbacks through hardworking. You have to overcome difficulties, obstacles and persecutions of people on your way to reach your goal. Sometimes they are signals that you are dealing with something worthwhile. Go the extra mile after such events. You just need to take care of your way to avoid committing the same mistakes. The worst thing that could happens to you is to let yourself overwhelmed by your setbacks.

” What can be conceived can be created with PMA. “

Man is thinking being and his mind is his whole life. It means everything begins in mind and imagination is mind exercise. There start all creation and achievement of goals. This is a creative faculty and inspires human endeavors. This may be developed through study, thinking and planing of goals to reach.

” I feel healthy, I feel happy, I feel terrific. “

You are mind with body. Since your thought is the main thing over which you have complete control, we can affirm the great influence of thought on our lives: health. Your mind controlling your body, think in good physical health gives sound health. What your mind focuses upon, is brought into reality, and daily existence. PMA helps keeping sound health.

” You don’t always get what you expect unless you inspect with PMA. “
It is often said that time is money. For a definite purpose you need a definite planing time for its achievement. This is also valuable for money. For definite purpose, you need sacrifices in time and money. Do only what is necessary according to your program and means giving the priority to your objective.

” Sow an act ,and you reap a habit; Sow a habit, and you reap a character Sow a character, and you reap a destiny. “

Universe is determined. It is made of laws. They are forces and powers. You can use them according to your purpose; your definite goals of life. Under these forces and laws, their invisible actions, it is said: ” you reap what you sow.” This may be positive or negative. For those who have definite goal with PMA, this is favorable for them: success and happiness. But know that the way is not easy. Within you, you have to fight against negative habits, thoughts and beliefs. You have also to fight against other obstacles on your way to success. But with PMA, laws of universal prosperity and infinite intelligence are your most helpful assets. Thus you create within you habit of success, giving you a character and the achievement of your final goal your destiny.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc? Please use personal examples in your explanation

There are ideas or concepts that relate to my personal circumstances in life:
I wouldn’t like to describe the long process by which I got the opportunity to enter this program. To summarize, it is through applied faith with PMA that I am leading my life inch by inch to achieve my goals. My short future goal is about to complete my education through a training program abroad. As I have started this with PMA, I have to go the extra mile to reach my goal having career in Humanitarian or development fields. According to my daily life that is not enviable, I have awareness that I have to go the extra mile. Doing this extra mile I have faith that I can overcome such difficulty and obstacle to achieve my definite purpose: to be a reference in the fields of development and humanitarian. Other people got this success, why not DAVUI. These are some of my motivations and with PMA I believe that this is very possible.

For some of my family members and friends who thought I have no chance to complete my education, I challenge them that God grants human being to succeed. What matters is to have definite purpose with PMA in faith, will, determination self confidence, perseverance and courage by hardworking. I’ll transform these challenges of adversity and defeat into success and happiness: my destiny.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please Explain.

The most important new ideas or concepts I learned from this book are: infinite intelligence and cosmic habit force with PMA. They are universal laws founded on principles of success. They are useful for those who set goals to reach. They are revealed to us through our thoughts, that we can change our negative habits, keep hoping that everything is possible through will and faith. What matters is to have definite goal to reach with PMA.

Infinite intelligence and cosmic habit force are our most helpful and useful assets.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how?

The book challenged and changed my thinking. It is about Go the Extra mile, learn from adversity and defeat. According to my daily life, livelihood, setbacks, adversities in my family, I have to go the extra mile to overcome them to reach my goals. Because such difficulties and problems put me sometimes into worries.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

In general like ambitious man with definite purpose to succeed my life, I share the ideas of the book about 17 principles of personal achievement.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

The most helpful for me are principles about learn from adversity and defeat, go the extra mile use cosmic habit-force. Because according to my conditions and circumstances of life, I need them for my stamina.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

This book is dealing with universal principles of self improvement and empowerment. Based on actions and attitude, the author taught us how and what to do to achieve success in anything and this for those who really want to do with their lives something wonderful and worthwhile.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Comments : I most appreciate chapters 4, 5, 13, 17

What To Say When You Talk To Yourself
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book? Do not simply list the ideas, but explain or discuss why they were important to you, using personal examples.

1) ”An unlimited life of practical potential” (P.14)
As human being among others ,have ever thought about your own life ? Haw to live and manage it ? before being member of society , your life is first personal. You are living for your self. You have to live your own life properly with consciousness through your way of thinking , behavior and actions that give image you deserve in society. That is control , manage and master your life, a part of the global life. If you recognize this potential and draw your way with conviction, it gives unlimited possibilities to envisage the future full of hope.

”The end result of your own thoughts”
Human being is thinking animal. He is also cultural being. This known ,since our birthday ,we are influenced by our social environment such as family, teachers, authorities. Their influences create within us a programming. And all our actions, behaviors are conditioned by this programming. It gives us a way of thinking and beliefs that guide us through life. Thought being the most fundamental element of human life, we are end result of our own thoughts : As you think, so you are.

”The missing ingredients” (P :34)
What is ingredient ? It is something very small, insignificant but necessary for better accomplishment of a purpose. To reach a goal you need to keep working upon permanently to overcome eventual difficulties and obstacles. It calls for constant and particular attention knowing and understanding that human brain works on his own physiological process but according to what you send to it as desires and purpose to reach.. It works on the new programming the new positive word you send to the subconscious mind to replace the negative one. Beyond all this your self talk is your best friend, confident ,that can tell you the main truth about what you want to do exactly with your life.

” A new set of Directions”
Under Social and external influences, is it possible to set directions to our lives ? As for me, I think yes. Each of us has specific behavior and attitude . We can change them whether we notice that these lead us to uncomfortable situation. Knowing that I am the pure product of my thought and beliefs based on my own programming, change negative habits to positive ones is setting new directions to my life. Doing so is defeat what defeat me. Recognize what is real in me and past it is self perfection. It gives me hope for exciting future.

”A self made wall of negative self talk.” (P.50)
If you allow me to refer to the popular anecdote that says :”you reap what you sow” it is what success \is for those who sow its seeds and act on it. Success is for those who believe in it what and however their circumstances of life my be. It is for those who cultivate positive thought and live it everyday. Positive thought push you into reflection, action and finding the right way after many endeavors an setbacks. From this evidence, I think the opposite is also true. If every time you complain :”I haven’t money” : I haven’t means” that I couldn’t do higher education, you’ll dwell where you are eternally sometimes worst. You have negative self talks that assure you failure. If you cultivate negative beliefs and send wrong information to your brain your will be necessary wrong. Know that your mind is like computer which screen presents the only message you type. It works only upon what you ask it to do with its result.

” The self management sequence” (P.62)
What is self management sequence ? To be brief, it is self mastering of life for self accomplishment. It is a process made of steps for purposeful living. Everything begins from programming. It is our programming that sets up our beliefs. In logical progression what we believe determines our attitude affects our feelings, directs our behavior and determines our success or failures. What matters in self management ? The most important is the choice. The choice to change, manage yourself in a better way to make a name. The choice to live a purposeful living. If such decision is really from you, your own, followed by action, success belong to you.

“Replace the old with the new” (P. 87)
Have you ever known you are a man with mind full of enormous resources? Do you make reflections on your own life? Do you know you live with negative beliefs that influence your life ? If only each of us could make such introspection, I think our world will be better. Such questions call for change and challenge within us. We have to change our way of thinking, the way we conceive things. Most of the time we live in great illusion. The worst is that we ignore that we don’t know. It is double ignorance that leads us to perdition. Instead of complaining about our situations, get rid of our negative old beliefs, to replace them with the new positive ones to envisage better future.

Draw the realistic way to our mind to be more productive. Because your brain says : “do more than now.” “Give more, Give the words. Give me the directions, the commands, the picture, the schedule and the result you want.”

“The only motivation that lasts” (P 98)
Before being social and collective, life is first and foremost personal and individual. My success is mine and your failure is yours. For, you are responsible of your life. Who exactly knows what you want to do with your life, your desires and goals? If I don’t know truly what you want, can I motivate you precisely in the right way? You can tell it but I think there is something somewhere consciously or unconsciously hidden that cannot be expressed. Of course you need advice of experienced persons. But I think with full conviction that your closest and best ally is you alone and this is in you according to your desires. Your motivation is internal. It gives directions, strength, willpower and determination to the end. This is the motivation that lasts. You are your ultimate motivator.

“Think for yourself” (P 106)
History of Humanity taught us that the greatest achievers, outstanding persons succeeded through one and main condition: possess and think for yourself, mastering your way of thinking. It is very important and essential for self development and accomplishment. The characters of this kind of thinking are: spirit, conviction and hard work. If you possess yourself nobody would influence you. You are convinced and you can convince others. Guided by these feeling and spirit, you master yourself and others everywhere. Use the resources of your mind to action. Educate your mind in the manner of working hard. You’ll really enjoy your success.

“The competition of daily living.” (P 111)
Can we believe in determinism? Is life casual? Seeing facts, actions and reactions, causes and effects. I think it is right to believe in determinism there are natural laws that govern things. Everything is determined life is not casual. This law admitted, improve your way of living is improve your life. Self improvement is daily conquest. It is daily competition. It is matter of time and energy. It is self disposition to arrive. Self improvement is daily goals to reach success. It is created inside you. It is something worthwhile that do not happen over night. It requires patience, courage. It calls for stamina, and perseverance to overcome difficulties to reach the goal. So is life. It succeeds to those who set goal with action in endurance.

“Self-speak” p:119
what is self-speak ? This may be self-talk ; self-word. And what says the Bible about “Word” in the Creation ? I don’t know too much about but the less I can say is: “at the beginning was the Word”. This reveals the power of the “Word”. Knowing this, self-speak as word is power. This may be loud or silent. Word is word. But it is better to say it louder through your desires and goals. Self-speak is spiritual force. Better your self-speak and you add spiritually chances beside you. The more positive you approach your target through self-speak, the more successful will be your result. If you make self speak positive, a habit, it will influence and guide you the same way your behavior, attitude and actions. It will influence your whole life forever.

“Get specific” (P 155)
We are geared with resources and enough potentialities to face any circumstances of life. Among them your self-talk. It is useful and helpful to solve a problem. And the only condition is to be concise and specific. Remember that the great foot to solve a problem is within you. What do you say to yourself about the situation ? Do you believe that you can overcome the situation ? If so convinced, you are already a Winner. You just need to isolate the problem, focus on it through concentration and your self-talk suggestions draws you the right way followed by actions.

“Take stock of your attitudes” (P 171)
We recall that beliefs create attitude. This known, we couldn’t take stock of attitude without referring to beliefs. If you notice you still keep the same negative attitude facing the situations, go back to your beliefs. Review and change them to be more positive. Your attitude affecting your whole life and all every thing you do, get better your attitude, you better your life.

“The true meaning of goals” p:174
What do we think when it is matter of goals? Very often we consider just our positions in the society forgetting that it is your daily living, the way you manage it properly that guarantee you a fame. You need to make necessary steps through daily living. These necessary steps are privations, self organizations, hard work, constancy are your true goals. Without these sacrifices, you will not achieve your major goal. So our daily living, the way we live it to achieve our major goal is the “ true meaning of goals.”

“The positive push; the light that never fails” (P 189 ; P 202)
As adult, who told you to go back to school ? If we consider that it is by advice from someone, it is after all by your own will that you return to school. It means you have a dream to realize, a goal to reach. It means you have and want to change something in your life, to be more wonderful: get another success. It is by ambition. Ambition is for those who have precise target on their life. It is a motivation a self-starter. It is within you; internal. It is self-motivator. This kind, you will never get it from somebody. This is a positive push made of sense of purpose. Self-esteem, self determination, a burning desire to succeed in spite of difficulties. It is the light that never fails; that lasts and guides all your existence.

“The next situation is chance to respond” (P 220)
Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greatest benefit for those who have PMA and apply it. According to your state of mind, any unhappy situation you encounter in this life may be a definitive defeat or an opportunity for your progress. What is important to know is to take control of your thoughts. Possess yourself and give to yourself the right words and directions at the right moment.

“Your greatest responsibility” (P 231)
Create his own thoughts and determine the directions of his life is the most important responsibility. Know that your life is yours alone, never think that someone will guide you through circumstances of life.

“The final difference” (P 252)
Do you live to live or do you have purpose on your life? Seeing the problems that occur in the world precisely in my community I am tempted to think that people live with no target. Do you know that you are poor, that you have nothing? It is pity to notice that we are poor waiting for miracle but doing nothing to improve our existence. Life is personal and individual. Manage yours to get your part of success. It is daily conquest base on self-talk. Manage his own life is self management. It isn’t easy but through will and determination it is very possible. Self management is the first and last conquest for self accomplishment in this world full of adversities. Life being a field of battle, where we fight one against other, the final difference reside in the way you get your success.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc? Please use personal examples in your explanation.

Yes, there are ideas or concepts in this book that relate to my personal circumstances particularly about internal motivation : the positive push, the light that never fails, self management, final difference.

Michael, I know that the majority of IIGL students talk to you about their personal and own lives. I don’t know what may be your impression exactly. Perhaps you have notion that they or we are waiting for facilities. For this reason, I try to be very prudent to talk about mines. But certain ideas and concepts of this book push me to talk to you in few way about my private life.

During my application process to enter this program, I told you that I’ve lost my father January 20, 1984 when I was 10 years old. Our existence since that time to now is made of poverty and misery. My mother, a country woman has done a lot for my education. I am very grateful to her. Growing up through self-talk, I tell myself, our situation is not a fatality. It can be changed to be more exciting. Just before my baccalaureat my mother becomes fatigued and hasn’t enough energy to support me. For this reason, I have no resource to continue with university studies after my baccalaureat. Inspite of this lack of means, I am still ambitious and continue to believe in education as the best way for me to succeed my life. It is this feeling, this self-talk with faith that guided me through searching to discover this opportunity of IIGL.

Do you agree with that it is a wonderful way for me to realize my educational dreams and career of my desire ?. Humanitarian and development.

I told you I am volunteer agent of development. I have no salary; just something for my daily living. But since December 2005, I am jobless. There is no project. As whether this is not sufficient, my mother is terribly sick. She is paralyzed left members since February 19, 2006. No means to bring her to hospital. Just me traditional practices. Yes, so is the life; I told to a group of friends who visited. Now what do? To cry ? To complain about the situation ? God gears me force to change what I can and courage to support what I cannot.

I understand and tell to myself that there is no solution complaining or crying. What matters now for me is to use this situation to respond my objective, and this is IIGL studies. I need to succeed these to find a job to save my family. That is my only hope now. That is my internal motivation that allows me not to despair, instead keep only in mind my learning, forgetting my problems and difficulties. It is my light that never fails, my self management to make final difference. In reality, I think I needn’t advice before knowing what I am looking for, what I want to do with my life. I know it and I choose my way to achieve it: Eucation. My mother has suffered too much.. I have to her deep gratitude. She is a gold for me. The only thing I ask God now is to heal my mother, give her life, succeed my studies, find a job, support and give her pleasure before her death : one of my goals in this life. I believe that God has already done it for me. It is my PMA. Amen.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please Explain.

The self-management sequence: It taught me to be more concise and aware of my behavior, my feelings, my attitudes, my beliefs and programming to improve my life. It allows me to adjust my life in the right and positive way to get my part of success.

The five levels of self-talk. It helps me to get rid of negative acceptance to acquire the positive ones: Universal affirmation.

The internal motivation. It shows me that when the decision is from you, your own, yourself, it is desire and pleasure that call necessary for action. The success is just a matter of time.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how?

Yes, this book challenged and changed my way of thinking. It is about self-talk and self- management.

It exhorts and urges me to be more careful and aware of my thinking and talk. Because these impact and influence my whole life negatively according to the case I use them.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

Totally disagree with ideas in this book; I don’t think so.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

The most helpful is about internal motivation, the final difference: self management.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

Life being first and foremost individual and personal, this book reveals us the impacts, effects and influences of self talk on our lives. Knowing that you become what you believe and talk to yourself,the author invites us to manage ourselves in the right and positive way to get success.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Comments: I am incredibly affected by chapter 19: The internal motivation, the positive push, the light that never fails. Chaps 23: Self management, the final difference.

The New Dynamics Of Winning
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book? Do not simply list the ideas, but explain or discuss why they were important to you, using personal examples.

“The Drive to win”
To the question: how to motivate yourself toward positive change? I think you have to drive your self trough special path. In general, we are living in a society that is permanently hostile. For, to set and reach a goal, to succeed in life, you need to compel yourself a special drive. It is a path, a way you draw in front of you since the beginning of goal setting. It is a fashion of life you oblige yourself, to follow respectfully. It is an attitude made up of positive thinking. It asks you to reject any fear to make changes, to undertake great project. It is the most important obstacle to overcome in self empowerment, fulfillment and accomplishment. The drive to win is self commitment to succeed his life through self management to make the final difference.

“Paying the price”
What is the moment of truth in a lifetime? In any existence, each of us encounters a critical moment that imposes to make a choice or take a hard decision with all risk and consequences positive or negative. This moment is your moment of truth. From that moment depends the rest of your life, success or failure. From that moment, you’re decided and determined to make your life a success whatever will be the price to pay. This commitment calls for some sacrifices, privations and working hard daily. It is a new way of living you impose to yourself that only privileges the essential, the necessary needed to reach your goals. For example: you can revise and change your TV program and hobbies to get enough time to concentrate on your learning or work. In general, you need to leave instant gratification to delayed gratification that prepares and guarantees you wonderful future. All this constitutes price to pay for success.

“The Olympian within”
The question to know is: if someone is going to achieve, why not me, Davui? If it is a matter of money you haven’t, what are you doing to attract such opportunity one day? I think it is clear and obvious that to be a champion, it is a matter of conviction and self talk.

Life is a choice. It is a choice that is internal and nobody would come tell or decide you to become this or that. Your choice to become a champion is your own and only yours. It is up to you to prove to people that you are worthy. This commitment within you is the most royal way to lead you to success. This step is itself a victory for you. It pushes you to set goal to reach since you believe in what you’re doing, you deserve to win. Champion you are, you just reveal on the outside what you feel on the inside:” the inner gold medal”

What is integrity? It is human value. I can say that if there is human value that covers and assembles the others, it is integrity. Here, it is matter of morality and respect of human person as supreme creature. A man of integrity knows himself, and by the same way try to know others. He has faculty to distinguish what is right from wrong and behaves in consequence. A man upright knows how to listen and understands the others. He manages himself and others. He reflects upon his decision and takes control of himself permanently. He is reference in morality. A man full of integrity is he who is responsible, honest, truthful. His creed through his behaviour, action and talk is human value before.

“The visualization of victory”
Human being is geared of mind that works upon information sent to it without distinction. That being, what you want, believe, set as goal to reach, your mind is ready to work upon for its accomplishment. Visualization of victory is a process including all the necessary steps to reach a target. It is not something only imaginary but also calls for actions, working hard. Visualization is not passive or wishful state of mind but active in the right sense of term. A man in visualization of victory is that person who reflects upon his desires and dreams looking for the right way for their accomplishment. He is also that person who is ready to face and overcome any difficulty and setbacks on his way to reach his goals.

“Self- confidence and self-transformation”
What is self-confidence! It is naturally a state of mind that allows you to believe in what you are doing in faith with hope that you will succeed. Through self transformation, you mobilize all your energy, attention, effort concentrated on your target. It calls for action, courage, perseverance endurance focusing on what you are doing. Self-confidence is a positive mental attitude. It refuses any failure. It is internal force a light that never fails.

“Strength trough mental toughness”
As I have already said it somewhere, nothing worthwhile happens over night. This being, know that in any human undertaking, you need to cultivate perseverance and patience. Surely you’ll encounter difficulties and setbacks. But while you face such moments, go back to the potential you have in reserve: mental toughness. It is our shelter against a rainy day. Through mental toughness you have energy enough to face and overcome the worst surprises. After all you continue your way and reach your goal.

“The ‘coachability’ factor”
What be a good listener in coachability? I think in this concept it is matter of relationship between master and disciples, players and coach, students and teachers. The way they behave each other. As a student or player, you need to respect your master, apply his orders and instructions. Your master is experienced person in his field of profession. He is a reference and you need his advice for your best. Be a good listener doesn’t mean be passive. You have to put in practice what you are taught. That is be active. Be open inquisitive. Is coachability factor, the main way to succeed in his field? With regards to some stars, champions, leaders, it is noticeable and obvious that nothing could replace individual talent. There is the final difference.

“The quality of leadership”
Who is called leader? There is an anecdote that says: “the great men prove their greatness in their way to treat the small people”. From this thought, I can say that leadership depends essentially on human relationships. Try to lead yourself first. Try to understand human nature to behave in consequence. Knowing your own self as human, your qualities and deficiencies as common characters of any human being are the principals’ features of a leader. A leader is that person who doesn’t impose his point of view to the group every time but let others express themselves and considers their observations and remarks. A leader creates an environment that allows his subordinates to grow up and gain their best. In any circumstance of life through actions and behavior, a leader sets as goals to reach perfection and justice in his field of activity.

“ The true arena of champions”
What is the true arena? The true arena is where human being is first and foremost. There, human is celebrated as the supreme and core value of all creature on this earth. Our existence on this earth is the true arena where we have to privilege the well being of humanity. For a long time, we’ve seen stars; champions and leaders intervene in conflict situations to sow seeds of love for harvest of peace. They are Ambassadors for the well being of humanity. The true champions are well known outside the field of game and in daily living. They are exceptional persons more listened among other people. They are factors and makers of love, peace, and justice among people. Real value comes from whatever you create in beauty, goodness and truth for the well being of humanity.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc? Please use personal examples in your explanation.

In this book, there are ideas or concepts that relate to my personal circumstances in life: They are essentially about paying the price, the Olympian within, integrity, visualization of victory, self confidence and self-transformation, strength trough mental toughness and the quality of leadership.

I am aware of my social conditions that are not enviable. Every time when I think about the right way to succeed my life, my eternal question is: In this misery, what to do to improve my existential conditions? Who can help me? Nobody knows me. In this despair, there is only one thing on which I am sure and certain: to succeed in the case you have no foundation, it is very difficult but not impossible. It is a long process beginning by point zero. It is a great challenge. Since I knew that success is very possible, I make a choice, a decision to “drive to win” That is my internal motivation with this positive mental attitude and beliefs, I am whereI am now, seeing the future full of hope through my learning. It isn’t self gratification but self evaluation. I have no means and if it comes that I get something, I think first to pay cyber man and feed my mother.

I couldn’t afford to pay clothes now because my priorities are my studies. My daily living is very difficult but what is essential for me is my future. Because of my educational goals I am in delayed gratification. The reading, the learning themselves are not so easy. It is hard work ; they are all price to pay for better future.

Everybody knows that I am poor and that I have no social asset no foundation. People think that my existence is condemned to suffering. Yes, it is true that I am suffering to day. But I believe that tomorrow will better. I challenge them that I am worthy, I am Olympian within. I have “inner gold medal. That is what I want to reveal on the outside.
Throughout my daily efforts I would like to prove to whom it may concern that I deserve to win. I want to prove through this commitment that I am upright in my way of seeking. I am responsible in everything I undertake. I try to be honest humanly possible. The way to show this integrity is that when I meet you Michael for example, through my behavior, my action and talk, I try to prove you that I am poor but I am morally enough worthy; I deserve your trust. For those who are living miserably like me, the only asset we have to fight for, our salvation is to be truthful and honest. Today, it is obvious that I haven’t yet reached my goal but I am hopeful and confident because I don’t sleep on my laurels. In spite of difficulties I encounter, I am mentally tough to reach my goal. I believe in my learning to succeed my life. I visualize my victory now as matter of time. My success will make me an example, a reference in my community because they knew my past. Like a leader, a champion, I will let them approach me, listen to them and share my experiences, my knowledge with them like a teacher, a coach.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please Explain.

The most important new ideas or concepts I learned from this book:
* Paying the price: It proves and confirms me that there is a price to pay for anything worthwhile in this life; that everything I endured about my educational goals is the price to pay to succeed my life.
* The quality of leadership and its real foundation: to be a leader, learn to lead yourself first. And according to human nature, his qualities and deficiencies with sense of morality, question yourself: If I were that person, what would I do?

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how?

This book challenged and changed my way of thinking about the chapter twenty-one – day plan: It taught and confirmed me that winning is daily conquest. It allowed me to adjust my daily life for my success.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

I didn’t disagree totally with any idea or concept. In general they are useful for me.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

The most helpful in this book is about Leadership. With this book I know furthermore about this concept. I aspire to be a leader in my community.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

This book is dealing with the psychology of winning to be a champion. As human being, believe that you are Olympian within, that you are capable of peak performance in any domain of your choice. You need just to focus upon, work on it and you’ll reach your goal.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8

Comment: With chapter 9, I know furthermore about Leadership.

Giant Steps
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book? Do not simply list the ideas, but explain or discuss why they were important to you, using personal examples

“Dreams of Destiny” : Decisions and goal setting.
What is dream? Our desires, wishes and aspirations are our dreams. What matters is : what to do to make your dream a reality that becomes your destiny? As we know, in any human undertaking, there are necessary steps to take. In this case we are dealing with precisely, we all have dreams to become this or that. But if success depends only simply on dreams, I think we’ll all be successful on this earth. Where is the difference? This difference resides exactly in what you want for your life. Knowing this, it calls for decisions, goal setting and your absolute willingness, commitment to reach your target, your consistent conviction. You have innate resources to become what you want, draw your path, your direction, work upon it. What you become is your ultimate reward according to your goal : your destiny.

“How to get what you really want” : Pain, pleasure and mental state.
On your journey to make a destiny, you have to suffer enormous sacrifices hardships and difficulties to overcome : they are pains. But when you are aware of these circumstances that they are price to pay for your success, they become your mental state. You don’t feel any suffering, you ignore them and you have enthusiasm to do your task. You do it with pleasure hopefully. For example : learning. Everybody knows that it is not so easy to learn, study. But as you know what you are looking for, your dream and what you want to become, the reading, learning is like a game. You enjoy yourself doing it without pain. It is your state of mind that gives you pleasure to learn. You become more and more enthusiastic. After all, how to get what you really want is mental attitude, self determination and commitment that allow you to shape your destiny.

“The power to create, the power to destroy” : Beliefs.
Each of us is pure product of a culture, formed by some beliefs personal or collective. These beliefs determine our ways of thinking, behavior and action because they are connected to our physiological and psychological state. Here the question is that : In what do these beliefs relate to the reality of life? Immediately this question let us think that there are some beliefs that don’t serve us. They desempower, limit and destroy us to undertake something worthwhile. They are negative beliefs. Besides these, there are also some positive. They allow us to believe in our possibilities and capabilities to create and realise our dreams shaping a destiny. In general, we have global beliefs that are positive or negative. Change global beliefs affects your whole life. For those who bear negative beliefs, they need to get rid of them if they really want to quit their wishful state to make their dreams a reality. I think we are all looking for better living everyday. So we need to improve, perfect our lives that give us power to create, realising our dreams.

“Questions are the answer” : Questions.
The most important and complete definition philosophers and great thinkers give to life is that it is “questioning”. The questions such as what is existence? Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose on this earth? What is Life? What is death? Why is there something than nothing? Thinkers and philosophers try to give responses that themselves become other questions. Life is thus perpetual questioning. In the context that we are, it is matter of type of questions that serve, empower, improve and help you for your progress in life. Type of questions that allow you to know yourself, your capabilities and possibilities as human being to dream, decide and reach a goal. You are geared mentally to face any situation of life. In the case of problems, hardships and any other difficulty ask questions of “why” to discover the causes and “how” to find the right solution. Through introspection, you’ll notice that any problem you encounter has its sides of benefits and you always learn something new about life. Remember that introspection is self questioning. Ask questions that help you adjusting your daily living. After all, know that life is something abstract so join actions to your answers to be concrete transforming dreams to reality.

“Get the knack of change” : the science of success conditioning.
In any achievement and feat, we notice that besides the huge steps there are also small things but necessary that forgoten or ignored you couldn’t get what you want really. When there are failure, setbacks or things dindn’t go as you want, it is clear and obvious that something is going wrong. Ask questions to yourself seriously. You’ll discover that you have mistaken somewhere. This situation calls for deep reflection for change to improve your habits, behaviour, actions that must lead you to success. Know that you are first and foremost responsible for your life. Nobody would come tell you to lead your life in this or that way. Life is also selfish. You may however get piece of advice. But the decision is upon you and you alone. That is the most important conditioning for success. Everytime take an outlook on your habits, behaviour, action to correct what is wrong for your progress. You have enough resources to overcome any obstacle, hardship on your way to reach goal. It is self improvement. Self improvement also requires you create new positive habits to replace the old negative ones. It needs repetition and consistency as you focus on your target to make your desire, dream a reality. Any achievement and feat require courage and commitment through lasting, timing, variable training necessary for your success. So is the way for success conditioning.

“The vocabulary of success” : the power of transformational vocabulary and global metaphors.
What is God? If it is allowed to give definition on God, we’ll say God is Word. That is what we’ve learned through the Holy Book : the Bible. God is Creator of the universe. Since the beginning was Word, the Word was God ; Word is God. Here derives the powerful meaning of word, its influence and action on any creature. Thus Word is a thread that can lead to success or failure. What is the vocabulary of success? I think it is a self talk, what you say to yourself about life, in general and your daily living according to your desires, wishes and dreams. Knowing that your self talk impacts your life, say to yourself : “I am miracle, I am successful”. About these sentences set goal, put yourself into action you’ll make in reality a miracle. Personaly, I notice that positive self talk pushes into action and negative one into great passivity. As we know, word power, its influence, impact and effect according to your goal, try to avoid people who didn’t share this with you, that they can say something in order to discourage and disempower you. In this context of transformational vocabulary, you need to retur to your positive self talk in the case of loseness. In the same context, what is important to keep in mind is that to your words join action if really you want to succeed your life.Word without action is vanity. It is like faith without work, charity is vain.

“How to use your action signals”: emotions
What is action signals? It is a feeling, a state of mind that pushes to act or react. This may be positive or negative : they are emotions. Remember that you are the source of any emotion. Your emotions negative or positive depend on the way you live, your global beliefs. Thus if a situation impact you negatively giving wrong feeling, the best way to keep yourself peaceful is to accept things such looking for ways and means to benefit from on the other hand. Know that you have innate resources to do this instead of troubling and disempowering yourself by negative thoughts and feeling .It is better you change your empty expectations to cultivate emotions that empower you. Know also that God gears you to accept peacefully what you couldn’t do nothing about and change what you can. For your well being, cultivate the values such Love, hope, passion, determination, confidence, cheerfulness to shape your destiny. As for me, I think that the true and best way to happiness is to be devoted to others : giving.

“Take the ten-day mental challenge” : mantal challenge and Master System of Evaluation.
What is life? There are plenty of metaphors whether we want to answer this question. The simple and brief definition is that life is a journey. We don’t know exactly where is the true and concrete destination. But as we are human of body living on earth, our immediate destination about this journey of life is our success, the realisation of our dreams to become this or that. And the core tool to shape a destiny on this earth is our mind, our thought in a body. On it depend your success and failures. For example, let take a driver in his car. The driver steers, balances his car to avoid accident and get safely his destination. To reach or not his destination, it depends on the way he drives. If he drives badly and doesn’t respect code of road, surely one day he’ll fell down and may lose his life early. Accident is not fatality. I think that it is exactly human life. You are mind in a body. Your mind is a laboratory of any success or failure. Remember that as you think, so you are. Know that to become great person, a leader it is often long process. The way is long ,too long full of traps. It calls and requires permanent, consistent and patient actions of habit. Obviously you’ll encounter setbacks, hardships, emotional storms. When you face such moments, put yourself in questions. What can I do? This in order to correct, improve your path; increase your efforts and keep balanced : we call it Master System of Evaluation. In this garden of life full of weeds, it allows you to cleanse your daily living to reach your goal of success. On this trip of life, this Master System of Evaluation helps to identify you negative beliefs and behaviour, make global changes that affect your whole life. It is self mastery. It is superior evaluation that creates superior life : the common denominator of leaders who make difference through the way they behave and reason. Failure is not a fatality.

“Your personal compass” : values and rules.
As life is determined upon principles, it is so upon values. Thus each of us has his own hierachy of values he depends and guides his daily living and dreams in destiny shaping. Who dislike pleasure? Each of us detests pains he moves away from to gain pleasure to move toward. But the question is that : do your thoughts, behaviour and action allow you to leave pain and live with pleasure? What we notice is that everybody has his own hierarchy of values :means values and end values for happiness. Create new values to shape a destiny. Make rules that allow you to realise your dreams. And these rules are your barometer whether you’re in accordance with your relationship and existence with your hierarchy of values. Your rules are your ultimate judge and jury. What is important is to avoid rules that didn’t serve or empower you. Review them to feel happy and successful. Be flexible on your rules to make your relationship and existence with less conflicts and anxieties. The fewer rules you’ll have, the happier you’ll be. What we all have to recognize is that upon our personal and individual values and rules, there are ones such as love, charity we need to cultivate and promote for the best of Humanity.

“The keys to an expanded life” : Identity and References.
Everybody in his lifetime has known some events and experiences that are his references. These experiences may affect in the positive or negative way building conscious or unconcious memories. They formed your beliefs giving you an identity. And for the rest of your life, you think, behave, and act throughout this identity. How did your references of experiences affect your whole life? Did you benefit from them or limit yourself by them? How could you use them to expand your life dream and shape a destiny? To be brief about all these questions, everything depends on the imagination and interpretations you give to any event and experience. What is noticeable and worthwhile in this life is that you can use and transform the worst situations to your advantage to become a miracle, a champion. It is matter of state of mind. Change and decide on your identity, the person you dream to become. Improve your life through changes and challenges. Put yourself in imagination, visualization and meditation to fulfill your dreams. Reading for example is one of the ways to expand your experiences. You are master designer of your life. Decide on your life to be a miracle. People will admire you.

“Putting it all together” : health, finances, relationships and code of conduct.
The stories of great men such as successful persons and leaders let us know that they realised their dreams through their own code standard of conduct that they repected strictly. This code of conduct is one of the great steps on their way to success. By code of conduct we dare understand organized and purposeful living with sense of morality. Upon is your health, how you balance it with your fitness. On your code of conduct depends your finances, how you create money and use it reasonably to maintain, protect and increase your wealthy. On your code of conduct depend your relationship, the way you live with others having less conflicts with them creating peaceful existence. Your code of conduct based on PMA is one of the best ways to fulfill your dreams shaping a destiny.

“The ultimate gift” : contribution
Life is gift. How do you spread and expand this gift around you? In other terms, how do you contribute to the well being of your family, your community? What is your contribution for the well being of the world and the whole humanity? It is pity that each of us in our world today is selfish. Selfishness is increasing in great proportion everyday. Each of us lives his life in his corner and that is all. His neighbour eats or not it isn’t his matter. The ditch between rich and poor men is deeper than ever. One of the reasons or causes of conflicts all over the world. I think it is high time we realized human value of life : be devoted to others through help, assistance, charity. Those who recognized and practice this value make difference. They are blissful. They are heroes. We can all be heroes by imagination and commitment after decision to be such. We can all be heroes through sincere contribution expecting nothing in return. It is power of character to obtain giant results through small efforts. Try to nurture your children with these characters. Life is balance between giving and receiving. Create positive expectancy for your miracle to take part of great cause in life.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc? Please use personal examples in your explanation.

I can relate ideas or concepts in this book to my personal circumstances in life.
I have a dream. I have a dream to be famous intellectual. I have a dream to make true professional career in human development in general, humanitarian particularly. I have a dream not like Martin Luther King who desired to see white and black men together hand in hand in USA. But my dream is to give my small contribution for the well being of the humanity. That is why according to my goal, I am always interested in studies, learnings relating directly to life and human as core value. I am fond of moral studies because I think and notice that our society is facing more and more moral crisis. My dream is essentially about intellectual life as means values to fulfill my end values that is life based on morality: my happiness. To reach such goal, I decide and set goals on education and the word of God. As spiritual being experiencing human being, I think I have mental resources to make this dream a reality. I know there are pains, hardships, setbacks on my way to reach this goal. I’ll never abdicate in front of them. This is my state of mind. It doesn’t mean I’m not realistic. I hate failure, the emotional state I work hard to avoid to cultivate love I regard most highly. Love and passion in what I choose to do. I think love can bring me the other values, to move away from rejection, anger, frustratrion, loneliness, depression, failure, humiliation and guilt. This is my beliefs.

Allow me to tell you that about everything I choose to do I ask myself : what will be my moral satisfaction? Will I be free with my conscious? Can this give me respect and consideration in society? These questions relate to my identity and rules. Sometimes people thought I am too strict and rigorous. They are free to think what they want about me. But what matters for me is my code of conduct based on morality that can give me respect and consideration in my family, community and everywhere I am. I know great intellectuals and successful persons who are not considered and respected just because their code of conduct is outside morality. According to my moral imperative and hierarchy of values, I have a creed : “I am jealous of my dignity” and I claim it everywhere there is need and to whom it may concern. In spite of the fact that existence compels us to live together, we are not the same. You’ll see sheeps together but they don’t have the same price. I have no intention to be perfect or absolutely right.

But when I put myself in questioning through Master System of Evaluation, I notice with self satisfaction that the advantages I gain from my rigor of rules and code of conduct, ideally through work make me admired everywhere I arrive. Everybody knows that I am rigorous hating disorder and laxism at work. But everything in fraternity and love. This is one of my character that make my relationship consistent, I am very often solicited by people for advice. Beyond what we need, desire or wish, truth is truth ; reason is reason. And this is revealed to each of us by our conscious besides our fallacies.

My daily living is more and more difficult with the sickness of my mother. But it isn’t a reason for me to behave and act wrongly just for eating or money. I am jealous of my moral integrity. About ultimate gift, I had learned and gained a lesson from my father. The story: as I have already said, my father was chief of our village well known all over the region. When he came back from journey by taxi many children arounded the lorry because in 1980, car was still object of curiosity. I was surprised to see my father shared all the bread he had in his bag to the children. Because I am his own son, I expected he would keep some in reserve for me. But he didn’t. I was angry. I got the same part like others sometime smaller. In many domain my father behaved like that. He loved everybody without any distinction. He died miserably but let me tell you that his name is still alive 22 years after his death. That is his ultimate gift. My father made the difference through his love, giving to everybody, the way he led his community. He is hero. He had a life based on exceptional morality. He was not perfect but excellent. I aspire to be like my father, a hero pretending not be perfect but just giving my small contribution for the well being of humanity: my destiny.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please Explain.

The most important new ideas or concepts I learned from this book:

– Master System of Evaluation : it is self examining through introspection. It calls for self improvement and perfection through perpetual questioning about his thinking, behaviour and daction to fulfill his dreams of existence.

– The ultimate gift, it must be our end values. Our contribution to the well being of the humanity. We call it humanism based on love and giving.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how?

This book challenged and changed my thinking on Master System of Evaluation. Human we are, we are fallible. It means that we have to put ourselves in this exercise of Master System of Evaluation to improve and increase our odds to make our dreams a reality shaping a destiny.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

I couldn’t disagree with any of them totally. I gained what is essential for me.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

In this book, I find most helpful Master System of Evaluation and the ultimate gift;

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey

Giant steps is a call from Anthony Robbins for small changes to make big difference of result for the quality of life through self mastery. On commitment made upon decisions and goals setting the author taught us daily techniques and strategies to realise our dreams shaping a destiny.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8

Comments : I’ve more appreciated section 12

Real Magic
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

1. What Ideas were personally most important to you in this book? Do not simply list the ideas, but explain or discuss why they were important to you, using personal examples.

“Getting to purpose” P. 9

What do you think about existence? Have you once thought about universe? I think it seems impossible to talk about these two terms without the concept of life. Life refers to existence and universe. Talk about universe leads to reflect on the concept of Creator and creatures. The first reflects to infinite intelligence; spiritual and eternity; the second to physic, body : beginning and end. As it is obvious and we see it, the spiritual being precedes the physical one. It is also obvious that the two aspects of living make us think that universe is determined, purposeful, not casual. So, as human being living in this purposeful universe, our living must be purposeful. It is important to remember and insist that everything exists for some reason. This known, what means “getting to purpose? Know that your presence in this universe is not casual. You are created by God for special mission on this earth. This spiritual being well known ,in your thought, action and behaviour, remember that you have to give the first place to supreme Being. Found your life in it. That is getting to purpose for real magic in this precise context we are dealing with.

“Moving past skepticism” P. 32

We admitted that the spiritual precedes the physical, it is clear that the mind, the thought that is the invisible part of human being is the basis of any life. This being, what is moving skepticism? What is important to understand is the spiritual aspect of human as first and foremost in any life. I mean by “understand”, acceptance of life being spiritual before physical. It is so and no debate about it. If not, it is humanly impossible to understand the soul, the spirit, the invisible, the mind or thought. It is likely you want and pretend understand what we call by infinite intelligence, God, who is spirit. If we really want to make progress, we just have to accept this concept and live according to it. It is a truth. This special knowing is a part of you once you have it. It will magnify and enhance your physical life in a multitude of ways. Develop your spiritual being if really you want to make real magic. This awareness that, there is a supreme spiritual force that governs universe is “moving past skepticism.

“Creating a miracle mind set” P. 72

What is mind-set. To be brief, it is the way and how you shape your mind or thought about living. On it, depends all your life. As you think, so you are. Do you want miracle in your life? If yes know that you need necessary steps to follow before reaching this miracle. The first and foremost, the most important is your mind on which you can take control. It is divine gift. You have the force to direct your mind, your thought in this or that way. So if you want to make your life a miracle, get rid of skeptical thought to recognize the infinite intelligence that governs universe. You are gifted to use it. He will assist you in all your ways. Reserve your judgement and disbelief to keep one little corner of your mind open to miracle. Practice inner affirmation giving yourself permission to adopt new ideas. Affirm each day your unlimited spiritual being where begins miracle. Avoid doubts and fears to listen to your inner voice, your intuition taking some risk. Don’t only be wishful and have just intentions or desires. You need to put yourself into necessary actions. Get rid of your negative habits and thoughts that inhibited and plagued you to visualise as if you already reach your goal. Ask nothing of anyone and have faith and trust in God to develop authentic power for yourself through daily meditation. Creating a miracle mind-set is cultivating positive thoughts to make real magic.

“Love : the central ingredient of a relationship at purpose” P. 141

What is love? A purposeful living is made up of love. It is a word of value experienced in actions and behaviours. It is inner process to relationship. Love is spiritual being that is perfect. To experience and prove it, it needs sometimes efforts. Love is extraordinary feeling to serve, to be devoted to others expecting nothing in return. Throughout love, you change your hostility to peace and fraternity when conflict arises. Love is an ideal. Who can affirm possess and experience love in fullness? No human being. Love is perfect. It symbolises God. It expresses his fullness. To say : “I am love entirely, it is likely to say I am immaculate. It is illusive. No human could say he loves absolutely. However, love is the most valued word to cultivate and promote to see our societies, the world less hostile.

“Applying prosperity principles in your daily life” P. 204

What is prosperity? In general speaking success symbolises prosperity. This success depends on each of us. It may be money, material possession, family and life based on morality. What matters here is the way you achieve your prosperity. Like the universe that is determined, made up of laws and principles, so is the life and its components and aspects. Prosperity, an aspect of this life has its own principles to apply and follow in daily living if we want really prosper. Recognize the spiritual part of universe and life. This part is infinite intelligence, the creator of everything. God is the authentic owner of prosperity. You just need to disdain your disbelief, negative thoughts and habits to build a mind of prosperity. Keep your mind focused exclusively on images you desire. Act upon, believe and you’ll see it. If it works somewhere in somebody’s life, it is also very possible for you. Don’t forget you are in world of matter, study and meditate about it. Develop and trust in your inner intuitive voices. Work to replace your thoughts of scarcity with the positive one. Develop a conviction that prosperity belongs to you. Always trust in God.

“The big lie” P 217

What is the big lie? In general, they are negative thoughts; habits and limitations we create within us, feed and that we believe are truths. In fact they have no concern with the reality. Sometimes they are absolute opposite of the reality and have nothing with truth. Suppose you behave wrongly and justify this saying that I am so, I have always been this way. How will be our society if each of us behaves like you? Our world will be a disorder. The owner of this life is not a being of disorder. He creates, gears and gifts us to become what we want with no limitation. Don’t justify your failures, weaknesses by fallacies that your family or society as causes of these. It is obvious they influence your life but you can get rid of such influences. They can not take control of your mind. You have the power to create whatever kind of person you want to become, in any aspect of humanity. The key is your mind where takes and begins any radical changes. To overcome misbelieves say to you. I am miracle. Put yourself into action, real magic is waiting for you.

“Becoming a willing student” P. 263

Who is a student? A student is a learner. That person who is studying to get knowledge in a given domain. In life, this knowledge will allow him to get job for living. As we notice, it is not all the students who succeed. Some fail. Why? It depends generally on the way you make your studies. Here is the question: are you a willing student? In a group of students, teachers very often recognise willing students and give them their assistance: “when the student is ready, the teacher appears” No teacher will be devoted to unwilling student. Because he doesn’t manifest any way willingness to work hard for success. The teacher will never appear. In this current life, it is the same. We are all students of life. Life succeeds to those who are willing to succeed through a purposeful living. There are many ways to make your life a miracle, a real magic. If you dwell on your negative self talks that I have no chance, I have no means to undertake something, miserably you’ll die. The question is that: What do you do to attract chances or opportunity? Life is not fair. It is not a fun. Live with purpose followed by action is to be willing student. Doing so, heaven will give you assistance to get opportunity. Remember that you are spiritual being experiencing human being. Thus, during your existence on this earth, have trust in God entirely. You’ll be real magic.

“We are in age of spiritual revolution” P. 304

In a world where we live and face more and more problems and crisis, it seems hopeful that there is new collective consciousness that awakens. This is a new spiritual awareness. It is spiritual revolution, consequently new way of being for humanity. Today, people manifest great need of freedom. All over the world there are movements that are fighting for people right for freedom, life, health and respect for human person. This awakening is not casual. We are spiritual being experiencing human being. Everything happens spiritually before we experience it physically. This awakening is first and foremost spiritual. Here in my country and all over the world, there is great spiritual awakening. Churches flourish. As for me, I think people become more and more aware of our spiritual being. God is the key for any achievement. Because of some imperfections, I think we are still experiencing phase of transition.

To make great changes in our physical world, I think we have yet enough to do, to possess our spiritual being, our mind, the key to real magic.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc? Please use personal examples in your explanation.

Yes, I can relate the ideas and concepts in this book to my personal circumstances in life.
I believe in God. In God I trust. A God of miracle, a God of real magic. I also believe in education. For this reason, when I have seen my studies stopped by lack of means, I have faith in God that he will do something for me. And during my crying through my prayer, I call for his assistance and guidance. To join act to word, I was looking for opportunity to continue my studies. This took for me months before I discovered through internet an opportunity. How did I enter IIGL program. I discovered through Internet University for human Goodness; Centre for Purposeful Living. To this centre, I sent complete application in which I exposed clearly my intentions, desires, wishes and educational goals. Thanks to God. Fortunately, the dean of admission, Joanna White replied me convinced of my educational goals. But to avoid eventual visa difficulties, she recommended me IIGL studies, to reapply after, to get my training at CPL (Centre for Purposeful Living) in North Carolina. After this recommendation of Joanna, I did not hesitate to contact you. That is the way I become one of IIGL students. To you Michael: take just a look at this process, from my Baccalaureate since year 2000 to you now. Are you convinced that I am a willing student of life? Education is my path to make my existence real magic, a miracle. Tell me that I am not purposeful. It is because my education goals are real that I got this opportunity. I am a ready student, my teacher University for Human Goodness; Centre for Purposeful Living appeared. I am a willing student my teacher Joanna White appeared. I am a ready student my teacher IIGL appeared. I am a willing student, my teacher Michael lightweaver appeared.

If I got this opportunity it is because I got rid of the big lie that: I am poor, I haven’t money to reach my educational goals. I have done what is humanly possible in my miserable conditions to get this opportunity. I hope to reach you one day on the field to prove you that I am poor but I am worthy, that I have something to share with you. I am working hard everyday inside myself on the great values of this life. About my family, they are still in traditional practice. My purpose is to bring them to give their lives, their existences entirely to God and his Son Jesus Christ. One of the ways to reach this goal is share and proves my love to all of them. About life, my noble purpose is to be devoted to others beginning from my mother, brothers and sisters. I am against heritage and big material possessions. I think the best life to live is that which is upon honesty and love through the Word of God. Know that on this earth, God is your neighbour. I inherited these values from my parents, father. He was chief of our village, our community, died January 20, 1984. He loved everybody, you are his son or not. People said he was angel because of his wisdom and morality. I am very proud of my parents, despite our poverty. I think if you live your existence honestly by the Word of God, you don’t need to accumulate material possessions to your sons and daughters. This kind of living is blissful. You’ll benefit yourself and your sons abundantly. In this spiritual revolution my purpose is to give my small contribution for the well being of humanity, that at least one person said: through DAVUI Kossi Sépénou God saves me from my misery. By saying all this I don’t pretend to be an angel. This is my ideal about my existence on this earth.Human’s values are my daily quest.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please Explain.

The most important new ideas or concepts:
– Spiritual being experiencing human being: this concept invites me to develop more my spiritual life.

– becoming a willing student. It reinforces me in my conviction of ready student of life to see my teacher appear; that I have to prove more and further to convince you that I need and deserve help and assistance to develop what I have within me like talent.

– Big lie: in front of hardships, failures, setbacks of life, this concept is daily threat to overcome.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how?

The challenge and change of thinking in this book is about spiritual being and my place in spiritual revolution. The best way for me to reach these goal is meditation and prayer through the Word of God. The divine guidance will show me the right place.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

I think, No because this is the most interesting book because of its spiritual aspects.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

Least helpful, no. But most helpful is the spiritual side; the law of give and serve: Love;

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

Through this book the author invites us to discover, recognise and identify our spiritual being as key of self accomplishment to make real magic during our existence. The conditions to make miracle in our life are to get to purpose, love, give and serve others.

Please rate the following questions on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Comments: this is the most interesting book for me up to now.

Goal Mapping
Assessment by DAVUI Kossi Sepénou (TOGO)

1. Discuss the main ideas that you found most important in this book and discuss why they were important to you:

“Treasure the Gift” P.23
We born equal with enormous possibilities for each of us to direct his life in this or that way. We have free choice to take control over our lives inspite of different circumstances we face daily some time dramatic.This fact gives us full responsability to select, set goal to reach in life. It is a gift common to every human being. What matters now? I think it is just matter of choice. Choice first and foremost to recognize this gift, treasure it and use it to gain maximum profit for your well being on earth. This gift is natural, universal and divine. It is up to you to set and reach goal for your success on earth. Think just about what you really want for your life and what you want to do with it. You have a right to live happily if you decide to be so. There is universal and divine genie ready to help you in your destiny shaping. We are conscious co-creator of our creation.

“Thnking from the heart” P.42
What is love ? To be simple. Love is expression of Heart. It is heart in word, in behaviour and action. Heart relates to mind. Heart and mind work together. That is why anything that comes from heart, thought in mind followed by action produce necessary results, positive or negative. Thus to be successfull, the first and foremost is to go back to your heart and mind. What do you desire ? What do you want to make with your life ? If you anwser this questions sincerely and honestly, your way to success is already managed. What does it mean ? It means you reflect well before setting goal, then you get into action with enthusiasm founded on love: Love to yourself and love in what you decide and choose to do. With such steps, there is no reason you reach your goal.. Because this heart full of love , enables you to find extra energy to overcome any difficulty, doing your job easily with desired result in the end. Heart in intention followed by action creates result.

“ Raise your awareness” P. 59
What is raise your awareness ? It is the way to be more and more aware of life and its circumstances in general, yours particularly. Life being changing that must be done permanently. Today more than old days Life seems to be more and more difficult to live in.To avoid trapped in this difficult changes we have to raise our awareness if we want really to overcome this challenges that life everyday faces us. How ? In order to reach any goal we need according to the circumstances, situation and social environment to be permanently aware of ourselves, renewing,adjusting our behavious and actions focusing on our goals. I think it is by these necessary steps we can get what we are looking for in this life.

“ Positive thinking” P. 95
In this life, there are two things: Positive and negative. Who can deny this reality. I think nobody. You and I know that positive and negative are intrinsic in life. Negative relates to failure and perdition. While positive relates to success and happiness. These two symbols are within each of us and work conscious and uncouscious. If negative symbolizes failure, who can tell me he likes and prefer it to positive ? Naturely nobody. Everybody likes good, positive and success. But the question is that: How to develop this positive aspect beside the negative one.? Here is the matter of positive thinking. It seems difficult but simple to deal with on the main condition that you know yourself and what you want. Remember that as you think so you are.

To get success think positive. It means even in the great adversity and dramatic circumstances, you can get something positive to steer your life by. Positive thinking is reject negative thought, language, behavious, beliefs and actions. It also calls for trust, confidence, Love, courage, peace and be honest. These are some of the virtues to conquer to have balanced life. State what you want not what you fear.

“Mental preparation” P.100
According to Dr. Wayne Dyer’s formula, we are spiritual being experiencing human being. In orther words, we are mind experiencing body mental experiencing physical. This means that spiritual, mind, mental precede human, body physical. That reveals the fondamental importance of mental in human being life. It seems to be the essence in life of each of us. Mental preparation is mental psychological training of setting any goal to reach. It calls for the way you conceive things. The way you behave or drive yourself. It is the way you steer your life that leads you to what you are looking for.

“Knowing what you want” P.116
One of the steps to know what you want is to get rid of any fear and any negative thought that blocks you to go ahead. They are attitudes and behaviours that find their origin within you and your mind. They keep you to take some risks and get into action. What you want becoming your dream, it is through awareness, introspection, reflection and meditation on your own life that you can know it. If you know it you can then plan your way, setting goals to reach for success.

“Commitment” P.134
Truth is one of those words that talk more than doing. And one of the conditions to get and know truth is to be logic. It is a matter of commitment to staying true to yourself. It is also matter of self esteem and self-honour. If you want to be respected and considered anywhere in society keep your commitments. If you engage yourself to do something keep doing it. And when people discover this virtue in you, they will trust and have great deal of confidence in you. They will forgive you easily in the case you make mistake that is common to any human being. If you cultivate habits, character to hold your commitment, you have great asset to set and reach any goal for your success. Because it is a choice, a decision and determination inside your heart and mind. However it is important to remember we have to fuel any commitment to staying strong on your objectives: lasting commitment, the glue of any achievement.

“Final thought” P.162
What is final thought? At first outlook, it is ambiguous. It seems relate to the end of living thought, the end of life. But in this context we are, it is something more hopeful than that. It is an idea of strength based on self development, a fire of living to stir. It is an ongoing process of life. It is permanent reflection and awareness on any aspect of your own living that must lead you to balanced life. A final thought is a daily quest of what you deem important. And that must be what must be universal, true and admited.

“Your future is an adventure that lasts a life time” P.164
French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre in his existentialism said Man lives essentially future. It means that insipte of our setbacks and failures, we continue to project ourselves into better future even those who are doing nothing concrete to improve their situation. I think it is good philosophy that brings us into action. I think also that to make great achievement we need to live present and future as if life is endless. This keep us hopeful since we knew that hope makes live. What matters to know is that life is changing and for that reason, live according to it. It is a journey made up of many stages. So map your best journey.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values etc ? Explain

“Even at a point when the nightclub had been really successful, the truth is that I had always felt inferior to other people in some way. I thought that not be able to read or write properly made other people better than me, that I was less than them. I pick this ideas in the preface of this book (XII). I like too much such statements. It is meaningful and full of sense. After reviewing and analysis it is clear and obvious that the notoriety Brian Mayne has today is due to his back to Education not through nightclub business. Naturely it will still be in nightclub you and I would never know him so. Personaly such satements reveal me more and further the foundemental importance of education in self development through knowledge, reflection and wisdom.

Such statements reinforce me in my convictions intentions about my educational goals. I give capital importance to education. For this reason in my relationship I discuss very often with friends this subject. For example it is by lack of education that Georges Upon Weah ancient professional football player missed his election to be head of state or Liberia. He was beaten by S. Helen Johnson. Weah has everything, very rich to win the election. But he lacks level of Educaation. It is because I know the great value of Education that I set my life goals through it. For me it is the main path that can lead me to real success. It is the true way that can make me a leader. I know I have this gift. What matters for me is treasure it and develop it for my achievements.

There is universal, divine guidance, a genie ready to help me achieve my success through education goals. Perhaps it will seem redundant to you to hear and read me talking about my educational goals in almost each of my assessments. But let me tell you that it is exactly and absolutely what I have inside me. I need to convince you and anybody who would read my assessments about it. Everything I say about my higher Educational ambitions is from the bottom of my heart.

Now, I have enough problems that make my daily living difficult sometime hopeless. But because I have no possibility this moment to find right solutions to them, I try to forget and reject them giving privilege to my educational goals.Thus I would have substantial level in order to find right job and find right solutions to my problems in the right moments. My prayer to God is to protect my mother, my sisters and brothers. My commitment is on Education. This is my heart positive thiking, the vision I hold raising all the time my awareness about it. I know I can do it.

There is magical genie ready to assiste me achieving my educational goals as an ongoing process to succeed my life. In my family, my relationship everybody knows my absolute devotion to educational values as key to self development and self empowerment. That is why I would like to let you know that my educational goal is the centre, the cornerstone of my goal mapping. I keep believing sincerely and honestly that the way of education is the right and only one opportunity for my salvation.

For, I have great deal of confidence in this IIGL program and I try my best to prove you that I am not less worthy among others inspite of the fact I still fight to master English Language. I am a man of commitment and I try always to hold my word. In my family, my relationship, everybody knows this character for me. This character gives me respect and consoderetion anywhere I am. Let me tell you this truth: I hate people who lie. It means people who don’t respect their commitment, their word. Remember during my application process to enter this program you asked me if I would like to do these studies in french because it is our official language. I replied no, that this is the best way for me to master english. I know what i am looking for. To be sincere, the beginning was very difficult. But now I think, small by small I am making my way in this language. When I decide to do something I do it overcoming any difficulty humanly possible. This is one of my characters that brings where I am in front of you. I am capable of miracle.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please explain

The most important new ideas or concepts:

-The seven priciples of lift: I learned more about how to overcome challenges, get clarity about my goals and my gain more insights about them.

-The seven steps of goal mapping and how to live it daily till its achievment: They thaught me more and further about my goals, the necessary steps and ritual to follow to get the destination of this journey of life: success

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way ? If so explain how.

Yes this book challenged and changed me about how to manage with precision and consistence the schedule and way of my goal to reach success. It thaugh and remembered me more about ongoing process to reach one goal that could allow me to achieve others.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totaly disagree with ? If so why ?

It is essentialy about step three of goal mapping: draw. I am not so convinced of its necessity to goal achievement.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

The most helpful is goal mapping itself, its steps and live it as ritual to achieve my goals.
The least helpful is the step three of this goal mapping

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

On this journey of life Brian Mayne offers us this tool of goal mapping as an ongoing process of self development and empowerment for our success. He taught us how to set goals, live them as ritual for their accomplishment.

Please rate this bood on scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What the overall rating you would give it? 8

Comment: I appreciate more the preface of this book

Goal Setting 101
Assessment by DAVUI Kosi Sepénou (Togo)

1. Discuss the main ideas that you found most important in this book and discuss why they were important.

Develop a Vision
What is a vision ? It is the way you conceive and perceive things. It is a way of seeing and conceiving the world, Universe and Humanity.

A vision is the way you see yourself and everything around you. This perception of yourself, life and Universe may be your paradigm.

What is a Vision in this context of Goal Setting ? It is just what you expect from the life. It may be your dreams, desires, wishes that push you into action setting a goal to reach. A vision is the way to shape a destiny. It is the way you manage yourself to have wonderful existence. A vision is an ongoing process that allow you to improve and empower yourself to create a better world to live in. An this world is founded on virtues. A vision is a destination you give to this journey of life. What is important to know here is that the best way and only one way and means to develop a vision is through goal setting. And as contengencies, you need to share your vision with other people who can give you right counsels.

Create a Mission Statement
What is Mission ? It is just a sense you have inside you to do something. It is the essence you give to any walk, action and act. In this context of self fulfillment and accomplishment, it is what is beyond your goal setting, what is its final outcome. It is the point you want to get, the reason for your being, the cause leading to effect. Mission statement is declaration of your being to mean that you are purposeful. It is sense you give to your existence, the meaning of your life. What you intend, affirm is a mission statement. The most important is that create mission statement seems impossible without goal setting. It is the necessary step. It is through this step you can find and create reason for living. Create mission statement, it is self declaration that is intrinsic to any real goal setting.

Fit plans to Circumstance
Life is more made up of unexpected than expected. It means that in this life we are called to encounter circumstances in front of which we can’t do anything. They are sometimes obstacles to our progress. But in the same moment we ought to move through life to avoid status quo and get success. Life is moving unlimited in this context and will never wait for you. In this context of goal setting we must expect to face such circumstances that may be sometimes challenges, failures or other difficulties. These circumstances may be ephemeral or definitive for your progress in the way you respond to them. As you are decided to succeed your goal, the best way to overcome them is to fit plans to them. Make your plans fit the circumstances. Upon this depends your success or failure. Create other circumstances within and around you to overcome, surmount the ones unconfortable for your success. It is matter of self management that lead you to go round the obstacles. This procedure must be created according to your strengths, possibilities and limits: the essence or proactivity.

Start with personal plan
In spite of the fact life is social compelling us to live together, life is after all private and personal. That implies that it is you, only you who know very well how you live, your needs. What you want to do concretely with your life. Nobody knows more about you, yourself. You are unique in this world. It is you who know whether you are right or wrong thinker. You can lie or do anything to hide your wrong sides giving us good appearance. But You know the truth. You know what you are looking for in this life: your vision, your goal. So the planning to reach your goal is personal You may however ask counsel from experts and outstanding persons in the domain. But know that nobody will do your job for you. It is you who know what you envisage, your destination. So start setting goal with appropriate personal plan. Always begin by yourself to convince people that you are purposeful, then look for assistance.

Act like a leader
Isn’t everybody a leader ? Yes; If we define the word as the way to lead his life in any way. But as we deal with context of excellence, competence, skills, the context of positive reference in general upon ethics, we are in right to say that among people, there are few leaders. Leaders are those who make the difference through their behaviours, words and actions. A leader is that person who founds his life on values and virtues intrinsics to human being balance. A leader gives priviledges to human and his well being in humanity. A leader is for purposeful living. He doesn’t live for the sake to live. He sets goals to reach through consistent and persistent efforts. In a leader, we discover fighting spirit. His thinking is always positive based on faith, hope, courage. A leader is that person who all the time tries to keep balanced life through self management and Master system of Evaluation. All the time he lives purposefully. He leads his life in the direction of goals that outcome gives him respect and consideration. A leader knows his qualities and deficiencies. Leadership is personal living through positive, right behaviour and action that make you welcome anywhere in life. Act like a leader is through self improvement, empowerment to self development to be above the common. Leadership is knowing in yourself the divine guidance and universal gift ensuring you that you are capable of miracle. To set and reach goals, act like a leader refusing failures and setback: the defeatism. Act like a leader is surmounting any obstacle on your way to succeed your life.

Be Unreasonnable
To be great achiever, think as whether life is unlimited that you’ll never die. This state of mind guides you in your behaviour and action. It pushes you to set your goals high. Setting the bar higher than the reality warrants excite you to work hard in stamina to get what you want, that people never thought you can do. With this philosophy in the worse of cases you’ll be among the average people. It is also a success: the essential.

Know your limits
Any honest man knows his limits despite his will and determination he expresses doing everything to achieve a goal. It is a character common to human being. It means we can’t do all we want. It may be matter of talents. But in general we can all be successful people. Before you choose your way, know your real dreams; your capabilities and ressources to realise them. You must however ask help or any assistance. But as for me, what is important to understand is to do your best to convince people you are purposeful, that you want to reach a target. There is a “magical genie” that would help you overcome some of your limits.

Don’t be defeated
What is defeatism? Defeatism is abdication. If there is one obstacle that didn’t allow us to set and reach goals, it is defeatism. In goals setting, by defeatism you say to yourself “I haven’t money”, “I have no chance”. Because of this state of mind you are unable to set goals. In the case you already set goals, defeatism is the fact that after some setbacks you abdicate forgeting that the way of success is long, very long most of the time. Nothing worthwhile happens overnight. For me the first and the foremost condition to be successful is to get rid of defeatism believing that whatever your mind can conceive, it can be achieved: you are capable of miracle.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your person circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values etc ? Explain.

Yes. I know my limits. I know my limits because I have nobody who can help me achieve my goals, realise my dreams. I know my limits that are essentially material and financial. But besides, I know other things that are unlimited inside my heart, my mind. They give me hope, faith that everything is possible, a miracle. I know that I am capable of something wonderful. My limits are obvious. But because of the fact I hate defeatism I choose and decide to forget them and live as whether everything is fantastic in my life. That makes me unreasonnable very ambituous setting the bar high.

I am a man of challenges excepting to achieve what seems impossible in reality according to my means. Remember I told in one of my assessments that after my baccalaureat I had no support to continue my studies at university here. It is a great reality. But that didn’t stop me dreaming and staying ambitious looking for means and ways to do my studies abroad. It seems unreasonnable. My personal plans is to look for any opportunity that could allow me reach higher educational goals in language like english after french our official language. Because of such desires and dreams all my relatives and friends judge me unreasonnable and unrealistic. Yes. I remember one of them told me why can I have such ambition since I knew I am poor materially and financially. I replied: fortunately, I am not poor in mind and heart.

They defy me and for this reason I decided and determined to do my best to overcome these challenges reaching my educational goals succeeding my life. Let me tell you that all my ambiton is motivated by my vision on world, humanity in general, my community particularly. My vision is to see people in my community, in world live together peacefully in great fraternity helping each other. A world where there are less conflicts, less wars, less corruptions. My mission statement about these is to give my small contribution for the well being of Humanity. To know more about this mission I invest myself in educational goals learning more about human ethics and wisdom. For, I am always interested in any study touching directly Human, his values and virtues. That is the feeling and desires that lead me to discover you, excepting you’ll show me the right way and assistance to realise my dream: my vision. After all I except to be a leader inspiring others to get involved in learning , in Humanity: Human development on ethics.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please explain.

The most important new ideas or concepts:- Vision: It is final goal I can develop and achieve through daily goals achievement.-Mission statements: This must be my leitmotive, a fire that strengthens me to realise my vision.-Don’t be defeated: To be great achiever avoid defeatism knowing that setback is a step to success.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way ? If so, explain how?

This book didn’t challenge or change me. Instead, it strengthens me in my convictions: essentially on “be unreasonnable, avoid defeatism in order to reach my goals.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with ? If so why ?

I think there is no idea or concept I totally disagree with.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book.

– The most helpful are: be unreasonnable and don’t be defeated.
– The least helpful is about “limits”. I know my limits that are essentially material and financial. But my faith and hope in God ensure me that through my consistent and persistent efforts I’ll get what I am looking for in the right moment through His Grace.

7. In 50 words or less, please desribe the main ideas the whole book is trying to convey.

Through this book, Gary Ryan Blair presents us a tool, a guide, by steps showing us mental and psychological ways and means to set and reach goals. It is an ongoing process of self development to succeed life.

Please Rate this book on scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

How interesting was to read ? 8
How helpful were the content ? 8
How easy was it to understand ? 9
Would you recommend it to others ? 8
What is the overall rating you would give 8

Comments: I appreciated the concepts of vision, be unreasonnable and don’t be defeated.

Law of attraction
Assessment by DAVUI Kosi Sépénou

1. Discuss the main ideas that you found most important in this book and discuss why they were important to you.

“I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to, whether positive or negative” P.12

Universe is on purpose. The nature is determined. Nothing is casual. Everything is moving on laws. We are in Universe governed by laws of attraction whether we acknowledge it, like it or not. In spiritual, the Creator God made creatures on purpose. It means Human life, the center, the cornerstone of all creatures is on purpose. Our living is perpetually under universal, spiritual laws of attraction. These laws are gift you can use in positive or negative sense. It is an evidence that we attract to our lives through our mind, thoughts whatever we want or don’t want giving our attention, energy and focus to it. Whatever we think about sending a feeling, it is a vibration that attracts what we create in our mind on which we think about in concentration. Thus, avoid to give our attention, energy and focus to what we don’t want to attract what we want through what we want by the same way.

no, you are ac “ so “ When you make a statement containing the words don’t, not, actually giving attention and energy to what you don’t want. Simple ask yourself what do I want”. P.24

As we’ve said it somewhere, word and thought work together, simultaneously. Their expression and influence are reflected in our behavior and action in positive or negative way. Thus if you use negative words such as “don’t, not, no” on statements through attention, focus to it, you’ll get what you don’t want. To discover the right way the question is “so, what do I want ?”. It will allow you to remake statement positively in words to attract what you want through feeling, vibration giving your attention, focus and energy to your desires. Make your positive emotion the dominating influence in your mind.

“Observing contrast is essential because it helps you to become clearer about what you do want” P.32

What is contrast ? It is the negative. Something wrong that is going against the right one. It may be setback, failure. It may also be other difficulty, obstacle or challenge you encounter in your life that you need to surmount to discover goal setting way and its achievement. For example, in the case of failure and setback you encounter on your way to reach a goal, you don’t need to dwell on them focusing, giving your attention to. Instead you’ll better get lessons from them to perfect your way or simply change your goals. That procedure helps you become clearer about what you want, to go ahead in life more confidently. Feel good for having tried than doing nothing . Identify what makes you feel good, your desires through contrast allow you also to avoid eventual traps on your journey of life. Contrast provides clarity about what you like paying attention to what you don’t: failure.


Although we are living in community, in society, everybody is selfish. Each of us is fighting for his own life, his survival. I think it isn’t bad if we understand by selfish self care. It is just a way of living that makes you raise your awareness managing your own, personal life to avoid maximum displeasures. Contrast is here anything that goes against your proper and personal stability, your balance. To be brief, all that goes against your success, your happiness. Thus anybody likes success, happiness. All your main goal on this earth is to limit contrast in all areas of life. Everybody loves to be in good health, be financially sufficient, make excellent professional career, have good and balanced relationship. So we all want to feel good in all areas of life; the main goal of any human being. What is important to recall here is to avoid individualism by selfcare. The true and authentic way to limit contrast in all areas of life is to promote virtues that are intrinsic to human values.

“ Allowing is the absence or negative vibration (doubt)” P. 74

One of the ways that ensure our failures in any undertaking is negative thoughts: the doubt. It expresses by “can I do it”, I am not able to do that, I haven’ that talent”. In reality it can lead us to be passive and lazy. In vibrational effects, we get back more of it stopping us to undertake something. This doubt is negative thought that cancels the positive one. Even if you set goal it will be difficult for you to reach them. This doubt attracts undesired outcome. It is just absence of self confidence, self hope, trust and love in what you decide and choose to do. It is self hesitation on your capabilities. To allow your dream, desire become true, get rid of doubt avoiding so negative vibration that inhibit your efforts. Remove your doubts and replace them with the positive thinking. Strong desire is not enough. Overcome your resistance to make it manifest. The faster you remove it the faster your desire is realized. The law of attraction is working on this speed. Doubt is often based on negative beliefs, limiting you to undertake something worthwhile. Its direct consequence is that you attract in the same logic negative vibration back as you send it. To realize your dream of success get rid of doubt, negative thoughts through allowing.


We have the faculty to distinguish right and wrong, the best and the worst. With this faculty through self evaluation you can know whether you are failing on succeeding in the process of anything you undertake in life. It is the time to appreciate your way. When you discover and realize you are in real progress, it feels good with incentives to continue increasing. It makes hopeful and very strong. It makes also confident that the outcome with success is not so far. They are positive feelings that are vibrating to attract more the same. These circumstances are self satisfaction and gratitude that let you expect lots. You need such feeling for your balance and encouragements on your way to succeed. However these circumstances of self gratitude may also be traps in the case , you don’t care, learning lessons from your past mistakes to adjust more and further your way of goal achievement.


As we’ve already said, the law of attraction is working universally. I think it words more spiritually. The way it works for us is through attention, focus, persistence with which you search something. It is Important to insist on the way you devote yourself to reach a goal. The most important is your choice, decision, determination and will you put in your undertaking. It also depends on the way you overcome adversities, challenges and other difficulties and obstacles to reach your destination. When you make these necessary steps consciously with good faith, don’t waste your time thinking whether you’ll succeed or not. The result will come itself. It is the law of attraction. In this World there is nothing casual. Everything is on purpose, everything is determined. You reap what you sow. There is chance for all. It is for us to attract chances. It is impersonal. It is universal and spiritual gift for each human being. Succeed who wants.


Is abundance the privilege of group of persons ? I don’t think so. Everybody can live in abundance . But to get and live it , it can’t happen overnight. Very often, it is long process to know and live abundance, the real one. It begins in mind and heart. If you want to become more abundant and attract more money, you must start cultivating this feeling in your heart and mind. You need to avoid duplicating the feeling of lack, sadness or hopelessness. Instead cultivate thoughts, habits and actions that allow you to attract conditions to discover abundance. Here it is matter of mental and psychological conditioning. With this state of mind, you include in your current vibration the one of abundance. In this mental process, reject always all ideas of scarcity, poverty to replace them with the positive ones: abundance.


Very often our relationships are our sources of woes. People tend to make us think, behave and act like them. Experiences show us that when you get into company, relationship with wrongdoers, there are all chances you live and behave like them. On the other hand, when somebody talks to you about his woes or problems, one of his intentions is that you share them him and if possible give him reliefs of any kind. We can judge, all these negative-nelly in the sense they lower your feeling, current vibration: the positive. It is good, very good, we help each other. But the most important is to be very careful, prudent in our relationships. Relationships which don’t allow us to live purposefully with respect and consideration. Be cautious about relationship that can discourage you, remove you from your goals. Don’t let anybody influence or dominate you with his negative thoughts. Keep you always balanced and clever on your objectives. Be always authentic. It doesn’t mean not be flexible and compassionate.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc?

Yes. I know my contrasts. I know there are many contrasts in my life. I am from poor family. There are no parental foundation, resources on which I can build my life. I lost my father at 10 years old. My mother has done her best. She is fatigued ,disable, very sick. My parents are poor, I am poor too. Our life is made up of poverty, Misery, scarcity ,short food that are our daily living. No joy. Am I destined to poverty ? Is it this poverty of my parents an heredity ? I don’t think so.

So, what do I want ? What to do? Great problem, contrast. Deep reflection, deep meditation. Many things come in my mind. Then, “Eureka”: the light, the clarity. Learnings, studies. I set educational goals to succeed my life overcoming my poverty. Since that time, these are my desires. All my attention energy and focus are on them looking for opportunity to reach such goals. In my thoughts, my statements, I remove any negative word believing that I am not destined to poverty. I can succeed I tell myself all the time. Somebody in the same conditions like me is succeeding. Why not me ?

This state of mind gives me confidence that I’m not the least intelligent. This feeling attracts into my life the opportunity in witch I am now. One of my goals is to limit such contrasts of poverty, sufferings in my life. To allow these become a reality, I get rid of any doubt and any negative beliefs. In my relationships, I try always to avoid any contact that could lower my will and determination to achieve my goals. Negative-Nelly that couldn’t allow me to focus, give energy, attention on my goals.

These attitude and behavior in the sense to avoid getting attracted in their negative vibration through words of discouragement. I have no intention to see myself most wonderful among others but when I review my way till the moment you read me, I feel good somehow. I think I am in progress just because I believe I am not where I was. It is my self gratitude, self appreciation I take time to do through introspection. I have more incentives when you let me know your point of view about my assessments. I work day and night in great devotion and concentration. Now I would like to get scholarship to pursue my studies in USA. But I don’t figure it out intellectually. What matters for me now is to deal with my books as quick as possible always to convince and ensure you that my goals are real and that I want do higher study.

About abundance, I like the one that could allow me to keep good relationships with my God and worship him sincerely acknowledging however that I am a sinner. Let me tell you that I am prudent on this term because I notice that abundance make some people behave proudly . I like abundance that could allow me to get involved in social works: my vision.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book ? Please Explain.

Law of attraction: It thought me to focus, give attention and energy on what I want, my goals attracting more of the same in my current vibration, vibrational- Bubble

The three steps formula of deliberate attraction: they taught me:
– Identify your Desire: It taught me how identify what I really want through what I don’t want; getting clarity on my desire through my own contrast.
– Give my desire attention: It helps me to attract more and quickly my desires focusing and giving attention on them.
– Allow it : It is a procedure that can help me to get rid of any doubt that could remove and inhibit all my efforts to achieve goals.

4. Has this book challenged or change your thinking in any way ? if so explain how ?

Yes. It is essentially about “your job is not to figure things out intellectually but to let the law of attraction figure it out “ It awakens and ensures me to keep working, doing consciously my duties. The law of attraction will bring the rest as I focus, give my attention and energy positively on my goals.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with ? If so, why ?

There are no ideas and concepts I totally disagree with. But think I think the author could inspire of physiological and psychological aspects of human being, the way these states function, to be more explicit on the law of attraction. This is my opinion that engages only me in great humility

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book ? The most helpful:

“Let the law of attraction figure it out”
The least helpful. Abundance. I love modesty in my life.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main ideas the whole book is trying to convey.

Through our feelings, the author reveals us the relationship between our current vibrations and the ones universal and spiritual. Through this logic under universal and spiritual forces, we can attract what we want and do not want giving attention, focus energy on it.

Please rate this book on a scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read ? 8
B. How helpful were the contents ? 8
C. How easy was it to understand ? 9
D. Would you recommend to other ? 8
E. What us the overall rating you would give it ? 8

Comments: Humbly, I think the author could inspire of our physiological and psychological states, the way they function to be more explicit on the law of attraction.

Non-Violent Communication
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepénou (TOGO)

1. Discuss the main ideas that you found most important in this book and discuss why they were important to you.

“Giving from the heart.” P.1
Heart is the center of human being life as for any being. We can say that “no heart, no life”. It means that any need, any feeling that is authentic comes from the heart. Human being we are we have and share in common certain needs and feelings. We all have need to live, to be loved. We all sometimes experience feeling of joy or disappointment. So if you need compassion, your neighbor also needs it. If you want to be understood in your way of living, your neighbor also needs it. Today it seems that our society becomes more and more hostile. We are living perpetually in conflicts. How to solve this problem? I think that is one of the main objectives of nonviolent communication. It helps reframe the way we express ourselves, listen others focusing in general on human common needs and feelings to share them, through observation and what we request to enrich our lives. Nonviolent communication allows us to deep our listening, respect and empathy to fulfill our mutual desires that come from the heart. Nonviolent communication, a language of peace, a language of life.

“ Making comparisons” P.18
As we are living in society, it seems impossible we avoid comparison. It means that it is difficult to avoid judgments through behaviors and actions among us. There are positive comparisons. How to avoid the negative one? That is what nonviolent communication helps us discover for self empowerment and development. We notice that people make comparisons that are self induced misery. Comparisons that block others compassion. They are life alienating communication leading us to failure and destruction. These comparisons put you and others into great resignation, stopping to undertake any action to give a sense to life. These negative comparisons are a form of violence you make to yourself and others. You need to remedy it by nonviolent communication through empathy for your progress.

“The highest form of human intelligence” P.28
Nobody is perfect. We are all fallible. We can all make mistake. If only each of us could acknowledge, be aware of this state of fact sincerely, and behave in consequence, I think we can avoid more conflicts to build a better world to live in. If only each could discover in his neighbors behaviors and actions more qualities than deficiencies our society would be more peaceful. Unfortunately we tend often talk more about what is going wrong among us. In reality, it is not so bad to denounce what is wrong in our societies. But the problem now is how to say it, the way to proceed. Also in reality behind the denunciation, people have good intention. The best way seems avoid judgmental words, the words that sound criticism and diagnosis. The words sounding orders. Nobody like to be ordered. Let your neighbor save his face if it is necessary to reveal him his mistakes or errors. It is the way leading straight to human heart. Avoid words that hurt self esteem. Words sounding directly criticism and judgments provoke back self defense and resistance. What is also important to recall is the choice of specific time and context to make observation. Here the worst to avoid is when you notice the person concerned is in bad mood. It is one of the goals of nonviolent communication.

“The heavy cost of unexpressed feelings” P.37.
Feeling are always connected to a situation, a state of fact. Any emotion is connected to a desire, a need met or unmet. It means that a feeling or emotion finds its origin inside you. Their causes may seem external. They are simply stimuli. They just awaken some old programming, beliefs or previous ideas. The real causes of your feeling are within you. They are hidden inside. You need to express them to free yourself. Failure to express, reveal them damages your being. You may also be victim of others diseases, the psychological ones. Express your feeling is purify yourself, your whole being. This capital importance of expression so known, it is used in psychoanalysis as main way to treat and heal people victim of depression and other psychological diseases. Thus, use appropriate vocabulary to express your needs connected to your feeling to resolve inner conflicts, enrich your life, your relationships fulfilling your own desires and the ones of others.

“The needs at the roots of feelings” P.52
Among us and towards yourself, many conflicts arise from the way we express what we want, our needs. People respond the way we express what we want, our needs. It provokes judgments, criticism and other negative interpretation we complain about, forgetting that we are in alienating expressions of our needs. We told we are misunderstood sometimes, it is by awkwardness or by hypocrisy we find ourselves in such circumstances. This state of fact so known, it is up to you to be clear with yourself and others expressing in the appropriate terms your needs. Express in appropriate vocabulary what happens with you, your need avoiding criticism, misunderstanding or any negative interpretation. Don’t self defeated through your language if you want compassionate response. It is important you know your feeling is connected to your needs. It is unfortunate we notice that instead of focusing on how to express our needs clearly, we waste time seeing and evaluating what is wrong with others, what doesn’t matter. The outcome of this behavior is that we never get what we want: our needs, desires and values.

“ Defining our objectives when making requests” P.81
Most of the time, our setbacks and failures are due to our lack to define our objectives clearly when making requests. This objective may be your dream, desire, target, anything you set to reach in concrete sense. Suppose you go to a friend and tell him you request money to start a business. To increase your chances touching your friend’s compassion for this financial assistance, you need to specify the type of business and how you plan to manage it. I think that is one of the cases we call “defining objectives when making requests. We can furthermore explain this through different examples. Defining your objectives through requests is one of the ways and means to prove your honesty and empathy in your relationships. If you give empathy, you receive empathy; one of the value of nonviolent communication. It helps us to avoid abstraction, stating clearly what we request to enrich our life. This because in our relationships, the message sent is not always the same received. So clear your request. Also state your request in the term of desire, wish, not in order.

“When Pain blocks our ability to empathize” P.103
One of the obstacles in human relationships flow is our pain to hear, listen others. Very often we tend to talk more about what interests us, our preoccupation, our own well being. In that moment we require others attention about us, we are unwilling to hear, know what happens with others. Here is what blocks ours relationships to be sincere and fruitful. How to remediate to this situation to improve our relationships? That is what nonviolent communication responds through empathy. It is a respectful understanding of what others are experiencing. It implies you substitute yourself to that person. The question is that: if I were that person, what would be my action and reaction in this same conditions and circumstance? The right and sincere way to respond such question is what we call ability to empathize”. It invites us to listen and share others observation feeling, need and request. Empathy gives opportunity to others to express themselves. To be brief, if you look for empathy give empathy, for your good relationships.

“Empathy and the ability to be vulnerable” P.115
For most of the people, they want to appear superior to others. And this, they prove it through their behavior and words. They behave in super Man according to their social position. Because of this feeling, they lack to empathize their neighbors. For this reason of pride, they couldn’t express their deepest feelings and needs.They think it is making proof of weakness and vulnerability. I think that great men prove their greatness in the way they treat wisely themselves and other small people. Empathy is the common of human being: Humanness is the common quality we all share together. If you are wise enough, you must acknowledge your vulnerability whatever may be your position, that you need to offer empathy to receive it back authentically. I think as for me that any great man knows his qualities and deficiencies, his forces and weakness. He recognizes that sometimes he requests something from the smallest, the insignificant to enrich his existence, his life.

“Don’t do anything that isn’t play”. P.135
One of the main character of living is choice. Life is a choice whether we are aware of it or not. It means that before we undertake something, the desire, the decision is inside you. You prepare yourself about it psychologically. Because of this state of mind, your motivations are authentic. It allows you to do your job without stress or any negative feeling even if the circumstances are very hard. That what we call a “play”. I think that anything you choose to do in play, consciously in devotion and concentration is always fruitful. As you sow, so you harvest. Don’t resent your job as obligation, a load. It may seem so. But forget this aspect of the thing seeing, visualizing only the joyful outcome of your goal. It gives play, doing hard work.

“Offering empathy first” P.149
If there is something as important as breath, it is empathy. All the time we want to be understood, we want people interest in our daily living, We want people share our feelings and needs. We want people listen what we are saying. We want people think, behave, act as we are. I qualify this as natural pride we discover in any human being. I think we need to overcome this fact to direct our life in the right way. We are thirsty of love. As you need Love from others, know that they also need it from you. For, if really you want empathy it is up to you to make the first step. If you do it honestly, you’ll be responded the same way. Because you’ll touch the humaneness in the person in front of you.

“The costs of punishment” P.165
Commonly we think that punishment, force is the best way to rectify people who behave wrongly. Perhaps it may be one of the best solutions to bring wrongdoers in the right way. But in family, education especially, this procedure didn’t respond as wished. Punishment methods, the brutal ones hurt self esteem of people. As consequence, the parents, the teachers appear evil in front of them. They refuse to offer the best of themselves. Even about the wrongdoers who are submitted to rude methods in prison in order to rectify them, we notice that most of them become more dangerous after their release. So it is better to empathize than punish. The wrongdoers, people who behave badly also have inside them humaneness. If we empathize them, they will respond.

“Resolving internal conflicts” P.173
Each of us, conscious of his daily living, thinking about his future must know that he needs always to adjust something inside him to succeed life. You must always listen to a voice inside you that alerts you about your positive or negative state of mind. It is inner communication. Negative thoughts put you in the bad mood, feeling or emotions. It is internal conflicts expressed through alienating message you repeat to yourself. It also puts you in depression. Knowing this, you need to get rid of dream killing language through nonviolent communication. Because your alienating message you repeat to yourself is self violence, you need to empathize through nonviolent communication. It is the way to recognize the negative thoughts and words to replace them with the positive ones.

“Receiving appreciation”
What is appreciation? It is a feeling of gratitude, encouragements we express or receive from others after good job or a feat. It is a relief you receive from others very often. It makes feeling of confidence, hope, trust to do more and better. It is for this reason we are all thirsty of appreciation after we’ve done hard work. Appreciation is a testimony, a confirmation that you are in the right way. It proves that other persons are interested in what you are doing, your goal is shared, that the result profits not only you but others also. As for me, I think that appreciation must be well, authentically received if you know consciously you deserve it. By humility, we must receive appreciation not in the feeling of superiority of other people but as one among the others.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values, etc ? Explain.

Yes. In my life, anytime I encounter a disappointment a failure, setbacks I told myself, certainly I missed something somewhere in my behavior, my actions. I found myself in a puzzle and depression. I feel bad through negative thoughts and languages. Why am I so capable of such mistakes and foolishness? It is an internal conflict I experience for a moment.

But after a reflection and meditation, I tell myself I’m not an angel. I’m a creature like others. I couldn’t equal the Creator, the perfect. I am fallible, capable of mistakes, errors and foolishness. Through these positive thoughts and language, I get rid of myself culpability. It is my way to resolve internal conflicts, to free from depression: Empathy.Thus I empathy myself. It is my choice not to dwell negatively on my past but to envisage the future hopefully through empathy.

Empathy is self understanding and forgiveness through his own behavior, needs and feeling. If empathy is possible with me it can be so with others. If I can empathize myself, I can empathize others. That is what I try to do in my life especially with my mother. I have junior and seniors brothers and sisters. But let me tell you that because of this character of empathy they cannot take any decision without my point of view. People say they don’t understand me. They know me as a man of rigor, strictness but I am also the one of empathy. I try always to substitute myself to people in any circumstance to understand them, to let them save their faces as say japanese knowing that we are all vulnerable.

When certain of my brothers and sisters made angry my mother, she called to come to village. She exposed me her grief and I empathized and sympathized her. She says often I am the only one among her sons and daughters who understands her the best. In the same logic, people say very impressed by my behavior. In all my relationships, my motive is to remain in good terms with my neighbors with less conflicts. That is my way to give from the heart. I try always to express my bad feeling about lying, dishonesty. I try to let this know to anybody friendly with empathy but also in rigor and strictness. I offer first empathy to let you know that I’m willing to give a lot of myself to be in good terms with you. I think empathy is a self sacrifice that call for humaneness in each of us for our well being on this earth. Because you and I like anybody are in needs, there are certain things we have in common to enrich our lives. My request now is to have more and further instructions, learning to enrich my life, my existence. That is some of my objectives in setting educational goals. That is why I do this IIGL course in absolute devotion and determination. I think you share with me that it is not so easy for me to surmount difficulty of language jumping on the context of each book itself. So I do my job hardly. But it is a play for me because it is my choice to study to learn and build my life. It feels me very hopefully. When you sent me your appreciation I received them joyfully with relief. It is just what I deserve working day and night. Today if I have a request to formulate to you, it is about a scholarship to pursue my learning in USA. I have promised already never to deceive you. Simply because I know what I’m looking for.

3. What are the important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book ? Please explain.

The nonviolent communication itself and its Process:
* Observation. It is a way to conceive and see thing avoiding evaluation and judgmental point of view about them. Observation with evaluation let hear criticism leading to defensiveness and resistance of the other.
* Feeling: it is in relation to what we are observing that affects our beingness
* Need: it is our desires, wishes, dreams of values that create feeling.
* Requests: All that enrich our lives, our existence
* Empathy: it is the right way to touch and reach human heart: Humaneness

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way ? If so explain how?

Yes. It challenged and changed my thinking; It is essentially about judgmental words and criticism; that if it is necessary to criticize, emit judgmental point of view, nonviolent communication through empathy appears the best way to do it. It allows others, my neighbors to save their faces, their self esteem. It allows to continue keeping good relationships in my family, in society in general.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so why ?

Yes. It is about punitive force: I think as for me that there are some individuals we need especially physical punishment, force to rectify them.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

The most helpful is empathy: It is a respectful understanding of himself and what others are experiencing.

The least helpful is punitive force, physical punishment: we also need it sometimes to rectify certain people.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey

Nonviolent Communication is a philosophy intended to spread peace, mutual respect among humans. Founded on empathy, it taught us a language that allows each of us to save, protect human self esteem through needs, feeling and request to enrich life. Nonviolent communication is a language of human good relationship.

Please rate this book on scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.
A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others?n 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8

Comment: I am very impressed and interested in Epilogue.

The Power Of Intention
Assessment by DAVUI Kosi Sepénou (TOGO)

1. Discuss the mains ideas that you found most important in this book and discuss why they were important to you.

“The meaning of omnipresent intention”
What is intention? It is just what you want, you desire; anything you intend to possess from the life. All is shaped in ideas, thoughts that occupy your mind. It keeps your thinking anywhere in any circumstance. This intention is from your beingness, your source and makes your daily living, your whole life as you live it. Through awareness, it is a power, a force, an energy that fosters, guides, leads your whole existence. It is omnipresent. The omnipresent intention helps develop physical and nonphysical potentials. It is noticeable through behavior, action and reaction. By omnipresent intention you become modern-day sorcerer capable to set and reach any goal you want during your existence.

“Moving from thinking about intention to knowing intention”
Life is made up of two sides: the physical and the nonphysical. The physical is the world of reason, the real, the material. That world is the one of thinking the world we reach, through our senses. We explain this world through reasoning. It is the world of ordinary, the common. It is the world we think about to grasp the cause of phenomenon. As we’ve learnt to know through the law of cause and effect of the nature; the sense of life, of existence is beyond this ordinary knowledge of determinism: It is the world of nonphysical. It is the world we have access to by the power of intention moving from the common thinking to the infinite intelligence, the source, the spirit. It is the spiritual world. Entering this world is the sense of “knowing intention”. It is the world we experience, feel by inner awareness. It is unreachable of reason, being an invisible world. It is a world of no beginning and end. It is the world of Creation, the world of God. As human, it is the world we come at by self mastery through the power of intention. It is the world first conquered by great achievers and outstanding persons to make their names, to make their existence the most wonderful and enviable. It is the world of silent kowledge we can have access to by the same state connecting to the spirit.

“Entering into the spirit of intention” P37
What is entering into the spirit of intention? It is a realm that must be conquered by those who choose and decide to give sense to their existence beyond the ordinary. It is the field of spirit, the origin of life itself. Here resides the power of creation. It is the source of higher energy which vibration attracts your desires. If you really enter into the spirit of intention, you feel lovely with great deal of confidence in what you undertake. Enter into the spirit is the real, the true expression of life itself. You are surrendered harmoniously in creative force. Rely upon spirit is feel authentically in creative impulse. It is tap into the feeling of the power of intention. It is always increasing and creative. You are in ongoing expectation of infallible spiritual law. Conquer spirit is attract love, beauty, kindness you need from life.

“Raising your energy Level” P.71
As we are living, there are moments we encounter making us feeling of disappointment and discouragement. We feel weakened living with lower energy. In such circumstances, we need to raise our energy level. How? It is going back to source, the spirit. The procedure resides in reflection, meditation through praying sincerely. It is the way to remove obstacles reconnecting to spirit, regaining the power of intention. Raising energy level nullifies and convert the lower. It increases your potentials with unbending intention. You feel slim and healthy. Raising energy Level gives more light, living balanced existence.

“From Ordinary to Extraordinary” P.95
When we consider the existence as gift to any being, our daily living appears to be very simple, ordinary. But the question: Are we all able to recongnize this gift to put it in value? I think that for the common people, life is life and nothing else. They forget that everything is on purpose. Living is ordinary but not casual. Anybody who knows this truth is living purposefully to acquire something extraordinary from life. That is what great achievers and outstanding persons made to build their name. They just synchronized with the all creating universal force, the ordinary accessible in reality to any human being who wants. I think personally that live purposefully is live beyond the common, the ordinary to be extraordinary. It is say “no” to the impossible and always say “yes” meaning that everything is possible. It is the power of intention ready to be materialized. This frequent and perpetual inner “yes” is a force of spirit that attracts anything you desire. It is important to remember that we must be aware of the ordinary, visualizing high to become the extraordinary.

“Life is Eternal” P.112
I share absolutely Dyer’s idea: ”we are spiritual being experiencing human being”. Life is eternal. It reveals something beyond what we are experiencing here on earth. It means that as we are travelers, our final destination is not here, that our existence is a path, a transition. The true essence of life is the spiritual one, our real beginning and destination. We must start preparing this destination going back to the source: spirit. Here is the power of intention; the basis, the foundation of any achievement. He who really conquers realm of spirit made the great step to succeed his existence to enter the kingdom of God, the eternal life.

“Host or Hostage”. P.134
Most of the time, we are responsible of all event, situation, negative or positive we encounter in life. Very often we label, identify ourselves to ideas and thoughts that stop us to make progress. We put ourselves perpetually in self rejection and think that we are unworthy. To be brief, we are hostages of ourselves. This state of mind makes us sometime lazy, complaining than acting to grasp opportunities. I think that by such attitude and state of fact, we have nothing to hope from life than failures and setbacks. We are all gift, piece of God. We need just to believe and connect to that to make our existence most wonderful. It is the genuine, the authentic vibrated through the power of intention. You are host to God. Trust this source to experience miracles in your existence. Love and respect yourself. It is an internal commitment to living and feeling worthy in life. It vibrates higher energy level attracting your desires, in action. Connect to your source is connect to the omnipresent source of intelligence, the spirit: God. It is in this plan you live worthy and respectable. It is in your Beingness. To live purposefully, you need to conquer first self respect and love. The universe will provide the rest of all that you need for your well being through the law of attraction.

“Inspiration and purpose” P.154
What is inspiration? I think it derives from spirit. Inspiration is for those who choose to live purposefully. It is for those who decide to give authentic sense to their existence. It is divine guidance always attached to an area where you want to direct and build your whole existence. Inspiration is the ownership of spirit. For, he who wants to embrace something worthwhile in life must go first back to spirit, the source, the infinite intelligence. Here is the foundation. Here resides all creation. Here comes the inspiration. It is the light, the bliss, the truth that shows you the right way and means to reach your goal. Let remember that inspiration is not casual. It is always linked to something. It is determined on a goal, a purpose.

“You get treated the way you teach others to treat you” P.164
Very often we expect from others things we are unwilling to offer. I think we ought to be aware of the fact that there are things in this life we share universally in common. You and I are all pieces of God. In the same conditions and circumstances we can all have identical behavior, action and reaction. That is why we have to treat each other with respect and consideration if such is your desires. If you are thirsty of love, peace and respect, offer them and you’ll be responded the same way. That is the genuine way to make good relationships. It is the sense of responsibility to know this truth to live having less worries and conflicts during our existence.

“How do look at life “ P.174
Life is a gift for each of us, for any being. It is offered by the Creator to live in with purpose, to experience his goodness. As believer; I think that the purpose of God creating us is that we live happily. He who knows this truth can shape a destiny. That is the less we can say about life on the spiritual side. On the physical aspect, life seems to be a journey and nobody knows rightly the destination. Life is unfair. Life is a field of battle and conquest where the winners are the most purposeful. Life laughs to people who trust in it. It offers opportunities to the most sincere and honest seekers. Life offers you back what you offer to it. It always responds “yes” when you believe that everything is possible. Life offers abundance if you send a message of abundance to it. I think that for me the right way to experience success in this life is go back to source, the spirit God and his world. After all, it is God who gives blessing according to the way you trust Him through action. As Latin proverb says: ora et labora: pray and work

“The path of least resistance” P.194
Whatever wonderful may be your goal, you target, know that there will be always something susceptible to inhibit your efforts to know and experience success. We call it barrier or resistance. It may be doubt within you or any other kind of obstacle that impedes your connection to the power of intention. As for me, I think that the best means to transcend such resistance is raising awareness. It resides in cultivating positive mental attitude. Always focus on your target in stamina creating appropriate environment. The truth in such circumstances is to know that nothing worthwhile happens overnight. When it seems hopeless, go back to source, spirit, the word of God through praying. Because as Ghandi said; “Divine guidance comes when the horizon is the darkest”.

“Attracting spiritual partnership” P.204
As we’ve already said it, everything is determined. There isn’t effect without cause. In human being life we reflect what happens in our spiritual life. Anything that shows, we encounter in our existence is not casual. It is the result, the outcome of spiritual and physical side. What is attracting spiritual partnerships? It just about your inner commitment, your choice, your decision to reach a goal you set. Such preparations are spiritual thoughts that let show up all the means and opportunitie you need to realise your dream. Inner commitment is in close harmony with the source of intention, an energy bringing spiritual partnership. Let remember that nothing happens without occurring first on the spiritual side.

“ Illness is not a punishment” P.224
Among the obstacles that impede us to live a peaceful an desired life, illness is the most awful hardship in life. It is our great enemy. Even though a component of human condition, we view illness as punishment. I think it is just one of the hardships of life we could overcome. The problem here is not about the “why” of illness. It is about to keep the perfection as divinely promised to each of us to be in good health for ever. Believe that the promise of the owner of the Universe, the Creator upon us is that we remain perfect living happily. However I think also that we can view some illness as punishment according to our wrong behaviour and action. Take care for ourselves to limit illness.

“Changing your energy level to access the genius within you” P.232
We all born genius. The sole step to express it is to know and acknowledge it. The universal characteristic of genius is humility you must be humble to the nature, to the universe, to the Creator to get what he has of most precious. Acknowledge you are genius is a commitment, a choice a decision. It comes from the bottom of your heart. It is a power raising your energy level through your intention to undertake something worthwhile. Genius is a creative force, a divine guidance. It is connected to the source of infinite intelligence. It is the spirit of God in each of us very useful for those who recognize it. It is light guiding you through your whole existence. To keep connecting to it, you just need to fuel it raising your awareness by spirit, the word of God. Believe that everything is possible as you are piece of God, you are capable of mirache by the power of intention: you are genius.

“Portrait of a person connected to the power of intention” P.245
In a world more and more hostile, our salvation is go back to source. Be unity with the source. It is high time we look for the source, the infinite intelligence, the spirit, the maker of the Universe: God. His intention about us is immaculate. It is high time we make connection with our Creator. Those who succeed are connectors. They trust in Holy spirit. They trust in this invisible force and are always thankful to any situation. They are hopeful in faith. They live optimism. They refuse failure and impossibility. Connector believe that everything is always possible as you believe. They are available for success. They think always positive. Connector react when others are hurt. They defend the without-voice. They are kind and share love avoiding concept of enemy. Because of their character of meditation, reflection concentration to be in permanent connection with spirit, they are qualified aloof and distant. Connector are in higher and faster energy to have intuitive powers. They always want to learn and know more and further. They are inquisitive. Anything they undertake, they only visualize the joyful outcome surmounting any obstacle, setback or hardship. Connector force resides in the power of intention with its seven faces.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationship, your goals, your values etc. Explain

Yes. I looked at life as a selection where certain people are destined to live happily and others to experience woes for ever. This point of view according to the setbacks, hardships I encountered daily. When I reflect and meditate upon existence in general, mine particularly, I am disappointed and discouraged. Since January 5 / 1998, I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. But nothing happens positively. As Ghandi said, divine guidance comes when the horizon is the darkest, my horizon became darker. Setbacks and hardships multiplied. What to do? I choose and decided to go back to spirit sincerely and honestly through the Word of God. Here started absolutely my connection to the infinite Intelligence attracting spiritual partnerships. The Word of God gives me hope, higher and faster energy level. It makes me change my point of view that people are destined to happiness others not.

Through spirit, I learned we’ve all inherited the promise of God to live healthy life and get what we desire. It is by this way I entered to the spirit of intention knowing and experiencing intention itself, leaving thinking about it. From this intention, my negative look at life changed. I live purposefully knowing that I have genius within me. I believe I am capable of miracle. That is my ompnipresent intention. I don’t want to be hostage of myself any way. I am a piece of God, his host. Here resides my inspiration. I’m not surprised when you told me I am one of your enthusiastic students. It is my power of intention to signal my entering into this program that there is a newcomer from Togo. My sole intention is to prove anywhere, anybody that I’m worthy, I’m positive. I have genius within me to prove if opportunity is offered to me. I’m ordinary student like others. But my intention in the beginning of this program is to make a name, be extraordinary.

I know I have such potentials: spiritual, psychological and physical. I like impress people with my honesty, and humility to bring them having trust and confidence in me and help me achieve my goals about life. In my family when my mother, my brothers and sisters are hopeless about our circumstances, I try always to help them raise the energy level. I told my mother that her illness is not a punishment. It is just a hardship, the path of least resistance, to have confidence always in God that everything is possible. In my relationship I teach people that I love and respect. I am peaceful. But I’m jealous of my dignity. I could never change it with any riches. One of my daily conquest is moral integrity, ethics. In return, I’m always treated with consideration because of my behaviour. Also in my relationship, I tell to friends that when the circumstances of life are hopeless, go back to spirit, the source, the light that can shoot darkness showing the right way. It is the authentic force. If you get connected to it and live honestly and live according to it, everything is possible. I don’t yet reach my top desired educational goal but I am hopeful. Because I am a connector always connected to the intention of learning high to make a career of my dream that will lead me into eternal life: get involved into the well being of Humanity.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please explain.

Most important new ideas or concepts:
* The four steps to intention: It helps me to improve and adjust my intention to reach my goals.
* The seven faces of intentions: For me it refers to the seven spirits that make the Holy Spirit. It is the golden way I go back perpetually to achieve anything I undertake.
* The power of intention itself. It is the strength, the energy that lead me to you. I expect through this power realise my dream.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way ? If so, explain how.

I think yes. I have intention of education as the main way to realise and fulfill my dreams of life but I don’t know consciously it is a force, a power within me. With this book I am aware of it and I am more determined to strengthen this force, raise this energy to attract my desires of life.

5. Are there ideas in this book that you totally disagree with ? If so, explain how ?

I disagree with this idea “illness is not a punishment” but not totally. I think that some illness can be sometimes viewed as punishment according to our bad behaviour and action: you reap what you sow.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book ?

The most helpful is the power of intention itself. It strengthens me in my way of spirit conquest, the Word of God, the golden key to any achievement.

7. In 50 words of less, please describe the main ideas the whole book is trying to convey.

The power of intention is a book of going back to our source, the spirit. Here emanates the force, the energy that leads us to achieve anything we undertake. Through this book, Dyer invites us to be connector trusting in the spirit, which with action guarantee any achievement.

A. How interesting was it to read ? 9
B. How helpful were the contents ? 9
C. How easy was it to understand ? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others ? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it ? 9

Comments: I more appreciate chapter 15

Unlimited Power
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepénou (Togo)

1. Dicuss the main ideas that you found most important in this book and dicuss why they were important to you.

“The commodity of kings”
Kings are references everywhere in the world. Their names sound histories of extraordinary men. They are people who build their names under difficult circumstances. They are outstanding persons. They are successful and their successes were history of an entire life. Kings are men aware of their state of mind their desires, dreams setting goals to reach. Their achievements are under constant and persistent efforts and actions overcoming obstacles, hardships and setbacks. They are people of challenge. Their power resides in their ability to change the worst circumstances to their favor opportunity. They are great communicators mobilizing people to their cause. Kings are people of value. They are leaders of their societies with moral grounding . They develop loving relationships. They like learning about life through experiences. Kings are people of excellence. What is modeling kings? Kings being people of success through different experiences, everybody can be kings. It means that we can all be successful since we are all geared and gifted of potentials psychologically, spiritually to dream, desire through action, making our existence wonderful like the kings. Modeling is reproducing excellence of others. It appears hard but not impossible if really you want

“The difference that makes the difference”
In this life, we view each other as ordinary people . It is real and obvious that we are ordinary. But I think also that we are not all ordinary. There are extraordinary people among us . They are those who make the difference. They are above the others. Their differences come from the critical and ultimate challenges that call for ultimate resources. In such circumstances they choose and decide to communicate affirmatively with themselves. The difference that makes the difference resides essentially in the small but necessarily determinant action to produce result modeling so people you want to become. It is in the mind everything starts, the knowledge; the body, the concrete: action . All the time you can find around you successful persons with moral grounding to model. Choose to model the type of person you desire. Here is the difference that makes the difference.

“The power of state”
The state, the mind is the centre of gravity of any human being. Here is accumulated all your experiences of life. What is the power of state? It is simply the result produced through your behaviors and actions. It is what you have in your mind, your internal representation guiding and directing you through your whole living. The power of states is the ability to know how to direct and manage your states producing a result. It is the internal, inside and use of physilogy that create a state we are in. The power of state is the way you run your memory, your brain. It is the way you take control of your whole self. Your state being the laboratory of your whole living the direction you give it will produce necessarily the consequent result.

“ The Birth of Excellence” belief.
Any religion is built and founded on a belief, a doctrine. By the same way any human being living is upon belief. We can be aware of it or not. In both the case, it is a belief that guides and leads us through existence. How can we relate the birth of excellence to a belief? It is the perrception, the conception at the beginning of any achievement. It is the foundation of state of mind to succeed our existence .The belief is the commander of the brain that opens the door of excellence. The belief empowers us to model and achieve excellence. The communication with yourself and others is upon belief. It is the guiding system of life. Your failure or success is upon belief . Belief is a state, an internal representation that governs your behavior and action. Any outsanding person and leader succeeds on a certain positive way of belief. In this logic, modeling excellence, successful persons begins with modeling their beliefs: the way they conceive things. It is dynamic process allowing you also to tap all your richest potentials within you.

“The seven Lies of success”
As everything in life is determined and on principle, so is the success. There is no compromise in reaching success. You want to succeed and you manage your way in consequence or you consider life casual, fair and you remain wishful doing nothing . Life succeeds to those who deserve it. It means that such people are working under conditions and principles of success. Successful persons make circumstances of their happy destiny. They are subjects acting on the object, goal of success. They are open to possible, and learning through experiences of life. They are responsible, turning any mistake, hardships and setback to opportunity. Success is a matter of passion and commitment. To succeed, we need to create consequent environment surounding ourselves with resourceful persons, working together. To succeed, we need to cultivate a belief of excellence, then consider everything happening for a reason and purpose serving us.

“Mastering your Mind : How to run your brain?”
What is mastering your mind? It resides in awakened conscious. The ability to take control of mind, be alerted all the time to direct your life according to the circumstances. To run your brain you need to associate your mind to everything that empowers you disassociating in the same way in the same moment of any thing that disempowers you. Remember that as you think so you are. Your brain being your kingdom, run your brain your states of mind as do king taking control of their people all the time. To create particular result , you need to take specific actions. Intrinsicly, we know nothing about life ,we just represent it according to our perception and conception. Hence it is important we manage our brain being brighter and closer on the goal we want to reach for satisfying outcome.

“The syntax of success.”
Nothing worthwhile happens in disorder and precipitation. Any great success is preceded by specific sequences and syntax. Syntax is the courage , the patience and accuracy in which you mange and build the path leading you to success. In this perspective anything you ask the nature in this right way with conviction and enough commitment ,it is ready to offer it to you through the law of attraction. It is only through this disciplined way you can attain desired result.

“How to elicit someone’s strategy”.
Very often, few are those who realise their dreams without referring to other persons who are resourceful in the domain to conquer. It means that whatever will be our potentials we would always need others assistance to reach final goal. In the concept of modeling, it is necessary you go back to persons you want to become to elicit their process of achievement. Here the key strategy to elicit is his state of mind , the internal representation. State being the center of your whole being you need to go to this “factory” to make your result. That is what we call “put the cook in the kitchen”. Then be constant till you achieve. In some case the person you want to elicit strategy is not willing to give you the necessary information you request. In such circumstances, your alternative is to cheat and this cheating is the positive one that allows you to attain your objectives. It consists to elaborate your own means and ways to elicit the person’s strategy. If both are unsuccessful, go back to the power of creativity to create something yourself. It is your own way of success. You become by this way an authentic reference.

“Physiology: the Avenue of excellence”
One of the states component of creating favorable conditions that lead to reach your goal with success is physiology. Linked to your state of mind it creates feelings and sensation of hope as if you’ve already reached your goal. Physiology is a powerful tool channel of changing states of mind in the positive way. It creates dynamic and excites to work hard and fast in a play. This case of physiology let you breathe, posture with facial expression creating quality of movement you need to raise your energy level. Change your physiology and you change your state. Create body peak level to make your brain work effectively. It is through unified message that comes power . To discover the Avenue of excellence, create positive pysiology linked to your states of mind.

“Energy: The fuel of excellence.”
How to fuel the energy of excellence? Here we all know almost about how to increase bodys breathe through small physical exercises. As for foods, it most of the times depends on means. For example in our developing countries, we live daily shortfoot. We eat not what we want and needed by body but what we find. In such conditions, it is difficult we get balanced organism. However we could discipline our lives any way. I think personally that the true fuel of excellence is the Word of God. If you trust God sincerely through your searching and actions, the owner of energy God will fuel you reaching your goals.

“Limitations disengage: What do you want”?
What do limitation disengage mean? “It is short perception and vision you have on life. It is generally negative thinking you have on life that stops you taking huge actions to build your life in the desired successful way. Vauvenargue the french philosopher said:” To realise great things think as whether man will never die “what means this thought ? Consciously we all know that we are not eternal .It is a limitation of fact without doubt. Others are difficulties, setbacks, hardships we encounter in life that disempower and discourage us of living. Other limitations are those you impose to yourself. They are short memory and thinking:negative. In the same moment you make this negative self communication you dream happiness and success: Its contradictory. What to do in such circumstances? We just need to go back inside us rekindle the flame of hope to live ignoring any limitation, any negative thought that prevents us visualizing high and asking more about life. This new state of mind followed by actions is the Avenue engaging you in the way of getting what you want. To get what you want cultivate the thought “As I’m still alive every thing is possible; hope permitted” It depends on you. Construct your road of success. Don’t be wishful. Be pragmatic Goal being magnet ,design consequent environment attracting all opportunities to reach it.

“The power of precision”
If there is obstacle as huge among others to reach what we want, it is the lack of precision. Precision in thought; what we really want and precision in language, how to express our needs, desires and dreams. Personally. I think that People are ready to help, to assist. But our error resides in the lack of precision about the way we express our deep desires. Ask specifically what you need to fulfill your dreams is your great asset to motivate people to your cause. If you confuse yourself expressing wrongly your needs, people will also be confused and never be motivated to assist you. To convince people to help you, let them know the values you defend through your goals not only for your benefit alone but also for others. Let know to people you require assistance, your absolute conviction and your congruent belief in what you are looking for. With sensory acuity, ask till you get what you want. It is a matter of persistent and consistent efforts to reach a goal. The road of any achievement is so paved. To be good communicator, learn to avoid wild generalization. It confides you the power of precision : Ultimate success Formula.

“The magic of rapport.”
Rapport is a relationship. It is the communication we lead among us that creates rapport; good or bad. What means the magic of rapport? It is a kind of communication that allows us to create good relationships . Most of the time, our friends are those who understand us the best and who share with us visions of life. In the essence of successful communication , rapport is the ability to enter someones world sharing his vision of Life. Create rapport is discover things you share in common. The more you master communication, the best is your relationship: your rapport. If you want to develop your rapport, be dynamic. Rapport is not static. It must be fueled through friendship actions.

“Distinction of Excellence: Metaprogram.”
One of the things on which wise people are certain and sure is the fact we connot be the same. Each has his way to conceive and view the world. Each has the key to the way to process informatios: It is metaprogram. And the first is the one allowing us to move away or toward something that gives us pleasure avoiding pain. Each of us deals with information according to his internal and external references. It is through these we make our judgment and evaluation. We can have the same or differnt point of view on the same object: matchers and mismatchers.
It is through this system we can convince someone on something. The success of your rapport depends on the ability to elicit such distinctions. Metaprogram is a tool of communication to deal successfully with people around you. Metaprogram tells our brain what interests and what do not that is deleted. It is a tool for personal change and revolution. It is used by great leaders to move towards things rather that away.

“How to handle resistance and solve problems.”
Only the imbeciles do not change. It means a man in complete possession of his faculties must be flexible. On your journey of living, you need to be aware of the circumstances to change your way of living that disempowers you to adopt new ones. Willingness and humility are the only ways to successful communication. The lack of these characters can make people resistant and inflexible to your cause . Humility and willingness are characters to let others know that you are a man of compromise and concessions. It makes others less resistant whatever will be the problems. The only easier way to overcome resistance is to avoid it, building your rapport on agreement, cultivating together humility and willingness. Always look for agreement than conquering others, to handle and solve problems.

“Reframing: the power of perspective.”
Surely in your life you encountered events and circumstances that disempowered you making you hopeless. Their definitive effects on your whole life depend on the way you conceive and perceive things in general about the existence. As you are still alive you have the time, the possibility to reframe your way of living setting new perspectives. It is a genuine power you are gifted since you are born. You have the possibility to change your internal and external representation through reframing. It resides in changing states of mind and behavoir with action .Reframing is change negative to positive in thinking and action. Nothing in reality is good or bad. It depends on how you represent it to yourself. Reframing is a choice of communication, the ability to disassociate of what disempowers you to associate with what strengthens you. Reframing is going back to genius in you to tap into authentic potentials and resources to restart with new bigger energy, setting new perspectives for the future.

“Anchoring yourself to success.”
What is anchoring yourself to success? It is your willingness and belief in setting goal to reach. The first great step is your way of thinking, the way you conceive and perceive things positively. That kind of thinking allows you to access the greatest potentials you are geared to live your life in desired way. Anchoring yourself to success is the way of thinking you cultivate inside you leading you to undertake something worthwhile; it brings you back success and happiness. Anchoring yourself to success is a positive mental attitude you create to fulfill your dreams shaping a wonderful destiny. Voltaire said “cultivate your garden” he just calls each of us to dig deeply his hole of happiness making his existence the most interesting. Success is a positive representation, a conception you need to anchor in your whole being through precise, concrete repetition of action.

“Values hierarachies. The ultimate judgment of success.”
Each of us builds his living on a system of beliefs and conceptions of the world. These are values he defends. All his thoughts, behaviors and actions are directed in this logic. By value hierachies, we hear difference of values. Each chooses this or that value to move towards and in it is on this basis he build his way to succeed. It is good you choose any way to build your success. But what is the most important? Here is the question of the ultimate judgment of success. I think sincerely that the best way leading to deserved success is what is universally and humanly shared . It is a matter of ethics. Any moral grounding way to success is the thing the best shared. It profits not only you but also the whole humanity. It hurts nobody. It allows you to align yourself with others. The ultimate judgment of success is what is universally and humanly admitted and shared.
“Five keys to wealth and happiness.”

Every achievement, the true the most sounding is the result of a long difficult journey. The way is paved of frustration rejection hardships, setbacks in enormous sacrifices. Great achievers are leaders. They are learners. They are experienced after having encountered and overcame a lot of difficulties in life. Wealth and happiness are result of long process. To reach and get them you must submit yourself to such conditions and principles. Life always paying whatever your ask of it you need to learn how to ask of life then you are able to get it . Start by affirmative and positive thinking in discipline. Be able in willingness to turn any frustration, rejection, stress into opportunity. Your success is buried on the side of your difficulties. Be always green for your growth. Manage your way by small changes. You are your best judge whether you are making progress or not. Cultivate the willingness to always give more. The secret of living resides in giving. Knowing that what you put out comes back to us , learn always to plant seed, nuture it, you’ll harvest in consequence.

“Trend creation: the power of persuasion”
Today it is more than evident that our world is full of wrong people; people who lie day and night just to get what they desire. In this state of fact, persuasion seems one of the means and assets to increase our chance making the difference. Knowing that it is most of the time difficult to realise great achievement you need to mobilise resourceful people around you. The magic baton is persuasion. It is a matter of communication .It is a power to persuade people that your goal is right and fecund. Because of the fact people are prudent and hesitant, use your weapon of persuasion with persistence. In our modern day full of liers, persuasion isn’t a choice. You must use it to convince people that you are different. This is not only internal representation but also you need to prove it through your words ,behaviors and actions. It is the materialisation of your communication skills ,the power of persuasion. It is the means to change and mobilize people to your cause. It is the path leading to create desired results, better outcomes. Trend creation is matter of leadership. Thus today our world is governed by persuaders. The true leaders always work together not apart.

“Linving excellence: The human challenge”
Who dislike excellent living? I think we all aspire to live excellent ,happy life. But how to live it? Here resides the challenge. It begins by long preparation. The first step is in mind. You need a vision, the outcome and manage your life in consequence. The second resides in action. I summarise Living excellence to these two components: mind the way you think positively and the consequent action about. Those who achieve are those who take concrete actions about their goals , you need to model them. Be aware of your current life . Be flexible through small changes you operate inside you changing by this way your whole behavior. On this depends your communication. Get clear idea of what is happening now in your life to adapt to changes around you. Make every experience work for you. Your ultimate power resides also in changes of perceptions and action according to the circumstances leading you to your outcomes . Always remember you are member of a group living in a society. Living excellence relating to others don’t be selfish always, give. Challenge of leaders is to predict, project in advance. Happiness and success are results of how to live. As ultimate message, be active, take care of you and others. Here is living excellence, your master piece of life.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values etc? Explain.

Yes. I like intellectual life. And every time my quest is how and what to do to be counted among the intellectuals. This is my outcomes, my vision. Not all the intellectuals I admire but those of moral grounding . Everybody has choice to live his life according to his way to conceive things ,the values he defends and that can lead him to succeed. But sincerely i believe in human values, values universally admitted and shared. Values like honesty, justice, freedom, peace. In family, community and relationships, I make them challenges to overcome daily. I defend such vlues and my position is clear about them anywhere no matter what it may cost me .On this field of Living excellence, human challenge, there are enough references. All the time I ask myself about what is the birth of their excellence and how to elicit their strategies. I discover through this quest that they all have certain characters in common : the commodity of ethics. Here is the difference that makes the difference among the ordinary people. I try always to model these moral outstanding persons. My key is through learning: my educational goals.

In my application process entering this program I told I’m always interested in any study putting in value human Being, his well being. Yes it is my creed and I claim it anywhere. I reframe all the time this aspect of living as the main way to my wealth and happiness on this earth. Every time through my learning I look for the syntax that leads people who already succeeded on this field. It think sincerely that those who defend human values are the top of successful persons. It is live the real excellence according to my point of view about success and happiness. I expect to be among these wonderful people.

About this objective I create physiology, the avenue that can lead me to this destination I’m sensitive when moral is sloppy, when people are victim of injustice. I try to create rapport and social environment that would allow me to keep working on my conviction and faith on human values: ethics. For example if I call you Michael that you are a friend of mine it is because we sincerely share in common values of ethics. I am free with everybody. But because of self respect I do not make company with anybody. I make few friends. That is the difference that makes the difference anywhere i put my foot. People respect me a lot despite my miserable conditions. I have great consideration to ethics.

Everytime I tell to myself I have a mission on this earth :Give my small contribution for the well being of the whole humanity beginning in my neighbourhood, my community: charity begins at home. In a society where we live daily disorder, i try to master my mind and run my brain focusing on the mission i assign myself . I handle resistance, solving daily livelihood problems that could eventually discourage and disempower me about my goals. I meditate and reflect a lot about existence. My belief and this is my conviction is that if each of us could think about life in terms of values, we can make our society a better world to live in.. For me human is the top of excellence. This is the way I conceive the true success, the happiness, my metaprogram, the direction I use to assess excellence. Only me know what I want, what I’m looking for. I need to persuade you more and more about it. I think that is exactly what I try to do since the beginning of this program through the power of precision.. I need to fuel the excellence I’m aware of I have inside me through learning and training. I also think sincerely that there is no compromise in excellence . You want it and you manage the Avenue leading to it in consequence or you are just wishful and you are passive to reach and get it. As for me i like and want excellence and i do my best as possible to reach it: it is my unlimited power.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please Explain.

The most important new ideas or concepts.
– Modeling: It allows me to focus and work on the way and means to become the type of man I dream.
– Reframing: It invites me to learn from unsuccessful past expreriences to keep working hopefully on the perspective of future.
– Living excellence: It is my creed.

4. Has this book callenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so explain how .

In fact it didn’t change or challenge me. It strengthens me on my quest of success.

5. Are there ideas in this book you to tally disagree with If so explain why.

I think sincerely no.

6. what did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book

The most helpful is Living excellence, the human challenge.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying in to convey.

Through modeling and self communication this book calls us to use the power of our mind to become the type of man we desire. Unlimited power is a tool offering us possibilities all the time to change and reframe our lives.

A How interesting was it to read? 9
B How helpful were the contents? 9
C How easy was it to understand? 9
D Would you recommend it to others? 9
E What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Comments: I appreciate exceptionally chapter XXI

Leadership for Dummies
Assessment by DAVUI Kosi Sepénou (TOGO)

1. Discuss the main ideas you found important in this book and discuss why they were important to you.

“Leadership myths” P.12
What means leadership myths? It is the thinking, a conception, a belief that leadership is the privilege for a kind of persons. It is a gift for some people. According to this conception, some people are born leaders: natural leader. It is in the same logic man conceives that leadership belongs to the biggest and fattest. In fact we can sometimes adhere to this conception about leadership seeing feats and deeds of certain persons. Their exceptional participation in the development of their communities and countries, the whole humanity. But defining leadership as the way you drive and live your life purposefully to reach a goal for your success shared and extended to other human beings, each of us can be a leader. The message is: “Whatever you can conceive and believe it can be achieved” You can be a famous leader if you want.

“Using what you have” P.46
Naturally, nobody is needy. We born equal geared and gifted the same way. The most precious gift we are all geared is intelligence. In leadership, it is the most precious and effective tool you can use to create your vision. It helps to proceed from the unknown to the known outcome. It is the royal way to connect to the invisible world, the Spirit, the Word of God through meditation and concentration. As leader, your intelligence offers you the ability to assess the Skills of the group.

“Leading with someone else’s vision” P.67
In reality nobody is independent. We are linked each other in some way. Before you own an idea, a thought, a belief, this belongs already to someone else. Nothing is new under Sunset. What is leading with someone else’s vision? It is a vision created by someone else that you share, adhere, work on and own it. It is the vision you embody that belongs to another person. In this leadership context, it is a vision you embody among your group, share with each member in order to achieve your dreams.

“Being ignored isn’t necessarily Lord” P.77
If there is greater challenge for a human being to overcome in this life it is without doubt the one to be ignored in his family, his community, his organization. Personally, I like such situations. It is the main occasion to prove to others that you are not what they thought about you. It is the right circumstances to prove to people that you have potentials, you are worthy. It is the only occasion to deny their wrong tongue against you.

“Learning by doing” P.96
Saying is easier than doing. In the same context, theory is less difficult than practice and experimentation. The realities man encounters in the fields putting in practice his knowledge are different than what we learn. You may attend leadership courses and be the most graduated. But if you don’t get practice training in the fields, you have along way to run. Learning by doing, practice is the most effective way to posses and value your knowledge. To be pragmatic, you need to go out, in the fields and gain experiences. It is an experimentation showing you the pitfalls on the way of your carrier. It will also help you gain new ideas to fuel your knowledge.

“Keeping your balance” P.112
If you cannot run, you must know at least how to hide yourself. As a leader, you must know and recognize your strengths and weaknesses to keep your balance. One of the best ways to remedy your weaknesses is to keep tidily the fundamentals of leadership: eliciting cooperation of others, listening and passing others above yourself. We cannot have competence in everything, you cannot be sufficient at all. Balance your life soliciting others. It is a matter of humility to recognize his strengths and weaknesses. It brings back more for your success in life.

“Break goals down to a manageable size” P.134
Rome is not built in one day. Any thing worthwhile in life is made up of steps, syntax. You need to respect and follow it with flexibility. Your final goal, your dream is made up of steps. It is a long process you construct under hard circumstances; you need to break this long range goal into series and achieve it one by one. It takes time and patience. You also need to hurry up slowly to realise your dream. Everything worthwhile is a matter of stamina. Be sure that on your way you’ll encounter setbacks and hardships to overcome before reaching your final goal.

“Timing is everything” P.138
Our great and dreadful enemy is time. It doesn’t wait, it doesn’t stop. As you sleep on your laurels, time is over. We can not slow it down. It is our duty to run after time, being decisive, seizing the right moments. The best way to do this is focus and working hard on your vision in full determination and concentration. Early is the best. Nobody doesn’t know what will be tomorrow.

“Setting reasonable Goals-forget impossible dreams” P.141
What setting reasonable goals means? In the first hand it means set goals that correspond to your means and possibilities. In the second, I think personally that this concept is relative. For example, if I tell you one of my goals is to teach courses at one of universities in USA; for the common who knows my social status, my living conditions, I’m nurturing impossible dreams. But the less I can say is that with stout heart, nothing is impossible. I know what I’m looking for, I know my ambitions. Be realistic depends on the context and who you are. My educational goals are big, very big.

“Home maker for peace” P.160
Charity begins at home. To be a leader leading a group, an organization, learn first to lead yourself. Leading yourself, your family, making peace at home helps you recognize and develop your leadership potentials. Doing so, you are cultivating your garden setting something higher and pretend to spread it to your environment and the outside world. You cannot pretend offer peace in your community if in your family there is fire. It is only by this way you give credit to your works, your mission convincing people around you.

“Why volunteer? Networking” P.168
You can be the richest man somewhere on this planet, but if you cannot meditate on the question “Who are we and why are we here” to discover the real sense of living, your existence is vain. We are all members of a group: human beings. It is a duty for each of us to think and work for the welfare of this Humanity. Here is my answer to the question

“Why volunteer”. Volunteering is the way to be conscious and concerned by the problems of your community, the whole Humanity. Giving your small contribution to solve them. It helps you being open up new channels in your life expressing and developing humaneness you have inside you. As for me I know and recognize this value, this excellence and this is my final goal.

“Diplomacy natures the grass roots” P.180
What means this concept in the context of leadership? It is simply shape inside you and around your group skills allowing you to work in good atmosphere and harmony to succeed your mission. It is the ability to harness the good will and energy in your group to make effective each member in order to achieve your goals. It is based upon your wisdom, your patience and capabilities of understanding to listen to the grief of each member getting their complete cooperation and putting their needs above your own. In politic, diplomacy is a cooperation among countries. Founded on effective communication, it invites to resolve and avoid conflicts among States.

“What do you really want” P.194
This question is critical for most us to respond. The reason is that it relates to your final goal, and outcome of your life. Very often we desire this or that but we are confused to respond properly to the question what we really want. I think the best way to answer this question is first to think about what you want to make with your existence on this earth. Do you hear by success material possession or something else? It is according to the answer you give to this question that you manage your path that leads you to your final goal on earth.

“For parents: teach your children well” P. 197
Studies and surveys prove that the cause of juvenile delinquencies and gangsterism resides in our families. Most of the parents are responsible of the craziness of their sons and daughters. Very often we find such children in rich families. Personally, I think they favour too much their children neglecting the rigor of life. Teach your children what is good according the rules of ethics. On the other hand, it isn’t because you are poor that you must neglect your children’s education. Instead it is a challenge you must strive to overcome. As for me, my parents have done their best. Personally, I’m for education of rigor and strictness. Life is not fair.

“Where do vision come from” P.229
Vision may come from diverse horizons. It may be a call from God for a mission. Moses vision is a call from God to save his people. Very often vision is linked to the history of our lives. You get knowledge, a lesson from your living experiences, everything you encounter, the hard circumstances the challenges, your sufferings putting you in imagination reflection, meditation about existence to seize the real sense of life. When you summarize all those things you become a visionary directing your existence in this or that sense. It is on this you build the rest of your life you are aware of.

“Thinking beyond available resources” P.247
Ambition is not the property, the privilege of a kind of persons. We born geared and gifted to dream and desire whatever we want. No matter what your present situation is, your short means and resources are, you have all right to think beyond your available resources. You are right to be ambitious and visualize high. It is sometimes not only a right but also by duty, a self challenge to succeed your existence by this way. You defy yourself to undertake something worthwhile to work your existence. But the great step and this is the most critical resides in action. Remember that saying is easier than doing. One thing is to dream, another is to be concrete taking action about it.

“Can we start over” P.299
Experiences prove that everything that is worthwhile is a long process to achieve. It takes always time to be reached .You need to try and try again overcoming errors and obstacles. One of the senses of life is that it is a battlefield. Your wonderful issue is buried besides the end of this fighting. It belongs to those who recognize it and manage their way in consequence. The histories of outstanding persons prove it. We need to inspire their experiences through modeling when things seem to go bad. We must continue to look for opportunities to say yes always even in the worst circumstances.

“Leading across international divides” P.314
Your leadership role in reality is not limited to your family, your community, your country. After some experiences in your community, your home country, you need to increase and improve them across the world. It is an opportunity to spread your professional career extending your humaneness. Other people living worst circumstances need your assistance for their welfare.

“Be disciplined” P.337
Discipline is one of the characters to prove your worthiness and self-respect. Nothing worthwhile happens in disorder. You can be the most talented man but if you don’t discipline your life it will be difficult for you to succeed something worthwhile. The principles of existence are on order and discipline. Disorder never pays. Discipline his life is simply align your existence on the principles of success.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your goals, your values etc? Explain.

I’ m volunteer. And this volunteering is linked to my goals and dreams I set about life: my vision. My vision is to succeed my existence on this earth. This must not profit only me but also my family, my community, my country and spread to the whole humanity.

Where does this vision come from? I know who I am, my social status. I think there is no need to repeat always I’m from poor family. We are suffering all. And every time when I reflect and meditate on our conditions and the ones of other millions people who are suffering like me in the world I have a vision. This vision pushes me in volunteering. It is in this logic I would like to make a professional career in human development working in international development humanitarian fields, solving by these way modestly human problems, contributing by this same way to the well being of the whole humanity.

As charity begins at home, I have started this volunteering in my home, in my family. Let me tell you that I’m not yet married but I’m supporting at least three persons: my brother and sister twins, my mother. I brought my mother from village to live with me in Lome. Why this decision to bring my mother to live with me in Lome where the living is more expensive than village? I ‘m jobless as I have said it to you. I haven’t enough resources sending money and food to her in village every week end, pay her treatment. So after deep analysis, I think it is better we live together and share the small I get from my every day fighting. The small other I can get is to pay for her sickness treatment.

However, I have three seniors brothers. I cannot say they are doing nothing for the well being of our mother, our twins brother and sister. The less I can say is that we cannot have the same commitment about a subject. It is one of the facts of the life. Here resides the difference concerning the support I give to my mother, brother and sister. I cannot pretend make professional career in Human development, Humanism ignoring my direct environment problems: my home, my family. It will be paradoxical.

I think the best way to begin this and prepare my mission is getting involved actively in the well being of my family. This is the sense I give to charity begins at home; becoming home maker of peace. It is by this way I can increase and develop my potentials for the career of my aspiration. This same way can lead me across international divides. My intention is to try practicing the lessons of ethnics I learn in this IIGL program.

However I’m needy, I try every time to give something to other people. My motto about this is that I cannot wait being rich of millions of dollars on my accounts before starting charity. If I cannot get this habit now it is by the same way I couldn’t if for example I become rich. I believe in the virtue of giving. It is one of the values I defend and I try working on it now to develop it in the future. I inherited this value from my parents. Sincerely, I’m very grateful to my parents. They thought me about the rigor of living the responsibility, the way to live purposefully and properly, Love and no discrimination among people. Always value Human Being. I’m living and constructing my life on these lessons. I gained from them.

When I arrived in Lome for the first time, I lived with cousins of my mothers long family. There, I experienced humiliations and inconsideration in the real and practical sense. I was absolutely ignored. It wasn’t easy to support but today with the time, I discover and realise that everything I lived there wasn’t necessarily bad. I consider all these as challenges to live more purposefully. The fact is that if I don’t care, tomorrow may be worst. These conditions make me reflect on my life, setting goals, thinking beyond my available resources. My leitmotiv is that it is in the fighting spirit that I can succeed my life not only for my happiness but also to show to these relatives that I didn’t deserve what they did against me; that they were wrong to treat me with such humiliations. Today when I go back there, they are ashamed and they respect me fully because they notice small changes in my life.
I behave as if nothing wasn’t. I’m free with them.

Now with IIGL, I’m very hopeful. I don’t adhere to leadership myths. I know just my weaknesses about my goals. The only effective tool to compensate and remedy these is to use what I have: my hard working, my willingness, my honesty, my seriousness, my intelligence to convince and conquer resourceful persons to help me reach my educational goals to begin true professional career after some experiences here in my country Togo in volunteering.

In this volunteering I have experienced how diplomacy can nuture the grass roots when I was leading a group of seven persons. The great lesson I got from this experience is that there is nothing more difficult than leading a group of men; the human beings. My first step of applying this principle is to let each member known that our presence here together is not casual. We need each other. It is by this way I make them understand the fundamentals of our mission. I offer them empathy, humaneness listening to them eliciting their cooperation and putting their needs above mines. They responded by the same way creating harmony and joyful atmosphere in the group. We reached our goals successfully. Inspite of my rigor at work they appreciated me too much keeping good relationship with each of them. How do I apply timing is everything in my life? If for example I have appointment with you and you don’t me see at the right time, be sure I have some problems. One of my cases of rigor is about timing.

Have you ever heard about “no African time”. It means be on time. The reason is that we respect difficulty time here. It is our great weakness. I don’t know why but this is what we notice and live in Africa unfortunately. As for me, I’m strict on timing. That is why when I choose to do something the first thing I run after is timing. I manage to do it in the right time as quick as possible. It is the way to prove my worthiness, effectiveness and seriousness. Time is money. Anything you do in the right time will produce economical outcome.

To the question what I really want; I want to be a leader, a reference with high intellectual level. My career of aspiration is to be international agent in human development- humanitarian fields. I want to get involved in human well being working not only for my community but also for the whole world where there will be need. I expect to address a speech to UN one day on human development-Humanism. This is my thinking beyond my actual resources. This dream may seem impossible for those who know very well my actual conditions of living. But if something like that becomes a reality in the life of someone, I have full conviction I’ll achieve mine one day. To get this success, I break down this final goal to a manageable size. The most important for me this moment is my educational goals.

As I’m making small progress in this IIGI program, I want to continue with learning by doing: practice, training. Stage at an organization, institution, find after a job to satisfy my needs. Then start over looking for other opportunities to pursue higher education to fulfil my final goal: lead one day and international organization in the human development fields. Because of this leadership role I aspire and nuture I try to discipline my life in consequence avoiding anything that can disturb me; focusing and concentrating in great devoting on this IIGL program. After all, IIGL is my last chance that can lead me to my educational goals for my life success. That is why I don’t kid with this program and consider it as God’s way; because before I discover this opportunity I was absolutely hopeless about my educational goals.
Thank you Michael for helping people of developing countries conscious of their poor conditions and decide to improve them undertaking something worthwhile through learning. May God bless you, your family and all the persons who assist you leading this program.

3) What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Please explain.

– Why volunteer? It relates to my vision of the world
– Being ignored isn’t necessarily bad: because of my actual social status not enviable, I’m decided and determined to overcome this challenge to value my life reaching graduate level succeeding a professional career of my aspiration.
– Learning by doing: I think sincerely that I need practice, training to be effective.
– Using what you have: I’m aware of my weaknesses and limitations. For this moment, what I can use to compensate them about my goals: Seriousness, honesty, willingness, hard working and intelligence to convince resourceful persons that I’m worthy, that my educational goals are real and my message to them is: offer me an opportunity, you’ll never be deceived.
– Timing is everything : Time and punctuality are one of the ways I prove my honesty and seriousness.
– Thinking beyond your available resources: It is a self challenge, a dream to shape a destiny.

4) Has this book challenged your thinking in any way? If so explain how?

Yes. As I’m aspiring leadership role in my life, this book challenged and changed me. It makes me aware of how to prepare and manage my way to succeed it.

5) Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with? If so, why?

Yes. Setting reasonable goals , forget impossible dream: I think sincerely that it depends on who you are and what means reasonable goals and impossible dreams to you. For example suppose that I dream to address a speech to United Nations one day in my life. For those who know my actual conditions, they can say I’m nurturing impossible dreams. But as I’m still alive with my educational goals, this dream is very possible. I’m not wishfull, I’m using what I have now to attract opportunities that can lead me there one day. As conclusion, I find this concept relative.

6) What did find most helpful and least helpful in this book.

– The most helpful is thinking beyond your available resources.
– The least helpful is setting reasonable goals-forget impossible dream.

7) In 50 words on less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

Leadership for Dummies is a book addressed to those who deny the concept of natural leader. It invites us to recognize our leadership potentials prepare and work on to undertake and succeed leadership role in our societies


A- How interesting was it to read 10
B- How helpful were the contents 10
C- How easy was it to understand 10
D- Would you recommend it to others 10
E- What is the overall rating you would give it 10

Comments:It is the first book i read about leadership but i find it excellent .It cover almost all the aspect of leading.

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The Secret
Assessment by DAVUI Kosi Sepénou (TOGO)

1. Discuss the main ideas that you found most important in this book and discuss why they were important to you.

“Values are the beliefs that drive our behavior” P.39
Every human being living is upon a kind of beliefs. These may be positives or negatives. And at any moment our behavior and actions reflect such beliefs. In the context of purposeful living, beliefs are values we live and defend at any moment and circumstances. Such values shape our behavior and explain our actions. They are positive and destined for human being progress. In the context of leadership, values are beliefs embodied by the leader for precise objective reaching a goal. Values can emerge their own. Very often, they are created by the leader not alone but in cooperation with his associates for a common goal. As a leader your job is to take care of your values that are the beliefs on which your organization is built. Values being the cornerstones of the organization it must be the culture to grow in the team. As a leader, it is your duty to mobilize means, ways and any resource to keep living your values, your beliefs to attain your objectives. As a leader, your need to make team aware of them for common interest. The final issue depends on.

“If you stop learning you stop leading” P.72
If it is true that as humans we have a lot in common it is also true that as humans we are different; different in behavior, in culture, in civilization. Our Humanity is a world of diversity. It is always changing and moving. We need to activate and update our knowledge to be conform to the progress and the evolution of the world. Everyday there are opportunities to learn more about life, human and his progress. We are living in a revolutionary world where that what was lie or error yesterday becomes truth today. As a leader leading an organization, an institution, living in such world with perpetual mutations and changes facing daily competitions and challenges, the best way to survive and go through is to keep learning. You need to learn more and further to be competitive and resist to others. Learning is the way to reinvent continuously on a personal level, enhance our own knowledge and skills. As leader you must keep learning to have innovative thinking and ideas. As a leader learning is an asset, the main way to prepare yourself facing challenges that are waiting for you on your leadership role. As a leader wanting to make the difference above your associates being the best and deserve your role, learning is the way and means.

“People will not give you their hand until they can see your heart” P.84
Very often we show among us the outside of sympathy, friendship, Love. Love relates to heart. It is invisible, the centre of authentic and genuine living of love. So any behavior, any action that is sincere and honest is qualified to be from heart. It pleases, strengthens, encourages and motivates others to respond by the same way. By the same way, any behavior, any action not sincere, out of Love, heart make people indifferent. It doesn’t motivate. It keeps from action. As a purposeful leader wanting to succeed your mission, the first and foremost step is to try to conquer the heart of your fellows, your team members. How? It resides in your entire availability to work together, hand in hand. You need to show your heart through sincere behaviors and actions. It is also the way to prove your humanness, your values. As humans they offer you their entire cooperation, their help allowing you to lead your mission successfully.

Everybody knows and likes good life even though this is most of the time difficult to put into practice. So as leader know that your fellows, your team members are waiting at any moment any circumstance to see your heart though your behavior. It resides in how you treat them as human beings. We are all thirsty of respect and consideration. They also want to see your honesty and sincerity. As leader it is an asset, a value an ideal you need to conquer in your everyday life mobilizing other hearts to reach your objectives. Here is the main way to succeed your mission. Always be sincere, truthful, honest to motivate people who in return put their confidence in you. Genuine trust, confidence cannot be bought. As leader you must deserve it through your way of leading. In the same logic we can say: “you must gain the trust of your people. If you don’t have their trust, you’ll never be a great leader”. Sometimes certain people just observe your behavior and it is widely sufficient they offer you their help and entire cooperation.

“People who want to be great leaders must embrace an attitude of service to others” P.107
In this life, in this humanity, who can say absolutely independent? Who can say completely sufficient? Show me the person who doesn’t need his neighbor, I will tell you the opposite.

The person judged nothing, zero today can be your savior tomorrow. So is the life. It is always changing we cannot understand such things. This leads us on the spiritual side of the Universe. As for me, I think it is the way, the voice of the owner of this Universe is expressed. In the Bible, David is not considered among the sons of his father. He is shepherd all the time in the bush. But it is this David God choose to be the king of Israel. So is the way of God. Human being cannot understand. What is attitude of service? As for me, I relate it to Love. And he who talks about Love talks about God. God is Love. Service attitude is the concrete sense of Love. It is expressed always through behavior and actions. In fact we are all called to share love, spread service attitude among us as humans. It is an attitude of humanism that is intrinsic to the word of God. So service attitude is a sublime, the paramount way that can lead us to real happiness. In this context if you live service attitude, you are sowing the seeds of happiness; the law of the Harvest will respond. What goes around comes around. As a leader your job is to lead people. Leading doesn’t mean command but, serve. And serve means show the good example being the beginner, proof of values you profess and that you want to share among your team, the people you are in charge. Live service attitude is the main asset allowing you deserve your leadership role. It is also important to precise that service attitude is sometimes difficult to put in practice. If you succeed living it you are making difference, from ordinary to extraordinary a great leader. Also sometimes you can be disturbed and discouraged by the action and behaviors of your fellows, your people. In such circumstances, go back to your sense of service on the spiritual side, you come out strengthened and empowered. After all we are spiritual beings experiencing human being said DR. Wayne Dyer. As a leader service attitude is a self help allowing you to lead your group successfully reaching your goals.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships, your beliefs, your values etc? Explain.

I like learning. I am particularly interested in any study which subjects are human as supreme value. This because of my conviction that human is supreme value. This because of my conviction that human is fundamental for any sustainable development, Every time when I reflect on the subject of development, I discover human as the beginner and outcome of a sustainable development. In my meditation I come to the conclusion that if we could value more human in any kind of our daily activity. I believe and this is also another conviction that our world will be better to live in. I believe in human values. I make them my daily conquest to increase my knowledge, my wisdom improving so my life. I always try to drive my behavior and actions with them. It is such attachment that are the basis, the true and right reasons of my educational goals. I want to learn more about human being, his welfare in a changing world full of conflicts, wretchedness. My learning goals are the rights and straight way leading me to know more about human diversity, culture; develop successful relationships allowing me to embrace leadership role in the field of human development. I am aware of my weaknesses, my limits. I think and this is my conviction that the first and foremost step of leadership is the way you lead yourself with purpose and respect in order to make a name, a difference. One of my daily conquest is trust and confidence, the way to prove to people that I am purposeful despite my lack of means. This attracts and mobilizes people to my cause. In all my everyday life I try to show my heart to people through my behaviors and actions that I am honest on my way. This helps me develop good relationships.

In my relationships, I don’t hesitate to put myself in service attitude where there is need. In my family I am the youngest among three elder brothers. But no decision cannot be taken without my point of view. Why? They all discovered in me some values of honest and sincere person. It is like I am leading the whole family. On my small experience and meditations, I discovered that man can earn admiration, consideration and respect shaping a certain character based on a purposeful living. That is what I try to do in my life. In our world full of swindlers, where people are lying everyday just for money, I choose as for me to show to people my heart at any moment and circumstance that I am poor but I want to succeed my life as honest as possible.

I am a man of character full of convictions on human values to inspire trust and confidence in people. Being aware of this state of fact, I embrace leadership studies to develop such skills the right way to assume true successful leadership role in my life.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book? Explain

* Everything rises and falls on leadership
Embracing a leadership role means being a man of character, leading yourself respectfully and purposefully: “it is “everything rises…”. As you live your life by this way you will attract trust, confidence; cooperation and help from others to lead successfully your mission: it is “falls on…”.

* People who want to be great leader must embrace an attitude of service: The leadership attitude resides in the word of service. In reality you are serving yourself. It is a self-help since we know that what goes around comes around. Serving others truthfully and sincerely, you’ll get in return their full cooperation to succeed your mission. In general, service attitude is the seed of happiness you sow that you’ll reap all your lifetime.

* If you stop learning, you stop leading: It relates to my educational goals as the main way for me to succeed my life.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way? If so, explain how?

Yes this book challenged and changed my thinking: Aspiring leadership role. I need to grow and increase the sense and attitude of service all the time.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with If so, why?

I think No

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

The most helpful is the concept of SERVICE
See the future
Engage and develop others
Reinvent continuously
Values results and relationships
Embody the values.

7. In so words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is tying to convey.

The whole book is trying to teach us the fundamentals secrets to know in order to succeed a leadership role; which secrets are based on the concept of SERVICE.

A. How interesting was this book to read 8
B. How helpful were the contents 8
C. How easy was it to understand 8
D. Would you recommend it to others 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it 8

Comments: “If you stop learning, you stop leading” It relates to my FAITH in Education .

A Higher standard of leadership
Assessment by DAVUI Kosi sepénou (Togo)

1. Discuss the main ideas that you found most important in this book and discuss why they were important to your.

“Each of us must take a commitment to live by single standard of conduct – for if we do, our leaders will have to follow” P18

In this Universe, the good life is for everyone. And the good life is the one based on Universal principles which are absolute values, the moral that is intrinsic in all human beings, revealed to us by our conscience. In fact we have all the faculty to know the right and the wrong. This being we don’t necessarily to be in leadership role to make a difference being a reference. It is a matter of code of conduct we can choose to live. This choice resides in the commitment we must take to live a higher standard of moral, the single standard of conduct which is the one of leadership. By this way you’ll impress people, leaders will trust you, following you. Because you are living according to the reason, the values of moral that is universal. After all the main first step of leadership is the way you live your own life according to such values based on universal code of conduct humanly shared.

“Evaluating everyday activities is essential to avoid straying from the path” P 31

Our world is moving, the circumstances of life are changing. Human beings we are, our thoughts are also changing according to situations and our conditions of living. The thought is never static. This being, what do we notice in our everyday life? One thing is to make a choice and commitment, another is to respect them. Most of the time, the life of a man is made up of surprises. Life most of the time doesn’t respect our choices and commitments. Here resides the difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary, the average and the outstanding . Where do extraordinary and outstanding people make the difference? These people are those who put their daily living in perpetual questioning , evaluating their everyday activities, this to avoid straying from the path that are their choices and commitments. Human is always fallible. The best way to reach his objectives and ideal of perfection is to adjust his everyday life through self evaluation. It helps avoid repeated mistakes, develop skills, enhance the level of our performance as authentic man full of maturity; a leader.

“We know what we ought to do, but our attachment prevent us from doing it, so we condone-and therefore supported leadership.” P38

Very often human beings is easily attracted by privileges; power and wealth. We not only admire people in such position but worse we worship them, even though they are suspects on the hand of morality, virtues, universal code of conduct. What in this perspective is bad leadership? It is the position of those who because of their privileges of wealth gain a certain power in their societies. They are in reality bad leaders. Because they lack moral ground. Even though we all know this state of fact, we condone them. The reason is that they are wealthy. In reality, they don’t deserve to be leaders. The true and authentic leaders are those who are making difference on moral ground, through their behavior, action and word. They are those who are living according to the great Reason made up of virtues and ethics.

“Each step on the path to a higher standard of leadership takes courage- courage to commit to absolute values and to the universal code of conduct to treat others as ourselves.” P 49

The past and the present show and prove us that any human achievement, anything worthwhile in this life calls for courage doubled of will and determination. The good life, the life of ethics is planetary shared. In any culture, any civilization, absolute values, code of conduct are universal references. The basis, the core, the golden rule of such values is to treat others as ourselves: Love. As we can notice it, human perfection is an ideal. In reality, it is the human great challenge that calls for courage to those who aspire and desire to live a higher standard of living good life, be a reference, extraordinary, a leader. For, each step on this path stand courage and commitment. It cannot be achieved overnight. If it is so simple, everyone would do it. It relies on self evaluation and questioning to adjust his life in mind, behavior and action through our whole everyday life.

“The challenge for leaders is to live up to their fundamental responsibility as human beings: to treat others as themselves P62

We are all human beings geared of the same dignity and values. We share all the same universal principles of values, responsibilities and rights. Men we are, we have more in common than in difference. We have the same rights and duties. We have to treat each other as ourselves: Love. This is the challenge for everyone. It is more crucial for leaders. It is huge and heavy for them since they are eye of societies. From leaders, people are waiting for good example. Being references, people are chasing them throughout their behaviors, words and actions in their everyday life. So, leaders have more the challenge to be permanently aware of this state of fact, this fundamental responsibility to treat others as themselves. It is an ideal they have to work on everyday to deserve and succeed their missions as leaders.

“You and I do not have to wait for a great cause to make a commitment to personal service. It can start with those nearest to us: our family and friends”. p 75

People think they will have million of dollars on their account before start helping or taking part of a cause. My general conception is that if you are good, you are. You can notice you are wrong or your weakness and decide to perfect yourself. But in general I believe that there are people who are intrinsically good and certain wrong. Souls well born don’t wait for years before proving their worthiness. People discover them. In the context of human service, I believe it necessarily starts at home, in family, with relatives, with friends, in community. The rest for me is hypocrisy to bluff people that you are kind. In reality it is the opposite. I will never believe in those who abandon their family, their friends, their community but outside them seem helpful, charitable and generous to others. I will never believe in those who are waiting for great cause to prove their sense of service and generosity. I think the authentic charity always begins at home with your nearest people. You cannot abandon your family your parents, wife, your children, your friends, who are craving of misery and the same moment pretend to serve others. If only we can try to start helping our first social environment, our world will be less miserable and better to live in. Because it is my personal observation to notice that in almost each great family, at least on person emerges. We must be home peace makers first and try to extend these qualities and values to others and great causes if really we embody them.

“Feel not just intellectualize the needs of the people” P 84

We observe, hear what happens with people around us without knowing the reality. Another fact is that we cannot feel the reality if we don’t meet these people who are living such situations. Personal observation and commitment are the necessary steps to understand and feel the needs of the people. You and I know that there is misery all over the world. To understand what is misery, go among poor families spend some moment listening them, you’ll understand and feel concretely how miserable people are. A true leader must spend time among his fellows listening them and get the reality, the true picture of what happens. That is what we call feel the needs of the people. The true leader must be active, being in the fields, in the shoes of people he has in charge.

“The moral direction set by our decisions and actions determines the nature of the society in which we live” P102

Our immediate and direct society is our families. Another one is our friends and relationships. All our relationships and friends are based on our moral principles. The moral values and ethics determine our code of conduct. Here is set the direction of decisions and actions. It is here people try to discover who you are, your kind of person, your true nature whether you are right or wrong. Your moral direction determines your whole life: your thoughts, behaviors and actions. It is here the difference is made: from ordinary to extraordinary; average to outstanding person .This state of fact determines the nature of the society that is simply the friends, relationships, companies in which we live. If you have moral ground you’ll never have as friends and relationships wrongdoers.

“Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him” .P117

We are living in a world where the poverty is increasing. If it is true that we are responsible of what we are , it is also true that after observation and analysis, we are in right to say that some people are making others poor. I want to talk about injustice in societies. It is unbelievable to see Africa in such extreme poverty. We have enough resources of any kind that can help us develop our continent. What is the matter? The matter is that we are unfortunate to have few authentic leaders. The majority of our leaders don’t deserve their role and we, ignorant populations of africa, we support such bad leadership. Our best leaders are always assassinated early when they were planning to develop our continent. The so- called leaders today are making us hopeless everyday. They are dictators with decades of power. Once they access to power, they refuse to recall the face of the poorest and weakest man who is the majority, who they have in charge. They refuse to work for their well being. All over the world we have many examples. The true leaders imbued of moral ground must recall in his everyday step the face of the poorest and weakest man. Unfortunately, they are few.

“Your life is your message. Leadership by, example is not only the most pervasive but also the most enduring form of leadership” P140

Humans we are, we are more attracted and interested in anything that we can touch and experience: the concrete. All the time we like what is immediate in terms of result. We like what is concrete in terms of values. Leadershp is not a destination. Leadership is a way of living. It is a journey that is your whole life, your existence on this earth. As a leader, your life that is made of your behaviors, words and actions is your message. This message that is your life is your leadership role. Throughout your daily living people want to discover the qualities and values you embody. They want to see you interested in their concerns. You don’t need to make campaign of sensibilization before they do what you want them to do. The life you live purposefully and respectfully on moral ground will attract them to do your will. Showing them first the good example you’ll gain their hearts.This is the most enduring and pervasive form of leadership. People will always remember your name.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life such as your relationships your beliefs, your goals, your values etc? Explain.

I am a man of principles. These principles are my fundamentals made up of ethics, universal code of conduct I admire and that I try to practice in my everyday life. I am for good life , a life of moral ground full of virtues. Through my conscience, I know what to do, to distinguish the right and the wrong. On the path of human values conquest, I choose to adjust my everyday life throughout self mastering evaluation. In my relationships, I made choice on persons as friends, people who share with me such viewpoint. My availability to live good life, a purposeful living is for me moral obligation to be useful to others. I know I cannot change things of this world. But I always tell to myself that I must try to start repair a small part of it. For, I don’t wait for great cause to prove that. I am aspiring human goodness.
Always I try to start by my first imimediate social environnment that is my family. If unfortunately it comes that I leave this earth today, it will be a great lost to my family and friends. All the time I try to prove to each of them that I love them. I don’t hesitate to prove to each of them my entire availability of human service spirit. I absolutely share the thoughts of leadership spirit of service. I believe and this my conviction that the leadership first step is the way you lead your own life purposefully, consequent with yourself all the time. It is based on moral integrity . It is no use to be proud with yourself because you are CEO leading a company or an organization. You must try to be always interested in the concerns of your team at and out of workplace. It explains the great importance you give to human as core value we need to include in our everyday life the spirit of friendship, love and peace with your neighbours. It is one of the ways we contribute to the well being of this Humanity.

I don’t yet get great leadership role but the small I got is not so bad in experience. My life is my message. My desire is to show them that I need you to succeed my mission, your success is my success. I try to motivate my team, feel their needs listening them. My philosophy is to impress and convince anybody I will encounter in my life with positive spirit. It is something I include in my life and on which I work everyday. The way to reach this ideal is the moral direction set by my decisions and actions. My attachment to such values make certain people say that I am too strict. But when I observe and analyze the way of living of outstanding leaders, I think I am on track to make a difference in my society. I try always to defend the Right what may be the circumstances and it cost me. That is my way to a higher standard of leadership.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concepts you learned from this book ? Please explain.

The most important new ideas :

* A single standard of conduct: Its essential quality is courage which is expressed through commitment to absolute values, commit to the journey, training of conscience, commitment to reducing attachments and the commitment to minimizing secrecy
* The spirit of service : Reconcile power with service, focus on responsibilities not rights, Emphasize values based service, make commitment to personal service, understand the needs of the people you wish to serve.
* Decisions and Actions bounded by moral principles :Establish principles of governance, create integrity in the decision making process, implement decisions within moral constraints.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any way ? If so, explain how?

Yes. It is on single standard of conduct, the spirit of service; the decisions and actions bounded by moral principles.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree with ? If so why?

I disagree but not totally with the commitment to minimizing secrecy. I think, as leader leading an organization or a company you must be permanently prudent because not only everybody see you positively but also there are envious.

6. What did you find most helpful and least helpful in this book?

The most helpful for me is the concept of “Higher standard of leadership”. It is an ideal of living, a leitmotiv that allows to make a difference, be a reference among the ordinary people. The least helpful is the commitment to minimizing the secrecy.

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

A Higher standard of leadership is a universal code of conduct book . With moral ground, it is a book of ethics of life and commitment to Human absolute values , inviting those who aspire to make a difference : be a leader.

A – How interesting was it to read? 9
B – How helpfull were the contents? 9
C – How easy was it to understand? 9
D – Would you recommend it to others? 9
E – What is the overall reting you would give it? 9

Change The World
Assessment by DAVUI Kosi Sepénou (TOGO)

1. Discuss the main ideas that you found most important in this book and discuss why they were important to you.

“On Being a change agent”P.4
We born, grow and become mature. That is one of the essential characteristics, the essence of life. Life is a process. So Human being as a life is embarked in this process of becoming. All his activities, anything he undertakes is a process leading to a specific result: we are here on the ordinary aspect of living. On the other side, something worthwhile, a purposeful living, allowing us to make a difference we need to be change agent allowing us to make a difference that calls for a choice and commitment. It is seek to bring a kind of change, a transformation in our lives. To bring a kind of change, a transformation in any human being system, we must wait for anger, frustration and the main condition to reach desired result is learn to manage them. This management must stated by ourselves on courage and determination. It is a process that cannot happen overnight. It is being a change agent that leads to something extraordinary.

“Seeding the Universe P.43”
Universe is our world, our humanity, our planet. The question is how can we seed this planet? Let’s say first that every creature, each of us as individual is a part of this Universe. Together we form this Universe, this world: Humanity. Humanity is the concrete side of Universe. Our society, the Human family is the Universe. As Universe is determined by natural laws and principles, our Humanity is founded on principles and values and ethics intended for Human welfare. Hence, as we are humans, we are called to embody and promote such values. These values in fact are intrinsic in each of us as human being. Unfortunately we fail to live such values by choice, ignorance or because of some social rules. In a normalized world more and more full of despair, we need to go back to our deepest being, to express human values. It is express what we really are. It is give and take. Offer values and receive values. That is seeding Universe; sow Humanity and reap humanity. It is creation of values. Break ordinary rules to seed values to reach wonderful result. The extraordinary is always accompanied by enormous sacrifices. That is the price to pay in seeding Universe for the best of our families, communities, nations the whole humanity.

“Looking within, making fundamental choice P61.
Within is nothing more than your heart and your thought. What you desire is from heart and your thought. What you desire is from heart and you on this desire in this laboratory that is your mind. That being when we talk about within, the inside, it is our deepest being. It relates to something authentic, original and genuine. In fact, it is pure, the positive side of our being. Here is the center of core values and virtues. By this way “looking within” leads to something fundamental, crucial and capital about choice. Anything we want to undertake, to set a goal, we need to look within, ourselves, our choices. Looking within is the process of self purification, the crucial and necessary step to change the world by changing ourselves. If we want to make changes in human systems we need to look within in order to be first model. This will encourage and empower your change target. By this process you impress and attract people to your cause.

“Transcendence is getting out of the envelope” P.84.
The ordinary world is the envelope. It limits us to the common, most of the time the negative beliefs. It discourages, disempowers and stops us to express our real self, our deepest being; our potentials. It limits us to live purposefully through goals setting. Before being embarked in this envelope that is the common sense, the current life, the normalized world, we first enveloped ourselves. That is the way we conceive things negatively the way we conceive things negatively throughout life. It reflects our daily living. This negative perception from ourselves is the direct consequence of what we can do or not. As you think so you are. It is the brake of our progress. It is the envelope in which we are that impedes us to make difference in life. Seekers of success and happiness we are, we need to get out of the envelope. It simply means cultivate a positive thinking in our daily living. We need to transcend this ordinary world expressing our potentials; what we are able to do. It is the new affirmation of ourselves that gives us values, consideration and respect. By this way we empower ourselves, empowering others. It is making difference being a reference. Getting out of the envelope, it is being a change agent to transform the world for a productive community, a wonderful humanity by transforming ourselves.

“Breaking the rope” P.117
Today our world is living a great tragedy of human conscience: hypocrisy. Leaders of nations are claiming all the time respect for human rights, struggle against corruption, a call for good governance, sustainable development. In reality what we notice is like our leaders are destroying us. They are almost doing the opposite of their speeches. It seems that leaders today of any institution and organization are building a world based on Machiavelism. They established barriers and laws in order to protect and save their interests. In such conditions we poor people are living Darwinism: strive and succeed. As general consequence we are living in a society where selfishness is increasing. We loose more and more the sense of common good. It seems normal we choose individual interest on the common one. But from authentic living to a true happiness humanly shared, we have to break the rope imposed on us throughout institutions and organizations. Any breakthrough must be intended in the common good. We must break the rope of bad leadership, avoiding hypocrisy and tell the truth when there is need. We must break the rope to stop sustaining wrong leaders. We must take action for human values. The international community claims all the time respect for human rights freedom for people to choose their leaders. But when we take a look on what happened in my country Togo in April 2005 during presidential election and recently the case of Kenya, it is nothing more than Machiavelism stressed and amplified by the hypocrisy on international community.

They support secretly leaders who are not real winners of these elections. After all they call for negotiation and dialogue for government of union. It is high time we broke the rope. We must stop hypocrisy for the sake of common good. Because it is from such behaviours conflicts and crisis arise in human systems. We must stop sustaining bad leadership. It is a matter of transformation each of us must operate within himself. We must be aware of human injustice, take action transcending the sanction of the normalized world. For this level, the crucial step is self transformation, be “home peace maker”. Listen and obey the voice of your conscience. It is God within you. It always shows us the right thing to do not for self interest but for the common, the whole humanity.

“Embody a vision of the common good” P.142
We are living in a world where individualism and selfishness are increasing with the poverty. In this context each of us is striving for his own interest. Worse those who are lucky enough to be authorities, leaders of organizations and institutions are jealous and afraid to lose their position seem neglect the sense of the common good. In fact, we have impression they are more preoccupied to save their positions than assume their responsibilities: the common good. We are all inclined to choose individual interest beside the common. But with the concept of common good, we are here on the ground of moral reasoning, ethnics of life. It is the sense of service we must grow within us to deserve leadership role we are aspiring. Embody a vision of the common good is nothing more than the core value of leadership that is service. It is inner directed and other focused. It is being interested in others, open to people, be good and sincere listener. It is the sense of help to others that is after all self help. It is empowering and energizing. If we can do it as humanly as possible, we will be living symbol.

“Surrendering to the process” P.187
Life is not an end but a means to an end. Life is a process that embarks each of us whether you are purposeful or not. We must be aware of this state of fact. Universe is determined: cause and effect. Why is there something than nothing? All that we are witness in our daily living is the logic of life whether we want it or not. There is not compromise no shortcut in anything worthwhile we undertake. Our worries and laments can never change our conditions. We need to live purposefully through goal setting and work hard; it is surrendering to the process. Be the message you are trying to convey in trust, confidence and faithful with what you have designed. The joyful issue comes itself.

“Becoming perfect” P192
Human being we are, we are fallible. Perfection is also one of human intrinsic characters. As we recognize the two characters we can choose to be perfect in this ordinary world. Human life is always in becoming. This being, be perfect is a state of mind we grow within us that guides us in anything we undertake. It is a spirit of choice, willingness and commitment to give the best of ourselves. Becoming perfect is make the difference. In the normalized world, perfection is work hard to emerge from the ordinary people to become extraordinary. Remember that our modern world is highly competitive. The most successful people are those who are cultivating the spirit of perfection in their lives. It helps increase and improve our knowledge. It gives you influence and attracts others to you. It confers you moral power and allows you to empower others. Becoming perfect is an ideal of living with higher desire to succeed anything we undertake as humanly possible.

2. Can you relate the ideas or concepts in this book to your personal circumstances in life as your relationships, your beliefs, you goals, your values, etc explain.

We are living in a world where misery and suffering are the share of the great majority of the populations. This is the normal world. It is the ordinary living and I am not the exception. When I try to reflect and meditate on such unfortunate circumstances of life I discovered that our misery is not fatality. Obviously, some time it is like some people are born fortunate and happy. But in general, the great majority of successful people are ordinary people who aware of their conditions not enviable choose and decide to shape a happy destiny. As for me I am aware of my miserable conditions ,I choose and decide to shape a happy destiny. I decide to transform my life. This is my commitment. I am a change agent and I am myself my target. I want to change, transform my life according to values I want to embody during my existence. I am decided to live noble life made up of virtues throughout human relationships. It is seeding universe. Human is the core value to promote in this life. Promotion of Human is seeding universe. It is growing and developing the value that relate to the well being of each of us, the whole humanity.

In my African family, there are relatives who can help me fulfill my dreams. But selfishness cannot allow them to do so. Everyday such behaviours and facts put me in reflection and meditation : looking within. Far to be discouraged, I consider them challenges to overcome; allowing me to make fundamental choice, to be more purposeful. In such circumstances, I discovered that we need to break the rope to be more human. We need today to be more inner directed and more other focused. I noticed that some self limitations, social rules and misconceptions hinder us to take off for progress. In my village most of functionaries are primary teachers. Since I am aware of this fact, I told them I don’t want to do like you. I decide to be out of this envelope to sell myself short. I am change agent on the way to shape a successful destiny. I want to sell myself very high; make the difference from my community to international divide. All this with the vision that we can all succeed and the best success is the one shared from your families to other people , inner directed and other focused; that is the vision, ideal on which I am working everyday. All the time I told myself the best way to enjoy any success and happiness is to share this with others. Be helpful to others during my existence. That is the sense I give to productive community, the common good. In this perspective, my eternal question is: what to do to be useful to others during my existence?

At this time, setbacks and hardships are still on my way to shape a glory destiny. Expecting that tomorrow will be better, I surrender to the process. I try to make part of my daily life values and principles I am learning. I am in process of transformation that gives me respect and admiration everywhere I am. In my family, my relationships I try to be model through my behaviour and action. All according to ethics of values I impose myself in my daily living. Whoever you are, I will impress you simply because you’ll discover in every aspect of my life human I am growing inside me. It is a fundamental choice I made myself. It is not easy but I resist to deviate. The fundamental reason is that I want to be a reference, a model during my existence in this normalized world. In mega trends 2000 (1990) John Naisbit and Patricia Aburdene said: “the most exciting breakthrough of the twenty-first century will occur not because of technology but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human”

As for me my ACT, my vision the one I embody is to be perfect human as humanly possible in every aspect of my life, be useful to the whole humanity beginning at home.

3. What are the most important new ideas or concept you learned from this book? Please explain.

On being a change agent: It is a process of self change and transformation based on choice and purposeful living impacting ourselves, our immediate environment to human development in general.

Seeding the universe: it is the expression of human values based on universal principles of ethics we need to embody for our well being on this planet.

Breaking the rope: it is the revolutionary step we have to make to break our misconceptions and some social rules that hinder us to progress.

Becoming perfect: It is a philosophy of self improvement in any area of our lives. It is the thought to give the best of ourselves, create wonder in anything we undertake.

4. Has this book challenged or changed your thinking in any away? If so, explain.

Yes, It challenged and changed my thinking. It invites me on regular self questioning as first step for any action and change I want to make in my life.

5. Are there ideas in the book that you totally disagree? If so why?

Totally, no. But I am least interested in some criticisms of ACT

6. What did you find most helpful and least help in this book ?

Most helpful: ACT: It’s all about changes we can make in ourselves to human systems. It is a philosophy of perfection we must grow in our behaviours and actions.

ACT and its eight steps

7. In 50 words or less, please describe the main idea the whole book is trying to convey.

This is book is about changes we can make to transform the world to be better place to live in. Intended to transform human systems in better way, it is long process that begins by self awareness for perfection leading us to productive community: the common good

Please rate this book on scale from 1 to 10. Ten is good and one is poor.

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8

The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership
Assessment by DAVUI Kosi Sepénou (TOGO)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

In “the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership” John C. Maxwell provides us tools to fully develop leadership within ourselves to become a leader. Founded on basic laws of effective leadership, these tools are set up to help us accomplish the task through practice and application. Made up of stories, the author throughout this book invites us to observe the laws in action, questions to evaluate our own level of leadership, discussion questions to see how a particular law affects our organization and action where we can improve our leadership skills. It is a life long journey the author is trying to convey us in this book.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The seven ideas:

The law of influence
The true measure of leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less

The law of process
Leadership develops daily, not in a day

The law of solid ground
Trust is the foundation of leadership

The law of respect
People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves.

The law of intuition
Leaders evaluate everything with leadership bias

The law of the big momentum
Momentum is a leader’s best friend

The law of sacrifice
A leader must give up going-up

These seven ideas were important to me because they relate to my modest experience like a leader in any group I found myself. They reveal me my leadership potentials. I think sincerely that these ideas are the proof for me that I am on the way to become a true leader. For me, these seven ideas are cornerstone and core principles to deal with to become a great leader.

The seven ideas followed by explanation and personal examples.

“The law of influence: the true measure of leadership is influence nothing more, nothing less”

Our positions in our societies, communities and organizations can give us a certain influence. It is leadership position in the case you embody the cause of others based on services. The law of influence in leadership context applies to others needs, the interest you give them. The more you’re interested in people taking part to great cause the more your influence extends. I am experiencing this in my family. Despite my not enviable living conditions, my influence is increasing everyday. I live my life with no discrimination always interested in others, doing the smallest I can do; my modest contribution for the well being of my family: humanity. For me, the best measure of influence is your interest in human: it is leadership attribute, its law.

”The law of process: leadership develops daily ,not in a day”

We born, grow up and become mature. Everything is on purpose. We have a cause and through a process we have an effect. Life is a process, a journey. To become a great person, a person of reference, a leader it is a process most of the time very long, it is something worthwhile that cannot happen over night . It requires great dose of patience and stamina to improve and perfect one’s life. We must understand in life that any achievement is the result of a long process. We have to surrender to it. My living conditions seem sometimes hopeless but applying but applying the law of process, I continue to work hard hoping tomorrow will be better.

‘‘The Law of solid Ground: Trust is the foundation of Leadership’’

Through my observation and analyse, I notice that any great person is a man of Character. What do this mean? It means these outstanding persons are people of conviction, self confidence self trust always hopeful. It is almost impossible to deviate them on their way. It is not easy to make them change their point of view. They are people of principles building their whole life on ethics values: that is the Law of solid Ground in practice. In consequence they inspire other people who trust them by following. As for me, I am a man of character attracting people who trust me by my way of living. I live my life according to my principles based on human values with no intention to be an angel.

’’The Law of Respect: People Naturally Follow Leaders stronger than themselves.’’

Respect is one of these words that are talking louder than doing. We are all thirsty of respect. But most of the time we ignore to practice principles that can give us this respect. Man deserves respect we can not buy it. The authentic respect can only be acquired beyond the ordinary way of living. It is the reason for which it is attributed to leadership that itself is the ownership of those who want to make a difference in their lives, be a reference living purposefully: respect. We can only deserve respect according to our behaviour, action and more the way we deal with ourselves to others. Respect can only be acquired on ethics values that call and attract people to follow you. Respect yourself, people will respect you. That is the life I try to live everyday. Because of this character I am conferred responsibility any group I get entered.

“The law of intuition: Leaders evaluate everything with a leadership Bias”.

We can definite intuition as the direct knowledge we have on something. It is natural and revealed to us sometimes by spirit or divine guidance. It sustains our conviction. Rarely our intuition lie. The more your intuition is developed, the more you have ability and skills to overcome any difficult circumstance you may encounter in life. Intuition often reveals what to do in any given situation. It teaches us the right thing to do. The true intuition is beyond the common. Those who possess it always make difference. They are resourceful persons we trust: Leaders. We can develop our intuition through learning and spiritual growth. About me, I am permanently watchful, reflect, meditate and try to foresee things.

“The law of the big Mo: momentum is a leader’s Big friend”

The momentum is the spirit of constancy by which we work to reach a goal we set up or realise something worthwhile. Any great achievement or feat needs will and determination. It is a fighting spirit that gives us momentum keep working to shape a destiny. It is a momentum that asks us to raise our energy, manage properly our way, improving and increasing our abilities and skills to do better. By momentum we keep looking for new ways and means, new perspectives to do better. Momentum is the best ally for those who decide to make their lives a wonder. Momentum is the spirit that engages us in process of growth to reach perfection. It is a spirit of stamina that enables us to overcome any obstacle, hardships setbacks to reach a goal. Personally it is by momentum. I am where I am at this IIGL Program with great hope to be among the bests.

“The Law of sacrifice: A leader must Give up-going up”

Sacrifice is the necessary effort you have to consent in order to reach a goal. It is the energy you must debauch working hard on a target. It is a cost, a price you have to pay to achieve something worthwhile. You have to make sacrifice in time and money. You have to endure problems setbacks, hardships or any other obstacle and difficulty on your way to shape a destiny or realize a dream of success. We notice that the higher the goal is, the heavier is the cost, the price to pay: sacrifice. The sacrifice is built on your commitment, your will, your determination to make yourself, your organization a reference. As personal example, I invest a lot in time and money with ILGL program and searching of training programs abroad. I have always internet debts to pay: these are the price I am paying to become great person, realize the career of my dream. In sacrifice, you have necessarily to lose somewhere. And we must understand that this lost is the seed of success we are sowing that you’ll reap one day. I understood it and I am more determined to keep making the necessary sacrifice to realize my dreams.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a bather world? If so, how?

I have a dream. By this dream, I want to make a difference, be a reference. I want to be great intellectual, outstanding person, a champion, a leader. Throughout these ideas and lessons. I am more aware of the fact that to become a leader is not an end but a journey. The leadership way is always in becoming. It is an ideal of human perfection. It is a life long process I must surrender to through determination and commitment to being a successful person through these ideas and lessons. I am more alerted that the leadership way is always in constructing. And this way is made up of laws and principles I have to put in practice in my daily living if I really want to become a leader. By these ideas and lessons it seems clear that I have a lot to do, work hard through learning to get a wide knowledge on human diversity and the core values that relate to it. For I have to surrender to this process ignoring sometimes my daily difficulties investing more and more into this project. I must put the law of momentum in practice, keep working on daily basis to improve and increase my abilities and skills. I have to work to develop my intuition to be always alerted of facts on this life long journey to manage and adjust my way. The reward for me is to be a man of solid Ground. I will in consequence attract respect and consideration from people allowing me to gain influence.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

Yes there are:

“The secret of our success is found in our daily agenda “P.28

No success is an accident. For the common people, success is linked to chance. But when it comes to review the whole life of successful persons, their ways were not so easy as we have impression. They are people who made the choice and decision to direct their existence in a positive way. They built their lives purposefully on self discipline and commitment. It is something they worked on daily basis. They think about it, breathe and act it everyday. So champions don’t become champions in the ring, they are merely recognized there. It means their title of champion that is the success is the result of a very long process worked on daily agenda.

“True leadership always begins with inner person “.P 56

We all have inner person as human beings. But when it comes to talk about humanity, our personalities that relate to our characters in the positive way; the difference is big and very few people can succeed at this exam. Here stand the fundamentals of leadership. Our inner person differ us each other. Ours inner person is human core values of ethics. By this you can sacrifice your own interest for the one of the group. You make the difference, what ordinary people is unable to do. You become a reference, a true leader.

“But one thing victories leaders share is an ability to accept defeat P.166 History of the most outstanding successful persons shows us that the true, the authentic success is the result of a very long process. What do this mean? It means the way leading to succeed his life is not easy. It is made up of repeated setbacks, hardships and difficulties of any kind. Aware of this fact , leaders do not abdicate when it comes to live such circumstances. Instead of being discourage by such situations they learn from them, transforming these defeats into opportunities. More determined than ever, they raise their energy level working hard on target. It is the law of victory in practice. Leaders and those who are determined to make their lives a success do never abdicate. They are unable to accept defeat. They always try to find means and ways to go round any obstacle on their journey to “successville”; and finally they achieve.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if, so, why?

Yes, “The Law of buy in: People buy into the leader then the vision”

We all believe in leaders. It is good and true we buy into the leaders then the vision. I don’t share entirely this idea. When I analyze the idea of the author, it is clear that leader here is a person who has already a certain recognition and influence. It means it is because of a glorious past or what he is still doing now that people trust him; or the cause he is taking part and defending: the vision. We all recognize and accept this fact. But what about those like us who don’t yet reach this level to gain such influence but have noble vision on human well being and humanitarian cause? We try to demonstrate it in our daily living. How can we bring people to buy into our vision? I think one of the best ways is to prove us is to give us the least opportunity.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes, there are exercises I have completed. They are helpful. I am particularly interested in exercise: p.75 Taking action 5 character areas: My score is over 800. I am a man of character, a fundamental leadership basis. I have to work to develop these skills to become a great Leader in the future.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment?


Rating from 1-10

A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
D. How easy was it to understand? 8
E. Would you recommend it to others? 8
F. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8

True Prosperity
Assessment by DAVUI Kosi Sepénou (TOGO)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?\

True prosperity is the secret plan of abundance of our universe that is based on kabbalah, the world original wisdom revealing the purpose of life on earth. According to the author, the main way and condition to this fulfillment reside in defeating the ultimate competitor that is within us and ourselves. Berg shows us how to use goals strategically and flexibly in order to vault us to prosperity. The principle to this attainment is the spiritual one; the certainty we can arm ourselves by obeying the rule of universe.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The ultimate business plan: Boss not flunky. P.10

As many scriptures state it, we are at the image of the Creator of this universe. It means we are geared and gifted of a certain power to direct our life in any successful way. We are effect of the Creator. But in the same moment with his image we can be the shaper of our destiny, the boss of this business that is life. By this way we can avoid to be flunky, complaining on odds we encounter in our daily existence.

The ultimate business plan is nothing else than recognizing definitely our potentials with creative spirit being active not passive during our existence. Since I was aware of the fact that there is no need to complain or cry on my fate of poverty, I chose and decided to be the boss of life. I featured the ultimate business plan that can lead me to true prosperity. One of its aspects is IIGL program that empowers me a lot and makes me hopeful.

Survivor Consciousness: P.44

To the survivor consciousness, I substitute fighting spirit. It is the spirit that refuses defeatism; never abdicate before any obstacle, difficulty or challenge. It is a state of mind that allows you to overcome hardships, setbacks during your existence. By survivors consciousness we transform any hopeless circumstance into opportunity to become a champion. Very often those who embody survivor consciousness rely on spiritual knowledge, the source of authentic strength.

When I make a brief assessment of my life, I come to the evidence that it is by survivor consciousness that I am where I am. I encountered many setbacks and hardships and still today. I refuse defeatism absolutely. I keep looking for true prosperity, a better life with balance in all its aspects. For me it raises and falls on learning.

Exit now from the routine: P. 48

The routine is the ordinary living, the social current environment in which we are everyday. It is the common thinking that discourages or disempowers us to undertake something worthwhile to make the difference. But the moment you question yourself on the existence, what is it, you have the light that allows you to exit from the routine, the material world where people do not want to see beyond their five senses. Exit from the routine is get rid of ordinary living ,the passivity to be active .It is set a goal to reach, fulfilling a dream, shaping a destiny. It means purposeful living. Create something worthwhile not only for personal good or interest but also for the others, the whole Humanity.

In my village, the routine is to be primary teacher. The extreme poverty of parents does not allow them to finance high studies of their sons and daughters to become outstanding functionary. It is a fact, a handicap. But this is not eternal. It didn’t impede us to be ambitious looking for ways and means to go round this obstacle.

I am aware of this state of fact and I choose and decide to be other person, out of the routine thinking that let people resign, be defeated by setbacks and hardships. I decided to go round my handicap of poverty to shape a destiny: prosperity. I am full of hope.

It is important to emphasize that exit from the routine implies the whole process of our living that is made up of traps and temptations. Be permanently careful to keep living the values we choose to embody.

Have Goals, but Remember the Goals are not the Goals: P.57

Every Human being dreams to live a life as successful as possible. And upon this objective he sets goals to reach. For the most ambitious people these goals obsessed them at the point that they get lost in them. As consequence, it is finally their goals that control them. They neglect other areas of living that can give them balanced living.

I personally live most of the time such circumstances in which nothing interests me. I got lost in my ambitions. But as the time passed, with my experience and more with IIGL studies, I surrender to the process, doing what I have to do and waiting the Light to bring me at the right place in the right moment. It is important to remind that True Prosperity taught by kabbalah is an ideal of living based on equilibrium of life, wisdom. A life made up of ethics of values, what we can call Humanities that must be the spirit guiding us in anything we choose to do. Goals are our everyday life.

Certainty P.57

Certainty is a feeling of serenity and calmness you develop about your goals. It is the last step leading you to achievement, prosperity you are running after. It relates to hopeful future. Light consciousness is certainty. In this Light, you view future with no worries, no matter what the present is. Your everyday progress to reach a goal is the barometer of Certainty as you keep working. At this moment, I feel great certainty. IIGL gives me daily light consciousness. I feel hopeful about future despite I still live difficult conditions. The main thing which ensures me is that I am not where I was yesterday. I am more than certain tomorrow will be better. In spirit, I am winner; I succeed, I am a leader

From effect to cause: P. 135

Our observations and knowledge taught us that nothing is casual. The world like the History of the whole Humanity is on purpose: cause and effect. This being even our individual daily living and what we undertake everyday is under this law of cause and effect. Unfortunately we ignore most of the time this universal law. So, on our journey to build true prosperity, we must understand and apply this law not in the sense to resign but turn any adversity into opportunity, springboard becoming the cause of the success we deserve. Always try to take personal initiatives that allow us to go ahead. Intention with action brings Light leading to the right place in the right moment. Throughout IIGL studies, I understand more and further everyday that I am the only one who can decide on what I want to do with my life.

Are you willing to ask for” Help? P. 146

We are living in a world today where poverty is increasing as well as crisis. The word “Help” is cried everyday. Personally as Dr. Wayne Dyer stated it “We are spiritual being having human experience”. I have understood throughout my own experience that it is God who provides Help, the authentic one . Man can lie you; betray you, but never God. I trusted people to help me in my terrible, horrible circumstances of life. I did not see them. My willingness to ask for Help is Word, the Light: God.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

I entered IIGL by survivor consciousness. I was living very terrible, horrible, no good, very bad circumstances of my life. My lack of means stopped me from higher studies. I was at the cross of roads. Trough my daily reflection and meditation, I saw the Light. That Light brought me to discover IIGL. This was my last chance. It was my ultimate Business Plan. The principles and ideas I am learning in this program are universal. They strengthened and empowered me to be the Boss of my life. Everyday I exit from the routine, thinking that let me complain on my setbacks, hardships and other odds. I believe more and more in human potentials to overcome any challenge of my life, turn it into opportunity to soar. Throughout goal setting, I got rid of passivity to be active. I am living more purposeful than ever.

My daily living is made up of my goals, quest of true prosperity. Personally, I understand True Prosperity as an ideal, a way of living based on a better human relationship you can have during your existence on this earth; from your family to your profession.

“Money is good. But it is more than obvious that it is not the source of happiness, the true Prosperity. Personally, I continue to witness unhappy, unfortunate people who despite their healthiness are “miserable”.

When I come to IIGL, I am particularly grateful to my father because of his high integrity, leadership he taught confirmed by ideas and principles I am learning in this program. My father was absolutely illiterate. However by his gift of wisdom, he taught me how to value Human in any circumstance of life. He was a great Leader remembered twenty four years after his death. I want to be like my father, like outstanding persons with moral integrity recognized everywhere. I am on the way. Obviously I don’t yet end up with my setbacks and hardship but I am feeling great certainty. I trust the Light. It brought me to where I am now. I got rid of any doubt, any worry about my future. I am a student ready, my teachers appear everyday. Throughout my learning I gain wisdom. From effect, flunky I was yesterday, I am now the cause, the Boss of my life working everyday on my goals, projects. If I knew, I would not ask for money as help where I have done it. With these experiences I learned to be always self help and all the time trust God. He is the infallible Helper. I have to trust the spiritual being more than ever to build my life soaring on the Human being. We are spiritual being having human experience said Way Dyer.

4. Quotes: Are here brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

“In the world of the Competitor, money is not the equalizer, it is the great separator” P. 20.

It is always said life is a struggle. Our world is the one of competitions where crisis arise everyday. When we diagnose the root causes of these competitions that become violent conflicts, we discover economic reasons: money.

People who possess survivor consciousness are literally unstoppable: P. 44.

Survivor consciousness is the fighting spirit. It is embodied by those who choose and decide to make their lives a success. It is made up of will, determination. They hate defeatism any moment.

The Light has a request: It asks that you enjoy the process: P. 64.

Light is divine guidance. It ensures on the beautiful outcome of the goal. No matter what happens in the present you need just to trust the process in faithfulness.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No exercise.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

It is kabbabalah. It is wisdom in movement in practice, I am very fond this study. I will subscribe.


A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Comment: You could not understand deeply this book if you are not living purposefully.

The Winning Attitude,
Developing the Leaders Around you
Becoming a Person of Influence
Assessment by DAVUI Kosi Sepénou (TOGO)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book ?

In one volume J. Maxwell presents us three books. In the Winning Attitude the author describes attitude as everything. As Grassroot of any failure or success J. Maxwell shows how to work on our attitudes through maintaining a mindset to overcome any difficulty, gain influence and turn challenge into opportunities for growth and success.

In Developing the Leaders around you, the author shows us strategies to identify and raise potential leaders with skills to help carry the leadership load in order to make vision a reality achieving so the goal.

In Becoming a Person of Influence, J. Maxwell and J. Dornan teach us how to impact others lives, influence them interacting more positively with people, offering practical insights.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why ? list these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why It was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

The crash from within P97. book I

When we take a look around us and reflect on ourselves ; it is like our world is a failure. As proof the number of poor people is increasing everyday. Conflicts arise everyday. In the same moment there are people who emerge in this floppy world. Why are there some successfuls and others failures? There is a saying that chance smiles to those who embody boldness. At deeper reflection I come to discover that the difference between achievers and failures resides in the lack of initiative. Even on a large level like organisations or nations. We don’t dare to undertake something worthwhile to make our existence the sucessful one. We thought and believed somebody would make us fortunate. This belief is a crash within. It is negative. We lack to take risk, initiative. We fear failures ignoring that failures are necessary steps to success. We must try to understand that nothing happens overnight. Accept some time defeat is fill condition of success. Personally I encounter a lot setbacks, hardships enough in my life. I cannot describe them. They don’t hinder me to keep working on my goal investing everyday in myself growth and development. My conviction tells me tomorrow will be better. Each day Universe grants me, I try to sow something in mind and action for a better future. I persist and sign nothing can stop me.

« Leaders must model the leadership they desire P.20 Book II

Leadership is the set of qualities that call people to follow. These human qualities are commodities of great leaders we as potential leaders we must model. These qualities are founded on ethics of life, universal code of conduct. Be a leader means you embody these fundamentals from your family to workplace and all your relationships. Whatever leadership you desire to model, I think the principles, concepts and fundamentals are the same. I also think that leadership has no limit. Its principles are universal. If you are good person with high integrity, honesty, you’ll necessarily attract people.. People will follow you everywhere you are. Leadership concept is the one of morality. In any family, community and culture, we encounter leaders. They are people making difference becoming reference. They are people of character. This character made up of traits is not factual. It is their way of living, a style of life that attracts respect and consideration of others. Leaders are ordinary people who make extraordinary things. They are people of virtues. It is these virtues I admire and I try to embody it in practical way as ideal of life on daily basis. And for me the best leadership to model is to keep learning on virtues of life followed by actions.

« Do big thing P.28 book II

Human beings we are naturally geared with potentials. Unfortunately, we ignore these gifts and limit ourselves to depreciation, selling ourselves short. We lack ambition and initiative to do big things. We think small and afraid to take risk. We lack vision on life and the reward is consequent. As we think, so we are. By this determinism those who are great achievers and outstanding persons are big thinkers. They have vision : think big, do big thing. I share the concept that each of us can succeed, make the difference. The main condition is to be aware of his potentials, have a vision with ambition and a plan about it. We can move from our wishful state to become great achievers making a difference. As for me, I believe in my potentials bothering my setbacks and hardships ; keep working on daily basis. I am ambitious thinking big in action. I am on good track

« Self- Discipline P 56 book II »

Self-discipline is a style of life for those who live purposefully. It is based on principles of life, a strictness to apply them to himself. It is the way of life for those who dream to make their existence a fortunate destiny. Those who invest in self discipline choose to refuse instant gratification viewing the long term, what is the opposite for ordinary people.

Self-discipline is made upon self-mastery. It requires many sacrifices. It requires patience. Those who apply it surrender to the process in anything they undertake.

Self-discipline is the common traits of Leaders. Personally, I notice that those who invest a lot in self-discipline can be taxed distant, worst too proud of themselves ; simplement because they don’t behave as do ordinary people.

« Build trust » P67 book II »

I used to saying that our world today is full of hypocrites, dishonest people and the main conquest we have to do through our relationships is to build trust. Trust is foundamental in any kind of relationship. Trust attracts respect and consideration. Its calls people to follow.

I am a man of not enviable social condition of existence. I make trust my main asset to conquer hearts to my cause, attracting resourceful people.

« Hold hope high » P72 book II

Hope is a positive feeling. It is based on belief sustained by faith. We talk about hope when we face challenges, some negative circumstances. It is advised we keep hoping even the adversities are big. Hope is the ownership, privilege of those who live with PMA. Hope is a power allowing to view things always in the positive way. It is a style of life you choose avoiding worries.

As personal experience, my life is full of setbacks and it is by hope I still have the necessary energy, keep working on my project everyday. My hope is tomorrow will be better.

« Develop a plan for personnal growth » P116 book II

Success, the true success that is a reference is the result of a long process. That being, when we review the way of those who are outstanding achievers, we come to the evidence that they achieve through a specific plan. Early they invested in personal growth and development on daily basis. They invested themselves in time, money hardworking. They go through their plan on momentum. Their life is made up of vision that they do not act and behave not like vulgar people.

Those who develop a plan for personal growth live with purpose. They live through goal setting. They are aware of their potentials and decide to make a name. Invest in personal growth is a commitment to succeed.

Personally I understand and make a plan for personal growth and self-development. Its core is learning, keep learning. Because I realise that champions, leaders are learners. They reached their goals through a plan. I model them to become a leader.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world ? If so, how ?

When I review my actual situation, how things are not going as wished, it comes to me live crash from within. It is like I am not rewarded for my daily efforts. I am some time discouraged and disempowered. I live. Disappointment It is like my way to success is too long. Things seem to worsen. But these troubling moment passed, I came to reflection. I come to be aware of the fact that there is some looseness in my personal growth plan. I lack sometime momentum. There is some loosness on my self-discipline agenda. Obviously I am most of the time absorbed by my uncomfortable social situation, my daily living is still unstable. At deeper reflection, the best way for me to overcome this challenge, this difficult moment of my life is to hold hope high. Hope being PMA ; it is a belief, a power allowing me to cultivate patience trust and surrender to the process keep working hard to do big thing. That is usually the way of great achievers and leaders as reference I need to model. I need to regain my self-discipline working hard on daily basis as I have started with IIGL for example. I believe one of the best ways to build trust is to work hard conquering in consequence the heart of resourceful persons: I need to improve my plan for personal growth to success in a flexible manner. Nothing is static on this earth. Life is moving. That is why I have to adjust my personal growth plan to circumstances I encounter. However the core of any plan for personal growth remains the same: invest in self development on daily basis to shape a destiny making so the difference, be a reference, a value. That is the model of leadership I desire.

4. Quotes : Are here brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

Great leaders are never satisfied with current levels of performance. P60, book III

The current levels of performance is the common sense .

Leaders are among the ordinary people but are beyond them in the sense they dream to do big thing. That is why they are disastified with the common performance. They want to conquer new worlds.

Don’t settle for poor performers. Keep in mind that are great person will always out produce and perform two mediocre people P46, book III

Here it is matter of how to deal with our relationships, how to be cautious througout others.

As a person you can pay now and play later, or he can play now and pay later.

Life is a choice. It is not easy. The way of success is paved of personal investment made of sacrifices. These are the price to pay. They are temporary. So we have the choice to suffer preparing a better future or choose instant pleasures and regret after.

What we do for others will make lasting impact on our world. P133 book III

The authentic happiness is the one that is shared. It resides in service you can provide to others. It is help, assistance you can give to the needy. It is help ourselves, because what goes around comes around.

If you want to go up, there are things you have to wiling to give up.

In this life, any achievement, any deed is the result of sacrifices and prices paid.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why ?


6. Did the book contain exercices for the reader to complete ?

Yes, I did complete the exercises. I found them helpful. More the exercise about questions on commitment to personal growth (P32 book III). Here, I come aware of the fact that I need to make some adjustment on game plan for personal growth. It concerns how to be more strict with myself.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions ? If so, please comment.

Yes, this is about becoming a person of influence. I would like to comment on it.

Personally, the fundamental to gain influence impacting others is moral integrity, make it a style of life. That is the best value to share. It is universal with no frontier. It sells itself.

Rating :
A. How interesting was it to read? 8
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 8
D. Would you recommend it to others? 8
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 8

The Winning Attitude
Assessment by DAVUI Kossi Sepénou (TOGO)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

John Maxwell presents attitude as the cornerstone of our lives. It is everything. It can make us keep feeling defeated or make us settle for the best. The author shows us how to change our attitude and maintain a mindset that leads to success. With the right attitude, we can overcome life’s difficulties, gain influence on people and turn problems into opportunities for our growth.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

Christian renewal begins when we focus on God’s power and not on our problems » P. 23

Life is made up of joy and pain. Joy is the good feeling when things are right for us. It is an expression of fortunate existence, happiness and success. Pain on the other hand is the bad mood, terrible, horrible circumstance of the life. It is our problems; our setbacks, hardships, any kind of difficulty that brings upon us pain and disappointment. These are problems linked to our whole existence and each of us encounters them. There is time to smile, there is time to cry. When we face time of crying, problems, the authentic source of salvation as Christians is to trust God. He knows our problems. God’s power is beyond them. The challenge is to believe. Another one is to focus on God’s power not on our problems. Those who succeed doing this are the true Christians, the winners.

As for me, in my endeavors to make a name in this life, I am facing plenty of setbacks and hardships. Disappointments are many that sometimes I question myself whether there is need to continue in this way. In these disappointments, I am convinced more than ever that only God’s power can save me. Only God knows really what I am experiencing. As duty, I will try to do what I ought to do abandoning in destiny in Goad’s Hand.

“When God wants to educate a man, he doesn’t send him to the school of graces but to the school of necessities” P. 40

When we review the life of great men, outstanding people, leaders, we come to the evidence that they have all in common something: they encountered all enough setbacks and hardships in making their destiny. In Bible and other religious congregations we can view these examples. The people God uses the most suffered a lot. They went though discouraging circumstances. But in the end they were winners. In this life, we all encounter problems, suffering necessities. For those who are living purposefully with spirit, they are aware that they are in a school. At this school of life where we learn from our problems, our difficulties, we gain lessons for our future balance. Above all that, we learn what it takes to be human, humanity, humaneness, the most precious thing we need to embody, incarnate during our existence on this earth.

But the challenge here is how to have awareness that God is educating us through this school of necessities, encountering such difficulties in life? Frankly, it is not easy. But by focusing on the spiritual side of our life we regain the necessary energy to go through our stormy existence to become winner. Personally when review a little bit my life with difficult circumstances I go through everyday, I discover God has a wonderful for me. The confirmation for me is the vision I had in the night of January 23, 2007. Three times I heard Esaie 49. Please read it in the Bible..

“The secret of safe arrival is the continually adjust your perspective” P.57

Each of us can define life as he wants according to his own experiences and his vision about it. In general speaking I personally think that seeing the unexpected circumstances we encounter during our existence; it is like life is a darkness we live in. On our everyday human achievements, physical or spiritual, we cannot foresee with certainty what will be tomorrow. Science with its feats has its limits.

When we were children, each of us was foreseeing and dreaming wonderful, successful living. But today the reality is otherwise. Even though reaching our goals fulfilling our dreams, our disappointments, setbacks and disagreeable surprises about life are awful. Sometimes certain of such setbacks seem bring us to think about the worst option that can be suicide. So is our existence on this earth, life. It is made up of more surprises than what we expect from it. Unexpected circumstances seem deviate us from the original goal we set. That is why the secret to safe arrival is to continually adjust our perspective according to the circumstances we face in this journey of life. Nothing in this life is certain. Like a driver in his car adjusting his lorry to safe destination, we all need to adjust our daily living according to the circumstances in order to fulfill our dreams. I never thought up to now I don’t succeed my life. But before the horrible reality of misery and sufferings, I have no choice than to continually adjust my perspective to the circumstances I encounter everyday.

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence” P.103

Nothing worthwhile happens overnight. We repeat this saying but ignoring how it applies. Obviously, the success, the true, the authentic one is the result of a long process. It is through the goal we set, which we work everyday. On our way to reach this goal, we’ll with no doubt encounter difficulties which would discourage or disempower us. It can push to abdication. We need to press on, persist. Through diverse examples we witness success is a matter of stamina.

I know that to make a name, be a reference is not easy. It is matter of determination and persistence based on a purposeful living. What we want to make with our existence. It is a vision we set in life to shape a destiny. I know with my social background that my way to my dreams achievement will be difficult. But I also know that one day I will be cited as a reference, a successful man.

“A person entering his calling with a dream can easily be crushed unless he understands that the best fruit is the one the birds pick” P.118

We are living in a world full of ordinary people with small thinkings. They prefer invest in them than the ones allowing them embrace life in the positive sense. Most of the people view life in the negative way. It is like our world is more made up of turkeys. So if you, you are living purposefully with goals settings, you are called permanently to face adversity of any kind on your way by jealousy or envy. For those who want to make their existence a difference, they must know that it is hard to soar with eagles when you have to live with turkeys. While you struggle everyday to succeed, people seek to crush you down. They know your endeavors are worthwhile but they are unable to do the same. Instead, by jealousy or envy they want to hinder you to attain your goals. Above all, know that you are the best fruit and they are the birds seeking to pick you. Don’t give up.

When in the beginning I share my dreams and ambitions with some relatives and friends, they scoffed, laughed at me. Already from that starting point, I knew I am the best fruit at least among them, they were birds to pick me by their discouraging words and laughing. But through blessings of universe I am making my way.

“My thinking was conformed to the world’s value” P.141

Everyday through broadcastings, we hear bad news than the good ones. Conflicts and crises arise, multiply all over the world. When it comes to analyze the causes that sustain them, it is simply clear that our humanity is facing the greatest challenge of its history: failure of morality. In a world where poverty covetousness of money are increasing, people do not hesitate to scarify their dignity, ethics of life, their humaneness to reach their goals. That is what I call “Failure of morality”. Our own need, our desires let us ignore human values to promote. As for me I used to say that if we try to put in practice moral values, what our reason recommends us, it may be difficult but through universe blessings and providence, we’ll be winner. Obviously I recognize it is some time very critical to respect such values when our interests depend upon them. But for the respect of our dignity and honor, we must make world’s values ideal of living, a moral obligation among us during our lifetime on this earth. Perfection is not human. But we must try to be perfect conforming the world’s values. Those who understand that make the difference, being a reference: leaders. Allow me to express you frankly here that it is my attachment to world’s values that brought me to IIGL. IIGL responds absolutely to such values as vision I have of the world. Ideas, concepts taught in this program are based of ethics of life, moral values. That is why I tell myself this program is destined to everybody but not for all. Only for those who share world’s values. “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. If you share ethics and decide to learn about them, you’ll be undoubtedly brought to IIGL or a similar one.

“Who we are today is the result of choices made yesterday” P.145

Very often we seem surprised about what happens to us in life. But on deeper analysis we can recognize we are greatly responsible of our failure or success. Nothing in this life is casual. Circumstances of life do not create us. They reveal us what we are concretely.

As example, IIGL intrinsically speaking doesn’t create me. It just reveal me, who I am, my potentials, my visions, my expectations about life and all other values I want to incarnate during my existence on this earth. If I am right or wrong person, this will be discovered or noticed by those who read my book assessments.

My philosophy, my style of life is to avoid looking for the causes of my failures outside than within myself. Every time I face challenge or any personal difficulty, I told myself, certainly I have mistaken somewhere. This self prosecution for me is the main step, the best way based on ethics, universal code of conduct for human perfection.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

I am a man who encounters a lot setbacks and hardships enough. I am from countrymen parents. We usually live misery and starvation. I lost my father when I was 10 years. Things became worse and hopeless with my mother alone. She has extraordinary done her best for us. But life refuses to smile for us. In January 5, 1998, I converted absolutely to christianism absolutely, believing things would improve soon with my new spiritual dimension. Oppositely things worsen. I am very fond of studies but I have no support to continue with university learning after my baccalaureat. How to go round this obstacle? This meditation, reflection to searching brought me to IIGL. Early with the concepts and ideas I have started learning, I discovered the light, the purpose of God on my existence on this earth. God has a special plan on my life among my fellows. I understand more and more why my life is so stormy. I come to the evidence God wants to educate me through such problems, sufferings and necessities I encounter in life. This awareness of light of God’s plan for me is the source of my persistence. Christian I pray all the time when things are not going right. I focus on God’s power above my problems and sufferings.

Here I gained energy, renew my moral resource. Through the word of God, I am convinced more than ever nothing in the world can the place of persistence. All that I need is to continually adjust my way according to the circumstances I face. I encounter adversity of any kind: scoffing, envy, jealousy, discouragement deepened by my daily living difficulties.

Since I knew the calling on my life, I understand that the best fruits are the ones the birds pick: my adversities and difficulties. Why am I the first in my family who converted to Jesus Christ? Why am I the first Togolese in the leadership program that is IIGL? When I was in Austria for the training course, on UN – IPT specialization course on child protection, monitoring and rehabilitation I was not only the one Togolese but more the unique from francophone Africa. Colleagues congratulated me for my courage and boldness. Why? Who can tell me tell me all this is casual?

Even though things are still desperate now for me, I continue to believe something wonderful is waiting for me. At this school of necessities, through my suffering, I am learning lesson about life. Moral is unique and universal. We call it world’s values and my thinking is to conform to them: virtues, ethics, honesty, integrity and dignity to be a reference, a leader. If our world is so deep in conflict and crises, it simply because people are destroying world’s values. As for me I am still poor but very proud to affirm here people refer, trust me when it comes to talk about morality. I build my conduct on this fundamental. I know what I will be tomorrow depends on my choice, my perfection, the vision I have of the world today. That is why I take care of myself about my everyday life, anything I engage and undertake. Money is good; it attracts most of the time false friends, honor and happiness. The authentic one I aspire that is my choice today is the one I will gain through my moral dimension leading me to be a reference, a positive man.

4. Quotes: are the brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

“All Israel has is the spirit of its people. And if the people lost their spirit, even the United States of America cannot save us”.P.34

We are spiritual being having human experience said Dr Wayne Dyer. It is also said whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can be achieved. All these statement reveal the capital role of the mind, spirit in any achievement. A huge mental with PMA can help transform any adversity, defeat into victory; any setback or hardship into opportunity for our growth.

‘The individual whose attitude causes him to approach life from an entirely positive perspective is not always understood’ P.42.

In general speaking, when you do not think, behave and act like the common sense, the ordinary people, you’ll be taxed of everything and nothing. With their negative, self imposed limitation about life, they taught they are right you, you are wrong; ignoring with PMA everything is possible.

“Like tract homes that all look alike, if all people had similar personalities, our journey through life would certainly be boring” P.62

In this life we need negative things sometime to keep us watchful for safe arrival. For any outstanding achievement we need setbacks, failures to learn from about life for a balanced future. Also, imagine a world where everybody is sufficient, wealthy?

“Economic level, professional or social strata and factors in which society puts so much values were insignificant” P.69

Above all in this life, the core value to promote is to be human and express this humaneness in any circumstance.

“It is impossible to succeed without suffering” P.99

Through the history of life it is proved that any success is the result of a long process made up of sacrifices and suffering. Nothing worthwhile is easy to acquire.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about or are there ideas which you disagree with and so, why?

No. It doesn’t mean I receive ideas and concept taught here passively.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes. I do them. Most importantly the one about constructing an attitude. P.59 – 61; stages of evaluation P.146 – 147. It is helpful in self development, improvement and growth, how to keep constructing my attitude on everyday basis.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes. It is chapter 14: The God above you.

After all God is the final key in any achievement.


A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the content? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Leadership the Challenge
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Kouzes and Posner present Leadership the Challenge as the most trusted source on becoming a leader. They offer principles and practices to transform ourselves; mobilizing others through our goal, values and vision sharing, their statement to get extraordinary things done. It is a process that calls the individual, the leader to be model by trusting his followers, applying his values and vision on ground.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

“The key that unlocks the door to opportunity is learning” P.17

It is undeniable that Education is fundamental in any sustainable development and achievement. We need to be educated, go to school gain knowledge, reach degrees with high records as references. That is the standard, the classic, what we all expect, our hope and by this way get good job with satisfying salary. Unfortunately there are many examples proving that success at school doesn’t equal success in active life. Why? In a world of globalization today, the most successful are those who possess the highest standards of leadership. It means to make difference today we need to be student of life, attend university of life. It calls us to make learning a matter of lifetime, our whole existence. In a world highly competitive, the more you invest in learning to gain global knowledge about life, the challenge facing our world today, the more you make difference attracting opportunities. You become a reference, a leader. It is clear that before the challenges life presents us today we must view things beyond our traditional academic systems to invest in leadership: it is art, vision, values, creativity, initiative; innovation, relationship, influence, the whole based on the desire, the commitment to making difference through learning, the key that unlocks the door to opportunity.

By reviewing my actual conditions, I understand that the key for my salvation is to keep learning to increase my chances in attracting opportunity. That is why one of my goals for this year 2009 is to regain and increase my momentum in learning. Everyday I realise that there are many opportunities but we lack the necessary expertise required. Leadership expertise being above all, I decide to deepen my knowledge in this field in a more practical way.

“Just never forget where you came from” P.84

Even though we can sometime say living purposefully through goals setting, it is evident to affirm that we are not sure, certain on our future, where we are going. Our lives are made of past, present and future. We can say with certitude having past and living present in general speaking. The present itself doesn’t not exist. While we talk about it, it has already gone. Our past is the most certain above all. Since we are certain of our past, we are aware of coming from somewhere. If in this life we don’t know where we are going , we at least must know where we came from. Reviewing our past, we remember always events, positive or negative. They serve as compass which guides our behaviour and action. From our past we have always challenges to overcome for a balanced present and future. It sustains and defies us once again to live certain values and vision. So to live purposefully and make difference we need to refer to our past as compass to adjust our present for a better future.

As for me I know where I come from and I am hunted by many challenges, personal and familial. The main is poverty. To overcome it I choose to invest in self development through vision , shape a destiny to become not only the light of myself but also the one of my family. Today I highly incarnate the hope of my relatives and relationships for a better future.

“ Take pride in being unique” P.126

We can view pride in the positive and negative way. In the negative sense it is arrogance, haughtiness. It is most of the time the privilege and ownership of ignorant who in fact are not aware of their ignorance. Here in the context of leadership, take pride in being unique is the positive one. It relates to values, vision you incarnate for yourself living purposefully among your fellows, ordinary people around you. In the field of organization leading, take pride in being unique relates to be initiator, creator, inventor, visionary, pioneer, the whole based on the values and vision you set up to overcome challenges facing that organization. In fact it is a leadership challenge. Personally, I born in a family of five sons and two daughters. Most of the time I hear people of my village, my community saying I am different among my brothers and sisters. They think I am calm too much and aloof. By observing my behaviour and action, a man of self respect, they are widely right. By focusing on the problems and difficulties to survive I cannot afford anything. How to find ways and means to overcome this fate is my problem. I appear so different, unique in my family. And I take pride in this uniqueness. It attracts to me respect and great solicitation .I am reference when talking about values and purposeful living both in my family and relationships. I am pride of this recognition . My secret resides in self respect and discipline through values and vision I am living.

“The best leaders are the best followers” P.149

No one can affirm possess the whole knowledge. Even the outstanding leaders with extraordinary talents humbly recognize this fact. They recognize being followers, disciples and successors of others through learning. They are learners of life. They develop skills by following others who are references in their field. To achieve greatness, we need to be humble and learn trough mentorship and discipleship. But it is also important to stress leaders understand there is no success without successor. They have to be more devoted to their disciples, followers and mentees, bring them up.

To IIGL mentorship, I know our mentors are very busy. However it would be very nice they devote a little bit more of their time to their mentees, becoming more and more communicative.

“Leaders breathe life into vision” P.159

Vision is our dreams, our aspirations. It is hopes we are nurturing about life. It is the image of future in mind. It is our projects, goals we set to realise to enjoy our existence on earth, or revitalise an organisation in leading. For those who want to make their existence a living symbol, they not only breathe life into vision but also talk, walk and act their vision.

As for me, I have a vision. The most pressing is to get job with income consistent to support my family, my mother, help my brothers and sisters; my relatives and friends. My vision is to contribute to the wellbeing of our humanity; human development and humanitarian activities throughout the ONG I am establishing in my home country beginning from my community. My vision is to be an eternal learner of life, be an intellectual of reference worldwidely known. My vision is to be servant of God “Light of Nations,” establish an institution in consulting; be a consultant in human resource and social assistance.

“ Meaning comes from inside” P.184

Philosophy taught us there are people who born criminal. Throughout our everyday life this teaching is proved and confirmed by the reality of the increasing rate of criminality and human cruelty. When it comes to explain, find out the motives, the causes of these acts, we discover it is intrinsically inside human being. The meaning comes from inside. Both human goodness and cruelty are inside us. So none of our actions is casual, always premeditated consciously or unconsciously; even though sometime we seem prove the opposite. In this logic, values and vision embodied by leaders and outstanding people are intrinsic, inside themselves. Through their deeds and feats it is like they are super men, such their action and behaviour are highly extraordinary. They incarnate authentically human goodness. They always make difference by their standards values of ethics in the works they offer. They are always inclined to serve human, putting others interests on top of their agenda. The meaning of their action and behaviour come from their inside. It is within themselves. It is their philosophy, their style of life based on universal values of human goodness. I am deeply fond of such values and always inclined to live them. They are inside me and IIGL is strengthening them.

Change and transform the world from self awareness and heart centered, a world more human, a world which meaning comes from inside each of us as people destined to goodness.

Since I am nurturing such values and vision that make part of IIGL programme, my presence here is simply the fact of the law of attraction.

“Making something happen is not only a function of what we know. It’s also a function of who we are and who we know” P.260

Our world today is highly competitive and it becomes more and more evident that our knowledge and educational references and records only are not sufficient to achieve. Our world is also the one of relationships. It is built on our knowledge but more and more on our relationships; who know you, your personal references; who recommend you. Because of this state of fact and in order to increase our chances in attracting opportunities, relationship is one of the keys to success today. Therefore it is necessary to create and improve our relationships building climate of trust. It is conquer other’s heart by our high level of integrity and honesty.

In my job quest, I faced many time setbacks of relationships; who know me and who recommend me. My disappointments are often great but as consolation I tell myself everyday that the key resides in learning and searching with positive mental attitude. The universe through the law of attraction will connect me to someone who would finally push, help me to achieve. Above all, my firm conviction is that even with no relationship, but by keep doing what I have to do, people will discover my worthiness. And from there opportunity will come the right moment for the right purpose. And since I am already in such endeavours I am feeling great hope. The night is very long and dark but it is almost light. I am winner.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I have a vision. I have a vision to be leader and I breathe life into it. I have a vision to be servant of God,” Light of Nations”.

Be a Light of Nations, a servant of God is serve Humanity. My vision is invest in human development and humanitarian service. It is establish an organisation dedicated to help, assist people in difficulties. My vision is to be consultant in human resource and social assistance. The core of my vision is the word of God. Through my meditation and reflection about life, the ups and downs, my personal setbacks, problems of any kind, the right thing, the key I can recommend to people facing similar circumstances of life is to rely on God. Always trust God by first trusting themselves. We are image of God and since He is the authentic Source, the Infinite Intelligence, God of good , we can choose to embody such character to shape a destiny and enjoy fortunate existence as He promises it to us. These are my vision statement coming from my inside. I did never forget where I came from, my family, the community that saw me born. The most precious legacy I gained, inherited from my father, child I was before his death is to be human. And the best way to express it is to be serviable in any circumstance without discrimination. Always be available to help in the smallest thing; because what goes around comes around. My father was a leader, a reference in ethics with good conduct. I was expecting from my senior brothers and sisters, my relatives to look like him, but unfortunately my disappointment is terrible . With no intention to blame them, I can say honestly I am very disappointed by their behaviours and actions. With dreams, values and vision I incarnate, I can say pride in being unique among them expressed through respect, solicitation they give me even though I am the junior.

Our family was very admired, considered and respected. But the successors of our parents by lack of leadership and with spirit of discrimination are dividing the family. One of my objective is to reconquer our place in the community, our nobility. By nurturing such ambitions, I am unique among my relatives. This uniqueness is also expressed through my relationships. They know me as a man of convictions believing and working hard on my goals. I am a man of practical faith.

I do never forget where I came from since I am from a poor countrymen family. I want to overcome and eradicate this fate by cultivating a philosophy of optimism as first step. On my vision, I see myself invested of a mission during my lifetime; be a leader. That is why in order to successfully accomplish this mission, I want to be follower, disciple of resourceful persons in the field of leadership, developing my skills, benefiting and sharing their knowledge, experience and wisdom; the best leaders being the best followers.

Since my vision, my mission require huge knowledge, my philosophy is to keep learning. It is my desire, my commitment to keep investing in self growth and development, the key that will unlock the door, attracting opportunities to fulfil my dreams: my vision.

I am aware of the fact that making something happen is not only a function of what I know. I have also awareness that nobody knows me. But on my vision, I have firm conviction that by doing what I have to do in faithfulness, hard working, doubled with integrity and honesty, people will discover my worthiness and the universe will attract the right person in the right moment with the required resource to help me fulfil my dream.

4. Quotes: are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If, so please list and comment on them.

“The key is being able to align these two personal and organizational values” P.6

People used to being double faces, even those who assume great position of responsibility such as leading organization or institution. They do not walk what they talk, don’t fulfill their promises and think almighty because empowered by their position. After all they lose their credibility. A true leader personal and organizational values must match up in order to gain others trust, mobilizing them to realise his vision.

“You can’t believe in the messenger if you don’t know what the messenger believes”.P.46

Sometime we are not explicit, precise or clear about what we really want to do. It creates confusion. Worse we do not prove faith and conviction in our own vision . And all this is felt by others we want to convince and conquer to our cause when making vision statements. This lack of self belief demotivates and demobilizes people to give their input to our project.

“Search your past to find the recurring theme in your life “P.119

Each of us has a past, negative or positive, clinging in our mind and heart. And most of the time we are traumatized by our negative past. It hunts us and become recurring in a way it influences the rest of our life when undertaking anything.

“First lead yourself” P.390

It is obvious and proved that saying is easier than doing. Even though leadership is an innate life expressed, doing is not so easy. So lead yourself first in set example by walking your talk.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

In the book there is nothing I disagree with or unclear about.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain explicit exercises. Just some leading questions for our quest of leadership. These leading Questions are very helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous? If so, please comment.

I particularly appreciate PART THREE of the book: Inspire a shared vision, and PART SEVEN: Leadership for everyone. By investing in self development through inspiring a shared vision, I could prove my worthiness, mobilizing people to my cause to fulfill my dreams becoming a reference: a leader.


A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Summerhill School: A New Vision of Childhood
Assessment by DAVUI kosi sepénou (TOGO)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Fundamentally opposed to any power and moral judgement in children’s education A.S.Neill describes childhood as playhood. It is a freedom he sets up to children throughout self regulation and choices. By presenting an essential treatise that challenges in child treatment in general A.S.Neill invites us to rethink our approach to education.

Summerhill School A New Vision of Childhood is the life of a man named A.S.Neill , his beliefs, his values, his convictions; his philosophy of life based on freedom, self regulation and self government in human treatment in general, children in particular.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you .Use personal examples from your own life.

“There has to be a certain of sacrifice on the part of the adult if the children are to live according to their inner nature”p.26

One of human fundamental needs is freedom. It is said not given but conquered through struggle. This struggle calls for enormous sacrifices. As human being weak and powerless, children are thirsty of freedom and cry for it to do anything they want. As parents, even though we are very concerned about the safety and the future life of our children, we must widely give freedom to our children. It allows them to express their inner nature. It is certain of sacrifice on our part as adult that benefits us in return. There is no need to emphasize that anything worthwhile is based on sacrifice. The great advantage of this sacrifice to let our children express their inner nature freely is that earlier we can discover the talents, interests and desires of our children and channel them in consequence for a better future.

Personally I did not benefit of a free childhood. Traditional Chief ruling a community of about fifteen villages, my father was more concerned to be model in all settings, showing the good example from his own compound through absolute discipline. His standards ethics of life through strictness impedes us to express our inner selves. After his death our uncle carries on bringing us up with the same strictness.

“I am convinced that our character are formed very early in life, and although they can be modified by the environment or therapy in them remain elements that are beyond changes”p.60

The British philosopher Wordworth said child is the father of a man. What we reflect today as a man with all our character has necessarily to deal with some aspects of our childhood. We are animal with a nature born in a society. Our parents and this society moulded us into what we are as adult. We are the sum, the product influenced by our parents, teachers and the social environment. Above all modifications we’ll live during our lifetime there will be always something which remain unchangeable, making us natural, unique in our gender. This uniqueness that resists to any changes is our own character. It is formed early in life, our childhood. For, parents and educators must be watchful in rising up children. They influence fundamentally them in their adulthood.

As character I am judged a man of strictness; rigorous. I think it has to deal with parental education, under a father fair but very firm and a mother very firm.

“If all schools were free and all lessons were optional, I believe that children would find their own level”p.103

Very often we go to school with a wide and vague view on the subjects we are going to study. So from the beginning to the higher level we were almost imposed everything. Most of the time curriculum scheduled do not take into account our desires, interests and talents. We are compelled to study certain matters because we have to do so. It causes academical failures for some people. There is no freedom at school. Lessons are not free of choice as we can expect. Even though when it comes we have optional lessons there are always some subjects which are compulsory. The general consequence of all that we call mistakes is the failure in our professional career. The reason is that the way leading us to career is not built on our authentic interests, desires and talents. Even though as human with thought, we have the potentials to succeed anything we choose and undertake, here also the choice is fundamentally free. The true success, the happiest professional career is based on our real interest, desire and talents. For, our schools and lessons must be optional. To discover skills and abilities, it is from our childhood where children must be set free to express their inner nature.

When it comes to me to reflect and meditate on my real interests and desires, my true professional career is to be a helper, an advisor, a consultant in social life counselling and lecturing people how to live purposefully to succeed life; a humanitarian career. That is my option, my choice dealing with my unfortunate life, my childhood, where I lost very early my father struggling up to now. I want to share my personal experience with others helping those who are living the same, how to overcome difficult circumstances of life.

“The idea of God changes as culture changes”p.124

We are living in a world where science and technology offer us means and tools to live as happy as possible. Everyday man creates things to make our existence on earth easier and easier. Beside this progress linked to human conditions, the challenges that face our world become higher and higher: poverty increases as well as conflicts and crisis.

Before human achievements through science and technology in a world where poverty, conflicts and criminality increase, it is the traditional idea of God that is in question. The idea of God changes as culture changes. According to which side we are, success or failure, we blame or glorify the name of God.

As Christian, I believe God is the authentic source to trust. It is not because I am a failure today with all kind of difficulties that I will change my thought about God. Why is there something than nothing? If there is a creature, there is a creator. I believe that there is a power that governs the world. It is we human beings who are destroying this world. I believe I am a sinner and I accept myself so. I am however guided by my values, ethics which are based on the Word of God. All that I know, those who trust God, the owner of Universe are never deceived.

I believe firmly that the appropriate drug that can cure our world from its diseases today is the idea of God not in the oral way as we witness but in the more practical one: Be human in any circumstances.

“I have never like yes-men”p.133

Our World is full of yes-men. If the rate of poverty increases; it is because of the yes-men in all setting that is increasing. We are responsible in large part of our fate. In Africa the great majority of populations are yes-men. If our leaders in Africa continue to refer back to colonialism and slavery as cause and brake to our development, I am very disappointed for the poor populations who believe them. I think man can challenge himself refusing his actual not enviable situation. It is not be a yes-man. Man can rebel against himself and other men and institutions by saying no before something he believes wrong. From there begins changes and transformation in life. We need to instil this courage and skills in our children since their childhood letting them express their selves without fear.

People all the time say I am too strict. OK. The main reason is that I am not a yes man. Be very sure on your subject before approaching me. Everything you’ll tell me I will put it on the angle of critic. I will weigh it trying to know the veracity. I do not critic for the sake to critic.

I notice in this life that if you are not a yes- man people will judge you not approachable, too strict and even too difficult. Your way to success will be very hard. We are in a world of turkeys, the yes-men who prefer to worship people than shape their own destiny. Yes, I am not a yes-man and I don’t want to be that type of individual. That is why one of means to avoid it is to invest in self growth and development everyday through learning to clear my mind in order to deal successfully with life subjects.

“To my farther advancement in life meant advancement in learning”p.160

Beside the authentic aspect of life that is personal and the self, we are also moulded by human society. It means we need necessarily to conform and rely on the social conception of life to succeed some time. School is an institution of the society. Its subjects deal with life. At school we learn, gain knowledge and reach a degree for our social integration in a modern world more and more demanding. In this perspective, advancement in life means advancement in learning. To this effect, the higher your education, your degree the more you are considered in our society, in life. It is questionable however .To get a job, the perquisite is the advancement in learning, your degree. Job recruiters focus more on the degree than what you know. They even don’t require you for interview. Degree is the standard in our modern day .Also in any undertaking as personal business like counselling or advisory, people are hurry first of all to know your degree than your product. Yes, advancement in life means advancement in learning, a degree. I am experiencing it right now.

My focal point right now is to get a job, mop up the huge debts I have on my neck. Then go back to university, reach a consistent degree not for job recruiters but to be well integrated in the society and succeed the business I am longing to settle. I need it fundamentally.

“I am convinced, however that economic circumstances never go deep enough to affect individuals fundamentally.”p.164

Most of the time people lean on economic reasons as cause for their lack of taking initiatives. People think they need huge amount of money before undertake something worthwhile. I notice personally that those who are rich people cry more on economic circumstances than the others, the poor. For me it is a case of hypocrisy some time.

In any achievement in this life the huge, the crucial step is to know your purpose, your goals, what you want your life to be. I think it is in the struggle of economic circumstances we must focus more on our goals. It is hard but I think it is worth doing.

Yes; economic circumstances never go deep enough to affect individuals fundamentally.

When dealing with this book, I am still living hard economic circumstances due to my jobless status. The day I am writing this assessment, hand on my heart; I have absolutely nothing to eat. But early in the morning instead of going out looking for a friend to borrow me money I woke up, took shower, dress properly , walk through the town, head up as if everything is right for me to a cool place, a catholic church where I used to staying to learn. I spent the day eating nothing but feeling great because I have done a great job. I drafted my assessment .In the evening I drunk hot water and went to bed. It is true that economic circumstances never go deep enough to affect individuals fundamentally. I am living the example of this concept. I am living hard economic circumstances right now but I keep working highly on my goals, my projects. In my traditional culture, there is a saying that it is during the dry season that man prepares the country waiting the rainy season to sow. I am in the dry season, the hard economic circumstances, but keep working highly on my projects chasing the right opportunity.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so why?

I have born in a traditional countrymen family in TOGO-West Africa. My father was a traditional Chief ruling a community of about fifteen villages. He was officially accredited by German colonist; Togo being ancient colony of Deutschland. My father was a man cool, fair but very firm and strict. His motto was be “a model “setting an example for the populations he was leading. He was a man implicitly imbued of power and authority, discipline and ethics being his key words. At home we were permanently in control. No freedom to do anything we wanted. For my father it was showing the good example to have disciplined children in his own compound. Opportunities to play, express our inner nature through childhood were very limited. It was almost the same atmosphere I was living in the primary school of my village. My father asked my teacher to keep eye on me.

Among the children of my father I was the most favoured, closer to me. The expression of his love to me was his attachment through disciplined life he imposed on me. He had a nickname for me that is “Togbui”. In the village people call me like that till now. It means in our culture the wise, the great, the most respected, the leader.

Adult I am now, when it comes to me to reflect on my character, the disciplined life, the ethics values I try to incarnate, they are the same of my father. The saying of people about me as man strict, of self respect, disciplined convinced me that such character was formed early in life, my childhood under influence of my father. And although I am living today different environment with modifications, elements of this character remain above all those changes.

My parents were worshiping rocks and woods like their god. That was the tradition we were all practicing as religion. The idea of God changing as I am open to new cultures through education, I am converted, becoming Christian absolutely since January 5, 1998.

My father repeatedly told me to learn hard. Illiterate himself he at least understood the importance and value of education making me early know that advancement in life meant advancement in learning. Even years after his death, I am more convinced than ever that people focus more on the degree in all setting than the knowledge itself. That is why my goal about education to gain higher degree through university is one of my burning desires now.

My advice to parents and educators about free school and lessons is the one optional; gain a degree for his professional career, then be a student of life investing in self growth and development to make a name, be a reference.

I notice that any business you set up by your own today requires educational background.

I am not a yes-man. One of the proofs is that I am IIGL student right now and I am only the one who knows the way which leads me to here. I could be content of my social background, resign, accepting the fate of poverty. But I didn’t.

I am convinced more than ever that economic circumstances never go deep enough to affect individuals fundamentally. I am experiencing this in my life now with my jobless status. But it is like I am not affected and I keep working, learning . Because it is the only asset and tool available for me for this moment that can open me a door, an opportunity. Yes, I believe.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

“Take from each what you want and reject the rest, and never label yourself as one of a school”p.70

We are made up of our education. For, we are labelled by it . However, no idea or concept is absolutely true. So we must be watchful taking just what is important according to our desires, interests and capacity.

“True the idea was mine, but without help it would have remained just an idea “p.147

In this life, we all need each other. Alone we cannot achieve. Man can be the most talented with the most wonderful idea. But he would always need a help to be concrete.

“Organization kills pioneering”p.148

Any organization, any institution emerges from a single man. He is the pioneer. But with the time it is the ideas of each individual put together that makes the organization alive, hiding the idea of the pioneer. There is need to emphasize the risk that the original idea of the pioneer be betrayed.

“Any society that follows after a leader will tend to stagnate”p.149

It is good to follow a leader to learn, to be guided but not in the blinded way .If it occurs, we become yes men, a brake to any progress.”

“Ambition dies with ages”p.242

Since our childhood to adulthood we are all ambitious. But as years go by with no fulfilment, we are discouraged and disempowered. I think that is my case right now. Some of my ambitions are dying.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, If so, why?

Yes, there are some ideas I disagree with:

”I should define a leader as a man who is primarily self centred, seeking power for its own sake”p.149

I understand widely the author. But I think man needs to be self centred seeking power for its own sake .Leadership is first of all lead his own life according to his own intrinsical values .Life is itself personal and self centred above all consideration. It is only from there we can deserve our name as a personality. The author by exposing his convictions, beliefs in this book is seeking a certain recognition, a power embodied in his new vision of childhood based on freedom, self regulation, self government. Implicitly, he is making himself apostle, a leader in this field of freedom for children.

“The important is what is said not how”p.170

It is also important we manage how to say something important. If missed we can create confusion and misunderstanding on the content.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain exercises.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes. The ideas exposed in this book by A.S.Neill are widely excellent. But I ask myself if they are applicable in a society dominated by a will power and the desire to be important, intrinsic in each of us as human being. Above all, the author pioneers an ideal in educational systems and parent-child relationship. We can inspire from Neill’s concept of education to make positive changes and reforms for a better Humanity.


A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Teacher Effective Training
Assessment by DAVUI kosi sepénou (Togo)

1. What is the main idea the author is trying to convey in the book?

In this book entitled Teacher Effective Training, Dr Thomas Gordon describes methods and strategies for a fair teaching-learning. It is a program dealt to bring out the best in students of all ages. Fundamentally based on a good teacher-student relationship, the book deals with problems and conflicts at school, in the classrooms, how to handle them in order to increase the teaching learning time.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you .Use personal examples from your own life.

“We believe there are far more similarities than differences among students”p.13

We are people with different backgrounds. We appear different by coming from diverse society, culture, ethnic groups. Our apparent differences are also expressed through our colour of skin, our abilities, IQ, social economics status. We as human beings of all ages are labelled of these states of fact and through them are viewed. We behave and act in right or wrong through those social characteristics. Most of the time these considerations are destructive and disastrous. At school students are affected and become victims, being labelled of such consideration of differences. This grouping lowers not only students’ performance but also teachers’ expectations and quality of instruction. Human beings we are all, we have more in similarities than differences. At school, in order to increase teaching-learning time, reducing problems and conflicts in classrooms for a good human relationship, we need to focus more on our similarities than differences. We need to build human homogeneity at school, among students. It is also a matter of justice and equality. Students of all ages in their diversity are human beings, expressing the same fundamental needs. This must be the paramount consideration at school, in classrooms for worthwhile teaching-learning issues.

At primary school I have been victim of such consideration once my teacher told me I did not have the ability to succeed in Mathematics.

“Your messages today become his self concept tomorrow”p.49

It is obvious and proved that our parents alone are not determinant in what we become as adult, a personality, our teachers too. Teachers are our makers. They may be our destroyers through their talks and messages. Their messages can be destructive or constructive to us. They can be empowering and disempowering. Their messages give us a self concept of positive or negative person according to the case. Teachers can make us worthwhile or worthless. The talks and messages we receive from our teachers give us a certain concept of ourselves, the life. It is a belief that affects and impacts our whole life. It is a thought in which we grow up. Since we knew the power of thought, the determinant role it plays in our failure and success, teachers must not lose eyes on this state of fact in their noble mission that is not only teaching but also advisory and counselling. For, they need to send positive messages to their students that give them self concept tomorrow. After all there is nothing more joyful for a teacher than to see one day his former student become a great person, a successful man.

I remember in class terminal, my philosophy teacher called me international DAVUI to answer a question. That fact made the whole class laugh and applaud. Even though I usually dealt well at philosophy, it was a great surprise to hear him call me so. That calling gave me a good feeling and it is like it is still impacting me positively throughout my goal setting today.

“We know now that it is not knowledge of psychology or an intellectual understanding about people that makes a good counselor. It is primarily a matter of learning how to talk to people in a constructive way”p.58

At all ages and all the time, we know that success at school with high degree; high diploma is not a guarantee of a successful professional career. Everyday we witness many intellectuals who are failures in their career or private life. They talk behave and act as if they’re not instructed or literate. Sometime they are too proud of their high degree or diploma that finally they forget the essential, the most important.

Since none at first hand knew who you are, your educational level, your degree of instruction, the most important in this life resides in how you relate to others, how you deal with them: it is the communication. How do you communicate with others? Is your communication with them destructive or constructive? Communication is a power. It is a set of skills we can learn to possess to influence people in a positive or negative way. In fact it has nothing to deal with our high level of education. Communication; the way to talk to other in a positive, friendly manner doesn’t do anything with your mastering of psychology or any other subject in counseling. If you do not possess the skills of communication as counselor or consultant, your job will be a flop. As counselor you need to go beyond the intellectual understanding about people to learn to talk to them in a constructive way. As counselor you need to master your matter with the skills of communication to not only convince or persuade but also and more encourage, empower and strengthen your clients. It is only through this channel you impact positively with healthy effect, bettering their lives.

Since I knew that capital importance of communication, I set my goal high in this field to improve and increase my talking to others in a more positive, friendly manner; convince and persuade, proving my worthiness to them.

Last time after a brief discussion with a young girl, a student at University of Lomé , she asked me whether I intervene at University as professor. I didn’t, I replied. I did not do any university study, but I am student of the University of Life I added. She was confused and didn’t believe me till now.

“Television and internet; for better or worse have made obsolete the concept of the school as a dispenser of information”p.177

In the earlier decades school was almost the unique source of information and learning where gain knowledge about the world. Teachers were references and well respected. They were in role of authority with power. School through teachers was a unique dispenser of information.

Today with the development of technology, the communication, television and internet; this old concept of school crumbles. School loses more and more this privilege as unique source of information and knowledge. Students rely on television, internet in the searching of information and knowledge. Television and internet offer facilities in gaining information and knowledge with a speed faster. Of course we all enjoy those achievements. But the question is whether television and internet can replace or substitute school. From there we are eager to emphasise that one of the greatest fundamentals as objectives assigned to school is the socialization, the life in community, in group; relate and deal with others as human being beyond any consideration. At school we are from different background. We come from different horizon, culture, society, family living together in a particular condition. I think and this is my conviction that one of the primary purposes of educators through school is to create and strengthen our homogeneity as humans called to live peacefully together in good relationship. We can learn, gain information and skills through the Internet but if we cannot apply them concretely dealing with others we’ll be failures in life.

It is at school we learn to deal with others despite our diversity as human beings. Television and internet cannot provide us human warmth we experience in our daily living .Social life at school is not only the expression of our humaneness but also our moral obligation and ability to relate to others whatever will be the circumstances.

Personally if I can rely on internet as source to gain informations, seldom you’ll see me watching television unless it is a football match which is my passion. For me television wastes time and if you gain habit watching it, it would be very hard to study, learn properly. I prefer reading my books all day long than watch television.

“When teachers can teach and students can learn, and when each can be human, the classroom experience will be a joy for both” p.179.

Our world today is the theatre of conflicts and crisis. In our so-called modern day it is a paradox we witness our humanity deep in social problems of any kind. I think our humanity is at the cross of the roads. Beside the development of technology, communication, medicines offering facilities to live, it is pity to be aware of the lack of peace and the real happiness. I think our era is living failure of human conscience. We are too proud of our privilege; power and authority that we fail to see the cornerstone of the real happiness. Be human. That begins at home, school to the large aspect of life. At school, teachers play a crucial role in the shaping of our personality. It depends on the human warmth, and relationship the teacher creates at school, in the classroom, like teaching learning condition. It is the joyful atmosphere the teacher creates in his classroom that strengthens the desire for students to learn. It is be human. On the other hand, what do students do that motivates more the teachers to teach. On the both sides it is a matter of cooperation, a mutual commitment based on human relationships that would allow each of them to reach their needs, their goals. Avoid maximum of conflicts in their daily togetherness at school that is be human.

Personally I know that in this life conflicts are inevitable. My style of life is to deal with others with less conflict living a peaceful existence as humanly possible.

“People want to keep a hand on the reins, maintain some control over their destiny”p.243

Every human being is pretentious. No one wants be dictated what to do. Everyone wants to feel free, decide by himself on his fate. No one wants to be controlled, even the children. It is a universal characteristic. And each time this need seems denied to us, we oppose and develop great hostility. Some time we are ready to struggle to death to preserve this gift of freedom. It provokes conflict each time we see our freedom dissatisfied. In each society or group of individuals, everyone wants to feel important, that he counts in life. The expression of this thirst of importance is to have a stake in everything affecting him. Each individual wants to have a stake in the decision-making that concerns him.

At school we were imposed almost everything; decisions and rules. It results in conflicts, making learning boring. Today we need school more democratic. A school based on a collective participation, cooperation, a good relationship, taking into accounts the needs of both teachers and students. A school where students will keep a hand on the reins, maintain some control over their destiny. It is only through this channel we can reduce conflicts at school, in the classrooms to the society. For me when you have your point of view in a decision giving your input, it is a commitment obliging you to respect a decision issued.

“Most school administrators and teachers say that the primary goals of school should be to foster responsibility and maturity in students”p.249

We go to school to learn, get good grade, find good job which pays well. That is the general conception we all have about school both from our parents and teachers. If that is the case, all the intellectuals would be successful in life. From the same concept, we lose eyes on the primary goals of school: foster responsibility and maturity in students. After graduation, we left theory to practice that is our everyday life. Theory and practice do not necessarily match up. The knowledge we gained are just guidance serving us to overcome challenges we encounter in current life. Knowledge and skills gained at school are feedbacks. They allow us to build our existence more purposefully. It is be responsible and mature in a world more challenging with a life harder and harder.

Be responsible is lead his life through goal setting, all that you can do to succeed your life according to the principles and concepts relative to the human kind. Go to school is learn to be responsible and mature. The knowledge you received at school prepare you to live purposefully. It prepares you to go through different experiences and circumstances of life and act. It is maturity. School offers us assets to act on life, direct it in our desired way. Initiate something by your own. Life is like a game of cards. At school each of us is given cards and it is up to everyone to play them effectively and efficiently to win: succeed life. But the question is whether we are all aware of these primary goals of school that is foster responsibility and maturity. I think we seem loose it.

For me that is the main goal of IIGL, be responsible and mature. At IIGL, we learn how to be responsible of our own life, how to take control of it through self awareness to shape a destiny. At IIGL we learn to be self hearted people, change the world by changing ourselves first. At IIGL, I learn skills to live not only purposefully to succeed my life but also become a leader showing the way to others through counseling.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal and in helping you create a better world? If so how?

I put feet at school for the first time by myself not on the initiative of my parents. In reality I didn’t know anything about school that time. I went there just because I was watching my fellow children playing games, drumming each morning and afternoon to enter classrooms. I was interested in and attracted. That was the real reason that brought me to school for the first time. I was living in that naivety till the end of my junior secondary school. After that diploma I couldn’t continue by lack of means. In the need to survive, I went to teaching at a primary community school. In reality the remuneration was so insignificant that as consolation the children should help me at country.

At that primary community school my overall impression about teaching is that it is a very difficult job. I began the job without any skills I could gain through trainings. When my students behaved and acted wrongly, I got angry. My focus was more on our differences between a young teacher and students than our similarities as human beings. Conflicts arose frequently in my classroom and I thought my only and unique alternative was to use my teacher position power and authority to maintain order and discipline. I forgot my other negative talks like sarcasm and depreciation may be destructive to my students; that those negative messages may be their self concepts in the future. Angry, I lacked to talk to them in a way more constructive. I used to impose my point of view making myself superman. I refused to let them keep a hand on the reins; maintain some control over their destiny. Since I quitted this teaching job, with feedback, I come to understand more and clearly how things should be. And if I am asked today a piece of advice about teaching learning, it would be simple: teachers and students must learn to be human and the classroom experience will be a joy for them. Educators and teachers must strengthen the concept of school as place where we learn socialization, human warmth, and life in community that is the core of our everyday ordinary life beyond and above our diversity.

For me television and internet are other good source of information and learning, where we can gain knowledge. However they cannot substitute social and community life. They are tiny when it comes to express our humaneness on the concrete side of living.

That leads to focus more and more on the primary purpose of school that is foster responsibility and maturity in us, preparing us to face any challenge during our whole existence on this earth. Educate a man said the former president of the University of Princetone J.B.Hibben is to put him in a state to face any situations. In this same logic Herbert Spencer said the great purpose of Education is not knowledge but action

4. Quotes: are there brief quotes from the book which got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

“Inevitably, to be human is to be inconsistent variable, changing and unpredictable’’ p.30

During our lifetime, we are called to face unexpected circumstances and situations which require readjustment and flexibility in our goals. It doesn’t mean lightness or lack of conviction in our goals.

“Since the typical twelve roadblocks are in fact the language of unacceptance, they may seem okay to use when student behaviours are unacceptable to you” p.136

Since we could not always trust absolutely human goodness, teachers need to use their power and authority to restore order and discipline in classrooms, at school.

“One of the most difficult acts for most people is to assume responsibility for themselves; it’s more comfortable to define everything that is wrong as someone else’s fault” p.153

When thing go well we are all happy. But in the difficult time we always try to put the responsibility on others as the author of our failures. The golden rule of humility is to recognize our flaws and weaknesses. We must learn to practice self accusation which leads to perfection, ideal of life.

“Any person placed in an untenable or painful situation tends to try to escape, run away remove himself from the cause of his pain” p.210

Freedom is our most crucial need as human being. When it is not satisfied, man struggles, looking for ways and means to reconquer it.

“It is not pleasant to be party to another’s disappointment or downfall” p.243

In this life the worst thing to avoid is being the cause in the unhappiness and failure of others.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

“The myth of “firm, but fair’’ p.217

For me “be firm, but fair’’ is not a myth. It is a reality and we need it. Life itself is not so fair as we think. We must teach to children and students the firmness and strictness of life.

“Two heads are better than one p.244

I share widely this idea, but it is very possible we find one head better than two. In this perspective, it is many times proved that the majority is not always right.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain exercises.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would life to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

I am particularly interested in “how to become an effective consultant’’ chap 10-11.

Setting myself potential consultant in human resources-social entrepreneurship and leadership that page of the book is helpful for me, preparing me as beginner in this field of counselling.


A How interesting was it to read? 9
B How helpful were the contents? 9
C How easy was it to understand? 9
D Would you recommend it to others? 9
E What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Understanding Waldorf Education Teaching From The Inside Out.
Assessment by DAVUI kosi sepénou(TOGO)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

J.Petrash describes in this book Waldorf approach to Education. It is based on the three dimensional student development: thinking, feeling and willing. They are the key components, the fundamental principles providing understanding of Waldorf Education; Teaching From The Inside Out. The full application of those principles leads to a balanced individual deserving his Humanity.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

“Who they long to become is only revealed little by little during their educational journey”p.21

One of the important aspects of life is uncertainty. We are not sure on anything. We undertake things hopefully but in the same moment doubtful because we don’t know what will be exactly the future, what we long to become. At school we live almost the same state of fact, excited and interested in many things without knowing our concrete desire, our real objective and outcome. So beside our immediate interests which are graduation, degree and future employment there is something on which we lose sight. It is the mystery ineffable that is in each of us as human being. It is deep in us expressed through emotion. It is the core of human development. Most of the time we lack words to explain it. We just notice it on the fact. And what we want truly in life is only revealed little by little during our educational journey. It is only through learning we are really aware and concrete on our outcome, our real destination, who we long to become.

Before I come to IIGL program, the only thing on which I was sure is that I am always interested in human development through humanism. It was vague inside me and I did not know my real destination, who I long to become. It is only through IIGL studies I become more and more aware and precise about my objectives in life, my professional career, who I long to be: a helper, an advisor, a consultant, a lecturer in social and humanitarian fields.

“Our task as educators, if we wish to preserve what we value is to cultivate and nature youthful vitality rather than promote premature aging.”p.36

We are living in a modern world with a global view. This global view states a world highly competitive, demanding and very fast. With the global development it is like our world is running, asking us to run too. Apparently, before the challenges and difficulties, the world seems ask us sow quick and reap quick as remedy to human problems. All the sectors of life included education are affected by the speed of the world, the living.

Education is seriously affected by human development, the speed of the world engendering accelerate education and learning. It pressures child early learning.

Today children are overwhelmed by learning precociously. They are submerged by any kind of activities and they do not have time to enjoy life according to their childhood nature. Children today with premature learning are older than their ages. It is disastrous to child natural opportunity. It is counter productive on deeper analysis.

Early academic that doesn’t take into account child psychology is harmful. For a balanced child development, the best approach is the one which is based on the thinking, feeling and willing of the child through learning by doing.

Personally, if somewhere early and accelerate learning can be counter productive to children, I would prefer it to late learning or schooling. My schooling began late in childhood.

“Young children will learn by doing”p.38

Commonly when we talk about study or learning, it sounds most theoretic. By learning we hear ‘go to listen to the teacher, write, read, and know the lessons by heart.’ That was the old aspect of education. Today with the advanced research on human psychology in general and the one on children in particular, it seems more evident that the best method of young children education is learn by doing. It is included in any kind of educational activities designed to a balanced child development. Activities such as play, work and stories appropriately chosen empower child development. Since a child is primarily active, he is easily engaged and taught through those activities. Learn by doing as educational method prepare children for social active life, the concrete side that is waiting for them after their graduation. Learn by doing is theory and practice simultaneously. It allows to be aware of the eventual difference and difficulties that lie into them.

Since I am involved in this journey of self growth and development, I am gathering enough information with a global view on the human condition. What urges for me right now is to further my knowledge in a more practical way: learn by doing.

“Divergent thinking is a capacity that is essential for problem solving, an invaluable skill in today’s fast-changing, high-tech world”p.42

The paradox of our so called modern world is that it is more complex than ever. Our world today becomes more and more difficult. And everyday many challenges and problems arise. And whether you are from a poor or a rich country you are directly or indirectly concerned and affected by a human disease or defy happening somewhere on the planet.

Before any human challenge the right key to overcome it is to find a solution in a global perspective. Multiple problems call for multiple solutions. It requires convergent action from divergent thinking. Solutions to human challenges must be solved globally in different perspective with flexible thinking taking into account the fundamental needs of our humanity. More than ever our humanity needs head, heart and hands of each of us to heal it from its diseases. Everybody input counts for ever. They are invaluable skills to benefit in today’s fast changing, high tech world with its train of problems.

As for, since I have understood that we are living today in a fast changing, high tech world with a spirit of globalization, my choice to be well integrated following the course of the world is to broaden my horizons. Gather enough information through learning and reading to be well tuned on the human condition to face any kind of challenge for my lifetime.

“The reason that young children are able to learn so readily through imitation is because they experience the world with complete openness and without any reservation”p.47

Childhood is the age of innocence. The faculty of discernment of the child is under construction. They are not able to distinguish right from wrong as do the adults. For a young child the world is complete and good. For the child we are in the best of the world. With this psychology, children imitate everything we do in their presence, wrong or right. Young children are able to learn so readily through imitation without any reservation with the basic assumption that the world is good .They are always impressed by whatever is done in their presence. From the same assumption of child’s psychology, parents and teachers must teach to young children worthy and instructive lessons, distinguish moral and immoral actions. Early they have to put themselves into model showing the right way, the sense of responsibility in life. Parents and teachers have to do things in the best possible for the good of the children.

From my young childhood I am sometime influenced and frustrated by the firmness of my parents. But honestly I am grateful to them because early they taught me the rigor, the strictness, the discipline and sense of responsibility in life. I always try to model the moral and ethical dimensions of my father’s life. And I can tell here that is helping me a lot. It allows me to make difference among my fellows.

“Demanding work that asks for one’s best, means change”p.126

We are living in a very fast, high tech world. It becomes more and more demanding in every sector. In these conditions, any achievement that asks one’s best requires change. Any authentic change is based and founded on demanding work. For me, the best way to follow and adapt to our modern world is to invest in self growth and development. This personal enterprise is based on change. Change to transform one’s own life is the key to shape a destiny. This asks for demanding work and enormous sacrifice. Its outcome is respect and consideration you’ll attract by your success.

In today’s world we must put ourselves into a perpetual questioning to know more about life, its new challenges. For me the channel is education, learning through persistent effort and willingness. It is a way of self evaluation for a betterment of our existence on this earth. Through learning we get new ideas, how the world progresses. In consequence we are prepared to face life, its ups and downs.

Personally I believe in education, learning for one’s best that is based on change. We cannot change if we do not exchange or share our ideas with others. And the best way is through reading, learning. That is what the French philosopher, Montaigne called “rub and file your brains with the ones of others”. Learning is the authentic way to change and it allows us to be well integrated in our modern world. By my faith in this issue you’ll always read my assessments meeting recurrent terms, such as self growth and development. I am passionate of learning. IIGL is just a step.

“It is about the importance of balance in our lives”p.141

Life is made up of joys and sorrows. And each of us at least once a time experiences the both. The question that stresses on the importance of balance in our lives is how do we celebrate life and express sadness at the same moment. In difficult time we must try to understand that everything is on purpose, that nothing is casual. We must understand during our difficult time that there is life beyond and above it. That too shall pass.

On difficult matters, we must try to shed light. It is a positive mental attitude.

Balance in life resides in self mastery, self awareness and self hearted. It is the way of behaving and feeling with the good sense doing the right thing in even the bad circumstances of life. It is build the bridge between yourself and the challenges life and the world present against you. That bridge of hope being built, you become more responsible inwardly as well as outwardly. From there you soar like eagle .By doing so, you learn what it means to be human being embracing your own cause. Balance in life is trying to express love and gratitude in the worst circumstances of hatred and fate. It is not easy, but very hard. In revenge if you succeed to do it, you make the difference, a name becoming a living symbol.

Since my whole existence up to now is made up of setbacks and hardships, bad circumstances, my force resides in the importance of balance in life. And in this struggle of survival, with the fighting spirit, I try to behave and act as if everything is right for me, always concentrated on what I set up as my destination, my projects.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, why?

One of my main characteristics as human is that I am a man of high ambitions. I dream to be a great man to make difference in life. Despite my unfortunate childhood to adulthood I keep nurturing my ambitions of greatness. But till a very recent moment, I was vague about my ambitions without knowing exactly what I want to do with my life. Reviewing my childhood, my past through life experiences, my tiny joys in an ocean of sorrows; through reflection and meditation, light began to shed. Little by little I came to know and understand my physical destination in life. The focal point of this awareness is when I became active student of IIGL. In this educational journey, I come to understand through learning that everything is on purpose in my life. All the setbacks and hardships I am living everyday are for a purpose. It is a call to transform my life shaping a destiny. And to reach this goal it is only through change with a demanding work; work that asks for my best. In this journey of greatness searching and shaping, there are many references and I just need to model them by learning, learn by doing to be effective and efficient. For, I consider myself a young child able to learn so readily through imitation. Imitate the great men, outstanding persons and leaders experiencing myself the world with complete openness and without any reservation. By this channel I would gain invaluable skills with capacity of thinking essential for problem solving, allowing me to be well integrated in this global, fast changing and high tech world.

For me, the most precious lesson above and beyond all in this educational journey and life experiences is the importance of balance. It is about how to balance his own living, his existence during the right and wrong circumstances of life. For me, the key resides in courage, determination, responsibility through self mastery. It is a bridge built from which to soar attracting admiration, respect from our fellows. It makes us reference, a model, a leader ready to show the way to others. That is the lesson I am gaining through my learning, my life experiences. It settles me potential educator, lecturer, advisor, a consultant, humanitarian .Here lies my professional career not to promote premature aging learning of children but cultivate and nurture youths and adults vitality to live purposefully to succeed in life.

4. Quote: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

“Learning to live with others is certainly a central lesson in a Waldorf school”p.71

Life is deeply social. So, whoever you are, if you cannot deal with others, you’ll be a failure in any endeavours. By understanding early this undeniable value, Waldorf made it a central lesson in his institution.

“Learning must become an experience of knowledge not just its acquisition”p.125

Learning is a process, a journey leading to knowledge that no one can boast to possess absolutely. For those who understand it they invest in it as a lifetime project to enjoy their existence on earth. I would like to be counted among them.

“The more teachers learn, the more they realise there is to know”p.126

The more you invest in something like knowledge, the more you have the burning desire to do further. Personally I am experiencing this in my educational journey. With IIGL, when dealing with a book, I am eager to finish it to read another because I know there is new information waiting for me to be gained.

“Discipline begins with self-discipline”p.129

Respect is deserved. If you want it set the example by living respectfully dealing with others rightly. In other words: ”Be the change you want to see in the world”, Ghandi

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

Yes, there is something I am unclear about.

It is “Preserving Spiritual Connections” (p.134) and “Spiritual Well- Being”p.138.

I understand it in the way that Universe is the authentic Source of any knowledge. For, to be a balanced individual with knowledge, man needs to connect himself to this Universe through thinking, feeling and willing; the three dimensions according to the author. That is my understanding but I am doubtful whether that is what the author is saying exactly on the pages.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain exercises.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions?

Yes, I want to comment on the first chapter of the book: “Broadening Horizons”
Any one who reads all my book assessments will notice my high educational and learning goals as a way of living. Here is the core, the secret: broadening horizons. Keep investing in self growth and self development through learning regardless to my everyday odds. That is the best way to salvation for a better future. For me, any study, any learning purposefully done attracts money as final outcome.


A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

The Mediator’s Handbook
Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The Mediator’s handbook is dealing with conflict resolution. In this material Jennifer E.Beer with Eileen Stief provide us flexible model for effective mediation in different environment and situations. Throughout this book the authors present standards tools as resources to use by mediators and other individuals involved in building bridges of peace in human relations.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from you own life.

“Naturally, you will have judgments, reactions, likes and dislikes. The question is how you put them aside while you are mediating”p.79

Very often in discussions with my fellows, I used to saying that before any issue, no one is neutral or impartial truly. Neutrality or impartiality is not human. In a situation or circumstance that belongs to other’s concerns we’ll always have a position or a party to defend.

It is natural and intrinsically human. The difference when we find ourselves in such circumstances is that there are certain people who openly let know their position, the side they choose to defend. There are others who hide it. Mediators are of the later group. Like all of us they are men and women who naturally have their judgments, reactions, likes and dislikes. But because of their mission as helper to build peace, they find themselves in a perpetual challenge to put aside their human tendencies while mediating. That is what we call be neutral or impartial. To succeed their professional career of mediation, mediators have to strive perpetually putting aside any words of judgment, reaction, like and dislike.

Neutrality or impartiality is core of happy existence living with less frictions with others when it is to live in a world of conflict that is part of human condition.

I am known a man of radical position before any issue. I defend always a position I think just, commendable, and reasonable. My extreme position attracts to me rude critics as a man difficult to approach. But with age, I become wiser, lovable through life experiences and learning. I know more and more that it is always good to be radical in the name of justice. But in the best possible, try to let others save face. Beside justice, there is also grace. It is be human.

“A good mediator knows the limits of what they can deal with in mediation”p.99

Mediators are not supermen. They are just there to offer help. Both the mediators and the parties need to be aware of this fact in a mediation. Based on their skills, informations and natural wisdom, mediators offer guidance dealing with a conflict. Besides their professional abilities to deal with a conflict, mediators must know their limits and weaknesses as human being. It is wise for a good mediator to understand this through self awareness and give up when it is necessary. It is risky for the mediator to further any action at the expensive of his career when the atmosphere worsens. It is not a matter of incompetence or any negative impression. It is the wisdom saying that the mediator as each of us has his own limits. They are fallible and imperfect like ordinary people. They can succeed a duty or not. A good mediator who knows the limits of what they can deal with in mediation embody humility. This humility should be the key, the cornerstone of successful career as mediator by keep learning to improve and increase his knowledge expanding so his limits in conflict resolution as professional career. It is broadening his horizons to be humanly perfect to cast peace where there is need.

As informal helper, mediator, I know my limits. I know issues in which I can offer expertise. That is why in order to become a true professional helper, I choose to invest in trainings and learning to increase and improve my skills.

“As we discussed earlier, a conflict occurs when people believe that something important to them is threatened.”p.110

As human beings, all our endeavours are guided by interests. They are intended to meet our needs. For me if we agree implicitly or explicitly on the ways, means and strategies to meet our human interests, there would be no conflicts. And of course this is impossible to reach.

I think conflicts are fully part of our human condition. We must recognise it living according to it not in the way of resignation.

We are humans living of interests. Besides them is our interdependence. Our interests are connected one another. Each of us is imbued, struggling everyday to preserve them. Here is the conflict. Conflicts arise everyday in our relationships when our interests are threatened. Conflicts arise when we fail to agree together on ways and means to meet our interests.

Personally I think the best way of dealing with conflicts is to stress on the “sense of duty”. Instead of emphasizing on human rights we need to substitute and promote human duty. In this perspective, our relationships will be based on dialogue looking for ways and strategies to meet our common interests like human needs. We should stress on the sense of duty for each of us to work to meet other’s needs. And we meet our own interests by meeting others needs.

I believe the respect of human rights goes through human duties . They are absolutely connected. Personally if I have a call to send to the world deciders, it is to stress on human duties than human rights. It is more than evident that the promotion of human rights as a way to a world of peace with less conflicts is a failure. The proof is that those who are boasting country champions in human rights are the great violators. They share great responsibility in conflicts arising all over the world. Human duties for me are more global including environment, the whole planet we have to protect if we want a sustainable development. Human rights are too specifics to human interests for his daily living. For a more peaceful world the key is the “sense of duty” for the well being of our humanity, the world. We have obligation today to work to save the world more and more desperate with conflicts and environment destruction.

“People are more likely to take your requests and suggestions seriously if they see a benefit themselves”.p.112

As we’ve said it our actions are guided by interests. But most of the time we hide it proving our goodness and the casualty of our actions. And when we are asked about the causes and reasons of our actions we respond by the way lovable reasonable and commendable. At deeper analysis, we come to the evidence that nothing is disinterested. All human action is for purpose, an interest. Any help is intended to meet a need of the helper, his benefit. It may be to prove his importance, attract people to a cause, and prove generosity.

My father used to say that if you want a gift from someone, it is up to you to make the first step. No gift is casual. The Universe by gearing each of us with a natural gift or talent is asking us to use it for a successful existence on earth. It is for a purpose. In this logic, any human action is intended to meet a need, a benefit.

Personally by living these hard jobless circumstances of my life, friends are more likely to take my requests of help seriously. In a word, I am living through the grace of my friends. But I am not dupe by their generosity to me. They see a benefit for themselves. They know I will be grateful to them when things would start working rightly for me.

“The goal of mediation is not to turn any angry people into friends but to find ways to work together with less friction.”P.139

Our living is based on relationships. Human life is interdependence. Whether we want it or not there will be always misunderstandings, disagreement in human relationships. That being recognised, the challenge is how to live as friendly as possible in this human society deep in conflicts? How to live in the best possible world above our different interests and diversities with less friction? I think that is the core goal of any mediation. The goal of mediation is not turn angry people into friends but to find ways to work or live together with less friction. It will be honest to notice that we meet a kind of individuals particularly hard to relate or deal with. However we need to manage to build a good relationship humanly possible each at his level. Here is the real sense of balance in life. How to keep his own dignity and respect dealing with less friction in the life of human diversity sometime very complicated. While we are obliged to live together with people of different background, cultures, customs each with a way of thinking, behaviour, action and reaction, how to manage with all this to reach good human relations?

Since I was aware of this aspect of existence on earth, one of my lifetime goals is to deal with others as peaceful as humanly possible with less friction.

“Advancement is based on other people’s judgment of your character and work”p.146

The personality of a man is the sum and result of different factors: natural gifts or abilities, parents and teachers. Another important one is the society, the people. Life is after all personal and individual. But any individual or personal life is not possible. And we only deserve our belonging to humankind through our society. It means others or people’s input is necessary in any endeavours and achievement. We are judged always by society. We are in way product of others whether we want it or not. The saying, the talk of people have necessarily effect on us. Success as well as failure relates in a way with others. It has necessarily to deal with them. Alone it is almost impossible to achieve. Advancement is based on other’s judgment. It can’t be on character or work you do.

During my training in Austria one of my lecturers from UN, a British native of Senegal, Boubacar Dieng congratulated me a lot with encouragement, saying that “rarely we meet Togolese in such endeavours; if you are here it is not nothing”. He encouraged me to keep working. His talks, judgments have effect on me up to now. His appreciation and judgment of my work empowered me. And sometime when I am tired and discouraged by daily my difficulties, I remember boubacar’s advice to me, I am energized that above and after all, I am in advancement in my dreams.

“In the ideal world, asking a mediator to help with conflict would be considered a wise, responsible stratategy”p.147

The ideal existence is the one of peace. And we all enjoy living in peace with our fellow humans. It means that in fact no one is pleased living in perpetual conflict with his neighbours whether you are right or not. That is why in the name of this ideal, people of good will gather to find ways and means to extinguish the fire of conflict. The best and good news is to see a stakeholder or party involved in the conflict call for mediation. It is wise and responsible strategy in the ideal world asking a mediator to help with conflict. It is of great wisdom and humility when a party call for mediation since human is geared with pride and authority thinking sufficient, forgetting our human interdependence and connectedness. We need to build peace being first home peacemaker. No one has interest to see or live in conflicts. From our home, to workplace and throughout our relationships, we need to hold the stick of peace giving our modest contribution for the well being of the world, our humanity.

Peace is not a word; it is behaviour said the ancient president of Ivory Coast, Houphouet Boigny. A behaviour that expresses respect and consideration to a fellow is to meet need of peace avoiding conflict. It is not only matter of behaviour but also and more the ones of thinking and action among us. That is the ideal world, the life of responsibility and wisdom, the nobility in which I set up a part of my professional career: spread peace where need is as mediator.

3. How will these ideas or lessons hep you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so how?

Like my fellow human beings, I am a man naturally geared with judgments, reactions, likes and dislikes. In my earlier adulthood, I was extremely rigid on my position holding principles and values I defend. I did not allow any compromise or grace when it is to apply justice, equity and dignity in life. This way of living attracted to me critic, sarcasm. I was always judged a man of extreme rigor. I was judged a man too proud of himself difficult of approach. Of course I know myself I am strict. I know I am imbued of self respect and consideration too much that sometimes I ignore I need to let others save face in any issues. Conflicts arose between me and fellows; my relatives and more my elder brothers. Fortunately they all affirm that I am a man generous beside their critics addressed to me.

In my thought of self preservation and pride from which result conflict, I was always unable to ask others like informal mediators to help with less frictions in my relationships. I was truly lacking wisdom and responsible strategies to deal with my human relations. I was thinking any step in the way to resolve conflicts among us would be a proof of weakness and abdication of my side. For, I used to be more radical. And as consequence, my human relations worsen.

My turning point was in 1999.It was with the book of Dale Carnegie about human relations, how to make friends to succeed in life. The reading of this book coupled with other people’s judgment of my too strict character and with my personal introspection gave me insights. It helped me to review my life for improvement on the side of good human relations, dealing more rightly with my fellows. It allows advancements in my social life. With this self changes and transformations, I am bettering my human relations. I am more and more approachable. And people are likely to ask my requests and suggestions with reciprocal love. I am more and further solicited because I am perfecting my life through self awareness and learning.

Throughout my life experience and learning, I become more aware that whatever may be my values, principles and personal concerns I need to let others save face in any issue even though I am right. In the ideal world, I know more than ever that advancement is based on other people’s judgment of my character and work, my relationships. It means success in life depends on how to find ways to work or live together with less friction.

Honestly I recognise I am too strict. It is an attitude of extremism that is not good thing in the ideal world, happy and peaceful existence.

Based on my personal experience, I set up a professional career which includes mediation; an advisor. In this field I consider myself helper sharing my experiences with my fellows not in the way to help them stop conflicts or turn angry people into friends but how find ways and strategies to meet our common human needs living as peacefully as possible. For me any success in the field of mediation resides in impartiality and knowing his own limits as mediator, what can be dealt with in a conflict. It is a mission of peace I practice already being home peace maker with family members and friends waiting for the opportunity to share it otherwise.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

‘’Formal mediators do not need higher education degree, but they do need substantive training and apprenticeship”.p.6

Mediation is not matter of high degree in education. It is wisdom based on natural skills refined through training and apprenticeship.

“Reconciliation goes a step beyond plain resolution of a conflict”p.15

Reconciliation is a peace process extended on a period after conflict resolution or problem solving. It is reconquering heart; regain confidence establishing new relationship among people who fear each other through conflict. It takes time to become friends again.

“Keep your ‘self in their present but of their future’ ”p.78

Any agreement as outcome of conflict resolution is a commitment made by parties in conflict for a new good relationship for the future. The mediator was just there as helper facilitating and advising in the process leading to agreement.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No. The book did not contain exercise.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes. I want to comment on informal mediation in which I got involved: from my family to my relationships. People become more and more aware of my skills and abilities to deal with others.


A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

The Compassionate Classroom
Relationship Based Teaching and Learning
Assessment by DAVUI kosi sepénou (TOGO)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The Compassionate Classroom Relationship Based Teaching and Learning is a book dedicated to Educators, elementary school teachers particularly. In this book Sura Hart and Victoria Hodson provide with communication skills, practical tools to help educators, particularly elementary teachers to bring more lively teaching and learning into their classrooms. It is their hope to see more love and compassion at the heart of teaching and learning. In general speaking the authors of this book express here through NVC their burning desire to see more compassion in human relations.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why?

List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

“Take time to recognize your contributions and track your successes” P.24

Life is a journey we embark in without knowing where we’ve started and our real destination. Life is a process in which we engage and the concrete way to get aware of it is what we do, how we behave throughout our daily living. It is a sort of self assessment or evaluation we need to make upon our life.

Since in the beginning we were not sure on anything it is only through this self evaluation that is in fact introspection, a reflection on our own existence that we realise where we are in life. Our life being made up of dreams, goals and relationship, we need to take time to recognize our contributions, and track our successes. During this time we become aware of our fulfilments, our failures. We enjoy our contributions, our successes and the same moments are sorry of our failures. How to manage, adjust the way for improvement?

Personally, it is only during these jobless circumstances I am living since I was back from Austria that I am deeply convinced of my contribution to my family. Some days after I was back from Austria, when my disable mother heard that I am jobless, she cried a lot arguing that she would not have any support to survive. Imagine we are seven, two daughters and five sons. And if only because of my jobless status my mother is so affected, for me it is meaningful. Last time my twin brother lamented saying that our misery deepens only because of my jobless circumstances. When I make the sum of all this it is a recognition. It is a recognition not only of myself but also of my family members who are aware of my contribution to the family.

About my learning endeavours, it is a solace for me to hear IIGL’s Director good impression about my work in this programme with emphasis on my English language improvement. It simply empowers me to do more to prove, confirm and convince more about my worthiness.

“There are times when force is needed to protect people or things”p.28

Goodness is human. We are all as human beings geared with the faculty to distinguish right from wrong. It is something natural and in fact we just need to trust it living in good relationships as expression of humaneness and goodness. From this perspective, we should live in a world where force and violence do not have any place. On the other side, human rights with dignity; equity and justice should flourish. Unfortunately the human realities are showing the opposite of human good sense. Since the realities prove that human goodness cannot be trusted absolutely, any society and institution are made up of laws and rules to protect people and things. And since evil is still within each of us as human being, we need force to protect laws and rules intended to protect people and things. However any force should be used only if all attempts failed to restore order, protect humans and things. Force should be used as the last resort.

As for me I share absolutely the recourse of force as the last way and means to struggle for freedom recovering when a nation is suffering injustice of its leaders. Of course struggle like this is won throughout enormous sacrifices .But it is worth doing. Because when the seed does not die there will be no harvest.

On the other hand, decide to change his own life for betterment is a certain kind of force. Invisible, this force raises from self awareness leading to choice and determination to make positive changes. In the beginning it seems not concrete but in the outcomes it is self preservation, protection and fulfilment of life to things. That is my way of living, the force, the energy that allows me keep working hard on my goals.

“Having a variety of forums for students to use for meeting together encourages and enriches student-student relationships”p.30

We recognize that life is individual and personal. But the best and core way to express our humaneness and humanity is how we relate and deal with others, our relationships .Human being is labelled social animal. It means beyond our personal characteristics as individuals, we are called to live in a human society that expresses the same fundamental needs.

Since we came to the evidence through analysis and diagnosis that conflicts and crisis arise only from the expression of those needs unmet, the ways and strategies to meet them, one of the best channels to resolve them is forums. They are meetings during which people express their respective concerns, their dreams and fulfilments in order to enrich human relations. Educators and teachers should further understand this way of communication to be included in their educational systems for a compassionate teaching and learning issues.

Variety of forums seem reinforce and fuel student-student good relationships.

Personally I was unfortunate to benefit such opportunities during my school days. As a result, I would like we set up variety of forums in our IIGL community. At these occasions, students, contributors board of members and volunteers will meet sharing their knowledge and experiences not only to enliven our respective lives but also develop IIGL.

“Becoming aware of how we learn and knowing what we care to learn about are perhaps the most important part of the learning process”.p.34

Throughout my personal learning goals I understand more and further why the number of illiterate people all over the world is so high. Learning is not easy. Very few people invest in this enterprise. Even among those who undertake study, learning, very few achieve. Early in childhood, we were almost obliged or forced to go to school. Personally I can dare to say that till graduation, their high degree, we can find people who are not aware of how they learn and do not know what they care to learn about. They are not able to express it.

Here I would like to stress on the matter, the value of learning, the core of Education that is in fact above and beyond graduation or degree.

We cannot deny the fact that we go to school for graduation with diploma; get good job with money to enjoy and fulfil our life. It is good we focus enough on diploma for job purpose. But it is questionable. The question is about the essence of education, learning that relate to the humanity. From there when we become aware of how we learn and knowing what we care about learning, for me it is not only the most important part of learning process but also and more its core. For me we learn to be human. Teaching should be also human without any negative treatment of students.

We must question ourselves why we are learning after all. Is it a choice or an obligation?

For me it is the both. First of all, I am obliged to learn to get diploma, get job with money to meet my life needs like food, shelter and material possessions. That is what the ordinary world requires us essentially for our professional career. And we need to conform to it. As for me I also choose to learn as away to enjoy my existence, my life, and my soul. On this point invest in self growth and development is for me a lifetime project I set up. That is why I keep learning above my personals odds. If not I can be content of who I was striving just to survive.

“The way that we think, talk and interact with others are based on what we hold to be true about human nature”p.43

Our common denominator is we are all human beings with the same basic needs. Besides our belonging to the humanity, we are individuals each of us with a way to think, talk and interact with others. It is based on what we hold to be true about human, our values. We all have principles and values that guide our thinking, talking and action. It may correspond to the universal or deviate. In general speaking, we can choose to do right despite our personal difficulties. That is what is true about human nature. None is absolutely right or wrong. None is completely good or evil. Human nature is perfectible. We all have something to give and receive from the world. The first of all steps is to recognise and hold this truth then make the choice to think, talk and interact with others according to it. There lies the wisdom of our existence on this earth. In a world where challenges, conflicts and crisis doubled of poverty, we need to go back to this universal wisdom to change and transform the world to be better, improving our relationships.

I share absolutely human natural goodness believing in change. Man can choose to think that betterment is possible. Man can perfect his existence. It is natural. If certain people emerge everyday thriving their existence what about the others like me. I have the firm conviction.

“In fact whatever we do, it is an attempt to meet one or more of our human needs”p.50

Life itself is a need. Our whole existence on earth is a matter of need. If there is no need, there will be no life. And it is because there is life that there is need. As human beings, our first need is life. We need life to fulfil our existence.

Fundamentally, we are equal in human needs: air, water, food, rest and safety .And everyday we struggle to meet them. Each of us looks all the time ways and means to survive. Needs are universal, independent of specific people. We are trying to meet our needs. Those needs refer to what sustains us physically, emotionally, socially, mentally and spiritually. And whatever we do, it is an attempt to meet one or more of our human needs. What we can also notice is that since we are different as individuals we can value need differently. For example if I can value more self development and growth as well as to survive, for my old mother in village her need is essentially to survive.

Even comparing myself to my fellows, I notice they focus more on the need to survive and remain wishful, passive about personal achievements. When I talk them about my need to cultivate myself, nurture my existence through learning, I appear to them strange and elusive. Beside my basic needs to survive, I feel greatly the need to be a man of reference. And for me the royal way to achieve this goal lies into broadening my horizons, the learning.

“We live in a world of abundance. For every need, there are many ways and strategies to fulfil it”p.56

In a world where misery and poverty are increasing everyday, it is a paradox to hear” we live in a world of abundance”. Abundance can mean prosperity.

Personally I give to this idea a spiritual sense. The first step to connect with this concept is accepting and believing that there is really abundance in this world. It is spiritual. We must accept abundance to receive it in our lives. It is a matter of self adjustment on the side of prosperity to acquire it. That is the crucial, the huge part of the iceberg under water. We are spiritual being having human experience said Dr.Wayne Dyer. Accepting and recognizing the spiritual side of our being leads to choose to change and transform our whole existence. This spiritual self awareness is followed by action to meet our needs .Recognise that there is abundance in our world, it is believe that success is possible. From this basic, we’ll always look for ways and means to succeed, meet our needs that are beyond the survival.

Accept that we live in a world of abundance, it is choose to face his own destiny, how to shape it. Here life is intrinsically personal. It is up to each to set up many ways and strategies to fulfil his own destiny. It implies active thinking being permanently acute.

Before I came to this learning program that is IIGL, I was truly frustrated and aloof when I hear “we are living in a world of abundance” .Because my daily living is made up of the opposite of this saying. Through this learning with personal observation and analysis, I come to the evidence of this concept. Prosperity is possible. As proof there are new people everyday who acquire abundance, happiness and wealth. I have to model them looking for ways and strategies not only to meet my needs of survival but also acquire the true prosperity. Those of course taking into account my personal interests and desires, my values and aspirations.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world? If so how?

One of my lifetime projects is to keep learning. Invest in self growth and development is a magnificent obsession for me. I want to emerge from the common, the ordinary of people. My intention to gain knowledge through learning is beyond the basic needs required by the ordinary world of graduation and degree. It is to prove my worthiness where need is. It is self fulfilment and achievement. That is the most important of the learning process in which I engage not only with IIGL but also as a way of living, a style of life. It allows me to become more aware of how I learn knowing further what I care about in life in general.

As sole purpose engaging myself into this journey of self growth and development through learning, I want to improve and increase my way of thinking, talking and interacting with others. For me they are basis of expression of my humaneness holding what is true about human nature.

In fact, my investment in learning is an attempt to meet my human need that is gain knowledge. And very often, I take time to recognize my contribution and track my successes. Humanly speaking, I know I am on progress. All the aspects of my life are affected through my project of self development. Although materially and financially I do not yet have nothing to offer, I feel right now empowered with hope that I am a winner. I believe I deserve abundance, prosperity now after a long journey of life looking for ways and strategies to meet needs of survival. Honestly I must be thankful to the Universe. It is only through this journey, the quest of knowledge that I have self awareness. I come to the evidence deeply everyday that we are living in a world of abundance. To succeed, man needs to live with purpose, that success is linked widely and deeply to sufferings.

Above all those sacrifices we endure, we must understand, accept and believe that success is possible. That is the core to keep with faith through our endeavours. There is always place for improvement and human perfection. My present expectation is to share my modest knowledge coupled with my personal life experiences with others: my job. This throughout a variety of forums, an opportunity to learn more with other students of life we are all.

Throughout my modest experience of life, I know that there is time force is needed to protect people and things. My way of application of force in my life is a discipline of rigor and strictness. I am calm, fair but very firm.

Since conflicts can arise at any moment when it is to find ways and strategies to meet our human needs, the key for a peaceful world is the NVC, non violent communication. A language in which we need to avoid any blame, sarcasm and judgment giving place to a language that sustains us physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It is a language of empathy, respect and consideration to my fellow humans. That should be the key for a successful professional career, a happy life I aspire,

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

“The greatest gift that you can give others is not just to share our riches with them, but to reveal their riches themselves” p.26

The best way to help a man is to show or teach him how to lead himself, be responsible revealing him his gifts, his potentials that he can succeed. It is self awareness followed by action. I think that is exactly what we are learning at IIGL. Learn to fish than being given fish.

“How we learn is as important as what we learn” P.38

In our modern speedy world we are hurry and more concerned by graduation and degree for professional purpose than anything else. From this fact we have less focus on the importance of how we learn and what we learn. In order to be a balanced man with a successful career and social integration, we need to keep in mind that how we learn is as important as what we learn.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with, if so why?

Yes I am unclear about chapter five:” develop skills through activities& games”. I need to go back to it.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book is full of exercises. I did complete most of them. They are helpful.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes. I want to comment on the giraffe language. It is a language of NVC, a language of peace to use in my professional career as well as in my private life for my better integration in human society.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

The Montessori Method
Assessment by DAVUI kosi sepénou (Togo)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

In this book entitled The Montessori Method, the author describes education as objective observation and analysis on the part of the teacher and the self directed and development activity on the part of the child. Founded on the liberty, the Montessori Method connects learning environment to the developmental level and the role of physical activity of the child. The method teaches reading via phonics and whole language.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal example from your own life.

“If we are to educate an individual, we must have a definite and direct knowledge of him”

In the field of human development there is nothing more difficult than education. Education is the formation of an individual to an end. Education is bringing up individuals in order to allow them to lead themselves for the rest of their lifetime. In other words education is not an end, it is a beginning. This process requires crucial steps. Among them, to educate an individual we must have definite and direct knowledge of him. How can we know an individual, a human being? For me it is through self knowledge and awareness. Our needs are universal as adults or children. It means we all feel to meet them. So if you as educator you want to succeed your mission of education, by identifying your own needs as human being, you are by this way trying to have a definite and direct knowledge of an individual you have to educate. Always try to be on the side of the individual you have to deal with, being in his shoes with understanding and sharing his feeling in your field of education. It is this core I try to cultivate inside myself in preparation to my career as consultant in social issues.

“The concept of liberty which must inspire pedagogy is, instead universal”.
Liberty is one of those words we cry than apply or experience. It is one of our human fundamental needs, and we are thirsty of it. Liberty is universal concept. Unfortunately we understand and experience it in a negative way, that it sounds disorder, irresponsibility. The authentic liberty is the freedom of thinking and action in the strict respect of the ones of others. That should be universal understanding recognised to all of us without discrimination. It is universal concept that must inspire pedagogy not in the way to allow children to do what they want but respecting the child’s desires, aspirations and capacities. In this twenty first century where the concept of liberty is still a challenge, we need to promote it through education, pedagogy.

When I was child, from home to school, I did not experience individual or personal freedom. We were perpetually pressured through rigorous rules of good conduct. From it, results my shy, cool and calm temperament I try to get rid of in my adulthood. Since it is proved and recognised, the real, the authentic, the true liberty is always conquered. And that is my way to recover it.

“In reality, he who is served is limited in his independence”.
As we’ve said earlier, we are all thirsty of freedom. And one of the current expressions of this freedom is that we want to be served. It is good; but how?
Personally I think deeply our generation is one of the laziest. Perhaps it should be worse in the future. Somewhere I can explain the laziness of our generation by the development of science and technology which offer us means to live as easy as possible. Fundamentally I believe we are cultivating laziness and dependence in our home through the education we give to children in our families. In the name of apparent wealth, our entire household is held by servants, letting our own children do nothing watching TV all day long, or invest only in leisure activities. In consequence, our children think life is so easy. While we educate our children with so facilities, we need to remember that life is made of ups and downs. It is not so fair. It is rigorous, with surprises and unexpected situations. We must teach this state of fact to our children by getting them involved in our household. Through my personal observation I notice a great number of thieves and gangsters are from average or rich families not necessarily from the poor ones as the common think. It is due widely of the lack of appropriate education through facilities in which they educate their children. Most parents offer facilities to their children that in the case of the least difficulties of life their children opt for what they think is the easiest to survive, the stealing or gangsterism.

Personally I am grateful to my parents. Of course we are from poor families, but beside this they teach us the rigor and strictness of living. We have nothing but we are well educated.

“Truly our social is too often only the darkening and the death of the natural life that is in us”

The social is the common sense. It is life made of our surroundings, our relationships. Social is the ordinary living. It leads, guides and moulds our thinking, actions and behaviours. In other words the social leads to conformism. In wrong or right, the social is one the cornerstones of our existence. If we can view social work like something commendable on the side of ethics and core values to promote, we need also to recognise that social may be a stumbling block for our self growth and development. It may constitute the darkening and death of the natural life that is in us. The ordinary talk of defeatism, the false beliefs of our cultures could inhibit and disempower us to undertake something worthwhile for our progress and success in life. The social false concepts and ideas about life hinder us to live purposefully. Beside this we must know that our personal development is most of the time based on our willpower and determination to face certain critic, opposition toward the ordinary, the common, the social life. When it comes to face adversities with our firm convictions and faith in our goals, for me it is good news that I am on track, the right way leading me to success, shape a destiny. That is what I am living since I have decided to make my existence a living symbol.

“A man is not what he is because of the teacher he has had, but because of what he has done”

When pupils, students succeed, it is rare to hear someone or a parent congratulates teachers. On the other hand in failures, teachers are object of any sarcasm, critic and blame being very bad educators. On deeper analysis with objectivity there is no need to blame teachers in our educational process for any failure. A man is not what he is because of the teacher he has had, but because of what he has done. In old educational systems, schooling was dogmatic. It was pouring into our intellect the knowledge of the teacher. Students were expected to be the product, the image, a copy of what is the teacher not what they have done necessarily. The flaws and failures in this dogmatic educational system required changes in pedagogy. A man is not what he is because of the teacher he has had, but because of what he has done. From that point the teacher is an advisor, a guide leading and helping the students to be responsible in their educational process to the real life. And this is founded on their aspirations, desires, capacities and talents. In this perspective, the old conception of teachers as authority is called to disappear. The student by himself is asked to invest more in his development for his whole existence.

Personally when I review my educational process, certain of my failures, I am deep in regret. I think I could do more and better. I lacked awareness that I am the author of my fate. Fortunately it is never too late to improve. Thank to the Universe for the light I finally discovered.

“It is true that civilised life is made by renunciation of the life of nature”
The concept of civilisation is most of the time differently received. When the developed countries think that it is their privilege, undeveloped nations prefer to rely on their cultures. On this issue, conflicts arise with hard debate. Personally I think it is useless and needless.

The concept of civilised life is universal. It is matter of good sense and humanity. Born in wilderness without any social contact, we entirely deserve our animality, the life of nature. Fortunately this is not the case. Our condition is the humane one. Civilised life is applied to any society in which we born. Throughout our home, our families to the school, the whole humanity, our civility as human is refined perpetually. We are in consequence taught the good, avoiding the evil, what is forbidden, cultivating what is permitted in our society. It is intrinsical in each of us as human being. And if deliberately we do not do as it should be, it doesn’t mean we ignore it in general speaking. Civilised life is keep destroying the evil that is in us and raising up the good. It is renunciation of the natural, the instinct, the negative to promote the positive. That is the main purpose of education, teaching us what is good. For me to reach the summit that is civilised life, the purity is to keep learning.

“A great deal of time and intellectual force are lost in the world, because the false seems great and the truth so small and insignificant”

In our struggle to survive with the life challenges, our world is the one of the false. The truth is so small and insignificant. Truth becomes more and more seldom like the tears of dog. Personally throughout my meditations and reflections about life, I came to the conclusion that as long as we human beings will please ourselves in the false by interest, the horizons of our humanity will be darker and darker. We are living in a world where a great deal of time and intellectual force are lost, giving place to the false. Sometime against our heart we do so because we are embarked in a society where it is almost impossible to be all the time on the opposite side, defending our core values of ethics and honesty. How can we expect a better world while we spend our daily living lying, cheating and killing just for personal interest? It is a disaster for our humanity. Any global action seems impossible to solve this moral disaster. The royal way for me remains at individual and personal level where each decides to think, act and behave well. That is my choice.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world? If so how?

We live in a world where the existence becomes desperate for the majority of people. A great deal of time and intellectual force are lost in the world, because the false seems great and the truth so small and insignificant. Personal independence is sacrificed and limited by our desire and eagerness to be served. For me, our world with its challenges in this twenty first century is matter to reflect about than ever. That is what I try to do in my everyday life. How to get a safe place in this hypothetical world? This question is not and obsession for me in the risk to see all my existence consumed. However I make it a compass through my thinking, action and behaviour. In other words how to be well integrated in the social life avoiding in the same moment being darkened and died by the ordinary, the common and the vulgar, keeping right my authenticity, the natural life that is in me? It is also true that the civilised life is made by renunciation of the life of nature. How to deal properly with life, all its aspects sometime contradictory? For me life is a game of equilibrium where each plays his partition in order to fulfil his existence. We need to educate ourselves as individual to reach a definite and direct knowledge of ourselves in order to be well integrated in the civilised life. It is renunciation of the negative. The authentic liberty is conquered. When we educate ourselves gaining skills to deal with life, we reduce considerably our dependence upon others. We acquire certain autonomy. We are more responsible. For me the secret of good life resides in self knowledge. Self knowledge doesn’t mean stay in our corner with spirit of sufficiency because of our high degree of education or material possession. It is also going out, brainstorming, and sharing our thought with others in any endeavours. It is on this track I put myself through my lifetime learning project. I want to be a man of large autonomy, with freedom of thought, independent, authentic, well integrated in civilised social life.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book that really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

“All human victories, all human progress, stand upon the inner force.”
The inner force is the willpower, the determination, the courage, the perseverance, the persistence. It is the positive thought, the faith. When all actions are based on it, victory and progress undoubtedly are reached. I make this inner force the core of my life.

“Beauty lies in harmony, not in contrast; and harmony is refinement”
There is always place for improvement. To achieve it, it requires to keep doing what we do with adjustment, without contradiction in the process and with ourselves with spirit to perfect and reach the beauty, the best.

“The secret of all nature lies in the soul of a little child”
Childhood is the age of innocence, a purity of spirit and a body without sins. So is the essence of the nature we are destroying throughout our wrongdoing. He who wants to reach the sanity of the life must consider himself a child, being humble.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why?

Yes. It is about the education of the senses. I need to go back to it.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

No. The book did not contain exercise.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

Yes. It is about the chapter “Discipline”. I am fond of this word.

A. How interesting was it to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to understand? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9

Rich Dad Poor Dad
Assessment by Davui Kosi Sepenou (Togo)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

In this book Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki explains how to make money work for us instead of working hard for money. It is a true story he teaches us about money, how to manage and handle it. It is a lesson based on investment, from day time job income to mind our own business. While in school we were taught to become good employees, Kiyosaki asked us to acquire our financial independence through self employment, be an employer.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

“In fact the reason many rich people are rich is not because of desire but because of fear”

We talk about poverty, misery, starvation, short food, the have-not that are raging all over the world. For certain individuals those words are just like the others. They almost sound nothing. Those individuals could sympathise or express empathy or humanism before such pledge. They could never feel them as do people who are living that condition of life. All those who have experienced poverty are affected during the rest of their lifetime. This could be noticed through their talk, behaviour or action in the positive or negative way for the rest of their existence on the earth. If in your life you’ve experienced what is short food, starvation, the have-not before knowing success, the wealth, you’ll struggle for the rest of your lifetime never to get back to your miserable living. Poverty is a terrible, horrible existence. I am living it right now and I know what it is. It is hurting and suffering when you have to think about a meal by day. When you talk about it, people sometime do not believe. That is the reason why when you reach wealth you will do everything to keep your success solidly. That is the reason many rich people are rich not because of desire but because of fear. Through feedback they are all the time hunted in mind and spirit by their poor past. It creates inside them a fear asking them to keep working to increase their wealth.

Personally I know when it comes to talk about poverty, misery, starvation, short food and the have-not. That is why my entire everyday endeavour is to make this terrible living condition the past of my life.

“Rich Dad went on to explain that a human’s life is a struggle between ignorance and illumination”

As we’ve said somewhere in one of our assessments, our world is full of turkeys. They are ignorant people. The worst is when we are not aware of our ignorance. It is what philosopher calls double ignorance. It is the fact that we don’t know that we don’t know. Rich dad by saying that human’s life is a struggle between ignorance and illumination is sending us an invitation to keep learning. He acknowledges that learning, study is fundamental in any achievement. We need to learn to know. It is a fact. Another, the most challenging is how to use the knowledge gained to design our way to succeed in life. In other words, design our own business according to our desires and aspirations. It is this IIGL program is dealing with. And the skills I am gaining throughout this program make me more and more acute to act and change my hard actual circumstances of living.

“All too often, instead of trusting their inner wisdom, that genius inside of them, most people go along with the crowd”

The crowd is the popular thinking, behaviour and action. We are under its influence. It asks us to do like the others. All too often, instead of trusting our inner wisdom we go along with the crowd. It means most of our doing is guided by the crowd. We give up our own thoughts and choose to live like the common sense that is questionable. Analysing every achievement, it is proved that it is based on our originality, our authenticity, what we do ourselves. It is creativity connected to our natural wisdom that is a light guiding each individual life. Sadly we do trust it and choose to rely on others. Our disappointments are still great but we do not learn from them. It is more than evident that in any endeavour we do need to trust first ourselves, our own strengths believing that there is genius inside us. The other’s input in our success is tiny and it comes in the last point. And we must understand for ever that in the process we are the master guided by our inner wisdom, the genius inside us leading us to the joyful outcome.

In my endeavours to improve my living conditions I ask all the time myself what can I do more? It simply means I trust myself first, my inner wisdom, the genius that is inside me. Trusting myself is a way for me to trust the Universe which throughout the law of attraction by someone will help, providing me the means to reach my goals.

“We started to understand why our rich dad told us that schools were designed to produce good employees instead of employers”

One of the biggest challenges of this twenty first century is the one of unemployment. The number of jobless people is increasing exponentially. And when we try to diagnose the root causes of the phenomenon, it relates in some way to traditional conception of schools. Schools were designed to produce employees. In our household, this state is reinforced by parents; go to school, work hard, get higher degree to get job that pays well. In other words go to school to be good employee. As result of this concept about school, our markets of labour are full of employees waiting to be employed. Who will employ us? Sadly we do not find out employers. It is here we witness the unceasing increasing number of jobless. The demand is higher than the offer. Before this challenge, we need to rethink our expectation about school that produces employees than employers. Schools today should focus more on how to design our own business, the entrepreneurship. Our freedom in the labour to finance resides in self employment. While taking tightly our day time job, we should think, manage and plan to mind own business.

As for me of course I do not have a day time job allowing me to spare money to mind my own business but I am eager to be self employed.

“To become financially secure, a person needs to mind his own business”

One of our deepest needs to meet as human being is to be financially secure. In this logic of freedom, independence and security, the history of outstanding people and nations show and prove us those reasons as the root causes of their struggle. This being recognised, how can we be independent, financially secure while being dependent upon others economically? Any authentic freedom or security resides in the self. Be master of ourselves. It is more than true when it is to deal with financial security. The fact is that your employer is eternal dissatisfied. How can he give you financial security as his employee? To become financially secure, a person needs to mind his own business. With the increasing numbers of jobless, the right alternative for us tending to ensure a better future is to try to mind our own business. That is what I think about everyday; how to mind my own business to become financially secure.

“An important distinction is that rich people buy luxuries last, while the poor and middle class tend to buy luxuries first”.

We are everyday submerged by a world of material possessions; luxuries. It is the leitmotif of the crowd, the common sense. And that is the running, the rat race. The luxury absorbed some individuals in the point that they struggle using any way and means to reach it. It becomes their obsession. When you review a bit their social conditions, you discover they are forcing this style of living based on luxury. They follow the crowd. It is like they live a life higher than their income. Finally they get themselves into troubles, deep in debts. It is proved that the poor and middle class tend to buy luxuries first while rich people buy the luxuries last. The rich first invest his incomes in other business and he buys luxuries through his benefits and surplus. The rich try to assure his financial security first before anything. He spends his money with rigor and strictness. Everything is calculated. It is the distinction between the rich; the poor and middle class.

As for me, I am deep in debts but not in the same way like the crowd who tend to buy luxuries first. My debts are linked to my struggle to assure a better future allowing me to live in the luxury for the rest of my existence. Early, I have understood that luxuries are the outcomes that crown our endeavours to enjoy success. That is why I forgot them momentarily focusing and working hard on my goals.

“The problem is, our financial genius lies asleep, waiting to be called upon”

Human being is geared with many talents and potentials. Sadly we are not aware of them and they are living asleep inside us. We look outside thinking and believing that it is someone who will show us the way. Of course we need other’s input. But we are ourselves the ancestors of any action leading us to success. When we are ourselves the initiator, the designer of our undertaking, the flow comes. It is always easier even if it seems hard. It means when we call upon our genius that lies asleep in us the way is blazed for success. The process however is not easy.

We all cry financial worries forgetting the financial genius that lies in us. Here is the problem to be solved by awakening the genius that lies asleep in us.

Personally throughout my learning and before my daily challenges to survive, I come to the evidence that there are many opportunities around us to undertake and design something to get rid of our financial worries, mind our own business. The greatest challenge for me right now is where to start since I am jobless with no income. It is however the light, the awakening in which I am living right now. Where find money to design something while I am still thinking about the day meal? With my positive thinking I believe in the force of the law of attraction that the Universe will provide me the right resource in the right moment allowing me to mind my own business.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

I’m a man fond of luxuries. I like clean life with all the means to live as decently as possible. It is the life of prosperity. Unfortunately my actual living is very far from this aspiration and I can say it is the opposite.

I used to observe and analyse the way rich people live, their style of life. They live with self mastery, a conduct of purpose and rigor. When it is to review their background, the way leading them to their financial security was not enviable at all. It was terrible, horrible. For the majority it was the one of poverty, misery, starvation, short food, the have-not; sarcasm and scoffing. I learn from the background, the way of living of the rich people. It gave me self awareness. So early I decided to model them and design my way for prosperity in life. And here I am.

I choose to buy luxuries last when my fellows tend to buy them first. It is a rude struggle I choose to engage myself to with readiness to make the necessary sacrifices. I choose learning as the right way to get rid of ignorance, reach intelligence and the illumination. That is the reason I invest so in self growth and development .It costs me many sacrifices. I am permanently on the lookout of how to ease my hunger. Beside this, I have to struggle to find money to pay hours for internets access. That was the way leading me to IIGL. With this learning the expenses are more when I have not only to pay for internet access but also pay for assessments typing. Most of the time I work on credits. Who asked me to undertake all this? Myself. The whole coupled with my daily living expenses. As all this is not sufficient, jobless status invites itself in my odds.

When paying me visit you’ll only see in my sitting room two chairs in plastic, a TV and a very small table for study. In the bedroom, only the bed, my shirt and trousers hung to the wall .All the time I have worries to pay to my landlord. Last August my landlord sent me a letter about the retarded rent fees. I could not reply positively. People are laughing at me even friends and relatives. Above all I have firm conviction in what I am struggling for. Honestly I could use money I was earning as income in my previous day time job to furniture my room and dress very well giving impression of luxuries in appearance. But I chose to invest in my projects. Instead of buying luxuries sooner I chose to buy them later; because I am not of the crowd .I choose to suffer today and enjoy tomorrow.

My existence on this earth up to now is stormy. Everyday I think about where find out small job to meet my needs. I am almost living on less than two meals a day. All this creates a great fear and worries in me that if I do not do enough right now to become financially secure, tomorrow could be worse. Everyday I think about what to do to improve my living condition. And before the storms life puts on me, I am more and more aware of my financial genius that lies asleep inside me waiting to be called upon. I feel the need to mind my own business. That is what I started to understand with rich dad advice and guidance. I have to trust more than ever my inner wisdom, the genius that is inside me. Instead of being good employee, I have to be self employed running my own business. That is what I’m gaining through my learning. To get this started I need a day time job, spare money allowing me to mind my own business.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book quotes which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

“For many people, school is the end not the beginning”

One of the fundamental objectives of school is to prepare us to face the realities of the current life. For this reason, we should use our knowledge not the pride of our diploma as light to face different situations of the life.

“Intelligence solves problems and produces money”

If you have intelligence, you have everything. Since the concrete outcome of any learning is money, we need to cultivate our intelligence through learning if we want to earn money.

“Life is sometimes tough when you do not fit the “standards” profile”

Life is intrinsically individual and personal but we need to take into account the common sense, the standards view in any issue if we want to get a place in our society.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why?

It is an excellent book.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain exercises.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so, please comment.

The book in general speaking made great impression on me not because it talks about money but the real, the concrete aspects of the life based on the power of money.


A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10

Law of Attraction Workbook
Assessment by DAVUI kosi sepénou (Togo)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

In this workbook David Hooper gives us everything we need to understand the Law of Attraction. It is about how to get better sense of how our relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns and other aspects of life are influenced by this universal law. It is practical information David provides us that will work for us.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your life.

“Changing your mind which involves thinking and dreaming about only the best finding its way to you is the first step in working with the law of Attraction”.

Each of us experienced once a time in his life setbacks, hardships or something negative. In consequence, it leaves on us any kind of emotions such a sense of guilt, shame, envy, anger, doubt, fear and regret. They are negative feeling, emotions that we keep carrying around with us for a long time. We are so affected in a way that we cannot believe in our desires, work on them. It is a matter of mind through which the law of attraction works. Since we all want happy existence, the first step in working positively with this law of attraction involves thinking and dreaming about only the best finding its way to us. It is changing our old negative past that hunts us, by the positive ones made up of desires, wishes, and dreams to shape a destiny. It is the light of awakening to revolutionize our whole living for a more enjoyable existence. Thoughts give feeling. Feeling leads to action or inaction. When we feel hopeless, we are most of the time passive.

On the other hand when we feel hopeful we are eager, encouraged, empowered and energized working hard to reach a goal. It is the culture of the positive thought. My life is a stormy one. And all the time I am hunted in mind by my setbacks, hardships, the difficulties of my daily living. I do never feel great. By behaving so I forget that those negative emotions attract like. It is throughout my learning only I try to understand how the law of attraction works. This understanding put me on a new dimension of positive thought and feeling dreaming only the best finding its way to me. It is not acquired but I keep working on as ideal to reach during my existence to live with less worries.

“As gratitude begins to play a bigger role in your life, your mind will become clearer and your heart will soften”.

Gratitude is a word like the others. But it is significantly profound of sense. I understand gratitude personally by the best expression of love, pardon, giving, service which are the fundamentals of a worthwhile existence. We all face hard circumstances that put us deep in sufferings and worries. But some time after the storm we come to the evidence that everything was not so negative as we thought. .Any challenge, setbacks, hardships has the seed of growth, an opportunity for rising up with a positive mental attitude, a gratitude. Be grateful is being positive. It is trust and worship the universe, the infinite Intelligence; the authentic source of any happiness or well being. From there, we should practise thanksgiving to any worse circumstances of life we find ourselves in. In the name of gratitude resides the best of the revenges that is pardon, forgiveness. Gratitude makes us available to serve, give whatever the circumstances. Be sure that the universe through the law of compensation always rewards. Since we are flesh and blood it is hard to live, breath and walk gratitude. However those who go beyond the difficulty to practise gratitude are the winners, the most blessed, the happiest. They are model, leaders, and references in their communities. Gratitude is the cornerstone of any wonderful existence.

Personally, I felt the most unfortunate of human beings when my fiancée abandoned me. I was very sad, deep in sorrow. I never ceased to blame her. Even though I have another girl who is doing her best to put me at ease, all my thinking focused on the former fiancée. The day I have started practising gratitude through forgiveness and understanding, I become clearer and my heart softens and the more I do this the higher I become master of myself. I came to understand more that my former fiancée. I am not the man of her dream. Her mother fully said Kosi is too poor that her daughter cannot get married to a man poorer than her. They are right. Unfortunately by making a child to her new husband they are very disappointed and she wants to be back knowing well that my condition doesn’t yet change.

More of all I come more and more to the evidence that it is like my former fiancée and I were not made for each other unless I am in another illusion it was. The one who is with me right now is student, third year of sociology, university of Lomé. Honestly she and her mother impress me everyday. I dislike depend upon women. But let me tell you it is my new fiancée and her mother who feed me even though they are too of the social condition less than the average. It is better compared to my jobless status. Thanksgiving to the Universe for everything that happened to me in my life.

“Accept that it will take some time for the people you want in your life to find their way to you”

As it is usually said, the way leading to the authentic success is very long and challenging. Everything worthwhile doesn’t happen overnight. Sadly before our daily living challenges, we are eager to see our dreams, desires and wishes fulfilled. Very often we forget the normal process of any achievement. We are always hurry even though we knew that patience is the golden way. It is hard for us to accept that it will take some time for the people we want in our life to find their way to us. This thought or concept is no more no less than the culture of patience in life in general. Accept that it will take us to be patient trusting the process of our understanding, keep doing what we have to do with a positive mental attitude.

With the odds of my life and my choice to invest in self improvement, growth and development to shape a destiny, my royal and golden way is the patience. It is a way of living I set up accepting that it will take some time for people I want in my life to find their way to me. This philosophy makes me indifferent about the scoffing, sarcasm of people who are aware that my living is non enviable. My firm conviction and challenge is that one day the same people admire and come to me for advice and guidance. Only my success will shut their mouth of negative critics and discouragement. My deeper expectation is to become their Leader showing them the way of self improvement to shape a destiny.

“Never forget you are a leader. People are watching you and will be inspired by you and wanting to imitate the path you have chosen”

A leader is ordinary individual like all other human beings. However he makes difference embodying human virtues of universal code of conduct. That is what made him Leader. We can be leader when we choose to live purposefully to shape a destiny. I am not saying success means leadership. Leadership for me is the entire core of human dimension in the positive that is worth spreading and sharing. From the positive angle we are all Leaders. People are watching us and will be inspired by us and wanting to imitate the path we have chosen. Each of us can choose to be a leader embodying a great cause involving in something worthwhile. It is both personal and collective endeavours. The both lead to our real and concrete integration in the human society. Since in fact we all like the good, the positive, as leader we’ll always attract people in our journey of positive thought. People will want to imitate the path we have chosen becoming by this way our followers.
In my journey to shape a destiny through everyday endeavours, investing and undertaking anything worthwhile, people want to imitate me even though I don’t yet reach my goals. There isn’t yet nothing concrete but by watching me, they know at least that I invest in something worthwhile that speaks itself. People approach me to imitate the path I have chosen.

“Know that each of your experiences has prepared you for allowing something you will truly love doing to find its way into your life.”

We know throughout history of our humanity, life, existence has never been fair. It doesn’t change and we are so all embarked in without choice. Everyday we are on the lookout of ways and means. Surviving becoming a necessity we do what we find not what we want just for daily food. Fortunately in the challenges of doing what we find not what we want to survive, we have the possibility through our mind, thought to decide and choose what we really want. It is a self awareness that brings us to design our way of success. This awareness helps us to know that each of our experiences has prepared us for allowing something we will truly love doing to find its way into our life. It is proved that we are vague about our desires, what we really want the specific thing we want to realise. It is only throughout our challenges, experiences we become clearer about our dreams. In this common sense, I am not an exception.
In my life to a very recent past, the only thing I am absolutely sure upon was that I am fond of learning. What am I going to do with the knowledge I gained? I did not know more about. It is recently I came aware of the fact that what I will love truly doing is to be a helper, an advisor, a consultant in social issues. It is a professional career that will keep me learning as a life long learner throughout human diversity.

“Yes having a consistent source of income is important, but having a sense of purpose is what inspires you to make choices and to take action”

Most of our professional career choice is motivated by a consistent source of income. It is normal since we all want prosperity that is widely linked to our source of income. But what is surprising is that we witness people who decline higher offer of consistent income. Why? Is there in life something more important than consistent income? I think yes, and it is one of my beliefs. It is a sense of purpose in life that inspires people to make choices and to take action. Any human action is based on a purpose commendable or not. Most of the time we hide it and refuse to admit it. What can motivate a man to refuse an offer of a consistent income? For me it resides in his personal convictions, his principle of dignity, values of ethics that have less importance to the common people.

It is evident that life of happiness is more than consistent source of income.
Personally I think it is our thirst, our greediness for consistent source of income that brought our humanity to the cross of wars, criminality, and conflicts of any kind.
Sadly without choice we are all embarked into this journey of greediness. But beside this, each of us secretly knows his purpose, his conviction behind anything he undertakes to succeed life. I know mine that brought me to IIGL program. I came to IIGL not only to learn skills to design something for my own success in life but also and more I learn here what is to be human. It is the cord of my living and by this way attracts true prosperity. I feel great when I read books of self empowerment and improvement. They are books of humanity

“Again, it is not what we say you want that will be brought to you. It is what you actually think about that determines what you manifest”

Commonly, we say it is what we say that we’ll see manifest in our lives. And of course we witness people who say things that become realities during their existence. What about those who do never see things they are saying that do never manifest in their life? Surely the reason, the cause is somewhere. It is not in the saying. On deeper analysis, it is about the thought, the mind, the spirit that we put behind our saying. It is said what we have in mind determines what we have in hand. Thoughts lead to feeling and feeling leads to action. The combination of the both is the manifestation of our dreams, desires.

For me, mind is a lab, a factory. Since what we see and buy on the market as goods are made in lab, factory it is like our experiences, behaviour, actions; our success or failure are widely made in the lab of our mind.

If saying is having or manifestation we’ll all be successful on earth. Because after all we each desire life of prosperity. All our words should be preceded and sustained by thought, the mind that is in connection with the Divine, the Infinite Intelligence, the Universe. It is our being as human linked to the source of any creation we call God. God the good is always in harmony with those who think rightly beyond our hard circumstances in life. This being, with positive mental attitude, the way to manifestation of desires is blazed for success.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world? If so, how?

Like many other individuals on this planet earth, I am one of them whose existence is not fair. My life is a living symbol of stormy existence. It is made up of setbacks, hardships, odds of any kind. And throughout my daily experiences of living I am always hunted in mind, in thought by my non enviable circumstances of life. I am influenced widely by my past and present social situation in such a way that sometime I loose sight to focus more on the future with positive expectation. Beside those negative feelings, I wished and was looking for opportunities for improvement I did not know anything about the law of attraction as universal on the spiritual and divine dimensions. What I also noticed is that the more I focused on the difficulties of my existence, the less I am active. Discouragement and disempowerment take possession of me. Throughout my learning, introspection and self awareness I started regarding future in a more positive way with higher hope and expectation. I came to the evidence that there is no need weeping on my lot. Instead keep looking for ways and means for positive changes. It is changing my mind which involves thinking and dreaming about only the best finding its way to me, the first step in working with the law of attraction. I was not aware that in focusing on my wrong living circumstances, like attracts like. That it is not what I say I want that will be brought to me. It is my thinking about my no good situation that determines what manifest.

I came too to the awareness that there is no need complaining on my fate to others who perhaps after I left them would laugh at me. In this perspective, I decided to look my life in more personal and individual way in order to be concentrated looking for ways and means for positive changes. I accepted that it will take some time for the people I want in my life to find their way to me. It is the culture of patience keep doing what I have to do waiting for Universe to provide. It is the gratitude I started practising throughout all the odds I encountered in life. As this gratitude began to play a bigger role in my life, my mind becomes clearer about new perspective to set up, and my heart softens even though my goals are not yet achieved. That awareness let me know that all of my experiences has prepared me for allowing something I will truly love doing to find its way into my life. It is about essentially my professional career setting me up as help agent, an advisor in social issues. From there, I am very concerned of having a consistent source of income. But having a purpose in life is what inspires me to make my choices and take action. My purpose in life beside my personal concerns is what should be my support to others in their daily endeavours to shape a destiny.

Embodying this purpose, this noble mission, I expect to make difference. People who are watching me will be inspired and wanting to imitate the path I have chosen. It is my life.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so please list and comment on them.

“Like attracts like”. Since as you think so you are, the law of attraction responds to like and will show up people and opportunities of their kind in your life.
“Most importantly, don’t forget that the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself”.

The first and last person who will trust and love you is yourself. For this reason, my core conquest in life resides in self worthiness and by this way deserve trust of people.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book is a workbook of exercises. I completed all of them and I find them helpful .The exercise about STEP ONE particularly gave me insights in directing my thoughts.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so please comment.

I want to comment on STEP FIVE. The law of Attraction and Professional Career. I believe my life experiences till now prepared me to start doing what I love truly doing as professional career.


A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 8
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 9.5

Money and the Law of Attraction
Assessment by DAVUI kosi sepénou (Togo)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

The main idea the author conveys in the book is: Through the Law of Attraction, Esther and Jerry Hicks reveal and teach us the most powerful law in the Universe-the law of attraction. It is a book that shines spotlight on each of the most significant aspects of our life; the most troubled that are money and physical health. The book guides us to the creative conscious, how to control and adjust the mind for a successful existence.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

“As a result of my personal Think and Grow Rich experience, I became convinced that the achievement of success was something that could be learned”

When we talk about determinism, man means the cause and effect that govern any existence. We talk about laws and principles which reign in any living. From there we can say everything is on purpose and that nothing is casual. Humanly speaking, any success, any achievement is the result of a process. This process is linked to a certain number of principle we can call law of success which are natural and universal. Of course each achievement with its specifity. Concretely and generally speaking there are some fundamentals we need to learn, know and practise if we want to achieve success in life. We are most of the time ignorant of the possibilities available around us. It is more and more evident that for a purposeful living leading to success, we need to shape our mind in that way throughout learning and practice of some principles consistently in order to make difference, achieve something worthwhile. The good news is that we have many examples to model. Achieve success is something that could be learned. For me the key word is learning. It is this word I have made the core of my journey to succeed life and that which brought me to where I am right now.

“You have to begin telling a different story if you want different results”

Each of us has a certain conception of life that constitutes his beliefs. All our actions, behaviour and saying originate in this belief, positive or negative. Aware or not, we are guided by our beliefs. In this logic, our living conditions, our social background gave us a belief about life. The worse is that the hard circumstances we have encountered in life impressed us in a way that we resist to change or get rid of them. We label ourselves of them. It is here a matter of thought; handle ourselves in regard with our past or present life. Throughout my learning and my modest life experience I am convinced more than ever that any authentic change begins in mind not in behaviour or action. Mind precedes them. From there we need to start sowing seed of change for any improvement in thought to experience it physically. We have to begin telling a different story if we want different results. We need to get rid of our negative thinking linked to our hard circumstances of life viewing things in a positive way. It is setting up life on a new dimension through the practice of positive thought.
For a long time I am very affected by the extreme poverty of my parents. I am labelled of it. Throughout self awareness and learning I understand more and more that I need to continue telling myself a different story, a positive thinking to witness improvements in my life: a different result.

“Most societies demand that you make your action your top priority. You are rarely encouraged to consider your vibrational alignment or your connection to your Inner world”

In a world action- oriented, we are bound to others saying and beliefs. In this time-space reality, we focus more on finding ways and means to please others than ourselves. Societies guide very often our thinking, actions and behaviours. It is good we look around us with regard to our fellow human beings in anything we do. But when this becomes our compass, our top priority we give up our freedom of thought and action, fundamental for authentic progress. When we focus more on others saying and thinking on us we disconnect ourselves of who we really are, that what makes us unique individual among others. Our unicity as individual is our own guidance system linked to our inner world. It is that which makes us a particular person. When we lose connection to our inner world we lose core of a purposeful living.

For me one of the reasons our humanity is so miserable is that we follow too much the crowd. Experiences prove most of the time that the crowd is turkeys. And we know that it is hard to soar with the eagles when you live among the turkeys. Inner world is the human spirit of the Infinite Intelligence we can call God. He always tells us the truth through our conscious we do not hear or respect. So our availability to hear our inner world is the fundamental step in our quest of prosperity. It is the vibration, the law of attraction that brings miracle in our lives.

I often tell to people around me that I don’t plan my life to please anybody. It doesn’t mean I consider myself sufficient or selfish .Not at all. I mean here the values I embody are my daily mirror: live a purposeful living, be human. It is hearing my inner world.

In my odds, my hungry time, I reject absolutely anything that would give me a false solace. Those who know me can give testimonial and my intention is not to be angel. I want just to live as humanly as possible. That is my ideal. The only thing on which I am sure in my endeavours is that those odds and misery are not eternal.

“In order to effect change, you must look beyond what is”

We know all by observation and analysis that man resists change. We are accustomed to what is, the present. From there it is like we please in our fate. It seems we are content of the difficulties of our existence accepting what is. We easily accept there is nothing to do to improve our conditions, reach prosperity. By pertuating this state of mind we gather all chances our existence worsens. I understand that our negative thought is not only responded by the law of attraction but also our negative mental attitude keeps us passive, doing nothing to change the situation for improvement.
As personal experience, my fellows know that kosi is a man of never give up attitude. I don’t care what people say about me to discourage or disempower me. What I know is that I have a vision, a dream on my life to fulfil, no matter what is; my hard circumstances of living. I believe in the possibilities that tomorrow can be better.

“Without a real perception of freedom, you will never be joyful; and without joy you cannot experience true prosperity”

It is proved throughout the history of our humanity that people whose freedom has been confiscated do not expand and progress. Beside this we also know that those people blossom by struggling and conquering their freedom. Freedom leads to blossoming and prosperity. If you are a man who value freedom in thought as your deeper aspiration, you’ll set up yourself to reach it. For me the most awful hindrance that confiscates our freedom is ignorance. And the royal way to get rid of ignorance is learning, study. We need to keep learning as light to conquer our freedom. It is this truth I understood earlier that even deep in lack of support to do university studies, I am always fond of education, learning. If you are informed through learning, it will difficult to come to you and tell you anything bluff you. We are illuminated through learning. If you have illumination you’ll struggle to death to reconquer your freedom under any oppression.

For me the most convincing proof of freedom of prosperity of developed countries is their high rate of education. And they keep looking for ways and means to promote education, improving educational systems. In the same moment we developing countries continue to weep and cry on our fate that they are cheating us. Freedom is never given; it is conquered. That is my conviction. As for me, I know this truth that brought me to IIGL. I love and breathe freedom, prosperity with a real perception. It is for this reason I choose to invest in self growth and development. It is in this perspective I set up my major career goal in self employment.

“Your values to those around you hinges upon only one thing: your personal alignment with source”

The source is the essence of creation. It is infinite Intelligence, universe, the nature, the creator. It is our beingness as human. The source is the origin of values, virtues that are the basis of any authentic achievement. So we can say that there is no true success without connection, alignment to the source. The source is force, energy that sustains our efforts, endeavours to achievement. Source is the light illuminating our way in the darkness, hard circumstances of life. Connecting to the Source empowers us with fighting spirit, never give up attitude. Source is the positive mental without which success is possible. Source is life itself. Source is hope. It is everywhere and in anything. It is universal and available to each of us. It is up to each who aspires purposeful living, realise a dream, shape a destiny making difference to become reference finding first personal alignment with source. As for me I trust the source. It is the possibility of improving living conditions I see beyond my everyday challenges. I trust the goodness of source and what I need to do is to connect to it in focusing and concentrating on my dreams, my aspirations. It is connecting and alignment with source that brought me to where I am with progress, tiny it sounds.

“In other words, nothing is so annoying as to see someone happy when you’re not”

Each human being’s highest aspiration is welfare, prosperity and happiness. Unfortunately by reviewing our humanity it is clear we are far from happiness, generally speaking. However there are kind of persons who seem live the outside of happiness. By looking around us there are people who appear happy. They are living in their own house with plenty of food. They don’t worry about medical concerns. They have material possession. Around them, there are others who live the worst of starvation, misery even where to put their head as shelter. I have had this awful experience of living. It is annoying when you have to struggle for a meal by day and beside you others are living abundance. Human being is naturally jealous. It is hurting when you live miserable conditions and others are living the opposite, the happy one. As for me particularly, what I know in this journey that is life is everything has its time. There is time to cry, a time to laugh; a time to fast or starve, a time to eat. I don’t care what happens around me whether you are happy or not. What I know is that prosperity, happiness is a promise to each individual as creature of this universe. It is up to me to shape my destiny of happiness.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create better world? If so, how?

I said it in other circumstances; I am from a non enviable family. My mother is a poor peasant. Beside meal challenge, cloth to wear was another one for her. She is right now disable, with huge lung problems. But allow me to tell you that in our extended family there certain people who can do their best for the well being of the family. I dare qualify some of them millionaire in our context here.

In the beginning of all, my expectations from them were very high that they at least do something for my learning, my university studies. Great was my disappointment. I was very annoyed not in the way they are happy and we are not. I was annoyed because they didn’t help me for my studies. On this disappointment on the part of my relatives, I decided to be responsible of my life, my destiny forever. That was the turning point of my life. It was the first step of a journey, the way leading to conquer life, my freedom. The way is rude and huge that I reserve to describe it. My brothers and sisters lament very often on our fate. My case was dramatic; shelter was a challenge among others. It was in such circumstances I became IIGL student. The first book I read was like the description of the story of my life and what is my vision above my difficulties. The book is As A Man thinketh of James Allen. In the context of IIGL this book is for me the Fundamental Law. The lessons and skills I gain in this program give me hope with conviction that something wonderful will happen in my life one day.

Sometime when I feel down and overwhelmed with my daily difficulties, I lean on such books where I gain new energy. However by learning the wisdom of life that is IIGL program, nothing concretely doesn’t improve. Contrarily things seem worsen. My brothers and sisters worried about me a lot, witnessing my fellows living apparent success. Regularly, they called me to family meeting, a way to inquiry about how thing go on in life. I used to reply them. ”I have firm conviction things will improve”. They comment that kosi himself doesn’t mind about his situation. Contrarily when you meet kosi and discuss with him you feel ease and leave him hopefully as if everything is already right. We cannot understand kosi they added. They accused me that I am not so active. I understand them. Most societies demand that we make action our top priority. Yes, I agreed yesterday with them. Today, no. I have run enough, things never improve for me. Those who know me in Lomé used to call me what deutsch people say Fussgänger; a walker. Today with my learning and modest experience of life I have reached a level a little superior than yesterday when I was running throughout Lomé finding nothing, without even shelter. Today I do not want to run because I have started telling a different story to my life. I want different results. My relatives and fellows could not understand me more today. My personal experiences and learning taught me that action in any achievement however important is insignificant. Our mind; our mental attitude is the crucial step. I choose to look beyond what is to effect change. That is the revolution I have recently made in my life while others continue to focus more on what is and action as top priority.

For a long time, I am fond of learning even in my the worst of my odds .This passion today is confirmed and reinforced with a conviction through awareness after many experiences, observations and analysis that the achievement of success is something that could be learned. The first step is to know what you want to do with your life and shape mind about it. It is connecting to the positive force of the universe that you embody through your inner world as individual. It is aligning to values you want to incarnate in your life that become your leitmotif. It is personal alignment with source. If you succeed to do this the way to any achievement is blazed. The law of attraction is permanently ready to respond to our highest aspiration. That is the light I discovered throughout my life experiences and challenges with my learning.

4. Quotes: Are there briefs quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

“You cannot be in place other than where you are right now”

Through the thought we think, we are widely makers of our situation and circumstances we encounter in life. The law of attraction responds and we deserve where we are right now.

“Go the extra mile; there is no gain without pain”

The extra mile is doing more to each your last energy and capacity. It is made up of pain, sacrifice and the outcome is our success.

“When you feel poor, you cannot attract prosperity”

The feeling originates in thought. Thought emits vibration responded by natural forces. They sustain any kind of thought. While we think poverty and want prosperity, poverty is attracted because it is our focus, our dominant thought.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so why?

In the book the perspective about Health concerns is unclear for me. I am asking whether we can explain any kind of disease by our way of thinking.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain exercise.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so please comment

I would like to comment on career choice and goal. Inspired by my personal experiences of life and fond of freedom, I want to be self employed as major career goal. I want a career that requires me to keep learning .This for me resides in the social; be a helper, a consultant in Social Entrepreneurship and Leadership

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 7
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating would give it? 9.5

Living Life As A Thank You
Assessment by DAVUI kosi sepénou (Togo)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Living Life As Thank you is a positive power presented by Nina and Mary as an approach for incorporating gratitude into one’s life as a spiritual practice. For the authors of this book, putting gratitude and thankfulness into action bring transformation, blessing and gifts even in the challenging moments. Living Life As A thank you brings greater happiness into our lives.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why ?List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

“We realise we are never alone”

To be alone is to feel lonliness being helpless. This state of living is more crucial when you are needy with difficult circumstances in life. We realise we are alone when we have no support, assistance in our challenging moments. We feel desperate without issue. The good news is that many times we find ourselves in such hard time,when things get worse, we witness there is always a light, a hand of salvation bringing us hope and empowerment. It is surprising and unexplainable. It is a spiriual fact with confirmation that life is a grace, a gift. We are living constantly under hospices and providence of this universe. In other words, we are never alone even if we feel some time abandonned by our relatives and friends. The world, humanity is under divine guidance. We need to trust it, practicing what is humanly recommended; universe will take control of the rest. My life being the stormy one with hard experiences and circumstances, I realise I am never alone. I always beneifit a hand of salvation each time I feel desperate.

“I am interested in what was true in the past, what is true in the present, what will true in the future. In short, I am interested in what is timeless.”

Our world is changing as well as the life circumstances, putting us into unexpected situations. Some discoveries considered absolute truths yesterday become mistake or error today. Worse no one can forsee the future. The question is about how can we adapt our everday life to this speedy changing and moving world? In other words, how can we udapte our inteligence and wisdom to be timeless? Personally, I notice if you are passive in this world today your disappointment will be hard .You’ll be a complete failure with regrets. For me, to be timless in a way is to update his knowledge, keep learning,multiply his competences with a broadening horizon. It is being a life long learner. Here, I set up the core of my life long learning project. Above all ,what is timeless is the spiritual life we need to grow and develop.

“They resolved to give thanks for the power of God they believed was working in their lives through the adversity”

Throughout Bible, there are many testimonials that men who are called for divine missions as well as physical mission encountered tremendous adversities. Even today those who got involved in such endeavors or simply want to achieve something wothwhile during their existence live terrible adversities.

In human achievements, the most successful, outstanding people experienced sufferings and adversities. In this perspective we dare to say,to accomplish something great,we should suffer, going though adversity. When you live purposefully, dreaming high in order to make a difference; succeed life and in your endeavors you meet difficulties, sufferings;resolve to thank Universe, God.Believe God is working in your life through adversity. We should learn to see and hear and understand facts, signs in our journey to achieve, realise our dreams. That is my what I understand through adversity I meet in life that the power of God is working in my life. I am thankful for this blessing disguised in adversity and suffering I experienced.

“Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get,but we make a life by what we give.”

In all human endeavors, happiness is one of our deepest quest we struggle for. In this perspective we can define happiness as success with means and ways to meet our needs without worries. Happiness equals success that relates to money and material possessions. That is the common sense we can all share. What about those who despite their financial and material possession ease express themselves unhappy?

With eagerness we can say happiness doesn’t depend on such considerations. Happiness is not so much in having.It is sharing;our contribution to others well being. Personally I feel great, very happy when I help ;what I give to other than when I am helped. Happiness resides in the way we relates to others in more positive,helpful way. It is a peaceful interaction with others. For me the best happiness is human, all that behavior and action that make us human. That is the core reason in the choice of my profesional career as a social assistant.

“It opened my eyes to the way that the majority of the people in the world live in poverty and poor health, and focused my resolve to make a difference in the world”

Poverty is one of the recurrent challenges facing our humanity today. While abundance grows and increases somewhere on this planet, the rate of poor people worsens. The bad news is that the majority of people live poverty with a concept of fatality.They accept it as a fact and think they could not do anything against it.They also think someone is responsible of their fate,their misery.

Personally, I believe in success, happiness as a promise, a gift reachable for each individual. It is my belief and conviction.It is my dominant thought. It is the light that guides me even in the worst of the circumstances. In a world where we are overwhelmed by poverty and misery, my resolve is to make a difference. And the best way to share and convince others of a possible success and prosperity begins with myself; being a successful man and my job will be to show the way, teach, guide and investing into others well being, help them achieve as I benefit too through IIGL.

“What we are experiencing in transition is temporary and this too will pass”

We can define transition as a period separating one stage to reach another. Transition is generally set up to bring changes in a process in order to improve things which were going wrong. It is a temporary period of preparation. Most of the time transition is hard to go through for leaders. It is paved of difficulties and challenges of any kind. Upon transition depends the success or failure of the following situation.

Each of us as human being experienced transition at least in one aspect of his life The most frequent we live is in the professional field when we lose job or choose to change it. If it seems easy to loose job, it is hard to find another one. The period separating your old and the new job is particularly hard;it is the transition. I experienced this kind of transition. This is particularly hard in the way it seems my whole existence till now seems a transition.

“This or something better is making its way into my life right now. I trust Universe plan for me”

Any success, any achievement is a destination of a long journey, the outcome of a hard process. To achieve something wothwhile in life is not easy. It requires many sacrifices, a huge prize to pay.It never comes over night. You have to endure scoffing, setbacks, hardships,failures and disappointments. But throughout your dreams and while you keep trying with a purposeful living, you get some insights and awreness that something wonderful is waiting you. In this process you get growth with feeling that something is making its way into your life. You feel serene with hope in the future. When you review the way of this process of the quest of betterment in life, the worst you can do is to be thankful. Send thanksgivings, gratitude to universe’s plan for you. Everything is on purpose, that we need to live life as a thank you. Everthing universe does is good. That is what I am living right now about my stormy life and my gratitude for all that I encountered .

3. How will thes ideas or lessons help you in a practical way,both in your daily personal life and in helping you to create a better world?If so,how?

I am thankful for my life and all that makes it. I am thankful for all the adversity I go through in life. I trust Universe’s plan for me. Something better is making its way into my life right now.

As a man who dreams to realise something wonderful with my existence on this earth, my life is paved of enormous difficulties. This puts me regularly in disappointment and discouragement till the day of the light when I resolved to give thanks for the power of God I believe, is working in my life through such adversty.

In this process, I realise I am never alone. The proof is that each time I find myself in the worst of the hard circumstances of my daily living, there is always a hand of solace and salvation that comes to sustain me. Thanks to Universe for its grace.

With my life long learning project, I am interested in what was true in the past, what is true in the present and what will be true in the future. I am interested in what is timeless. For me, what is timeless is what makes me human above all consideration. With this dimension I am alive with a name, a reference even after my death. I am a living symbol, the source of true happiness. I will refered and shared since I am source of knowledge and wisdom.; my happiness. Happiness is not so much having as sharing. This aspect of life opened my eyes to the way that the majority of the people in the world live poverty and poor health and focused my resolve to make a difference in the world.

One of my eternal question is :what is being human above all consideration of money and material possession we are hunting everyday?

My answer to this question is that what brought me this IIGL course and this social cause as professional career sharing with others in the needs my modest experience about life. It is for me the true happiness.

4. Quotes:Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention?If so,please list and comment on them.

“But setbacks are easier to face when clothed in gratitude ”There is no need to complain in our setbacks. We should take them as they are with thanksgiving. It is a spiritual force that helps us move forward.

“ The oyster teaches us that we need imperfection(the dirt) to create perfection(the pearl)”

We should accept our mistakes, weakness, disabilities and faults as a means and way to improve .Perfection itself is not human.It is the ideal we set up like goal, a new frontier.

“Life intends life”. Like attracts like.

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it ,you can become it”Thought is the father of any achievement.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with them?


6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so,did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did contain some exercises I did complete. They are very helpful.

7. Was there anything in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous question ?If so,please comment.

I find the book particularly excellent. It is the fundamental of a happy living.


A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it?10

Matrix Energetics
Assessment by DAVUI kosi sepénou (Togo)

1 What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

In this book entitled Matrix Energetics, Dr.Bartlett teaches us a process that merges the science of subtle energy with our innate imaginations to produce result. It is through applying forces known to modern physics, each of us can tap into states of healthy awareness from different moments,in essence travel in time and bring them into the present for immediate profound result. Bartlett shared in this book that by applying focused intent,he could restore them to a physically,mentally and spiritually balanced state, instantly shifting misalignments. It is his discovery.

2. What were the seven ideas or lessons which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

“When you start to habitually ask open-ended questions of the Universe, it starts to answer back, teaching you new things”

One of the keys words in philosophy is questionning. In the Greece of antiquity, Socrates answered questions of people in general, youth in particular.T he worthiness of his answers made him one of the wisest men in the history of humanity. From this perspective we can say questioning is always human concerns in the quest of knowledge. It is essential when we want to opearte changes and transformations for progress .Of course here it is not matter of question for the sake to question. By questionning we mean change in our consciousness structure, what we choose to observe. Questions that awaken us, allowing us to get rid of our erroneous way of thinking and viewing the world. When we do this on regular basis with feeling, conviction and resolve to know, our experience of the so called physical world and all around us will start to change positively. Universe always responds and teaches. We are in the process of consciousness awakening and revolution leading to achieve something worthwhile.

Personally,questionning is that what keeps me doing what I do. What do I need to know to improve my life? With my faith in the universe that always responds and teaches,I commit to doing what I can in the quest of betterment in life and the key I found is a burning desire to learn.

“In order to change the expected outcomes in health or disease, you have to move outside the prefabricated box that is ensouled by that set of expectations”

We all praise the progress made in science and medicine with improvement in our living conditions. One of the aspects of this development is the prefabrication box that is ensouled by a set of expectations. We find or put ourselves into troubles when the expected outcome on a concern is not reached.In health or disease,we are whreched and overwhelmed. The good news is that everything is possible in this universe including healing of any kind. The precondition is to believe and trust universe. Trust universe begins by the self. In the common sense,”seeing is believing: we can call it the prefabricated box. On the other hand where miracle produces; believing is seeing. To reach that level,we have to move outside the box, the prefabricated; believing that everything is possible. The proof is that we witness everyday miracle in health and disease concerns which have nothing to deal with modern medecine.

I am a man who trusts Universe and blieve in possibilities. Mostly it is the core I practise with my stormy existence. With the odds I experience in life ,nothing on the first hand physically and socially, the prefabricated could promise a better existence for me on earth,but universe always provides me through providence. I believe in the possibilities.

“If we want to experience miracles in our lives, then we need to free up our model of reality in order to allow for their manifestaion-not as isolated events, but as natural everyday expression of our faith”

Miracle is the unexpected. It is a fact of surprise that nothing forsees in the begining .Its outcome is joy and wonders. Why do we talk about miracle?

We talk about miracle as a fact that in a positive way it is in contracdiction with our model of reality. We are so ingrained in our beliefs, our model of reality, our habitual way to conceive things of the world that anything that produces wonders, joy that has no direct or rational explanation is called miracle. Anything that is not in the human prefabricated box to explain things is called miracle. Miracle is all that wonders which explanation is beyond our human five senses.I t appears clear that when we view our world on just that angle, it is like human being is only blood, body and bones. But on deeper analysis, we have another dimension, the spiritual one. Here seem lay our beingness. We are in fact after all spiritual being but we ignore it and we focus only on body dimension explaining everything in this perspective. Based on all that we witness everyday, we can say there is something beyond the real, the concrete. It is the spiritual that is natural as well as the reality. Spiritual is the core of our living. Nothing is isolated or extraordinary in human experience. Everything we experience is natural as expression of existence. In this perspective if we want to experience what we call miracles in life,we need to free up our model of reality in order to allow for their manifestations. It is natural and we just need to view things otherwise, beyond the habitual way.

Here in Lomé-togo, my fellows call me terrible sebas (my poupular name). They witness my modest progress that for them is a miracle. They focus and consider only my challenging living conditions. I believe and with my faith in the possibilities as natural everyday expression,keep doing what I do.And for my fellows, it is terrible sebas,a miracle.

“When you access the desired state, anything you do within the context of your intent will work”

Our ambitions, our objectives and goals are dreams we want to fulfill in order to enjoy our existence on earth.They are aspirations with a burning desire to achieve. It is a state of mind we shape to reach a goal. The desired state is the willingness, made up of determination with a never give up attitude.It is a positive mental attitude shaped in purposeful living. It is a force, energy even sometime slowed down can be raised up. Desired state within the context of intent works. It gives a feeling to work consistently in stamina. I n the context of intent ,nothing can stop you .It is the force of spirit linked to the universal providence. With desired state within the context of intent, you surrender to all positive force that govern the world for the good we want.

My personal experience is that I want to do something worthwhile in life, make a name. Even before the odds I always find an exit,an opportunity to nurture my ambitions. Because that is my dream ,my desired state within the context of my intent. And today I can say it works with results in all aspects of my life.

“When you see your world with new eyes, the way you perceive your life takes on new colorations and hues”

One of human core quests is improvement and betterment. We are called to progress. For that we are geared of intelligence and love to succeed our existence on earth. There is no human problem that cannot be solved by love and intelligence. We are called to operate changes and transformations based on new challenges of our everyday life. If you are already successful, you need betterment. If you are a failure, you need to improve your condition through self awareness. The both require we see life in different perspective with new eyes. We perceive new things. By doing so, our lives take on new colorations and hues. We could not get different results doing the same thing. Finally we’ll be living statu quo or stagnation worse with regress. We should set up new perspectives, view new horizons for our lives viewing things with new eyes, a different way. Life itself is change.Everything is moving. We need to be accute, responsive adjusting things accorind to the circumstances. My life right now takes on new colorations and hues. It is the result of a very long process. It is my dominant thought to view things with new eyes beyond my current hard circusmtances. Not yet significant as wished, I need to continue viewing my world with new eyes for improvement. After all I am grateful to the universe for leading me to where I am.

“I am so happy to become more of who I am”

Any authentic progress in life begins by the self. It is self reliance. It is our own responsibility to lead our lives purposefully. We must understand life is first of all personal and individual. If you are successful you are the first to enjoy your success. By the same way if you are a failure, you are the first to suffer it. While you’ll always attract people with your success, all would flee you when you are a failure in life. It is in this perspective each of us struggles to become happy not only for good social integration but also for personal pleasure and enjoyment. We are all happy to become more of who we are. That gives us values, importance and consideration among our fellows. It encourages,empowers to do more to reach the top level. To reach top level requires great deal of work, with humility, never be content of who we are, our present achievement. Instead we need to consider it as a springboard. It is intrinsical for each of us to become more of who we are. It is what we call progress and betterment. There is always a better level to reach. We can bet to be the best.

I am so happy to become more of who I am. Everyday throughout my endeavors with learning, I am broadening my horizons in knowledge, skills and ability. I am more of who I am because I keep investing in self growth and development. I gain in intelligence through my learning.

“It is necessary to be like a little child and know how to play and imagine”

Childhood is playhood. At this age the main preoccupation of a child is to play. And a child wants all freedom for his play. The core desire of a child is to play. He gets so involved in his play that he cries when you want to disturb him. For a child, life is play and everything is object of play. You will witness a child very concentrated in his play. Childhood is also the age of imagination asking permanently questions about anything that catches his attention .As adults we need to put ourselves in imagination as play. Play gives joy and pleasure. Anything you do like play with purpose leads to joyful outcomes.

No one asks me to undertake what I am doing.I do it in play with joy to know more about life, imagining the happy outcome. In my everyday endeavor, I am eager to learn more. Learning ,reading becomes a play for me. I imagine the happy result of this journey.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world? If so, how?

I am very happy to become more of who I am. Never life setbacks and hardships succeed to stop me working on my aspirations and dreams to fulfill my existence. I a man so ambitious that I used to freeing up my model of reality that my concrete current daily living is. I always try to do this not as isolated events, but as natural everyday expression of my faith. Sometimes, when I feel hopeless and desperate, there is always a hand of salvation that comes to raise me up. Man can call it miracle. In reality it isn’t. Because I believe in the possibilities, everything being on purpose .All those salvations I experienced in the worst of darkness of my life are responses in the context of my intent ,what I want to do with my life and I do it under universal providence. My desired state is to accomplish something of value in life. And with this good intention, universal positive forces will always be at my sides with help and opportunity to reach my goal. Beyond hard circumstances, I keep nurturing this desired state working on my dreams. Anything I do in the context of this intent works. I am not yet responsive financially and materially but I say it works. I meant by saying this because I notice myself I am in progress. The concrete side will come soon. I am so happy to become more of who I am. Things seem to improve and I am in the right to expect the best.

In those hard days till now, I am very imaginative, visualizing what I can be as a great person,a reference fellows and others will model. I believe in the possibilities, that even if things are hard for me, these shall pass.

Like a child, I chose to take hard things like a play giving impression to my relatives and friends I am in the best of the world. They used to say kosi doesn’t mind about his miserable condition.

I am ingrained with awareness into my social difficult background that it is not easy for me to depart from it. And as technic to go beyond of it I put myself into habitual open-ended questions: what can I do more like extra mile to improve my situation? The answers and teachings I got from the universe brought me to where I am right now with improvement.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so,please list and comment on them.

“Great mind think alike ”In front of a stituation all wise or intelligent people act and react the same way.

“Trust, but verify ”human goodness is not absolute, and human being changes. So we need to keep an eye of control on those we trust giving them responsibility.

“Pray as if everything depends on the angels or God. Act as if everything depends on you”

Do what you have to do working on your projects and the universe, providence will take control of the rest.

5. Is there anyhing in the book you do not understand or unclear about, or, are there ideas which you disagree with and if so, why?

The term matrix energetics is a bit profound for me.I need to go back deeper with the book to master it.

6 Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain exercises.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so please comment.

No comment.


A. How interesting was is to read? 9
B. How helpful were the contents? 9
C. How easy was it to undersatnd? 9
D. Would you recommend it to others? 9
E. What is the overall rating you would give? 9

The Power of Failure.
Assessment by DAVUI kosi sepénou (Togo)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Charles C.Manz through the Power of Failure offers tools in order to turn our setbacks and hardships into opportuinty for our soaring. It is a book of inspiration and advice on how we can use failures as stepping stones instead of stumbling block on our way to succeed life. Manz provides us practical strategies that we can use to fulfill our dreams.

2. What were the seven ideas which were personally most important to you and why? List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you. Use personal examples from your own life.

“Indeed, our potentials for success in life depends a great deal on the way we think”

All human action and behaviour is the result of our thinking. Thought is the blossom and result as fruit is the consequence. This being, any achievement in life depends a great deal on the way we think. To accomplish great things in life, the first of all steps is to shape his mind in this perspective .It is based on the positive thought. Positive thought is the father of success in life. It doesn’t mean positive thought only is sufficient. In your quest, you have to endure the downs. By positive thought attitude, you’ll turn adversity, setbacks, hardships into opportunity and victory for growth and development. It is the power of failure in motion. Success or failure in life raises and falls on our way of thinking. As you think, so you are. Our potential for success depends on the way we think: how do you view yourself? do you believe you can achieve something great above your woes? These questionings are connerstones of my existence and an affirmative response guides my life. Yes, I view the horizons of my life more hopefully.

“Your actual achievement is function not just of talent, but also of the capacity to withstand defeat”.

Universe has purpose on the life of each individual. We are geared of talents coming into this world. This being recognized, one thing is our natural talents, another is how to use purposefully these talents before the ups and downs of life. In other words, what is our capacity to withstand wrong circumstances we call defeat, failure in life? Here is the difference. In fact, each of us experiences once failure, defeat in his life. And testimonials confirmed the great achievers are those who experienced more failures and defeats in life. Their achievement is function not just of talents, but also of their capacity to withstand defeat in life. It is the power of failure, turn short-run setbacks into a long term success.

Personally, I experienced what is defeat in life. I am grateful to the universe that it grants me this capacity to withstand such defeats in life and keep working on my aspirations and dreams in life.

“Things can turn around if we give it our all and persevere”.

Commitment is one of the cornerstones in any achievement. It is a faith doubled of determination, willingness to reach a goal, realise a dream. Any achievement is the outcome of a long journey. It is the result of a long process that requires stamina. Sometimes we are near to give up because the way is full of adversities, challenges of any kind. Sometime we even live the worst of darkness that disempowers and discourages. However things can turn around if we give it all and persevere. It means we should even embody this throughout our daily living in mind and action in a constant way. We should persevere, persist, press on to achieve. Nothing worthwhile happens overnight. It is this character I embody .The night is long, very long but it is almost light.

“If we help others get what they want, we usually get much of value ourselves”

Happiness and success is object of different definition and diverse interpretation. For some it resides in material possession. For others it is in huge amount of money on our bank account. For me success is linked to what each of us valued most in life.

Everywhere, I am known of strictness with honesty and justice embeded of humanity. I make help to others a conerstone of my existence. I want to help others get what they want, but not in the way of facility or wastefullness. I want to have my input in others well being. I know what doing so means. I know the reward. We always get much of value ourselves. My faith investing in others cause let me set up my professional career in the social, humanitarian service. Here I found happiness, the true success in life. To do this properly, I understand I should achieve my personal social condition, have a good position then do my noble mission of humanity.

“Throughout history, human being have resisted change that threatens their current comfort zone”.

Our comfort zone refers to anything we used to thinking and acting. It gives us a certain pleasure and complencency that we feel frustration if things don’t go in the habitual way.It is a change we resist with preference to reamain in our zone of comfort. Our current comfort zone is the ordinary thinking, the way the folk conceives things,the popular thinking,the common sense.

Fortunately throughout history of human being, we witness that progress, evolution is not based on our comfort zone, our popular thinking. It is the fact that revolution made by outstanding people decide to get out of the current comfort zone being in contracdiction with the world to make change. The achievements made in science are mostly based on contracdiction. It is so in all aspects of our existence. Since there is always a better solution, we should make change if really we want progress and improvement in life. We should get rid of complencency and habitual living to progress.

In my family and my community, people say I am different. They are right in a way because I don’t want to view things as they do,our current comfort zone. My vision about life is high. I want to change things in my family and around me in a better way. This is an aspect of my vision, my ideal.

“So when life seems to be on the decline or the market is looking ugly,just keep on investing”

When we take a look around us, it is like the living condition in the world worsens. We are more than ever deep in any kind of woes, from poverty to natural disaster. If it seems we are powerless facing natural disasters, what do we do in order to improve our own individual and collective living? Of course life seems for us to be on the decline. Fortunately we witness people who emerge everyday from poverty to prosperity. It means there are always opportunities with possibilities to change to give a positive issue to our lives. We have just to be aware of this gift and grace of universe, and decide, making the choice.Our destiny is in our hands. We have to take responsility and act.

Around me here where I live right now, the current living is on the decline. Being permanently aware of this situation, all my endeavor is first to focus on my personal concerns to improve my condition of life.

“We will not grow as people unless we are challenged”

Life is a process. It is a journey in which we engage since we born.The essence of a man’s life is not physical growth. We are made and molded by the circumstances we meet in life. Our difficulties, challenges and downs in life make us if we are purposeful. They make what we really are, our essence. Life is a school.Each human being who possesses himself should learn from any kind of challenges we meet. We come out mature with all the necessary tools and assets to live the rest of our existence. We reach our authentic growth in life throughout our challenges: we’ll not grow as people unless we are challenged.

Personally, my whole life till now being made of challenges of any kind and with all that I learn from them, I really think I have the necessary tools to build and live the rest of my existence with less worries throughout a purposeful living.

3. How will these seven ideas help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and helping you create a better world? If so,how?

Like the others, I am a man born with natural potentials and gifts to succeed my existence. Negative circumstances of life tend to deny me this promised happy destiny the universe geared me with. The reality of my life till now is the one of many failures and defeats. Challenges are most my current life. Always life seems to be on the decline while joy is tiny in the ocean of sufferings. My social living condition is not of the best. Around me I witness people who live success and prosperity. Through obsevations and analysis I discovered those people inherited unfortunate past like me. Deeper analysis brought me to the awareness that their actual achievement is function not just of talents, but also of their capacity to withstand defeats; and the positive thinking beyond their failures.

I know with conviction more than ever that our potential for success in life depends a great deal on the way we think.I choose to think positive thought through goal setting.I choose to keep investing in self growth and development even if my current existence seems to be on the decline.

Throughout this journey, I commit to realising dream of wonders. I gain growth in this process. I came out mature through life challenges I encountered. The most precious lesson I retained with the difficulties of my existence is to keep thinking positively even in the worst of situations I find myself. There is always a lesson of growth and opportunity in such circumstances. To persist and persevere in our endeavors adjusting the way with positive mental attitude is the key. That is the lesson I gained from my hard circumstances and things seem to be on the better side for me now.

One of my major goals in life is to help others in their endeavors to find an issue for their life. Throughout life challenges and experiences with my learning, I gained skills, assets to help others accomplish wonders in life. With my dream to invest in others well being I know from my life experiences that it is a very noble mission. I know how much value it is to invest in human work. A concrete part of this mission to help others is what I begin here in Togo: Initiative for A Positive Future, an NGO designed for training consciousness, self awareness, empowerment and development to shape a destiny.

4. Qoutes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

“Significant success requires failure”

No one wants to fail in his endeavors. However when you meet failures in the quest to achieve something great in life, you can use those failures as building block,a lesson to adjust your way for greater success.

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or unclear about, or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so,why?

No; it is a very good book.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to complete? If so,did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

The book did not contain exercises.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would like to comment on that was not covered in the previous questions? If so please comment.

The book relates to my life that is a reference in challenges and failures.I gained many lessons with insights from this book.


A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it?10

Goal Achievement through Treasure Mapping
Assessment by DAVUI kosi sepénou (Togo)

1. What is the main idea that the author is trying to convey in the book?

Goal Achievement through Treasure Mapping of Barbara Laporte is a guide to personal and professional fulfillment. The purpose of this book is to reawaken the dream –seeker within us help us remember our goals and dreams. Barbara Laporte describes goal mapping as a journey, a process to learn and apply; realize the magic of our world for personal and professional fulfillment.

2. What were the seven ideas or lessons which were personally most important to you and why?List these seven ideas followed by an explanation after each one as to why it was important to you.Use personal examples from your own life.

“We are constantly being offered choices about what we will do with our lives”

There is a saying that he who has choice has torments. Each of us feels a certain difficulty and trouble when it is to make a choice. The reason is that no choice is absolutely right. Any choice with its positive and negative aspects. The negative in a choice is all that you have to endure like sufferings and sacrifices in order to achieve the positive that is our expectancy, the fulfillment of our dreams. In this life, we are constantly offered choices about what we will do with our existence on earth. Even though we can’t forsee where our choices will take us, life itself is a choice. Thankfully we are always given that chance to make a choice. Human being is often reluctant to make choice to live purposefully in order to fulfill his dream because he is unwilling to pay the price that is the prequisite for any accomplishment. This price being sacrifices with hardships, most of us avoid them while we desire success, well being and happiness.

I have dream seeker- within me as the magic this world grants all of us. From there, I made the choice to transform my life. I engaged in this process, this journey with positive expectancy about my intentions. Through treasure mapping I concentrate, focus and visualize the joyful outcome of my journey. It is my dominant thought that allows me to keep working above all that seem obstacles. It is my choice.

“The level of success of success you achieve will have a direct correlation to the extent of your belief in the process in positive expectancy about your intentions”

There is compensation in life. Life reponds to our expetancy most of the cases. We are always rewarded of our efforts, even though certain facts and situations seem prove the opposite. But on deeper observation and analysis we can recognize our intentions are responded widely. Most of the time man hides his real intentions and motivations behind what he does. But since the law of attraction is natural and independent, we are always responded in the ways of our intentions and motivations. So the level of success we achieve will have a direct correlation to the extent of our belief in the process in positive expectancy about our intentions. I share this concept. I understood and believed that if I invest high with belief in the process in positive expectancy about my intentions, I will be rewarded in correlation to this extent. It is for this reason I chose to tend my garden that is my mind, my thought, cultivate it through learning improving and increasing my intelligence. Since like attracts like, I know that becoming intelligent, I will attract like with opportunities to fulfill my dreams, achieve success.

“Simply, the motivation behind why you keep doing something is key to whether or not it is a block to your personal growth and prosperity.”

As we’ve said earlier man most of the time hides his real intentions and motivations behind his endeavors. The real reason we keep doing something is rarely expressed. Personal growth and prosperity under the determinism are governed by laws and principles. And the fundamental in our quest of prosperity is to be on the side of those principles and laws, apply them. In this perspective, the crucial question is whether the motivation, the intentions behind our seraching are commendable. Human being is also guided by the spirit of revenge. For me there is positive and negative revenge. Negative revenge is that in your life, some people hurt you through any action and in your heart you nurture against them a certain hatered and resentment that you’ll hurt them back when you’ll reach a good positon. This resentment can be a block to your prosperity. We cannot conquer prosperity through negative intentions and motivations. On the other hand, positive revenge is to work in positive spirit not only to conquer fame and prosperity, but also to prove to those who hurt and attack you by scoffing that you are worthy conquering their respect and admiration. In the end you become friends, showing them love and peace. That is one of the motivations behind why I keep investing in personal growth and development to reach prosperity. I want to prove to people I am worthy.

“When things aren’t going well, they sometimes get worse before getting better”

Life is made up of unexpected situations with difficult time to live. We find ourselves in conditions we do not want. Upon awareness and reflection we make the choice to change things in a better way. We start to work, looking for ways and means to improve the situation. It is a process, a journey which destination is a success. In this process to improve our living, it seems things worsens as we work on them. We are discouraged and disempowered when challenges increase with horizons becoming darker and darker. We feel hopeless some moments whatsoever our determination and willingness are to move forward. Thankfully, it is in this desperate circumstances we hear good news. Light appears with hope and opportunity for improvement. We are always rescued in our difficult time. I lived and experienced such circumstances regularly in my life. The most recent was the period preceding the starting of Initiative for A Positive Future I am establishing in Togo. I began this project while things worsen on my daily living. I was informed through a letter to leave the room in three monhs because of huge amount of retarted fees. It is in such situation I have started IPF-Togo with a stipend. I feel hopeful tomorrow will be better.

“One way we can learn to break the cycle is by listening to what the circumstances of our lives are saying”

We find ourselves in many circumstances of life and we express our surprise and amazment. In fact, this should not be the case. Life and its circumstances always speak to us. There are signs and facts that precede every circumstance and event making us unhappy. When we observe deeper those wrong situations we find ourselves, there were signs something will happen. Sadly we were blind and deaf to see and hear. Nature always speaks to us, universe talks. The fact that we don’t hear the voice of the nature, unable to see what is behind the appearence of circumstance multiply our odds and woes. From there, we find our lives as cycle made up of wrong circumstances and we complain about. Complaining will never give us solution or salvation in any concerns. Instead we should learn to break the cycle by listening to what the circumstances of our life are saying. It is also to learn from circumstances we encounter in life to improve, better the present and future. We should go beyond the facts, discover the cause linking events and things to establish a correlation among them. Everything is on purpose; so is life and its circumstances. I learn a lot from my stormy existence. It makes me accute that I use lessons from it to break the cycle being a man permanently watchful clever and cautious for the rest of my life.

“Probably the most challenging aspect of using affirmations effectively is asserting that your goal is so, when all outer appearences indicate the opposite”

When we review the background of great achievers, they were dichotomy and great difference between what they were and what they are right now. Through their background, nothing could permit to forsee their reasonning success. Thus man talks about miracle. The most challenging aspect of their accomplishment was effective affirmations that their goal is so, when all outer appearences indicate the opposite. For me instead of being discouraged by our outer non enviable conditions, it is source of energy and self challenge with determination to change our lives in a better way. In my case, when I shared my ambitions and projects with some fellows and relatives, they laugh at me. They even judged me dreamer and unrealistic. They focus only on my outer condition that is not of the best, the opposite of my affirmations about my goals. My non enviable outer condition is one of the core motives that push me with power and desire to work hard for improvement.

Learning to receive openly, joyfully and gratefully is a key ingredient in treasure mapping”

Human being is eternal disatisfied. And it is normal we keep looking for a better solution for prosperity.

That is what we do throughout our everyday endeavors. We run everyday in the quest of prosperity. We are all the time disatisfied for who and where we are; and what we get. Sadly, we forget that one of the royal ways leading to prosperity is gratefullness. We are rarely joyful and grateful for what we get through our endeavors. After all life is granted to us. Our first duty is to be thankful to life. It is a virtue. We must learn to receive openly. This softens our heart and mind with thinking to attract more of its kind. To be grateful is the culture of positive thought and attitude even in the worst circumstances.

It is not so long I started practicing gratitude in my current life. With my jobless time, I am very concerned and worried about my daily living. Instead of being gratefull, receiving openly what people offer me, I complained and things worsen. I understand the practice of gratefullness is the gate to positive changes.

3. How will these ideas or lessons help you in a practical way, both in your daily personal life and in helping you create a better world? If so how?

I am a dream seeker. Never the odds of life succeed to damp this spirit within me. Instead I always keep nurturing it. I chose to make my life a model and wonder. This is my goal and dream. I want to accomplish something admirable during my existence. I want to be a person of reference setting goal for personal and professional fulfillment, become a person of resource to others, be connected to people. In this perspective, I want to be servant, serve human cause. My aim is to be guide, advisor to people helping them to live purposefully through goal mapping. That is my choice about what I want to do with my life. That is my motivation behind my investment in personal growth and development for the quest of prosperity.

When it comes to me to review the circumstances of life I go through I know I have learned a lot. The lesson I gained reinforces me with determination through a decision to break the cycle of complaining on my fate. My intention is to break the cycle of poverty and misery and from there show and teach others the way. I engage into this enterprise, this journey with challenging affiramtion asserting that my goal is so, when all the outer appearences indicate the opposite. I used to share this goal with friends. But witnessing and living their frequent sarcasm and scoffing denying my purpose, I decided to keep my dream within me.

What I know is that when you invest high purposefully, you’ll be rewarded one day in consequence. The level of my success I will achieve will have a direct correlation to the extent of my belief in the process and in positive expectancy about my intentions. I have full hope with faith in my way and what I am doing. That is why when things aren’t going well, I humanly feel desperate but intrinsically speaking I keep firmly my goals. Because I know too that sometime things get worse before getting better.

The most precious lesson I learned in my endeavors is to receive everything openly, joyfully and gratefully. All that unverse does is good. That is the key ingredient I gained in my endeavors as extra mile. The key ingredient of gratefullness and thanksgiving for all that I encounntered in life is the building rock on which I am soaring now. Thanks to universe it shaped me throughout challenges.

4. Quotes: Are there brief quotes from the book which really got your attention? If so, please list and comment on them.

“I am thankul for the opportunity to be single mother” It is some time an opportunity of soaring when we find ourselves in difficulties.

“Soil preparation is everything” Any achievement requires us preparation based on the questions: what do you want? what it requires to achieve it?

“Let go and let God” Do what you have to do and universe will take control of the rest?

5. Is there anything in the book that you do not understand or are unclear about,or are there ideas which you disagree with and, if so, why?

No; the book is easy to understand.

6. Did the book contain exercises for the reader to cmplete? If so, did you complete all of the exercises and did you find them helpful?

Yes the book did contain exercises. I completed them and found them very helpful. The most convincing through the exercises is my choice to invest in self growth and development as the core way to find a purpose for my life, realise a dream. That choice was the turning point bringing me to where I am with more hope about my future.

7. Was there anything you read in the book that you would comment on that was not covered in the book in the previous questions? If so please comment.

I found the book excellent.

A. How interesting was it to read? 10
B. How helpful were the contents? 10
C. How easy was it to understand? 10
D. Would you recommend it to others? 10
E. What is the overall rating you would give it? 10