Iziomoh Bidemi Felix – Profile

Iziomoh Bidemi Felix
Lagos, Nigeria
Email: flelixi@yahoo.com & flelixi@gmail.com
Birthday: 22 March, 1978
Education: B.Sc Human Kinetics, Social Entrepreneurship & Leadership Studies
Occupation: Self Employed
Gender: Male
First language: English

* Personal website: www.iziomohfelix.blogspot.com
* Facebook page: www.facebook.com/home.php?flelixi

Describe your vision of a world that works for everyone.
The world that works for everyone could be describe as a world where poverty do not exist as seen in some of the African countries and other part of the world, where there is no corruption among leaders, who keep the money that is meant for the countries to themselves. A crime free world especially in the sense of terrorist attack, global peace and better harmony, better co-operation among the nation and the promotion of friendship and unity among the peoples of the world. Also where everybody gets whatever they want in life and things are moving on smoothly.

What do you see as the most pressing problems facing the world today?
The most pressing problems I see facing the world today are:
1. Poverty
2. Famine
3. Endemic such as malaria
4. Pandemic diseases such as HIV/AIDs
5. Corruption among bad leaders
6. Terrorism
7. Natural Disaster.

How do you feel these problems could best be solved?
These problems could be solved by,

* Poverty that is wealthy nations assisting poorer nations by providing for them, social amenities, making it easier to encourage international trade, providing food, clothes and sending youths of different developing countries to volunteer and assist them.

* In terms of Diseases there should be drugs, vaccination and immunization, mosquito net to various countries affected, Drugs should be provided free of charge and must be properly kept in good conditions.

* Corruption can be solved by setting up an anti-corruption panel to look into corrupt practices, also, fixing the right people that have integrity, who knows what to do, Sensitizing the public about the harm which these attacks cause to the people, having a dialogue more with passive aggrieved people in order to come to an amicable solutions to such grievances, placing of anti bomb squads in various borders and airports, more so, having strict securities measures apply to places where people stand a risk of been harm easily.

* Having a way of detecting Natural disaster before it arrives will be helpful by evacuating the people within before such disaster arrive, by evacuating them if it is inevitable and also preventing measures should be taking before such disaster becomes hazardous.

How has your life changed as a result of your IIGL studies?
The International Institute for Global Leadership is one unique tuition free educational program that has changed my life in many different ways. I started this program in September 2005 after my camping and leadership training from Sea School Apapa, Lagos Nigeria. I decided to look for an international leadership program that would allow me to learn from great leaders of the world. That’s when I found IIGL.

The International Institute for Global Leadership has made me to believe in myself. The books are very interesting to read, there are something’s I never thought could be possible with IIGL training they are possible. I feel the program was established for me personally. I became the first graduate and I must confess it was not easy but with what I called the three D’s, Dedication, Determination and Drive, I got there, I was focused, I avoid procrastination and I never let anything come my way as distractions. The level one and two books are books will change your life. The level three is a series of assessments and internet research that will assist you personally in different areas of your life. Levels four to six are series of books where you can choose from out of about 400 books, while level seven is a project where you will be given options to choose from either writing a Business plan, or grant proposal and Curriculum Vitae. I choose to write the Business plan and CV which today they are helpful to me.

Through IIGL I have met different people who today are helping me and they are making impact in my life, some of them are my role models. IIGL has helped me to set goals very well and they way of achieving the set goals. It has also helped me to think positively, IIGL has added value in my life, I never thought of becoming a Board member but they have giving me the opportunity to be for two fiscal years now. IIGL has also made me a mentor, to be mentoring student. IIGL has made me an author, I have writing different articles, one of the article is published on www.articlebase.com which is the Good Luck article. I have also writing a book on leadership which will be published soon, I wrote this book for two equally important reasons, my strong conviction in Leadership and to expand my own Leadership abilities as a result of my Leadership training received from the Institute. Today am the IIGL coordinator in Nigeria. Being an IIGL graduate is my greatest joy and happiness. I want to thank the Founder Michael Lightweaver and the contributors for their support in making this program a success. IIGL I say a big thank you for the wonderful opportunity you have given to me. Peace!

Personal Mission Statement
I Iziomoh Bidemi Felix will always make a difference in the lives of others by sharing what I have learnt from the International Institute for Global Leadership, and I will always live each day with integrity and be determined to make a positive difference in the lives of others and make the most of awareness for the good of all people.

I hold a B.Sc in Human Kinetics from the University of Lagos, Nigeria and a Degree in Social Entrepreneurship and Leadership Studies from the International Institute for Global Leadership, Asheville, NC USA. I received an award for Exemplary Work and Achievement from IIGL, a scholarship award from the American Women’s Club Lagos.

My personal interest among others include to have a charitable organization to assist people who are in need, orphanage, motherless babies and generally people living with HIV, try to put smile on their faces and bring joy to their lips. I also have interest in sports, am so passionate about sports which makes me feel more comfortable and it will also make me more fulfilled.
My dreams and goals in life is seeing myself aiming high, being on top leading people caring them along, also to become a good leader that people would have trust in and be able to depend on.

My travelling experiences have traveled to some states in Nigeria, my Country and I have also traveled to China and Dubai. I also intend to travel to other countries. Travelling is one major thing that interests me most in life because I like to meet different people of different race, languages and cultures. My favorite books are health related books, books that talks about longevity Leadership books, Inspirational and motivational books, Movies-I love movies that makes sense which I can learn from, also educational movies such as the Donald Trump Apprentice, and Adventurous movies.

My leadership experience started from when I was in primary school till date and I still intend to have more leadership experiences. My family, we are 6 children, 2 boys and 4 girls, am the first son and the second child. My hobbies are travelling, meeting people, playing games and problem solving.

Book Assessments:Click Here

Books Completed:

* As A Man Thinketh
* Jonathan Livingston Seagull
* Success Through Positive Mental Attitude
* Psycho-Cybernetics 2000
* Real Magic, Creating Miracles In Everyday Life
* Unconditional life: Discovering the power to fulfill your dreams.
* Your Sacred Self
* The Psychology Of Winning
* Goal Setting 101
* Leadership for Dummies
* The Law of Attraction
* Giant Steps
* Unlimited Power
* The Power Of Intention
* Goal Mapping
* Nonviolent Communication
* The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
* Educating For Human Greatness
* The Leadership Pill
* The 9 Steps To Financial Freedom
* The Relationship Cure
* The Best Democracy Money can Buy
* 21st Century Leadership
* Guide to Starting Your Own Business
* The Power of Failure
* Rich Dad Poor Dad
* 10 Days to more Confident Public Speaking
* Failing Forward
* The Winning Attitude
* The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Grant Writing
* Ask and it is Given
* The 21 Indispensable qualities of a leader
* The Secret, What great leaders know – and do
* Thinking for a Change
* How to make Collaboration Work
* True Prosperity
* Why People Don’t Heal And How They Can